一、 基本情况
姓名 | 性别 | 出生年月 |
招生专业 |
| ||
徐靖源 | 女 | 196812 | ||||
专业技术职务 |
行政职务 | |||||
教授 |
副院长 |
药物化学 | ||||
招生类型 |
所在单位 | |||||
科学学位(博)\科学学位(硕)\专业学位(硕) | 天津医科大学药学 院 | |||||
最后学历及学位 | ||||||
毕业院校 | 毕业时间 | 所学专业 | 所获学位 | |||
南开大学 | 200306 | 生物无机化学 | 理学博士学位 | |||
| 科学研究主要方向 | |||||
ujingyuan@tmu.edu.cn | 铂类药物设计合成及作用机制、生物小分子荧光探针、生命体系微量元素 | |||||
二、 目前承担科研课题情况
项目名称(级别最高 3-5 项) | 项目来源 | 本人排名 | 本人可支配 经费(万) | 项目起止时间 |
1.铂类组蛋白去乙酰化酶抑制剂的设 计合成、抑制肿瘤细胞活性及其靶向 作用机制研 No.** |
国家自然科学基金面上项目 |
主持人 |
80 万 |
2014.1–2017.12 |
2.新型铂类抗肿瘤配合物的设计合成 及其细胞代谢机制研究 No.13JCZDJC28200 |
天津市自然科学基金重点项目 |
主持人 |
20 万 |
2013.4-2016.3 |
3.天津市特聘教授计划 | 天津市教委 | 主持人 | 80 万 |
2012.9-2016.9 |
4.天津市高校中青年骨干创新人才培 养计划 |
天津市教委 |
主持人 |
45 万 |
2012.12-2015. 11 |
5.体外移除血液癌细胞的抗体纳米磁 球的构建和应用 No.12JCZDJC34000 | 天津市自然科学基金重点项目 | 第二 | 30 万 |
2013.4-2016.3 |
三、 发表论文论著情况
题目 | 刊物或出版社 | 本人排名 | 发表时间 | 收录情况 (SCI、EI) |
1. Association of structural modifications with bioactivity in three new copper(II) complexes of Schiff base ligands derived from 5-chlorosalicylaldehyde and amino acids. |
J. Inorg. Biochem. |
通讯作者 |
2015, 146, 52 –60. | SCI 影响因子 3.444 |
2. A thiosemicarbazone copper(II) complex as a potential anticancer agent. |
J. Coord. Chem. | 通讯作者 | 2015, 68(2), 277-294. | SCI 影响因子 2.012 |
3. Synthesis, crystal structures, DNA binding and cytotoxicity activities of two copper(II) complexes based on unsymmetrical tripodal ligands. |
J. Coord. Chem. |
通讯作者 | 2015, 68(13), 2307-2323 | SCI 影响因子 2.012 |
4. Four related mixed-ligand nickel(II) complexes: effect of steric encumbrance on the structure, DNA/BSA binding, DNA cleavage and cytotoxicity |
RSC Advances |
通讯作者 |
2015, 5, 30768–30779 | SCI 影响因子 3.84 |
5. Nuclease activity and protein-binding properties of a novel tetranuclear thiosemicarbazide Pt(II) complex |
Dalton Trans. |
通讯作者 | 2014, 43, 1663-1671 | SCI 影响因子 4.197 |
6. Thiosemicarbazone Cu(II) and Zn(II) complexes as potential anticancer agents: Syntheses, crystal structure, DNA cleavage, cytotoxicity and apoptosis induction activity. |
J. Inorg. Biochem. |
通讯作者 |
2014, 136, 13-23 | SCI 影响因子 3.447 |
7. Biological evaluation of a cytotoxic 2-substitued benzimidazole copper(II) complex: DNA damage, antiproliferation and apoptotic induction activity in human cervical cancer cells |
Biometals |
通讯作者 |
2014, 27:155-172 | SCI 影响因子 3.447 |
8. Two Polypyridyl Copper(II) Complexes: Synthesis, Crystal Structure and Interaction with DNA and Serum Protein in vitro |
New Journal of Chemistry |
通讯作者 |
2014, 38, 955-965 | SCI 影响因子 2.966 |
9. Syntheses, Crystal Structures, and DNA Bindings of Co(III) and Ni(II) Complexes Based on 2,6-Bis(benzimidazol-2-yl)-4-hydroxypyridine Ligand | Synthesis and Reactivity in Inorganic, Metal-Organic, and Nano-Metal Chemistry |
通讯作者 |
2014, 44(8), 1175-1182 |
SCI 影响因子 0.504 |
10. Scalene-tricopper(II) bridged by 5-(1H-benzo[d]imidazol-2-yl-1H-imidazole-4- carboxylic acid: Synthesis, crystal structure and magnetic properties.,. (通讯作者) |
Inorg. Chem. Commun. |
通讯作者 |
2013, 36, 224-226 |
SCI 影响因子 2.092 |
11. 两个多呲啶铜配合物与人血清蛋白的相互作 用,, | 天津医科大学学报 | 通讯作者 | 2013, 19(4), 279-281. | 否 |
12. Synthesis, characterization, DNA interaction, cytotoxicity and apoptosis induction of a mixed-ligand copper(II) complex |
J. Coord. Chem. |
通讯作者 | 2013, 66(22), 3891-3905 | SCI 影响因子 2.012 |
13. Synthesis, structure, spectroscopic and DNA binding properties of Co(III) and Ni(II) complexes with ((E)-2-(amino((pyridin-2-ylmethylene)amino) methylene)maleonitrile) |
J. Coord. Chem. |
通讯作者 |
2013, 66(14), 2465-2476 |
SCI 影响因子 2.012 |
14. Three cobalt (II) complexes with triethylenetetraaminehexaacetic acid: From binuclear complex to 3d-4f coordination polymers |
Inorganic Chemistry Communications |
通讯作者 |
2013, 27, 166-170 | SCI 影响因子 2.016 |
15. A New Enneanuclear Nickel(II) Cluster with a Rectangular Face-Centered Trigonal Prism Structure and Cluster Glass Behavior. |
Chem. Commun. | 第一/通讯 作者 |
2012, 48, 1015–1017 | SCI 影响因子 6.169 |
16. Two new dicopper(II) complexes with oxamido- bridged ligand: Synthesis, crystal structures, DNA binding/cleavage and BSA binding activity. |
Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry |
通讯作者 |
2012, 115, 78-86 | SCI 影响因子 3.444 |
17. Activities of a novel Schiff Base copper(II) complex on growth inhibition and apoptosis induction toward MCF-7 human breast cancer cells via mitochondrial pathway. |
Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry |
通讯作者 |
2012, 117, 1-9 |
SCI 影响因子 3.444 |
18. Synthesis, Structure, and Photoluminescent Property of a Novel 2D Silver(I) Polymer Based on Short Ag-Ag Interactions. | Synthesis and Reactivity in Inorganic, Metal-Organic, and Nano-Metal Chemistry |
通讯作者 |
2012 |
SCI 影响因子 0.504 |
19. Study on potential antitumor mechanism of a novel Schiff Base copper(II) complex: synthesis, crystal structure, DNA binding, cytotoxicity and apoptosis induction activity |
Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry |
通讯作者 |
2011, 105, 728-737 |
SCI 影响因子 3.444 |
20. Synthesis, characterization, DNA binding and cleavage, BSA interaction and anticancer activity of dinuclear zinc complexes. |
Dalton Trans. |
第七 |
2012, 41, 12220 |
SCI 影响因子 4.197 |
四、 主要业绩