

本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-09-19

性别 : 女 所属部门 : 现代光学研究所
职称 : 副教授 学历 : 博士后
行政职务 : 所学专业 : 光学工程
办公电话 :
邮箱 : chengjr@nankai.edu.cn
研究方向 : 新颖电磁超材料及关键器件

个人简历 2004-2008 西安电子科技大学 电子科学与技术专业 工学学士;?
?2008-2011 清华大学 物理电子学与光电子学专业 工学硕士;?
?2012-2016 美国东北大学 电磁场与电磁波专业 工学博士;?
?2016-2017 美国东北大学 博士后?
科研项目/成果/获奖/专利 天津市自然科学基金青年项目---基于反向优化的多功能太赫兹超表面研究----2018-01-01到2019-12-31

论文/专著/教材 ?[1]?J. Cheng, F Fan, S. Chang, "Recent Progress on Graphene-Functionalized Metasurfaces for Tunable Phase and Polarization Control",?Nanomaterials, vol. 9, pp. 398, 2019.
?[2]?X. Dong, J. Cheng, F Fan, S. Chang, "Low-index second-order metagratings for large-angle anomalous reflection",?Optics Letters, vol. 44, pp. 939-942, 2019.
?[3]?X. Dong, J. Cheng, F Fan, S. Xu, X. Wang, S. Chang, "Wideband sub-THz half-wave plate using 3D-printed low-index metagratings with superwavelength lattice",?Optics Express, vol.?27, pp. 202-211, 2019.
?[4]J. Cheng, S. Inampudi, H. Mosallaei, “Optimization-based dielectric metasurfaces for angle-selective multifunctional beam deflection”, Scientific Reports, vol. 7, pp. 12228, 2017.?
?[5]S. Inampudi, J. Cheng, H. Mosallaei, “Graphene-based near-field optical microscopy: High-resolution imaging using reconfigurable gratings,” Applied Optics, vol. 56, pp.3132, 2017.?
?[6]J. Cheng, S. Jafar-Zanjani, H. Mosallaei, “All-dielectric Ultrathin Conformal Metasurfaces: Lensing and Cloaking Applications at 532 nm Wavelength”, Scientific Reports, vol. 6, pp.38440, 2016.?
?[7]J. Cheng, S. Jafar-Zanjani, H. Mosallaei, “Real-Time Two-Dimensional Beam Steering with Gate-Tunable Materials: A Theory Design Investigation”, Applied Optics, vol. 55, pp. 6137, 2016.?
?[8]S. Jafar-Zanjani, J. Cheng, V. Liberman, J. B. Chou, and H. Mosallaei, “Large enhancement of third-order nonlinear effects with a resonant all-dielectric metasurface”, AIP Advances, vol. 6, pp. 115213, 2016.
?[9]S. Jafar-Zanjani, J. Cheng, H. Mosallaei, “Light Manipulation with Flat and Conformal Inhomogeneous Dispersive Impedance Sheets: An Efficient FDTD Modeling”, Applied Optics, Vol. 55, pp. 2967, 2016.?
?[10]S. Tao, J. Cheng, H. Mosallaei, “An Integral Equation based Domain Decomposition Method for Solving Large-Size Substrate-Supported Aperiodic Plasmonic Array Problems”, MRS Communications, vol. 6, pp. 105, 2016.?
?[11]A. Forouzmand, S. Tao, S. Jafar-Zanjani, J. Cheng, M. M. Salary, H. Mosallaei, “Double Split-Loop Resonators as Building Blocks of Metasurfaces for Light Manipulation: Bending, Focusing, and Flat-top Generation”, Journal of the Optical Society of America B, vol. 33, pp.1411, 2016.?
?[12]J. Cheng, and H. Mosallaei, “Truly Achromatic Optical Metasurfaces: A Filter Circuit Theory-based Design,” Journal of the Optical Society of America B, vol. 32, pp. 2115, 2015.?
?[13]D. Ansari, J. Cheng, C. D. Giovampaola, A. Askarpour, H. Mosallaei, A. Alu, N. Engheta, “Simulating Wave Phenomena in Large Graded-Pattern Arrays with Random Perturbation”, Progress in Electromagnetics Research, Vol. 154, pp. 127, 2015.?
?[14]J. Cheng, W. L. Wang, H. Mosallaei, and E. Kaxiras, “Surface Plasmon Engineering in Graphene Functionalized with Organic Molecules: A Multiscale Theoretical Investigation,” Nano Letters, vol. 14, pp. 50, 2014.?
?[15]J. Cheng, D. Ansari, H. Mosallaei, “Wave Manipulation with Designer Dielectric Metasurfaces,” Optics Letters, vol. 39, pp. 6285, 2014.?
?[16]J. Cheng, H. Mosallaei, “Optical Metasurfaces for Beam Scanning in Space,” Optics Letters, vol. 39, pp. 2719, 2014.?
?[17]M. Farmahini-Farahani, J. Cheng, and H. Mosallaei, “Metasurfaces Nanoantennas for Light Processing,” Journal of the Optical Society of America B, vol. 30, pp. 2365, 2013.?
?[18]J. Cheng, W. Zhang, Q. Zhou, Y. Wang, Y. D. Huang, and J. D. Peng, “Single Polarization Transmission in Pedestal-supported Silicon Waveguides,” Optics Letters, vol. 36, pp. 1797, 2011.?
?[19]Q. Zhou, W. Zhang, J. Cheng, Y. Huang, “Properties of Optical Fiber based Synchronous Heralded Single Photon Sources at 1.5 μm, ” Physics Letters A, vol. 375, pp. 2274, 2011.?
?[20]J. Cheng, Q. Zhou, W. Zhang, Y. D. Huang, and J. D. Peng, “Correlated Photon Pair Generation in Silicon Wire Waveguides at 1.5 μm,” Chinese Physics Letters, vol. 27, 2010.?
?[21]Q. Zhou, W. Zhang, J. Cheng, Y. Huang, J. Peng, “Noise Performance Comparison of 1.5 μm Correlated Photon Pair Generation in Different Fibers,” Optics Express, vol. 18, pp. 17114, 2010.?
?[22]W. Zhang, Q. Zhou, J. Cheng, Y. Huang, J. Peng, “Impact of Fiber Birefringence on Correlated Photon Pair Generation in Highly Nonlinear Microstructure Fibers,” Eur. Phys. J. D Vol. 59, pp.309, 2010.?
?[23]Q. Zhou, W. Zhang, J. Cheng, Y. Huang, J. Peng, “Polarization-entangled Bell States Generation Based on Birefringence in High Nonlinear Microstructure Fiber at 1.5 μm,” Optics Letters, vol. 34, pp. 2706, 2009.
讲授课程 科技英语训练

社会兼职 担任Optics Letters, Optics Express, Optical Materials Express, The Journal of Physical Chemistry, Journal of the Optical Society of America B, Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, Lasers in Engineering 等多个SCI期刊审稿人

相关话题/南开大学 光学