

本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-10-01

王琳 (Lin Wang)
Professor, School of Management Tianjn Normal University
Email: wanglinpku@163.com
Corresponding Address: 393th Binshuixidao, Xiqing District, Tianjin, China
l 情报学理论,信息行为,知识管理,竞争情报
Research Interests
● Foundation of Information Science, Information Behavior, Knowledge Management, Competitive Intelligence
2004-2008 北京大学信息管理系情报学专业读博获管理学博士学位,指导教师赖茂生教授
2015年11月-2016年12月 美国加州大学伯克利分校信息学院访问****(国家留学基金委项目)
2019年1月-2月 新加坡南洋理工大学黄金辉传播与信息学院 访问****
Education Background
2004- 2008 Ph.D. Department of Information Management, Peking University, Information Science
2019/01-2019/02 Visiting Scholar, Wee Kee Wee School of Communication and Information, Nanyang Technological University
2015-2016 Visiting Scholar/Research Scholar, School of Information, University of California Berkeley (Chinese Scholarship Council)
2017年11月-至今 天津师范大学管理学院信息资源管理系教授情报学与图书馆学硕士生导师、中韩合作经营情报学硕士生导师
2010年10月-2017年10月 天津师范大学管理学院信息资源管理系副教授、情报学与图书馆学硕士生导师、中韩合作经营情报学硕士生导师、MBA导师
2008年9月-2010年9月 天津师范大学管理学院信息资源管理系讲师、中韩合作经营情报学硕士生导师
2017-Present Professor, Department of Information Resources Management,
School of Management, Tianjin Normal University
2010-2017 Associate Professor, Department of Information Resources Management,
School ofManagement, Tianjin Normal University
2008-2010 Assistant Professor, Department of Information Resources Management,
School ofManagement, Tianjin Normal University
n 国家信息资源管理北京研究基地客座研究员
n 教育部学位与研究生教育中心学位论文评阅专家
n 新华社瞭望智库入驻专家(首批)
n 天津市政府采购专家(市财政局聘任)
n 加州大学伯克利分校中国公派学生****联合会副主席学术与文化部部长(2016)
n 天津市科技特派员(2015)
n 天津鑫茂科技投资集团(深交所股票代码:000836)总裁助理(2015)
n 天津市中文信息研究会理事
n 天津市无形资产学会理事
n 天津市行政管理学会理事
n 韩国世翰大学经营情报学硕士项目学位委员会委员
n American Journal of Information Management编委
n Online Information Review(SSCI)、Internet Research (SSCI)特约审稿人
n 《天津大学学报》(社会科学版)、《图书情报工作》、《图书情报知识》、《情报理论与实践》等CSSCI期刊特约审稿人
n 北京大学、武汉大学硕士研究生学位论文评阅人
n iConference等多个国际会议论文审查委员会委员
2018-PRSENT Reviewer of Internet Research (SSCI), Online Information Review(SSCI)
2018-PRSENT Reviewer of Program Committee, iConference 2019, University of Maryland
2018-PRESENT Trustee, Tianjin Association of Intangilbe Assets
2017-PRSENT Reviewer of Program Committee, iConference 2018, University of Sheffield
2017-PRSENT Expert, Xinhua News Agency Outlook Think Tank
2017-PRSENT Member of Editorial Board American Journal of Information Management
2016-PRSENT Trustee, Tianjin Association of Public Administration
2016-PRSENT Dissertation Reviewer, Chinese Academic Degrees and Graduate Education Center Ministry of Education
2016 Reviewer of Program Committee, iConference 2017, Wuhan University
2013 Member of Thesis Defense Committee for Master Degree, SehanUniversity,
Republic of Korea
2012-PRSENT Reviewer of Master Thesis of Peking University, Wuhan University
2012- PRSENT Reviewer of the Journal “Library and Information Service”
2011- PRSENT Reviewer of Journal of Tianjin University(Social Science)
2009-PRESENT Trustee of Tianjin Society for Chinese Information Research
2009-PRESENT Vice-Director of Institute for Information Science of TianjinNormal University
2008-PRESENT Guest Research Fellow, Beijing Institute for National InformationResources
Non-Academic Experience
2016-2017 VicePresident, Chinese Scholarship Council at UC Berkeley
2015-2016 Assistant President, XINMAO Investment Group (Listed Company in Shenzhen Stock Exchange Market 000386)














2018 Elected to second level of "131" Talents Project, Tianjin Municipal Education Commission
2017 Middle-aged Backbone Talent Tianjin Municipal Education Commission
2017Head Innovative Team of Outstanding Academic Youth Tianjin Normal University
2015 Science and Technology Envoy, Tianjin Municipal Science and Technology Commission
2013 Elected to"131" Talents Project, Tianjin Municipal Education Commission
2012 Best Paper, Chinese Society for Scientific and Technical Information
2012 Best Undergraduate Student Advisor, Tianjin Normal University
2011 100 Best Paper of Chinese Informatization Research, Chinese Information Society
2010 Teaching Excellence Award School of Management Tianjin Normal university
2009 Excellent Ph.D. Dissertation, Peking University
2009 Best Paper, Annual Meeting of Tianjin Federation of Social Sciences
2007 Best Paper, Annual Meeting of China Ordnance Society
2006 Best Paper, Annual Meeting of Chinese Scientific Communication Society
2005 Excellent Paper, Annual Meeting of Chinese Information Economy Society
2002 Best Paper Annual Meeting of Chinese Society for Defense Scientific and
Technical Information
l 2018
n Lin Wang. Twinning Data Science and Information Science in School of Library and Information Science. Journal of Documentation, 2018, 74(6):1243-1257.SSCI期刊)
n 王琳社科情报学学科内涵和理论核心问题的思考情报资料工作2018 39(6)pp.37-42(CSSCI,北大核心)
n 王琳情报学研究范式与主流理论的演化历程(1987-2017).情报学报, 2018,37(9):956-970(权威B级)人大报刊复印资料(图书馆学信息科学资料工作)收录
n 王琳情报学基础理论研究30年(1987-2017)的回顾与思考.情报学报,2018,37(5):543-560(权威B级)
n 王琳信息行为理论的二元结构与集成模式.情报科学,2018,36(6):9-12,19(CSSCI,北大核心)
n 王琳数字化时代知识交流理论的三维结构.图书馆学研究,2018,(1):18-23(CSSCI,北大核心)人大报刊复印资料(图书馆学信息科学资料工作)收录
l 2017年
n 郭梦雪,王琳感知战略易变性、环境复杂性与中小企业经理人信息源利用行为研究.情报理论与实践,2017,40(7):108-114(CSSCI,北大核心)
l 2016年
n Lin Wang, Yang Xu. Environmental Scanning Behavior of Female Managers in Small and Medium-sized Enterprises: A Chinese Empirical Study. Geomatics and Information Science of Wuhan University, 2016(9):117-122.(Ei源刊)
l 2015
n Lin Wang, Fei Guo. Environmental cognitions and scanning behavior of Chinese small and medium-size enterprise managers: an empirical study of multidimensional model. Information Research2015, 20(3)SSCI期刊)
n 王琳,郭梦雪 信息浏览行为是理论导向抑或生物驱动?基于眼动仪实验的实证分析,情报学报,2015,34(12):1284-1295(权威B级)
n 王琳意义建构论——信息科学认知范式的代表性理论.情报科学,2015,33(11):14-22(CSSCI,北大核心)人大报刊复印资料,(图书馆学信息科学资料工作)收录
n 王琳基于钱学森综合集成思想的情报学中知识理论的三维架构.情报科学,2015,33(2):17-20(CSSCI,北大核心)
n 王琳基于钱学森综合集成思想的情报学理论研究论要.情报理论与实践,2015,33(2):17-20(CSSCI,北大核心)
n 2014年
n Lin Wang, Yue Cui, Yixuan Li. The Impact of Consumers’ Offline Experience on Their Online Search Intentions and Search Behavior: An Empirical Study of College Students.Geomatics and Information Science of Wuhan University Special Issue, 2014:26-30.Ei源刊)
n Lin Wang, Xiaolin Zhu. Chinese Heterogeneous Investors' Information Seeking Behavior in Capital Markets. Geomatics and Information Science of Wuhan University Special Issue, 2014: 140-144.Ei源刊)
n 王琳数字化语境下图书馆与信息科学中的知识理论分析.情报杂志,2014,33(10):123-128(CSSCI,北大核心)
n 王琳布鲁克斯情报学基本方程式的思想脉络探析.情报探索,2014,(11):16-19
n 2013年
n Lin Wang. Cultural-historical Activity Theory and Domain Analysis: Metatheoretical Implications for Information Science.Information Research2013,18(3)SSCI期刊)
n Lin Wang, Yichen Chu. An Empirical Study of the Institutional Investors’ Information Seeking Behaviorin Capital Market. WTT Transactions on Information and Communication Technologies, 2013:111-118. (Ei检索)
n Lin Wang. Domain Analysis in Information Science: aChinese Scholar’s View. Journal of Information, Memory and Technology, 2013,2(1): 24-46.
n 王琳情报学知识思想的历史回顾与思考.情报学报,2013,32(4):340-353(权威B级)
n 2012年
n 王琳解释学与情报学的人文研究范式.图书情报工作,2012,56(24):55-59(CSSCI,北大核心)
n 王琳等协同政务知识共享体系构建:研究背景与现状.情报资料工作,2012,(6):6-11(CSSCI,北大核心)
n 王琳钱学森情报学思想及其对情报学学科建设的启示.情报理论与实践,2012,35(12):22-26(CSSCI,北大核心)
n 王琳数字化语境下信息科学多元研究范式探析.中国图书馆学报,2012,38(202):111-120(权威A级)
n 王琳哲学解释学视角下情报学若干理论问题研究.情报科学,2012,30(12):1767-1772(CSSCI,北大核心)
n 王琳知识组织理论的三维结构.图书馆学研究,2012,(24):2-8(CSSCI,北大核心)
n 王琳新农村建设中农村信息服务研究的理论思考.图书馆工作与研究,2012,(202):17-21(CSSCI,北大核心)
n 2011年
n 王琳领域分析范式视角下知识组织中若干问题研究.图书情报工作,2011,55(4):90-94,105(权威B级)
n 2010年
n 王琳领域分析:北欧情报学研究的代表性学说:图书情报工作,2010,54(18):24-27(权威B级)人大报刊复印资料(图书馆学信息科学资料工作)收录
n 刘春茂,王琳面向“知识服务”的布鲁克斯情报学思想的现实意义分析.图书情报工作,2010,(4):13-16(权威B级)
n 2009年
n Lin Wang, Chunmao Liu. Study on Digital Library Federation-from the Perspective of Information Resource-based View. Fourth International Conference on Cooperation and Promotion of Information Resources in Science and Technology, 2009: 320-323. (Ei检索)
n 王琳情报学的元理论探析.情报理论与实践,2009,32(9):10-13(CSSCI,北大核心)
n 王琳,刘春茂 数字化时代知识服务研究的理论思考.情报理论与实践,2009,(8):40-43(CSSCI,北大核心)
n 王琳数字化时代情报学理论的研究进展.图书情报工作,2009,(8):40-43(权威B级)人大报刊复印资料(图书馆学信息科学资料工作)收录
n 王琳上市公司知识资本的信息披露问题研究.新中国六十年与社会科学,2009,天津人民出版社
n 2008年
n 赖茂生,王琳,杨文欣,李宇宁 情报学前沿领域的确定与讨论.图书情报工作,2008,(3):15-18(权威B级)
n 赖茂生,王琳,李宇宁 情报学前沿领域的调查与分析.图书情报工作,2008,(3):6-10(权威B级)
n 2007年
n 王琳情报学元理论研究的动态分析.情报科学,2007,(10):1449-1457(CSSCI,北大核心)
n 王琳,赖茂生 企业的信息技术接受机制研究——对知识管理系统导入的启示.情报科学,2007,25(6):921-928(CSSCI,北大核心)
n 王琳知识管理与组织学习:渊源、比较与融合.情报理论与实践,2007,30(7):295-299(CSSCI,北大核心)
n 王琳,赖茂生 信息集成的领域分析研究.图书情报知识,2007,(3):5-9(CSSCI,北大核心)人大报刊复印资料(图书馆学信息科学资料工作)2007年8期收录
n 2006年
n Maosheng Lai, Xin Fu, Liyang Zhang, Lin Wang. Information Resources Development in China: History, Present Situation and Trends. Encyclopedia of Information Science and Technology, Second Edition. Idea Group, 2006
n 赖茂生,王琳情报检索发展路径的转向——评丹麦情报学家英格沃森的新著.情报学报,2006,25(6):755-760(权威B级)
n 2005年
n 王琳挖掘“冰山”下的知识财富——高校老教授隐形知识的开发与利用.中国教育网络,2005:47-48
n 王琳,赖茂生 对知识资本与虚拟经济研究的思考.信息时代的经济学与管理学中国信息经济学会2005年会论文集.北京:清华大学出版社,2005:351-356获年会论文二等奖
n 2004年
n 王琳企业经理人的信息查寻行为——环境扫描研究.图书情报工作,2004,48(4):35-44(CSSCI,北大核心)
n 刘春茂,王琳网络影响因素研究的动态分析.情报理论与实践,2004,(1):19-21(CSSCI,北大核心)
n 王琳网络环境下科学信息交流模式的栈理论研究.图书情报知识,2004,(1):19-21(CSSCI,北大核心)
n 2003年
n 刘春茂王琳陆平知识组织与知识管理的综合研究.情报学进展(第五卷)兵器工业出版社,2003
n 2002年
n 王琳数字图书馆的情报学史分析.数字图书馆:二十一世纪信息技术的机遇与挑战国际学术研讨会论文集.北京图书馆出版社,2002
n 2001年
n 刘春茂, 王琳网络环境下情报学理论体系的创新.图书情报工作,2001,(8):15-19(CSSCI,北大核心)人大报刊复印资料(图书馆学信息科学资料工作)收录获图书情报工作创刊五十周年优秀论文三等奖,天津市人文社会科学优秀成果三等奖
n 刘春茂,王琳面向网络环境的现代情报观.图书情报工作,2001,(1):34-37(CSSCI,北大核心)
n Wang, L. (2018) Twinning Data Science with Information Science in Schools of Library and Information Science. Journal of Documentation (6) (SSCI index)
n Wang, L. & Xu, Y. (2016) Environmental Scanning Behavior of Female Managers in Small and Medium-sized Enterprises: A Chinese Empirical Study. GEOMATICS AND INFORMATION SCIENCE OFWUHAN UNIVERSITY, (10)(Ei index)
n Wang, L. & Fei,G. (2015). Environmental Cognitions and Scanning Behaviour of Managers of Chinese Small and Medium-size Enterprises: An Empirical Study of a Multidimensional Model. INFORMATION RESEARCH, 20(3)(SSCI index)
n Wang, L. & Cui, Y. (2014) The Impact of Consumers’ Offline Experience on Their Online Search Intentions and Search Behavior: An Empirical Study of College Students. GEOMATICS AND INFORMATION SCIENCE OF WUHAN UNIVERSITY. Special Issue (Ei index)
n Wang, L. & Zhu, X. L. (2014) Chinese Heterogeneous Investors' Information Behavior in Capital Markets. GEOMATICS AND INFORMATION SCIENCE OFWUHAN UNIVERSITY Special Issue (Ei index)
n Wang, L. (2014) Domain Analysis in Information Science: A Chinese Scholar’s View. JOURNAL OF INFORMATION, TECHNOLOGY AND MEMORY. (1)
n Wang,L. (2013)Cultural-historicalactivitytheoryanddomainanalysis:Metatheoretical implicationsforinformation science.INFORMATION RESEARCH 18 (3) (SSCI index)
n Wang, L. & Chu, Y. C. (2013) An Empirical Study of the Institutional Investors’ Information Seeking Behavior in Capital Market. WIT TRANSACTIONS ONINFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES (Ei index)
n Wang, L. & Liu, C.M. (2009) Study on Digital Library Federation-from the Perspective of Information Resource-based View. PROCEEDINGS OF INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON COOPERATION AND PROMOTION OF INFORMATION RESOURCES IN SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY(Ei index)
n Lai,M.S. Fu,X., Zhang, L.Y.& Wang, L. (2006) Information Resources Development in China: History, Present Situation and Trends. ENCYCLOPEDIA OFINFORMATION SCIENCEAND TECHNOLOGY (SECOND EDITION) Idea Group.
(All journals below are indexed by Chinese Social Science Citation Index (CSSCI) and in the List of Core Journals of Peking University Library).
n Wang, L. (2018)Reflections on the Disciplinary Connotation and Theoretical Core Issues of Social Science Informatics. INFORMATION AND DOCUMENTATION SERVICE (6)
n Wang, L. (2018) Paradigm Shift and Theory Evolution of Information Science (1987–2017) JOURNAL OF THE CHINA SOCIETY FOR SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNICAL INFORMATION37(9)
n Wang, L. (2018) Review and Reflections on 30 Years of Progress of Information Science Foundation (1987–2017)JOURNAL OF THE CHINA SOCIETY FOR SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNICAL INFORMATION37(5)
n Wang, L. (2018) Information Behavior Theories: The Dual Structureand Integrated Model. INFORMATION SCIENCE (5)
n Wang, L. (2018) Triple-dimensional Framework of Knowledge Communication Theories in Digital Context. RESEARCH ON LIBRARY SCIENCE (1)Reprinted by Renmin University LIS Information 2018)
n Guo, M.X. & Wang, L. (2017) Perceived Strategy Variability, Environmental Complexity and Information Sources Utilization Behavior of Chinese Small and Medium-sized Enterprises Managers. INFORMATION STUDIES THEORY& APPLICATION
n Wang, L. & Guo, M.X. (2015)Is Browsing Theory-Oriented or Biology-Driven? An Empirical Research Based on the Eye-Tracking Experiment. JOURNAL OF THE CHINA SOCIETY FOR SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNICAL INFORMATION (12)
n Wang, L. (2015)Sense-Making: A Representative Theory of Cognitive Paradigm in Information Science. INFORMATION SCIENCE(12)(Reprinted by Renmin University LIS Information 2016)
n Wang, L. (2015)Triple Dimensional Model of Knowledge theory in Information Science Based on Qian Xuesen’s Meta-Synthetic Thought. INFORMATION SCIENCE
n Wang, L. (2014) Knowledge Theory in Library and Information Science in Digital Context. JOURNAL OF INTELLIGENCE, 33 (10)
n Wang, L. (2014) On Academic Evolution of Brookes’ Information Fundamental Equation INFORMATION RESEARCH (11)
n Wang, L. (2013) Knowledge Thoughts in Information Science: A Historical Review and Reflection. JOURNAL OF THE CHINA SOCIETY FOR SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNICAL INFORMATION (6)
n Wang, L. (2013) Brief Discussion on Theoretical Study of Information Science Based on Qian Xuesen’s Meta-synthesis Thought. INFORMATION STUDIES THEORY& APPLICATION 36 (4)
n Wang, L. (2012)Qian Xuesen′s Academic Thought of Information Science and Its Implication to the Discipline Construction.INFORMATION STUDIES THEORY& APPLICATION35(12)
n Wang, L. (2012) Research on Multi-paradigms of Information Science in Digital Context. JOURNAL OF LIBRY SCIENCE IN CHINA (6)
n Wang, L., Gao, J., & Hu, S. S. (2012) The Knowledge Sharing in Collaborative E- Govemance: Background and Current Situation. JOURNAL OF CHINESEINFORMATION SOCIETY OF SOCIETY OF SOCIAL SCIENCES (6)
n Wang, L. (2012) Reflections on Theoretical Problems of Information Science from the Perspective of Philosophical Hermeneutics. INFORMATION SCIENCE, 30 (12)
n Wang, L. (2012) Philosophical Hermeneutics and Humanistic Paradigm in Information Science. LIBRARY AND INFORMATION SERVICE (24)
n Wang, L. (2012) Academic Thoughts on Rural Information Service in the New Rural Construction. LIBRARY WORK AND STUDY (12)
n Wang, L. (2012) Triple Dimensions of Knowledge Organization Theories.RESEARCH ON LIBRARY SCIENCE (24)
n Wang, L. (2011) Study on Some Issues of Knowledge Organization: A Perspective of Domain Analytic Paradigm. LIBRARY AND INFORMATION SERVICE 4 (55)
n Wang, L. (2010) Domain Analysis: A Representative Thought of Information Science Research in Nordic Countries. LIBRARY AND INFORMATION SERVICE 54 (18) (Reprinted by Renmin University LIS Information 2010)
n Liu, C. M. & Wang, L. (2010) An Analysis of Current Significance of Thoughts in Information Science of B.C. Brookes Oriented to Knowledge Service. LIBRARYAND INFORMATION SERVICE (4) Vol 54
n Wang, L. (2009) Metatheories of Information Science. INFORMATION STUDIES THEORY & APPLICATION 32 (188)
n Wang, L. (2009) Theoretical Consideration of Knowledge Service Research in the Digital Era. INFORMATION STUDIES THEORY & APPLICATION 32 (187)
n Wang, L. (2009) Theoretical Advances of Information Science in Digital Age. LIBRARY AND INFORMATION SERVICE 53 (2) (Reprinted by Renmin University LIS Information 2010)
n Lai, M. S., Wang, L., & Li, Y. N. (2008) Survey and Analysis of the Frontiers in Information Science LIBRARY AND INFORMATION SERVICE 52 (3)
n Lai, M. S., Wang, L., & Yang, W. X. (2008) The Research Frontiers of Information Science:Identification and Discussion. LIBRARY AND INFORMATION SERVICE 52 (3)
n Wang, L. (2007) Review of Research Advances in Metatheories of Information Science. INFORMATION SCIENCE 25 (10)
n Wang, L. & Lai, M. S. (2007) Research on Mechanism of IT Acceptance: Implications for Implementation of Knowledge Management System. INFORMATION SCIENCE 25 (6)
n Wang, L. & Lai, M. S. (2007) Information Integration: A Domain Analytic Approach. DOCUMENT, INFORMATION & KNOWLEDGE 3 (117)
n Wang, L. (2007) Knowledge Management and Organizational Learning: Origin, Comparison and Synthesis. INFORMATION STUDIES THEORY & APPLICATION 30 (170)
n Lai, M. S. & Wang, L. (2006) The New Turn of Information Retrieval: Review on the book “The Turn: Integration of information Seeking and Retrieval in Context”. JOURNAL OF THE CHINA SOCIETY FOR SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNICAL INFORMATION (6)
n Wang, L. (2005) Discovering Knowledge Treasures Under Iceberg: Transformation and Utilization of OldProfessorsTacit Knowledge. CHINESE EDUCATION NETWORK (8)
n Wang, L. (2004) Scientific Communication Mode under the Network Environment: from the Perspective of Information Warehouse Theory. KNOWLEDGE OFLIBRARY AND INFORMATION SCIENCE 1 (97)
n Liu, C. M. & Wang, L. (2004) Review of the Research Advances in Web Impact Factors. INFORMATION STUDIES THEORY & APPLICATION 27 (150)
n Wang, L. (2004) Managers’ Information Seeking Behavior--Environmental Scanning. LIBRARY AND INFORMATION SERVICE 48 (4)
n Liu, C. M. & Wang, L. (2001) Theoretical System Construction of Information Science under Networked Environment. LIBRARY AND INFORMATION SERVICE (8) (Reprinted by Renmin University LIS Information 2001)
n Liu, C. M. & Wang, L. (2001) New Information Outlook under Networked Environment. LIBRARY AND INFORMATION SERVICE (1)
n 主持:国家社科基金项目“中小企业经理人信息搜寻影响因素与行为模式研究”2013-2018
n 主持:天津市哲学社会基金项目“面向提高国际竞争力的天津市信息服务业环境扫描战略研究”2011-2012
n 主持:天津市科技计划项目“基于成长阶段论的天津市科技型中小企业环境扫描战略研究” 2012-2013
n 主持:天津市重点调研课题“提高天津市信息化水平与促进‘两化’融合的对策研究”2011-2012
n 主持:天津市重点调研课题“加快天津市现代信息服务业发展的策略研究”2010
n 主持:天津市师范大学博士基金项目“数字化时代情报学中知识服务理论研究”2009-2010
n 参与:天津市艺术规划项目“现代信息服务业区域发展模式研究—以高校图书馆为依托的天津地区研究型终身学习平台建设” (第三参加人) 2014年在研
n 参与:天津市哲学社科规划重点项目“社交网络环境下基于交互行为的信息偶遇机理研究”(第二参加人)2013-2018
n 参与:国家社会科学基金“基于Web2.0的网络环境下情报学核心内容构架的研究”(第三参加人)2008-2013
n 参与:天津市社会科学基金项目“高管薪酬披露与经理人薪酬攀升及其治理研究”(第二参加人)2013年在研
n 参与:世界银行第四期技术合作项目“邯郸市数字城市建设研究”第三专题——邯郸市信息资源数字化综合开发利用专题研究 2005-2006
n 参与:国家社会科学基金项目“政府信息资源管理创新的理论与方法”(第二参加人)2011
n 教育部人文社会科学研究项目“基于语义Web服务的协同政务知识共享研究”(第二参加人)2011-2012
n 参与:天津市科技发展战略研究计划项目高校推进师生创新创业的典型案例及体制机制研究, (第三参加人)2016
n 参与:国家自然科学基金项目“基于企业网站顾客感知服务质量评价理论模型”2009-2012
n 参与:天津市高等学校人文社会科学研究项目“高校科研团队的核心竞争力研究——基于天津市高校的调查研究” 2012年
n PrincipalInvestigator, Chinese National Social Science Fund (2013-2018) ‘Research on influencing factors and search patterns of SME managers' information behaviour’ (Number 13CTQ040) .
n PrincipalInvestigator,Tianjin Municipal Social Science Fund (2011-2012) ‘Environmental Scanning of Tianjin Information Service Industry in Global Context’
n Principal Investigator, Tianjin Municipal Natural Science Fund (2012-2013) ‘Environmental Scanning Strategies of Tianjin High-tech Small and Medium Size Enterprises based on Growth Stage Theory’
n PrincipalInvestigator, Key Research Project of Policy Research Office of the CPC Tianjin Municipal Committee (2011-2012) ‘Improving Informatization Level and Facilitating Fusion of Industrialization and Informatization in Tianjin’
n Principal Investigator, Key Research Project of Policy Research Office of the CPC Tianjin Municipal Committee (2010) ‘Development Strategies of Tianjin Modern Information Service Industry’
n Principal Investigator, Doctoral Fund of Tianjin Normal University (2009-2010)‘Knowledge Service Theory in Information Science under Digital Environment’
n First Participant, Key Project of Tianjin Municipal Social Science Fund (2013-) ‘Interactive Information Encountering Mechanism in Digital Social Media Context’
n Second Participant,Chinese National Social Science Fund (2008-2013)‘Theoretical Framework of Information Science in Web2.0 Context’
n FirstParticipant, Tianjin Municipal Social Science Fund (2013- )‘Information Discourse of Executives Compensations, Comparing Phenomenon of Managers Compensations and Its Governance’
n FirstParticipant, Chinese National Social Science Fund (2011-2015) ‘Theory and Methods of Government Information Management and Innovation’
n First Participant, Chinese Ministry of Education of Humanities and Social Science Project(2011-2012)‘CollaborativeGovernmentKnowledge Sharing Based on Semantic Web Service’
n Second Participant,Tianjin MunicipalHumanities and ArtResearch Fund (2014- )‘Localized Developing Mode of Modern Information Service Industry: Tianjin Lifelong Learning Platform Construction with Academic Libraries as the core ’
n Participant, World Bank 4th Tech Cooperation Project (2005-2006) ‘Digital City Construction in Handan, Hebei Province: Subtopic 3 Development and Utilization of Digital Information Resources in Handan’.
n 情报学大百科全书编写负责理论情报学、应用情报学、情报行为、情报动机、知识管理等词条,共撰写近两万字
n 中国大百科全书图书馆学情报学卷(第二版)编写负责情报动机、大情报观、信息空间、战略情报等词条
n 负责“The Turn: Integration of Information Seeking and Retrieval in Context”中文版的第二轮翻译和校正工作,该书中文版《转折——在情境中集成信息查寻与检索》由科技文献出版社2007年出版
n 主编《图书情报工作探索》吉林出版社 2013年出版
n Wang, L. (2019) Information Motivation, General Outlook of Information, Information Space, Strategic Information, Knowledge School in Information Science. ENCYCLOPEDIA of CHINA (Second Edition) Volume of Library and Information Science, Encyclopedia of China Press.
n Wang, L. (2019) Chapter 2 Fundamental Theories in Information Science, Chapter 5 Documentation Tradition and Paradigm of Information Science, In: Lai, M. S. (Eds.) INTRODUCTION TO MODERN INFORMATION SCIENCE, Peking University Press (In press)
n Wang, L. (2013) Construction of Theoretical System of S&T Information Science in the DigitalContext. In: Wang, L. et al. (Eds.) EXPLORATION OF LIBRARY AND INFORMATION SCIENCE. Changchun:Jilin Press.
n Wang, L. (2010) Knowledge Management. In: CHINESE ENCYCLOPEDIA OF INFORMATION SCIENCE. Beijing: Chinese Encyclopedia Press
n Wang, L. (2010) Information Behavior. In: CHINESE ENCYCLOPEDIA OF INFORMATION SCIENCE. Beijing :Chinese Encyclopedia Press
n Wang, L. (2009) Information Disclosure Problems of Knowledge Capital in Listed Companies. In: 60th ANNIVERSARY OF NEW CHINA AND SOCIAL SCIENCES. Tianjin: Tianjin People Press
n Wang, L. & Lai M. S. (2005) Some Reflections on Intellectual Capital and Virtual Economy. In: PROCEEDINGS OF CHINESE INFORMATION ECONOMY SOCIETY. Beijing: Tsinghua University Press
n Liu,C.M., Xu, J.L., Zhang, H., Wang,L. &Lu,P. (2003) Synthetic Research on Knowledge Organization and Knowledge Management. In: ADVANCES IN INFORMATION SCIENCE. Chinese Defense Industrial Press
n Wang, L. (2002) Digital Library Research: from the Perspective of Informatics History. In: DIGITAL LIBRARY: IT CHANCES AND CHALLENGES IN 21TH CENTURY. Beijing Library Press
n Second round translator and editor of Chinese edition: Ingwersen, P & Jarvelin, K. “The Turn: Integration Seeking and Retrieval in Context”. (Springer) Chinese S&T Document Press. 2007

n 本科生课程:管理信息系统(天津师范大学本科国际班全英文必修课)
n 研究生课程:网络信息资源开发与利用、信息检索理论、情报学理论前沿、信息组织、研究设计与方法
n For Undergraudate Students: Information Organization, Management Information Systems, Information Resources Management, Information Retrieval, Advances in Information Technology
n For Graduate Students: Information Organization, Research Method and Design, Foundation of Information Science

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