秦松,男,汉族,中国科学院烟台海岸带研究所研究员,副所长,博士生导师。任国际海洋生物技术协会理事,会议组织委员会主席;国际应用藻类学会理事;亚太海洋生物技术学会前主席;亚太应用藻类学会主席;亚太藻类学会理事;中国生物工程学会理事;中国海洋湖沼学会海洋生物技术分会理事长;中国藻业协会副会长;烟台生物工程学会理事长;Marine Biotechnology和Science in China等期刊编委。
通过主持国家科技支撑计划、国家海洋局公益项目等多项国家级、省部委级课题,获得科技部认定科技成果两项,中国科学院登记科技成果三项,获得山东省****基金和国务院政府特殊津贴获得者。主编专著四部,论文集三部(英文)。申请国际PCT专利一项,已经进入国家阶段;获得国家发明专利授权四项,申请国家发明专利三项。在国内外学术刊物发表论文150余篇,80余篇被SCI、EI和ISTP收录。获得应邀在第六届亚太藻类生物技术会议(菲律宾)作了PlenaryLecture, 在第七届国际海洋生物技术会议(加拿大)和第八届国际海洋生物技术会议(以色列)、第五届世界渔业大会(日本)、国际海洋生物基因组学大会(意大利)等十余次重要国际学术会议作了主题报告(Keynote Speaker)或特邀报告(Invited Speaker)。
l2009年12月-现在,中国科学院烟台海岸带研究所, 副所长;
l2009年3月- 2009年12月,中国科学院烟台海岸带研究所,筹备组副组长, 研究员;
l2007年3月- 2009年3月,中国科学院海洋研究所,所长助理;
l1999年1月-2000年2月,德国哥廷根大学,DAAD Research Fellow;
l1998年2月- 现在,中国科学院海洋研究所,博士生导师;
l1997年1月- 2009 年3月,中国科学院海洋研究所,研究员;
l1988年8月-1994年6月,中国科学院海洋研究所,海洋生物学专业,获中美联合培养博士学位,导师:曾呈奎院士,Amy Sung;;
l1984年8月-1988 年7月,复旦大学生物工程系遗传与遗传工程专业,获理学学士学位。
l海洋生物活性物质高值利用技术,中国科学院知识创新方向性项目,KZCX2-YW-209,2007-2009年, 240万元,已结题,主持;
l海藻资源高值利用和环境治理新途径,中国科学院知识创新方向性项目,KZCX3-SW-215,2002-2006年, 280万元,已结题,主持;
lLi F, JiangP, Zheng H, Wang S, Zhao G, Qin S, et al. Draft Genome Sequence of the MarineBacterium Streptomyces griseoaurantiacus M045, Which Produces NovelManumycin-Type Antibiotics with a pABA Core Component. Journal of Bacteriology.2011;193(13):3417.IF=3.726
lLiang C,Zhang X, Chi X, Guan X, Li Y, Qin S, et al. Serine/Threonine Protein KinaseSpkG Is a Candidate for High Salt Resistance in the Unicellular CyanobacteriumSynechocystis sp. PCC 6803. PloS one. 2011;6(5):e18718.IF=4.411
lLu, YD,Jiang, P, Liu, SF, Gan, QH, Cui, HL, Qin, S*. Methyl jasmonate- or gibberellinsA(3)-induced astaxanthin accumulation is associated with up-regulation oftranscription of beta-carotene ketolase genes (bkts) in microalga Haematococcuspluvialis. Bioresource Technology 101(16):6468-6474,2010. IF= 4.2530.
l Yang, SL,Guo, ZY, Miao, FP, Xue, QZ, Qin, S.The hydroxyl radical scavenging activity ofchitosan, hyaluronan, starch and their O-carboxymethylated derivatives.Carbohydrate Polymers 82(4):1043-1045,2010.IF= 3.1670.
lYang, SL,Guo, ZY, Zhou, YL, Zhou, LL, Xue, QZ, Miao, FP, Qin, S*. Synthesis and moistureabsorption and retention activities of a carboxymethyl and a quaternaryammonium derivative of alpha,alpha-trehalose. Carbohydrate Research345(1):120-123,2010. IF= 2.0250.
lJiang, Q,Qin, S, Wu, QY. Genome-wide comparative analysis of metacaspases in unicellularand filamentous cyanobacteria. BMC Genomics 11:0-0,2010. IF= 3.7590.
lLu, YD,Chi, XY, Li, ZX, Yang, QL, Li, FC, Liu, SF, Gan, QH, Qin, S*. Isolation andCharacterization of a Stress-Dependent Plastidial Delta(12) Fatty AcidDesaturase from the Antarctic Microalga Chlorella vulgaris NJ-7. Lipids45(2):179-187,2010. IF= 2.3820.
lLiu, SF,Chen, YJ, Lu, YD, Chen, HX, Li, FC, Qin, S*. Biosynthesis of fluorescentcyanobacterial allophycocyanin trimer in Escherichia coli. PhotosynthesisResearch 105(2):135-142,2010.IF= 2.3030.
l Liu, SF,Chen, HX, Qin, S*, Zhang, WJ, Guan, XY, Lu, YD. Highly soluble and stablerecombinant holo-phycocyanin alpha subunit expressed in Escherichia coli. BiochemicalEngineering Journal 48(1):58-64,2009. IF= 2.1930.
l Guan, XY,Zhang, WJ, Zhang, XW, Li, YX, Wang, JF, Lin, HZ, Tang, XX, Qin, S*. A potentanti-oxidant property: fluorescent recombinant alpha-phycocyanin of Spirulina.Journal of Applied Microbiology 106(4):1093-1100,2009. IF= 2.0980.
l Deng, XY,Qin, S*, Zhang, YC, Jiang, P. Comparison of photobioreactors and optimal lightregime for rapid vegetative propagation of transgenic Undaria pinnatifidagametophytes. Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology 84(10):1486-1492,2009.IF= 2.0450.
lDing, L,Pfoh,R, Ruehl, S, Qin, S, Laatsch, H. T-Muurolol Sesquiterpenes from the MarineStreptomyces sp M491 and Revision of the Configuration of Previously ReportedAmorphanes. Journal of Natural Products 72(1):99-101,2009. IF= 3.1590.
lLiu, JL,Sun, HL, Dong, F, Xue, QZ, Wang, G, Qin, S, Guo, ZY. The influence of thecation of quaternized chitosans on antioxidant activity. Carbohydrate Polymers78(3):439-443,2009. IF= 3.1670.
l Lu, YD,Chi, XY, Yang, QL, Li, ZX, Liu, SF, Gan, QH, Qin, S*. Molecular cloning andstress-dependent expression of a gene encoding Delta(12)-fatty acid desaturasein the Antarctic microalga Chlorella vulgaris NJ-7. Extremophiles13(6):875-884,2009. IF= 2.0000.
l Li, YX,Li, FC, Zhang, XW, Qin, S*, Zeng, ZG, Dang, HY, Qin, YS. Vertical distributionof bacterial and archaeal communities along discrete layers of a deep-sea coldsediment sample at the East Pacific Rise (similar to 13 degrees N).Extremophiles 12(4):573-585,2008. IF= 2.0000.
l Lu, YD,Gan, QH, Chi, XY, Qin, S*. Roles of microRNA in plant defense and virus offenseinteraction. Plant Cell Reports 27(10):1571-1579,2008. IF= 2.3010.
lDing, L,Fotso, S, Li, FC, Qin, S, Laatsch, H. Hualyzin, a symmetrical urea derivativeisolated from Penicillium herquei isolate GA4. Journal of Natural Products71(6):1068-1069,2008. IF= 3.1590.
lWang, SJ,Lu, ZX, Lu, MS, Qin, S*, Liu, HF, Deng, XY, Lin, Q, Chen, Jianan. Identificationof archaeon-producing hyperthermophilic alpha-amylase and characterization ofthe alpha-amylase. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology 80(4):605-614,2008. IF=2.8960.
lLin H,Jiang P, Zhang J, Wang J, Qin S, Sun S. Genetic and Marine Cyclonic EddyAnalyses on the Largest Macroalgal Bloom in the World. Environmental Science& Technology. IF=4.825
lZhang,XW, Zhao,FQ,Guan, XY, Yang,Y, Liang,CW, Qin, S*.Genome-wide survey of putativeserine/threonine protein kinases in cyanobacteria.BMC Genomics 8:0-0,2007. IF=3.7590.
l Zhao, FQ,Qin, S*. Comparative molecular population genetics of phycoerythrin locus inProchlorococcus. Genetica 129(3):291-299,2007. IF= 2.0920.
lWu, SJ,Fotso, S, Li, FC, Qin, S, Laatsch, H. Amorphane sesquiterpenes from a marineStreptomyces sp. Journal of Natural Products 70(2):304-306,2007. IF= 3.1590.
lGuan, XY,Qin, S*, Zhao, FQ, Zhang, XW, Tang, XX. Phycobilisomes linker family incyanobacterial genomes: divergence and evolution. International Journal ofBiological Sciences 3(7):434-445,2007. IF= 2.8650.
lGao, JT,Qin, S*, Zhang, YC. Rapid optimization of process conditions for cultivation oftransgenic Laminaria japonica gametophyte cells in a stirred-tank bioreactor. CHEMICALENGINEERING JOURNAL 122(1-2):11-14,2006. IF= 2.8160.
l Zhao, FQ,Qin, S*. Evolutionary analysis of phycobiliproteins: Implications for theirstructural and functional relationships. Journal of Molecular Evolution63(3):330-340,2006. IF= 2.3230.
lZhao, FQ,Zhang, XW, Liang, CW, Wu, JY, Bao, QY, Qin, S*. Genome-wide analysis ofrestriction-modification system in unicellular and filamentous cyanobacteria. PhysiologicalGenomics 24(3):181-190,2006. IF= 3.9310.
lQin, S*, Jiang, P, Tseng, CK. Transforming kelp into a marinebioreactor. Trends in Biotechnology 23(5):264-268,2005. IF= 7.9550 .
lLi, FC,Maskey, RP, Qin, S, Sattler, I, Fiebig, HH, Maier, A, Zeeck, A, Laatsch, H. ChinikomycinsA and B: Isolation, structure elucidation, and biological activity of novelantibiotics from a marine Streptomyces sp isolate M045. Journal of NaturalProducts 68(3):349-353,2005. IF= 3.1590.
lGe, BS,Tang, ZH, Zhao, FQ, Ren, YH, Yang, Y, Qin, S*. Scale-up of fermentation andpurIFication of recombinant allophycocyanin over-expressed in Escherichia coli.Process Biochemistry 40(10):3190-3195,2005. IF= 2.44440.
lJiang, P.,Qin, S*., Tseng, CK. Expression of the lacZ reporter gene in sporophytes of theseaweed Laminaria japonica (Phaeophyceae) by gametophyte-targetedtransformation. Plant Cell Reports 21(12):1211-1216,2003. IF= 2.3010.
lKeynote Speaker, 9thInternational Marine Biotechnology Conference, 2010, Qingdao, China;
lPlenary Lecturer, 7thAsia-Pacific Conference on Algal Biotechnology, 2009, New Dehli, India.
l Keynote Speaker, 5th International Aquaculrure Congress, 2008,Yokohama, Japan;
l Keynote Speaker, 8thAsia-Pacific Marine Biotechnology Conference, 2008, Pusan, Korea;
l Keynote Speaker, 8th International Marine BiotechnologyConference, 2007,El-lat,Israel;
l Plenary Lecturer, 7thAsia-Pacific Marine Biotechnology Conference, 2006, Cochin, India;
lPlenary Lecturer, 6thAsia-Pacific Conference on Algal Biotechnology, 2006, Manila, Philippine;
l Keynote Speaker, International Marine Genomics Conference, 2006,Sorrento, Italy;
l Keynote Speaker, 7th International Marine BiotechnologyConference, 2005, New Foundland,Canada;
l Invited Speaker,6th Asia-Pacific Conference on MarineBiotechnology, 2004, Zhoushan, China;
l Invited Speaker, 6thInternational marine Bioetchnology Conference, 2003, Chiba, Japan;
l Keynote Speaker,5th Asia-Pacific Conference on AlgalBiotechnology, 2003, Qingdao, China;
l Invited Speaker, 3rd Asian Pacific Phycological Forum, 2002, Tsukuba,Japan;
l Invited Speaker, 5thAsia-Pacific Marine Biotechnology Conference, 2002, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia;
l Invited Speaker,5thInternational Phycology Congress, 1994,Qingdao, China;
l MarineBiotechnology, Elsevier;
l Chinese Science Bulletin, Springer
本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-10-07
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