

本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-10-01

邮箱:skylwb@tjnu.edu.cn 办公地点:明理楼A231
主要从事水生生物资源及环境生物学研究以及摇蚊科昆虫系统学等基础研究,主要基于中国摇蚊科研究材料,通过多方合作和广泛采集,按照最新的分类系统,利用比较分类学和DNA 条形码技术,开展摇蚊科蛹期分类学研究。同时在生物多样性与系统生物学、宏条形码的技术应用、环境DNA的监测等领域开展相关研究。
主持1项国家自然科学基金,1项天津市自然科学基金和1项博士基金。参加了 3 项国家自然科学基金项目,1 项国家基础科技计划,1 项国家教育部博士点基金。在水生生物学领域,参与多项省部级科研项目。发表论文 21 篇,其中 14 篇被 SCI 索引收录。参编专著 3 部。2014 年应邀赴捷克共和国参加第19 届国际摇蚊学会议,2019年应邀前往挪威参加第八届国际生命条形码会议。先后参加多届昆虫区系会议、摇蚊与水环境会议等多个国内学术会议并做报告。
(1) Liu, W., Shi, Y., Cao, W., & Yan, C. (2019). A new record of the genus Xylotopus Oliver (Diptera: Chironomidae) from China. Journal of the Entomological Research Society, 21(3), 355-360.
(2) Liu Wenbin, Leonard C. Ferrington, Jr & Wang Xinhua. First record of genus Telmatopelopia Fittkau,1962 from Oriental China, with description an unusual pupal exuviae (Diptera, Chironomidae) Entomological News 2017.126 (5): 351–356. (SCI)
(3) Liu Wenbin, Leonard C.Ferrington, Jr & Wang Xinhua. Sympotthastia wuyiensis sp.n.from China, with description of the immature stages of S.takatensis (Tokunaga)(Diptera, Chironomidae). Zootaxa 2016. 4126 (3): 427–434. (SCI)
(4) Liu Wenbin, Leonard C.Ferrington, Jr &Wang Xinhua. First record of Odontomesa Pagast from China, with description of theimmature stages of O. fulva (Kieffer) and O. ferringtoni Sæther (Diptera, Chironomidae, Prodiamesinae). Zootaxa 2016. 4132 (1): 135–142. (SCI)
(5) Liu Wenbin, Ren Jing &Wang Xinhua. Apometriocnemus Saether (Diptera: Chironomidae): a newly recorded genus from Oriental China with description of a new species. Entomotaxonomia 2015. 37(2): 134–138.
(6) Liu Wenbin, Luoyang & Wang Xinhua. Three Newly Recorded Species of Hydrobaenus Fries from China (Diptera: Chironomidae) Acta Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Nankaiensis 2015. 48(6) 78–85.
(7) Liu Wenbin, Lin Xiaolong & Wang Xinhua. A review of Rheocricotopus chalybeatus species group from China,with the description of three new species (Diptera: Chironomidae) ZooKeys 2014. 388:17–34. (SCI)
(8) Liu Wenbin, Song Chao & Wang Xinhua. Review of the subgenus Rheocricotopus(s. str.) Brundin, 1956 from China (Diptera: Chironomidae). ThePan-Pacific Entomologist 2014. 90(2): 100–106. (SCI)
(9) Liu Wenbin Sun Bingjiao & Xinhua Wang et al. Two new species and one new record of Parakiefferiella Thienemann,1936 from China (Diptera, Chironomidae). ZooKeys 2015. 545: 139–148. (SCI)

现任中国昆虫学会会员、天津市动物学会会员,长期担任《Zootaxa》、《Zookeys》、《THE PAN-PACIFIC ENTOMOLOGIST》审稿人。

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