姓名 | 性别 | 出生年月 |
招生专业 |
| ||
梁寒 | 男 | 196112 | ||||
专业技术职务 | 行政职务 | |||||
教授 |
科主任 |
肿瘤学 | ||||
招生类型 |
所在单位 | |||||
硕士科学型 | 天津医科大学肿瘤 医院 | |||||
最后学历及学位 | ||||||
毕业院校 | 毕业时间 | 所学专业 | 所获学位 | |||
天津医科大学 | 2009 | 肿瘤学 | 硕士 | |||
| 科学研究主要方向 | |||||
tjlianghan@126.com | 胃癌的临床基础研究。胃癌基因甲基化。 | |||||
项目名称(级别最高 3-5 项) | 项目来源 | 本人排名 | 本人可支配 经费(万) | 项目起止时间 |
1 全胃切除术后消化道重建方式的临 床研究 | 天津市重大抗癌项目 | 2 | 50 | 2012-2015 |
2 抗癌新药临床评价技术平台研究 | 国家 GCP 项目 | 2 | 40 | 2013-2016 |
3 血清多基因甲基化检测对于胃癌诊 断及预后的临床应用研究 | 国家肿瘤临床研究中心培育 项目 | 1 | 10 | 2014-2017 |
题目 | 刊物或出版社 | 本人排名 | 发表时间 | 收录情况 (SCI、EI) |
1.Tumor volume as a prognostic factor was superior to the seventh edition of the pT classification in resectable gastric cancer |
通讯作者 | 2015;41(3): 315-22 |
2.SMYD3 overexpression was a risk factor in the biological behavior and prognosis of gastric cancer. |
Tumor Biol. |
通讯作者 | 2015;36:268 5-2694 |
3. Overexpression of SMYD3 and matrix metalloproteinase-9 are associated with poor prognosis of patients with gastric cancer. | Tumor Biol | 通讯作者 | Published online:28 Jan, 2015 DOI 10.1007/s132 77-015-3077- z | SCI |
4. Poor survival is associated with the methylated degree of Zinc-finger 545(ZNF5454) DNA promoter in gastric cancer. | Oncotarget. | 通讯作者 | 2015 Jan 27 | SCI |
5.Tumor size as a recommendable variable for accuracy of the prognostic p[rediction of gastric cancer: A retrospective analysis of 1521 patients. | Ann Surg Onocl | 通讯作者 | 2015;22:565- 572 DOI 10.1245/s10 434-014-401 4-x | SCI |
6. Evaluating the clinical feasibility: The direct bisulfite genomic sequencing for examination of methylated status of E3 ubiquitin ligase RNF180 DNA promoter to predict the survival of gastric cancer. | Cancer Biomark. | 通讯作者 | 2015 Mar 12. [Epub ahead of print] | SCI |
7.局部进展期胃癌的合理淋巴结清扫范围 | 中华消化外科杂志 | 第一作者 | 2015;14(3): 183-187 | |
8.胃肠间质瘤规范化手术原则及注意要点. | 中国实用外科杂志 | 第一作者 | 2015;35(4): 41-45 | |
9. Adenocarcinoma of esophagogastric junction. | Chin J Caner Res | 通讯作者 | 2014;Jul 03 doi:10.3978/j .issn.1000-9 604.2014.07. 03 | SCI |
10. Applicability of the methylated CpG sites of paired box5(PAX5) promoter for predication the prognosis of gastric cancer. | Oncotaget | 通讯作者 | 2014;5(7):74 20 | SCI |
11.Clinical significance of lymph node meteastasis in gastric cancer. | WJG | 通讯作者 | 2014;20(14): 3967 | SCI |
12. Comparison of the staging of regional lymph nodes using the sixth and seventh editions of the TNM classification system for the evaluation of overall survival in gastric cancer patients: findings of a case-control analysis involving a single institute in China. | Surgery | 通讯作者 | 2014;156:64- 74 | SCI |
13. Methylated CpG site count of dapper homolg 1 (DACT1) promoter prediction the poor survival of gastric cancer. | Am J Cancer Res | 通讯作者 | 2014;4(4):51 8-527 | SCI |
14. Methylation of CpG sites in RNF180 DNA promoter prediction of poor survival of gastric cancer. | Oncotarget | 通讯作者 | 2014;30(5):3 173-83 | SCI |
15. N stages of the seventh editon of TNM Classification are the must intensive variables for predictions of the overall survival of gastric cancer patients who underwent limited lymphadenectomy | Tumor Biol | 通讯作者 | 2014;35:326 9-3281 | SCI |
16. STAT3 regulation the expression of VEGF-D in HGC-27 gastric cacner cell. | Am J Transl Res | 通讯作者 | 2014;6(6):75 6-767 | SCI |
17. Superior of the ratio between negative and positive LN for predicting the prognosis for patients with GC. | Ann Surg Oncol | 通讯作者 | 2014:DOI 10.1245/s10 434-014-412 1-8 | SCI |
18. The survival decrease in GC associated with the methylation of B-cell CLL/lymphoma 6 member B promoter. | Open Biology | 通讯作者 | 2014;4(7):pii: 140067.doi: 10.1098/rsob .140067 | SCI |
19. Clinical significance of the methylated cytosine-phosphate-guanine sites of protocadherin-10 promoter for evaluating the prognosis of gastric cancer. | J Am Coll Surg | 通讯作者 | 2014:219(5): 904-13 | SCI |
20. Tumor size as a recommendable variable for accuracy of the prognostic prediction of gastric cancer: a retrospective analysis of 1521 patients. | Ann Surg Oncol | 通讯作者 | 2014:DOI 10.1245/s10 434-014-401 4-x | SCI |
21. Methylation of ras association domin protein 10 promoter negative association with the survival of gastric cancer. | Am J Cancer Res | 通讯作者 | 2014;4(6):91 6-923 | SCI |
22.Prognostic value of number of examined lymph nodes in patients with node-negative gastric cancer. | WJG | 通讯作者 | 2014;20(13): 3640-3648 | SCI |
23. The role of preoperative neutrophil-lymphocyte and platelet-lymphocyte ratio in patients after radical resection forgastric cancer. | Biomarkers | 通讯作者 | 2014;DOI:10 .3109/13547 50x.2014.92 6567 | SCI |
24. Node-extranodal soft tissue stage based on extranodal metastasis is associated with poor prognosis of patients with gastric cancer. | JSR | 通讯作者 | 2014;http//dx .doi.org/10.1 016/j.jss.201 4.05.053 | SCI |
25. Incorporation of perineural invasion of gastric carcinoma into the 7th tumor-node-metastasis staging system. | Tumor Biol | 通讯作者 | 2014;DOI 10.1007/s13 277-014-225 8-5 | SCI |
26. Effect of complication grade on survival following curative gastrectomy for carcinoma. | WJG | 通讯作者 | 2014;20(25): 8244-8252 | SCI |
27. Prognostic nutritional index predicts postoperative complications and long-term outcomes of gastric cancer. | WJG | 通讯作者 | 2014;20(30): 10537-10544 | SCI |
28.The positive impact of surgeon specialization on survival for gastric cancer patients after surgery with curative intent. | PLOS One | 通讯作者 | 2014;9(5):e9 64555 | SCI |
29. Prognostic value of surgical margin status in gastric cancer patients. | Gastric Cancer | 通讯作者 | DIO 10.1007/s10 120-014-043 6-1 | SCI |
30.复发转移胃肠间质瘤治疗对策 | 中华胃肠外科杂志 | 第一作者 | 2014;17(4): 309 | |
31.开放胃癌远端胃切除消化道重建术式选择与注 意事项 | 中华普外手术学杂 志 | 第一作者 | 2014;8(4): 29 | |
32.食管胃结合部癌的消化道重建 | 中华消化外科杂志 | 第一作者 | 2014;13(2): 92 | |
33.推进专科化进程,规范胃癌标准手术. | 中国医刊 | 第一作者 | 2014;49(9): 2 | |
《胃癌根治手术写真》 | 天津出版传媒集 团,天津科技翻译 出版有限公司 | 主编著 | 2013 年 5 月 |
项目名称 | 年度 | 获奖名称 | 等级 | 本人排名 |
腹膜癌综合诊治技术体系的基础和临床研 究 | 2014 | 中国抗癌协会技术奖 | 三等 | 第二 |
腹膜癌综合诊治技术平台体系的建立 | 2014 | 河北省科学技术奖 | 一等 | 第二 |