

天津体育学院 免费考研网/2016-02-12











■ 学科(专业):认知神经科学,运动视觉

■ 主要研究方向:动作技能学习与控制,运动视觉过程
■ 教育经历


(2)2001/6-2003/11,日本理化学研究所(RIKEN)脑科学研究所, 运动视觉模拟历程:博士后

(3)1996/8-2001/5,美国伊力诺依大学心理研究所(香槟校区), 认知神经科学:博士

(4)1993/9-1996/6,国立政治大学, 认知心理学:硕士

(5)1983/9-1987/6,国立嘉义师范学院, 教育学:本科

■ 工作经历



(3)2003/11-2007/8,Smith-Kettlewell 眼科研究所,研究员






■ 学术交流经历(国内外重要学术会议、讲学、访问)

(1) University of Paris Descartes, Séminaire du Laboratoire de psychologie expérimentale, “How the Brain Paces Eye Movements? Paris, France. September, 2002.

(2) University of Durham, Department of Psychology, CVVS Seminar, “A neurophysiological Model of Eye Movement Control in Reading”, Durham, UK. April, 2003

(3) University of Sunderland, Department of Psychology, Psychology Research Seminar at, “An Automatically-generated Inhibitory Signal for Oculomotor Control Based on Visuomotor Transformation”, Sunderland, England. April ,2003

(4) University of Texas at Austin, Seminar at the Department of Psychology and the Center for Perceptual System, “Inhibitory Control of Saccadic Eye Movements: Behavioral and Neurophysiological Implications”, Austin, TX. April, 2003

(5) Northwest Optometry Congress meeting, “The role of perceived motion in depth in sports vision”, Forest Grove, OR. February, 2010

(6) Annual Marconi Ergonomics Conference, “Effect of stereoscopic 3D viewing on visual performance and visual comfort”, Point Reyes, CA. January, 2011.

(7) Annual Meeting of College of Optometry and Visual Development, “Recent findings and future priorities on Stereoscopic 3D research”, Orlando, Florida. April, 2013.

(8) Portland State University, Department of Computer and Electric Science, “Detection of warped image on a curved display”, Portland, Oregon. Nov, 2013.

(9) Society of image display, Invited Lecture, “Recent progress in stereoscopic 3D application. Beaverton, Oregon. Oct, 2013.

(10)Tongren Eye Research Institute, “Differential diagnosis of ocular discomfort”, Beijing, China. March, 2014.

(11)Johnson & Johnson Eyestrain summit, “Display quality and viewing symptoms”, Jacksonville, Florida. September, 2014

■ 学术与社会兼职

(1)2011-至今,美国Smith Kettlewell 眼科研究所,顾问


(3)2011-至今,美国视力工学学会 (human factor ergonomic society) 标准发展委员会小组召集人,召集人


(5)2014-至今,美国Johnson & Johnson公司,顾问

(6)美国视力工学学会(Human factor ergonomic society) 显示器标准发展委员会小组召集人。

(7)美国500多家大公司顾问(HP and Johnson & Johnson)

(9)多个亚洲大学和医院的访问学者 (韩国乙支医学大学, 天津职业大学、天津眼科医院)

■ 课题研究(国家级、省部级、厅局级课题的负责人)

(1) Graduate Research Grants, Principle Investigator, 1999-2001 ($100,000), University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, “Neural control of eye movement in reading.”

(2) Beckman Research Fellowship, 2002 ($50,000), Principle Investigator, “Synchronized recording of eye movements and near-infrared optical image in reading”, Beckman Institute, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

(3) National Eye Institute grant, Co-investigator, 2003-2007 ($1,500,000), “Cooperation of frontal cortical regions in smooth pursuit control”, The Smith-Kettlewell Eye Research Institute

(4) National Eye Institute grant, Co-investigator, 2008-2013 ($1,500,000), “Cortical involvement in decision making”, The Smith-Kettlewell Eye Research Institute

(5) Microsoft Grant, Co-investigator, 2007-2013 ($1,209,300 for 6 years), “Visual factors for determining and improving visual performance”, Vision Performance Institute, Pacific University.

(6) Intel Grant, Principle investigator, 2008-2011 ($512,000 for 3 years), “Effect of computer screen on user’s visual performance and visual comfort”, Vision Performance Institute, Pacific University.

(7) Alcon Grant, Co-investigator, 2008-2009 ($164,420 for 1 year), “Effect of different Lens solutions on the visual performance and comfort of habitual contact lens user”, Vision Performance Institute, Pacific University.

(8) LG 3D Grant, Principle investigator, 2011-2012 ($123,066 for 1 year), “Effect of flat and curved 3D glasses with optical prescription on objective performance and subjective preference on adult users”, Vision Performance Institute, Pacific University.

(9) LG Mobile Display Grant, Principle investigator, 2011-2012 ($111,277 for 1 year), “Compare the effect of LCD and OLED screens on objective performance and subjective preference of adult users”, Vision Performance Institute, Pacific University.

(10) LG Curved Screen Grant, Principle investigator, 2013-2014 ($124,963 for 1 year), “Evaluate the effect of flat and curved screens on objective performance and subjective preference of adult users seated at different viewing distances”, Vision Performance Institute, Pacific University.

(11) LG Curved Monitor Grant, Principle investigator, 2014-2015 ($160,000 for 1 year), “Evaluate the effect of screen curvature on objective performance, subjective perception, and subjective preference of adult users in an office setting”, Vision Performance Institute, Pacific University.

(12) Haynes Endowment Fund Grant, Principle investigator, 2013-2014 ($8,000 for 1 year), “Relationship between various components of fixation disparity and viewing symptoms for young children”, Vision Performance Institute, Pacific University.

(13) One-Focus Vision Grant, Principle investigator, 2014-present ($48300), “Function of an innovative contact lens design that allows change in lens optical power dependent on gaze angle”, Vision Performance Institute, Pacific University.

(14) COVD Grant, Principle investigator, 2015 – present ($6000), “Effects of Alternate Occlusion on Children’s Fixation Disparity in Reading”, Vision Performance Institute, Pacific University.

■ 核心刊物论文发表(第一作者或独立完成)

(1)Yang, S.-N., Heinen, S., Hwang, H. (2010). Supplementary eye field activity reflects a decision rule governing smooth pursuit but not the movement decision itself. Journal of Neurophysiology, 103(5), 2458-2469.

(3)Yang, S.-N., and Heinen, S. J. (2014). Contrasting the Roles of the Supplementary and Frontal Eye Fields in Ocular Decision Making. Journal of Neurophysiology, jn-00543.

(4)Yang, S.-N., Tai, Y-C, Sheedy, J. E, Kinoshita, B., Lampa, M. & Kern, J. R. Comparative effect of lens care solutions on blink rate, ocular discomfort and visual performance. Ophthalmic and Physiological Optics 32 (2012): 412-420.

(5)Yang, S.-N., Schlieski, T., Selmins, B., Cooper, S., Doherty, R. A., Corriveau, P. J., Sheedy, J. E. (2012). Stereoscopic viewing and reported perceived immersion and symptoms. Optometry and Vision Science, 89(7), 1068-1080.

(6)Yang, S.-N. (2009). Effects of gaze-contingent text changes on fixation duration in reading. Vision Research, 49(23), 2843-2855.

(7)Yang, S.-N., Tai, Y.-C., Laukkanen, H., & Sheedy, J. (2009). Effects of ocular transverse chromatic aberration on near foveal letter recognition. Vision Research, 49(23), 2881-2890.

(8)Yang, S.-N., Tai, Y.-C., Laukkanen, H., & Sheedy, J. (2011). Effects of ocular transverse chromatic aberration on peripheral word identification. Vision Research, 10.1016/j.visres.2011.08.022.

(9)Yang, S.-N., (2012). Effects of processing difficulty on eye movements in reading: A review of behavioral and neural observations. Journal of Eye Movement Research, 5(4):1, 1-16.

(10)Yang, S.-N. (2014). Expedited Suppression Signal in Ocular Go/Nogo Decision. Visual Cognition, 22(3/4), 576-594.

(11)Yang, S.-N., and Sheedy, J. E. (2011). Effects of vergence and accommodative responses on the comfort of viewing stereoscopic 3D stimuli. SPIE proceeding: Steroscopic Display and Applications, 7863, 78630Q. doi:10.1117/12/872546.

(13)Yang, S.-N., Gowrisankaran, S., Sheedy, J.E., Corriveau, P.J., Younkin, A. Hayes, J.R. (2013). Discernible difference and change in object depth afforded by stereoscopic three-dimensional content. SPIE proceeding: Stereoscopic Display and Applications, 8648-48.


(1) Yang SN. (2002). Realism and constructivism: An analysis based on the viewpoint of developmental psychology. In: Cognitive Constructivism – Theoretical foundation and educational application. Chan JC (ed.); Taipei, Taiwan: Chi-Cheng Publishing. (Chinese)

(2) McConkie GW and Yang SN. (2003). How cognition affects eye movements during reading. In: The mind's eye: Cognitive and applied aspects of eye movement research. Hy?n? J, Radach R, Deubel H (eds.); Oxford, UK: Elsevier. pp. 413-27.

(3) Yang, SN. (2003). Perception for inhibition: A dorsal-frontal pathway for sensorimotor regulation? In S. Rogers & J. Effken (Eds), Studies in Perception and Action VII (pp. 135-140). London, UK: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.

(4) Yang SN. (2004). Reasons to consider the competition/interaction model of eye movement control in reading. In: Eye guidance and cognitive processes. Underwood G (ed.); Oxford University Press: Oxford, England.

(5) Yang, S.-N. and Vitu, F. (2006). Dynamic coding of saccade length in reading. In R.P.G. Gompel, M.H. Fischer, W.S. Murray, R.L. Hill (Eds.), Eye movements: A window on mind and brain. Elsevier Science, Oxford.

(6) Yang SN. (2007). The dynamic coding of saccade metrics: Integrated visual and intrinsic signals. In: Eye Movement Volume. van Gompel R (ed.); Oxford University Press: Oxford, England.

■ 竞赛成绩

(1) Graduate Scholarship for Top Students, National Cheng-chi University, 1994-1997, Taiwan.

(2) National Scholarship for Studying Psychology Abroad, Ministry of Education, 1997-1999, Taiwan.

(3) Research Board Grant Recipient, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2000-2001, USA.

(4) Research Board Grant Recipient, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2001-2002, USA.

(5) Graduate Research Fellowship winner, Beckman Institute, University of Illinois, 2001-2002, USA.

■ 成果获奖情况(国家级、省部级、厅局级的第一完成人)

(1) Asian Conference on Vision Traveling Grant; Vision Society of Japan, 2001, Japan.

(2) Conference Traveling Grant, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2001, USA.

(3) Conference Fellowship, New York Academy of Science, 2001, USA.

(4) Conference Grant, European Conference on Visual Perception, 2002, USA.

(5) Conference Student Award, Vision Science Society, 2002, USA.

(6) Rachel C. Atkinson Fellowship, The Smith-Kettlewell Eye Research Institute, 2003, USA.

(7) Faculty development grant, Pacific University, 2010, USA

(8) OERC Research Grant; Office Ergonomics Research Committee, 2012

(9) Haynes Endowment Grant; Haynes Fund, 2013

(10) Faculty development grant; Pacific University, 2015

(11) TARGET technology grant; Pacific University, 2015

(12) COVD Grant: College of Optometrist in Vision Development, 2015

■ 培养研究生情况

■ 培养研究生要求



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