一、 基本情况
姓名 | 性别 | 出生年月 |
招生专业 |
| ||
郝继辉 | 男 | 197203 | ||||
专业技术职务 | 行政职务 | |||||
教授 |
副院长 |
肿瘤学 | ||||
招生类型 |
所在单位 | |||||
科学学位(博)\科学学位(硕)\专业学位(博)\专业学位(硕) | 天津医科大学 肿瘤医院 | |||||
最后学历及学位 | ||||||
毕业院校 | 毕业时间 | 所学专业 | 所获学位 | |||
天津医科大学 | 2002 | 肿瘤学 | 博士 | |||
| 科学研究主要方向 | |||||
haojihui@tjmuch.com | 胰腺肿瘤的临床及基础研究 | |||||
二、 目前承担科研课题情况
项目名称 | 项目来源 | 经费(万) | 项目起止时间 |
CX3CL1/CX3CR1 信号通路调节胰腺 癌糖代谢的分子机制研究(**) | 国家自然科学基金面上项目 |
85 | 2015.1- 2018.12 |
CD14+CD16+ 单核细胞亚群参与胰腺 癌纤维化的机制研究(**) | 国家自然科学基金面上项目 |
60 | 2012.1- 2015.12 |
胰 腺 癌 综 合 治 疗 的 临 床 研 究 (12ZCDZSY16700) | 天津市科委抗癌重大专项 |
50 | 2010.12- 2015.12 |
循环肿瘤细胞及 DNA 测序平台的建立 及在胰腺癌诊断及治疗中的应用 | 国家肿瘤临床医学研究中心 培育项目 |
60 | 2014.4- 2017.3 |
三、 作为通讯作者发表论文论著情况
题目 | 刊物或出版社 | 卷期页码 | 收录 情况 |
Multiple Layer-by-Layer Lipid-Polymer Hybrid Nanoparticles for Improved FOLFIRINOX Chemotherapy in Pancreatic Tumor Models. | Advanced Functional Materials. |
2015;25(5):788-798 |
LASP1 is a HIF-1α target gene critical for metastasis of pancreatic cancer |
Cancer Res. |
2015;75(1):111-119. |
Co-delivery of HIF1<alpha> siRNA and Gemcitabine via Biocompatible Lipid-polymer Hybrid Nanoparticles for Effective Treatment of Pancreatic Cancer. |
Biomaterials. |
2015;46:13-25 |
Inhibition of HIF-1α by PX-478 enhances the anti-tumor effect of gemcitabine by inducing immunogenic cell death in pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma. |
Oncotarget. |
2015;6(4):2250-226 2. |
HIF-1 promotes pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma invasion and metastasis by activating transcription of the actin-bundling protein fascin. |
Cancer Res. |
2014,74(9):2455-24 64 |
Zinc-Triggered Hydrogelation of Self-assembled Small Molecules to Inhibit Bacterial Growth. |
Sci Report. |
2015;13(5):7753. |
Stem cell factor is a novel independent prognostic biomarker for hepatocellular carcinoma after curative resection |
Carcinogenesis. | 2014;35(10):2283-9 0. |
Hypoxia inducible factor (HIF)-1α directly activates leptin receptor (Ob-R) in pancreatic cancer cells. |
Cancer Lett. | 2014;354(1):172-18 0. |
Inhibition of autophagy strengthens celastrol-induced apoptosis in human pancreatic cancer in vitro and in vivo models. | Current Molecular Medicine. |
2014,14(4):555-563. |
Prostate-specific membrane antigen as a marker of pancreatic cancer cells. |
Med Oncol. |
2014,31(3):857 |
Resection or cryosurgery relates with pancreatic tumor type: primary pancreatic cancer with previous non-pancreatic cancer or secondary metastatic cancer within the pancreas. |
Pancreatology |
2014,14(1):64-70. |
CypA, a Gene Downstream of HIF-1α, Promotes the Development of PDAC. |
PLoS One. |
2014,9(3):e92824. |
Circulating IL-35 in pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma patients. | Hum Immunol. | 2014,75(1):29-33. | SCI |