

南开大学 考研网/2016-02-03

  Funded research projects in China
  Principle investigator of China National Science Foundation (NSFC) funded project "Legitimation strategy, institutional change, opportunity exploitation and firm competitive advantage". Fund period: 2013,1-2016,12. Fund total: 530,000RMB.
  Principle investigator of Humanity and Social Science Research Fund Project of Ministry of Education , titled “Legitimation strategy, institutional change and firm competitive advantage”. Found period: 2012,1-2015,1. Fund total: 90,000RMB.
  Principle investigator of Central Higher-Education fundamental research fund, session 2, round 1st , titled “MNC network, social capital and liability of foreignness: Evidence of Chinese Multinational corporations”. Found period: 2012, 1-2013, 12. Found total: 30,000RMB.
  Principle Investigator of China National Natural Science Foundation (NSFC) funded project “Interlocking directorates and corporate strategies during institutional transitions”. Found period: 2006,12-2009,12. Found total: 170,000RMB.
  Principle investigator of the “985” “Chinese Corporate Management and Institutional Innovation” funded project “, titled “The legitimization strategy of Chinese Diary manufacturing firm during crisis”.
  Principle Investigator of the subtopic of China National Natural Science Foundation (NSFC) funded Key project “Mechanism of New Venture Creation and Growth” led by Yuli Zhang, titled “A legitimacy perspective of entrepreneurial growth of new ventures in Chinese context”. Found period: 2007, 12-2011, 12. Found total: 1000,000RMB.
  Key participant in China National Natural Science Foundation (NSFC) founded project “The legitimation mechanism of Chinese new ventures” led by Yunzhou Du, Anhui Finance and Economics University. Found period: 2010, 1-2012,12.
  Key Participant in the China Ministry of Education funded project “Outboard M&As of Chinese firms and performance” led by Daying Yan, responsible for institutional influence of Chinese firms’ outward foreign direct investment.
  Other projects
  Participant, contributor of “Tomorrow’s Australian Company Project”, the joint venture between RMIT, the University of Melbourne, the Committee for the Economic Development of Australia (CEDA) and KPMG.
  Principle Investigator, contributor of “Asia Pacific Successful Trans-generational Entrepreneurship Practices” (STEP) project, responsible for conducting a family business enterprise case research in Northern China, and book chapter manuscript writing.
  Co-investigator of a case book research project on entrepreneurship, jointly conducted in Hong Kong and Tianjin (the joint collaborator is Dr. Victor Lau, at the Chinese University of Hong Kong).
  Participant in the Chinese Enterprise Management Issue Case Research Project on “UFIDA”, led by Development Research Center of the State Council.
  Principle organizer of the Youth Forum Fund of Asia Research Center of Nankai University funded by Korea High Education Treasure. Forum title: 2007 Nankai Management Research Salon Youth Forum.

  Teaching Experience
  Undergraduate courses: Strategic Management, Principles of Management, Advanced Business English Communication, Global Strategy
  Master degree course: Seminar in Management Theory,Corporate strategies and decision making
  MBA Course: MBA Business English
  Doctoral courses: Advanced Seminar in Management Theory; Doctoral Student Business English
  Global education program seminar courses
  Making strategies: Entering into the P2P industry (University of Minnesota, the United States, undergraduates, 2014, 5)
  Making strategies: A case in a Southern Chinese private enterprise (University of Minnesota, the United States, undergraduates, 2013, 6)
  Chinese manufacturing industry and growth (University of Sao Paulo, Brazil, master students and professors, 2012, 7)
  Chinese business operation: a private company in China (University of Minnesota, the United States, undergraduates, 2012, 5)
  Chinese firms’ internationalization: The case of Huawei (Rouen Business School, France, undergraduates, 2012, 4)
  Huawei’s Internationalization in the North American Market (University of Minnesota Duluth, Undergraduates and master students, 2011, 6)
  The Global Business and Sustainability: From Emerging Market Enterprise Perspective, ESPM, Universidade De Sao Paulo, Brazil, Professors in finance, strategy, labor relations, international relations, 2010, 7)
  MNC’s Development Strategies in China (Butler University, MBA students 2009, 5)
  Global strategy (University of Minnesota Duluth, Undergraduates in marketing, finance and business administration, 2008, 6)
  The success and failure of Multinational Corporations in China (Moscow International Higher Business School, Undergraduates in International business, 2008, 4)
  China’s economic reform (Moscow International Higher Business School, Undergraduates in International business, 2006, 4)
  Outboard teaching
  Global Strategy (Seminar course in Jokoping International Business School, Master of Science students in supply chain management, Sweden, 2009, 10)
  Judger in the board room case presentation (Jokoping International Business School, undergraduates in marketing, Sweden, 2009, 10)
  Judger in the end term case competition exhibition (Jokoping International Business School, undergraduates in entrepreneurship, Sweden, 2009, 10)


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