本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-09-19
性别 : 男 所属部门 : 现代光学研究所
职称 : 教授 学历 : 博士
行政职务 : 所学专业 : 光学
办公电话 :
邮箱 : haozhang@nankai.edu.cn
研究方向 : Fiber optics, Fiber-optic communications and sensing technologies, Microstructured optical fibers and their applications
个人简历 Hao Zhang received his PhD degree in Opticsfrom the Institute of Modern Optics, Nankai University (IMONK), in 2005. HisPhD research project involved optical fiber amplifiers, optical fiber lasers,and their applications in optical fiber communications. After PhD graduation,he carried out research in the same university as a lecturer. Following theone-year postdoctoral research supported by the UK/China Scholarships forExcellency program at the Imperial College London, UK, in 2007 where he workedon fluorescence imaging using microstructured-optical-fiber-basedsupercontinuum light source, he came back to Nankai University. He had been anassociate professor of the IMONK from 2010 to 2015, and since 2016 he has beena professor of this institute. His current research interests are concernedwith acousto-optic interaction in optical fibers, whispering gallery modes inmicrostructured optical fibers, fiber-laser-based photonic sensors, fibergrating sensors, and novel microfiber components. He has published more than 150peer-reviewed journal articles on these topics and contributed to over 30related conferences.
科研项目/成果/获奖/专利 Research projects under supervision?
1. National Natural Science Foundation Project "Study on themechanism and applications of azobenzene-based fiber-optic functional deviceswith composite periodic microstructures" under Grant No. **(2018.01-2021.12)
2. The 863 National High Technology Program of China “100 kHz narrow linewidth laser chipand module” under GrantNo. 2013AA014201 (undertaker for Nankai University, 2013.01-2016.12)
3. National Natural Science Foundation Project “Study on the mechanism andapplications of whispering gallery modes for microstructured optical fibers” under Grant No. **(2013.01-2016.12)
4. National Natural Science Foundation Project “Study on the acousto-opticinteraction mechanism and its applications in multi-dimensional microstructuredoptical fibers” under GrantNo. ** (2011.01-2013.12)
5. Research Funds for the Central Universities project “Investigation of theory andapplications for microstructured-optical-fiber-grating-based novelacousto-optic fiber devices” (2010.06-2012.05)
Research projects participated??
1.National Natural Science Foundation Project of China "Nonlinear dynamicsof optical solitons in few-mode fibers and spatiotemporal mode-locked fiberlasers" (2018.01-2021.12)?
2. Tianjin Natural Science Foundation "Investigation of modemanipulation and sensing technology based on opto-fluidic-controlled photoniccrystal fibers" under Grant No. 14JCZDJC31300 (2014.04-2017.03)
3. National Natural Science Foundation Project of China “Study on dynamic properties and application of Kerrcavity solitons in photonic crystal fibers” under Grant No. ** (2012.01-2015.12)
4. National Key Basic Research and Development Program of China “Novel MOF-based functional devices, heterogeneouscompatible structures, and optoelectronic integration” under Grant No. 2010CB327605 (2010.01-2014.12)
5. National Natural Science Foundation Project of China “Research on theory and application oftilted-grating-based multi-dimension micro structure fiber opto-device” under Grant No. ** (2010.01-2012.12)
6. National Key Natural Science Foundation Project of China “Study on the key technologies and applications forintegrated, high speed, multi-parameter, and large scale novel fiber sensornetworks” under Grant No. **(2008.01-2011.12)
7. National Natural Science Foundation Project of China “Study of imaging mechanism of second harmonicgeneration microscopy under high numerical aperture” under Grant No. ** (2008.01-2010.12)
8. National Natural Science Foundation Project of China “Spatial and temporal properties of singlet oxygenphotosensitized in single cells” under Grant No. **(2008.01-2010.12)
Undergraduate research projects undersupervision
1.?Tianjin Undergraduate CreativeTraining Plan for 2019 "Study on microfluidic DNA biosensors employingmicrostructured-optical-fiber-based whispering gallery mode microresonators"(2019.03-2020.03)
2.?Tianjin Undergraduate CreativeTraining Plan for 2019 "Study on enhanced optofluidic optical fiberwhispering gallery mode active sensors based on Vernier effect in compositemicrocavities" (2019.03-2020.03)
3.?“100 Projects” of the Creative Research for the Undergraduates of NankaiUniversity for 2019, “Study on optical properties of dual-frequency liquidcrystals employing infiltration-based photonic crystal fibers and relatedtunable functional devices” (2019.03-2020.03)
4.?National Undergraduate CreativeTraining Plan for 2017 “Study on silica-capillary-based microfluidic whisperinggallery mode sensors” under Grant No. (2018.03-2020.03)
5.?National Undergraduate CreativeTraining Plan for 2017 "Study on in-line microfluidic sensor based onside-hole fibers" under Grant No. 6 (2017.03-2019.03)
6.?Tianjin Undergraduate CreativeTraining Plan for 2017 "Study on the mechanism and applications of dyelasers based on whispering gallery modes in fiber microcavities"(2017.03-2018.03)
7.?Tianjin Undergraduate CreativeTraining Plan for 2014 “Study on rocking filters based on rectangular optical waveguides andtheir sensing applications” under Grant No. 2 (2014.04-2015.04)
8.?9th “100 Projects” of the Creative Research for theUndergraduates of Nankai University “Study on the fiber Lyot filtering characteristics based on Fourieranalysis” under GrantNo. BX9-304 (2011.06-2012.05)
9.?8th “100 Projects” of the Creative Research for theUndergraduates of Nankai University “Study on the acousto-optic mode coupling of acoustically inducedfiber gratings and its applications” under Grant No. BX8-142 (2010.06-2011-05)
10.?6th“100 Projects” of the Creative Research for the Undergraduates ofNankai University “Investigation of the activesensing technique based on beat frequency interrogation usingmulti-longitudinal-mode erbium-doped fiber laser” under Grant No. BX6-215 (2008.06-2009.11)
Undergraduate competitions as supervisor
1.?Mathematical Contest inModeling 2019, sponsored by the Consortium for Mathematics and Its Applications(Team No. **)
2.?Mathematical Contest inModeling 2018, sponsored by the Consortium for Mathematics and Its Applications(Team No.??79395), H award? ? ??
3.?Mathematical Contest inModeling 2018, sponsored by the Consortium for Mathematics and Its Applications(Team No. 79351)
Excellent students
Nanjie Xie was awarded 2017 National Scholarship for Graduate Students
Shouxin Kang was awarded 2015 National Scholarship for Graduate Students
Chunxue Yang was awarded 2014 National Scholarship for Graduate Students and outstanding master graduation thesis of Nankai University
Minghui Qiu was awarded 2013 National Scholarship for Graduate Students
Graduated students
Nanjie Xie (谢南结) 2015 Master student
Ningning Gu (顾宁宁) 2014 Master student
Shouxin Kang (康守信) 2013 Master student
Chunxue Yang (杨春雪) 2012 Master student
Minghui Qiu (邱明惠) 2011 Master student
Hongguang Dong (董宏广) 2010 Master student
Chenglai Jia (贾承来, co-supervised) 2009 Master student?
1. Bo Liu, Guiling Sun, Weixiang Li, Hao Zhang,Guiyun Kai, and Chanchan Zhang, Technological innovation award of Tianjin:Multi-dimensional and multi-parameter fiber grating wireless sensor networks(second rank, 2011)
2. Shuzhong Yuan, Yange Liu, Xiaoyi Dong, Guiyun Kai, Weigang Zhang, HaoZhang, Hongyun Meng, and Ling Yu, Technological innovation award of Tianjin:Ultra-broadband gain flattened fiber amplifier” (second rank, 2004)
?Authorized Patents
1. Hao Zhang, Bo Liu, Chunxue Yang, Hu Liang,Yinping Miao, Yuetao Li, Xing Zhao, Zhi Wang, and Yange Liu, "An azo-basedoptically controlled whispering gallery mode excitation system", Patent ofInvention, China, ZL1.2
2. Hao Zhang, Bo Liu, Chunxue Yang, Hu Liang, Yinping Miao, Zhi Wang, andYange Liu, "A selective-infiltration-based dual-core-like photonic crystalfiber tunable filter", Patent of Invention, China, ZL7.0
3. Hao Zhang, Bo Liu, Wei Lin, Yinping Miao, Yange Liu, and Zhi Wang, “A terahertz source employing narrow-linewidthdual-wavelength laser based on Ytterbium-Germanium co-doped microstructuredoptical fiber”, Patent of Invention,China, ZL7
4. Bo Liu, Yan Liu, Yinping Miao, Hao Zhang, Zhi Wang, and Yange Liu,"A magnetometer based on magnetic-fluid-infiltrated tilted microstructuredoptical fiber grating", Patent of Invention, China, ZL6.4
5. Bo Liu, Yinping Miao, Hao Zhang, Guiyun Kai, and Jianhua Luo, “TFBG-based air relative humidity sensor”, Patent of Invention, China, ZL2.4
6. Shuzhong Yuan, Hao Zhang, Qingying Dou, Guiyun Kai, Yange Liu, andXiaoyi Dong, “Fiber-bending-based tunableoptical attenuator”, Patent for UtilityModels, China, ZL7.7
论文/专著/教材 Selected Publications ( * and ** refer tothe corresponding author)
Journal Articles
1.?Hao Zhang, Shouxin Kang, BoLiu, Hongguang Dong and Yinping Miao, “All-fiber acousto-optic tunable bandpassfilter based on a lateral offset fiber splicing structure”, IEEE PhotonicsJournal, 7 (1): **, 2015. (SCI: CB5OU; 20**6)
2.?Hao Zhang, Minghui Qiu, ShouxinKang, Bo Liu and Yinping Miao, "A tunable interferometric optical bandpassfilter based on flexural acoustic wave modulation in a SMF-MOF hybridconfiguration with fiber offset splicing output", Microwave and OpticalTechnology Letters, 57 (1): 31-35, 2015. (SCI: AU0HX; EI: 20**0)
3.?Hao Zhang, Minghui Qiu, YinpingMiao, Bo Liu, Shecheng Gao and Hongguang Dong, “Acoustic-birefringence-inducedorthogonal acousto-optic gratings in grapefruit microstructured fibers”, IEEEPhotonics Journal, 5 (3): **, 2013. (SCI: 174VA; EI: 20**1)
4.?Hao Zhang, Minghui Qiu, ZhifangWu, Hongguang Dong, Bo Liu and Yinping Miao, “Acousto-optic mode couplingexcited by flexural waves in simplified hollow-core photonic crystal fibers”,Journal of Optics, 15 (5): 055402, 2013. (SCI: 152TZ; EI: 20**7)
5.?Hao Zhang, Bo Liu and ChenglaiJia, “Fiber birefringence measurement based on a beat-frequency-interrogatedmultilongitudinal-mode distributed Bragg reflector erbium-doped fiber laser”,Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, 54 (3): 702-707, 2012. (SCI: 879MG;EI: 798)
6.?Hao Zhang, Bo Liu, Wei Lin,Hongguang Dong and Lihui Liu, “Acoustic dispersion measurement for asingle-mode-fiber-based acoustooptic tunable filter excited by flexuralacoustic wave”, Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, 54 (5): 1281-1285,2012. (SCI: 907QA; EI: 720)
7.?Hao Zhang, Bo Liu and ChenglaiJia, “An active strain sensing system based on single-longitudinal-modedistributed Bragg reflector fiber laser and its applications in the measurementof erbium-doped fiber birefringence”, Microwave and Optical Technology Letters,53 (11): 2508-2512, 2011. (SCI: 821OX; EI: 201**)
8.?Hao Zhang, Bo Liu, Junhao Tao,Hongguang Dong, Tieyan Guo and Meng Zhang, “Acoustic frequency dependence oftransmission characteristics in fiber acoustic gratings”, Optica Applicata, 41(4): 817-823, 2011. (SCI: 911FM; EI: 520)
9.?Hao Zhang, Bo Liu, Jing Sun,Jianhua Luo, Shuangxia Wang, Chenglai Jia and Xiurong Ma, “Photonic generationof microwave signals by exploiting fiber birefringence effect insingle-longitudinal-mode distributed Bragg reflector fiber laser”, Microwaveand Optical Technology Letters, 52 (3): 535-540, 2010. (SCI: 553JW; EI:344)
10.?Hao Zhang, Bo Liu, Zhi Wang,Jianhua Luo, Shuangxia Wang, Chenglai Jia and Xiurong Ma,“Temperature-insensitive displacement sensor based on high-birefringencephotonic crystal fiber loop mirror”, Optica Applicata, 40 (1): 209-217, 2010.(SCI: 595XL; EI: 167)
11.?Hao Zhang, Bo Liu and ChenglaiJia, “A novel method for active fiber refractive index measurement”, ActaOptica Sinica, 30 (SUPPL.): s100213, 2010. (EI: 548, in Chinese)
12.?Hao Zhang, Bo Liu, Jianhua Luo,Jing Sun, Xiurong Ma, Chenglai Jia and Shuangxia Wang, “Photonic generation ofmicrowave signal using a dual-wavelength single-longitudinal-mode distributedBragg reflector fiber laser”, Optics Communications, 282 (20): 4114-4118, 2009.(SCI: 496RA; EI: 955)
13.?Hao Zhang, Jianhua Luo, Bo Liu,Shuangxia Wang, Chenglai Jia and Xiurong Ma, “Polarimetricmultilongitudinal-mode distributed Bragg reflector fiber laser sensor forstrain measurement”, Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, 51 (11):2559-2563, 2009. (SCI: 493ZJ; EI: 842)
14.?Hao Zhang, Yanli Jin, QingyingDou, Yange Liu, Shuzhong Yuan and Xiaoyi Dong, “L-band al-optical gain-clampedEDFA by utilizing C-band backward ASE”, Optics Communications, 260 (1):150-154, 2006. (SCI: 028PJ; EI: 05)
15.?Hao Zhang, Qingying Dou, YanliJin, Tuan Guo, Lihui Liu, Yange Liu, Shuzhong Yuan and Xiaoyi Dong, “L-bandall-optical gain-clamped erbium-doped fiber amplifier via ASE reflectiontechnique”, Microwave and Optical Technology, 48 (5): 852-854, 2006. (SCI:032XM; EI: 21)
16.?Hao Zhang, Ling Yu, Yange Liu,Chao Wang, Yao Li, Qingying Dou, Lihui Liu Shuzhong Yuan and Xiaoyi Dong,“Noise figure improvement of a double-pass erbium-doped fiber amplifier byusing a Hi-Bi fiber loop mirror as ASE rejecter”, Optics Communications, 244(1-6): 383-388, 2005. (SCI: 889HG; EI: 50)
17.?Hao Zhang, Lingyun Xiong,Qingying Dou, Yao Li, Ling Yu, Yange Liu, Lihui Liu, Shuzhong Yuan, Guiyun Kaiand Xiaoyi Dong, “A room-temperature multiwavelength erbium-doped fibre laserby exploiting polarization hole burning”, Chinese Physics Letters, 22 (1):122-124, 2005. (SCI: 890IV)
18.?Hao Zhang, Qingying Dou, YaoLi, Ling Yu, Yange Liu, Lihui Liu, Shuzhong Yuan and Xiaoyi Dong, “Gain- andnoise-figure improvement of a reflective L-band EDFA by using a short length ofpreamplification EDF”, Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, 45 (1): 60-62,2005. (SCI: 905SM; EI: 84)
19.?Hao Zhang, Lingyun Xiong,Qingying Dou, Yao Li, Yange Liu, Lihui Liu, Shuzhong Yuan, Guiyun Kai andXiaoyi Dong, “A room-temperature dual-wavelength erbium-doped fiber laseroperating in the L-band”, Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, 45 (1):12-15, 2005. (EI: 69)
20.?Hao Zhang, Ling Yu, Yange Liu,Lihui Liu, Shuzhong Yuan and Xiaoyi Dong, “Wavelength-tunable erbium-dopedfiber laser with FBG and HiBi fiber loop mirror as reflectors”, Chinese OpticsLetters, 2 (1): 9-11, 2004. (EI: 34)
21.?Hao Zhang, Ling Yu, ShiquanYang, Yange Liu, Lihui Liu, Chunxian Xiao, Lingyun Xiong, Shuzhong Yuan andXiaoyi Dong, “A novel structure L-band erbium-doped fiber laser”, Acta OpticaSinica, 24 (7): 929-931, 2004. (EI: , in Chinese)
22.?Chengkun Yang, Hao Zhang*, BoLiu**, Haifeng Liu, Chao Wang and Shiwei Lin, “Tuning of polarization-dependentwhispering gallery modes in grapefruit microstructured optical fibersinfiltrated with negative dielectric anisotropy liquid crystals”, Journal ofLightwave Technology, 37 (11): 2628-2633, 2019. (EI: 20**2)
23.?Ting Liu, Hao Zhang*, LifangXue**, Bo Liu, Haifeng Liu, Bangcai Huang, Jianjun Sun and Dongbo Wang, “Highlysensitive torsion sensor based on side-hole-fiber Sagnac interferometer”, IEEESensors Journal, accepted for publication. (early access)
24.?Chengkun Yang, Hao Zhang*, BoLiu**, Haifeng Liu, Chao Wang and Shiwei Lin, “Electrically tuned whisperinggallery modes microresonator based on microstructured optical fibersinfiltrated with dual-frequency liquid crystals”, Nanophotonics, 7 (7):1333-1340, 2018. (SCI: GK6GX; EI: 20**6)
25.?Nanjie Xie, Hao Zhang*, Bo Liu,Haifeng Liu, Ting Liu, and Chao Wang, “In-line microfiber-assisted Mach-Zehnderinterferometer for microfluidic highly sensitive measurement of salinity”, IEEESensors Journal, 18 (21): 8767~8772, 2018. (SCI: GW6FM; EI: 20**3)
26.?Chengkun Yang, Hao Zhang*, BoLiu**, Shiwei Lin, Yuetao Li and Haifeng Liu, “Electrically tunable whisperinggallery mode microresonator based on a grapefruit-microstructured optical fiberinfiltrated with nematic liquid crystals”, Optics Letters, 42 (15): 2988-2991,2017. (SCI: FC6HJ; EI: 20**3)
27.?Donglin Yan, Hao Zhang*, BoLiu**, Bangcai Huang, Jianjun Sun and Dongbo Wang, “Optofluidic microringresonator laser based on cavity-assisted energy transfer in dye-infiltratedside-hole microstructured optical fibers”, Journal of Lightwave Technology, 35(19): 4153-4158, 2017. (SCI: FG4QA)
28.?Donglin Yan, Hao Zhang*, BoLiu**, Bangcai Huang, Jianjun Sun, Dongbo Wang and Tingting Han, “A Multi-colorswitchable dye laser based on CAET in side-hole microstructured opticalfibers”, IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 25 (16): 1411-1414, 2017. (SCI:FB7FB; EI: 20**6)
29.?Nanjie Xie, Hao Zhang*, Bo Liu,Binbin Song and Jixuan Wu, “Characterization of temperature-dependentrefractive indices for nematic liquid crystal employing a microfiber-assistedMach-Zehnder interferometer”, Journal of Lightwave Technology, 35 (14):2966-2972, 2017. (SCI: EY8KT; EI: 20**4)
30.?Nanjie Xie, Hao Zhang*, Bo Liu,Jixuan Wu, Binbin Song and Tingting Han, “Highly sensitive in-line microfluidicsensor based on microfiber-assisted Mach-Zehnder interferometer for glucosesensing”, Journal of Optics, 19 (11): 115803, 2017. (SCI: FW3GM; EI: 20**0)
31.?Ningning Gu, Hao Zhang*, BoLiu, Wei Lin, Binbin Song and Jixuan Wu, “All-fiber electric field sensor basedon whispering-gallery-mode resonances in U-bent single-mode fibers integratedwith liquid crystal”, Optical Engineering, 56 (2): 026102, 2017. (SCI: EP2IO;EI: 20**2)
32.?Yuetao Li, Hao Zhang*, BoLiu**, Jixuan Wu, Binbin Song, Donglin Yan and Chengkun Yang, “Tuning ofwhispering gallery modes in a magnetic-fluid-infiltrated silica capillary basedon lateral pumping scheme”, Journal of Optics, 19 (1): 015801, 2017. (SCI:EG1BJ; EI: 20**9)
33.?Yuetao Li, Hao Zhang*, Bo Liu**,Wei Lin, Donglin Yan, Chengkun Yang and Jixuan Wu, “Laser-tuned whisperinggallery modes in a silica-based microsphere resonator integrated withethyl-orange-doped polyvinyl alcohol coating”, Sensors and Actuators B:Chemical, 238: 98-104, 2017. (SCI: ED6EN; EI: 20**7)
34.?Jixuan Wu, Hao Zhang*, Bo Liu**,Binbin Song, Yuetao Li, Chengkun Yang, “Acoustooptic-mode-coupling-basedwhispering gallery mode excitation in silica-capillary microresonator”, Journalof Lightwave Technology, 35 (2): 220-224, 2017. (SCI: EP0EA; EI: 20**6)
35.?Haifeng Liu, Hao Zhang*, BoLiu**, Binbin Song, Jixuan Wu and Lie Lin, “Ultra-sensitive magnetic fieldsensor with resolved temperature cross-sensitivity employingmicrofiber-assisted modal interferometer integrated with magnetic fluids”,Applied Physics Letters, 2016, 109 (4): 042402. (SCI: DT7SZ; EI: 20**3)
36.?Binbin Song, Hao Zhang*, BoLiu, Wei Lin and Jixuan Wu, “Label-free in-situ real-time DNA hybridizationkinetics detection employing microfiber-assisted Mach-Zehnder interferometer”,Biosensors & Bioelectronics, 2016, 81: 151-158. (SCI: DK3JB; EI: 20**6)
37.?Shouxin Kang, Hao Zhang*, BoLiu, Wei Lin, Ning Zhang and Yinping Miao, “A fiber-optic interferometer basedon non-adiabatic fiber taper and long-period fiber grating for simultaneousmeasurement of magnetic field and temperature”, Journal of Optics, 18 (1):015802, 2016. (SCI: CZ6BV; EI: 20**8)
38.?Wei Lin, Hao Zhang*, Bo Liu,Binbin Song, Yuetao Li, Chengkun Yang and Yange Liu, “Laser-tuned whisperinggallery modes in a solid-core microstructured optical fibre integrated with magneticfluids”, Scientific Reports, 5: 17791, 2015. (SCI: CX4YX)
39.?Haifeng Liu, Hao Zhang*,Yinping Miao, Bo Liu, Yuetao Li, Xing Zhao and Lie Lin, “Alight-intensity-controlled microfiber-assisted Mach-Zehnder interferometerbased on ethyl orange solution under 532 nm laser excitation”,Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 216: 229-234, 2015. (SCI: CI9ZY; EI:20**9)
40.?Binbin Song, Hao Zhang*,Yinping Miao, Wei Lin, Jixuan Wu, Haifeng Liu, Donglin Yan and Bo Liu**, “Highlysensitive twist sensor employing Sagnac interferometer based on PM-ellipticalcore fibers”, Optics Express, 23 (12): 15372-15379, 2015. (SCI: CL4DJ;EI: 20**1)
41.?Wei Lin, Hao Zhang*, BinbinSong, Yinping Miao, Bo Liu**, Donglin Yan and Yange Liu, “Magnetically controllablewavelength-division-multiplexing fiber coupler”, Optics Express, 23(9): 11123-11134, 2015. (SCI: CH9EB; EI: 20**7)
42.?Yinping Miao, Hao Zhang*,Jichao Lin, Binbin Song, Kailiang Zhang, Wei Lin, Bo Liu and Jianquan Yao, “Simultaneousmeasurement of temperature and magnetic field based on a long period gratingconcatenated with multimode fiber”, Applied Physics Letters, 106 (13): 132410,2015. (SCI: CF1MT; EI: 20**2)
43.?Shouxin Kang, Hao Zhang*, BoLiu, Ning Zhang and Yinping Miao, “Acousto-optic fiber interferometer based onconcatenated flexural wave modulation”, Optical Engineering, 54 (7): 076106,2015. (SCI: CP3ZZ; EI: 20**6)
44.?Chunxue Yang, Hao Zhang*, HuLiang, Bo Liu, Yinping Miao, Xing Zhao, Junqi Guo, Qiang Li and Meng Jiang,"Light intensity sensor based on an azo-infiltrated microstructuredoptical fiber", IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 26 (24): 2458-2461,2014. (SCI: AU3NQ; EI: 20**1)
45.?Chunxue Yang, Hao. Zhang*, HuLiang, Yinping. Miao, Bo Liu, Zhi Wang and Yange Liu, “Selectivelyliquid-infiltrated microstructured optical fiber for simultaneous temperatureand force measurement”, IEEE Photonics Journal, 6 (2): **, 2014. (SCI:AH5YC; EI: 20**8)
46.?Minghui Qiu, Hao Zhang*, YinpingMiao, Zhi Wang and Bo Liu, “Simultaneous excitation of acousto-optic modecoupling in a SMF-PCF hybrid configuration”, Journal of Optics, 16 (4): 045701,2014. (SCI: AE3AU; EI: 20**6)
47.?Hongguang Dong, Hao Zhang*,Yinping Miao, Minghui Qiu and Bo Liu, “Spectral characteristics ofsingle-mode-fiber-based cascaded acousto-optic filters”, Journal of Optics, 16(1): 015402, 2014.(SCI: 274RK; EI: 20**1
48.?Minghui Qiu, Hao Zhang*,Shouxin Kang, Yinping Miao and Bo Liu, “Acousto-optic mode coupling excited bysuperimposed flexural waves in a solid-core microstructured optical fiber withhexagonal air-hole array cladding”, Microwave and Optical Technology Letters,56 (12): 2831-2835, 2014. (SCI: AQ5DN; EI: 1)
49.?Chunxue Yang, Hao Zhang*,Yinping Miao, Hu Liang, Xing Zhao, Zhi Wang and Bo Liu, “Load-insensitivetemperature sensor based on azobenzene-chloroform-solution-filledmicrostructured optical fiber”, Optics Letters, 38 (24): 5426-5429, 2013.(SCI: 275UB; EI: 20**0
50.?Shanshan Li, Hao Zhang*, YuHou, Jinjun Bai, Weiwei Liu and Shengjiang Chang, “Terahertz polarizationsplitter based on orthogonal microstructure dual-core photonic crystal fiber”, AppliedOptics, 52 (14): 3305-3310, 2013. (SCI: 145DP; EI: 20**7)
51.?Minghui Qiu, Hao Zhang*, BoLiu, Hongguang Dong, Chunxue Yang and Yinping Miao, “Acoustic birefringencesuppression in a fiber acoustic grating employing solid-core photonic crystalfiber with hexagonal air-hole array cladding”, Optical Engineering, 52 (3):035008, 2013. (SCI: 134XB; EI: 20**6)
52.?Hongguang Dong, Hao Zhang*, BoLiu, Junhao Tao and Lihui Liu, “Improvement of coupling efficiency for anacoustooptic tunable filter and its prospects in sensing applications”, SensorLetters, 10 (7): 1502-1506, 2012. (SCI: 031TA; EI: 485)
53.?Bo Liu and Hao Zhang*,“Polarimetric distributed Bragg reflector fiber laser sensor array forsimultaneous measurement of transverse load and temperature”, Optical FiberTechnology, 17 (6): 619-625, 2011. (SCI: 844AV; EI: 201**)
54.?Xiaoyi Dong, Hao Zhang*, Bo Liuand Yinping Miao, “Titled fiber Bragg gratings: principle and sensingapplications”, Photonics Sensors, 1 (1): 6-30, 2011.
55.?Jian Liu, Hao Zhang* and BoLiu, “Temperature measurement based on photonic crystal modal interferometer”,Frontiers of Optoelectronics in China, 3 (4): 418-422, 2010.
56.?Donglin Yan, Bo Liu*, HaoZhang**, Yuuetao Li and Tingting Han, “Observation of lasing emission based ona hexagonal cavity embedded in a Kagome PCF”, IEEE Photonics TechnologyLetters, 30 (13): 1202-1205, 2018. (SCI: GJ4KL; EI: 20**7)
57.?Jixuan Wu, Bo Liu*, Hao Zhang**and Binbin Song, “Adsorption detection for polylysine biomolecules based onhigh-Q silica capillary whispering gallery mode microresonator”, MeasurementScience and Technology, 28 (11): 115103, 2017. (SCI: FK0YH; EI: 20**8)
58.?Chengkun Yang, Bo Liu*, HaoZhang**, Wei Lin, Yuetao Li, Haifeng Liu and Binbin Song, “Excitation ofwhispering gallery modes in silica capillary using SMF-MMF joint with lateraloffset”, IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 29 (12): 1027-1030, 2017. (SCI:EY2SI; EI: 20**3)
59.?Donglin Yan, Bo Liu*, HaoZhang**, Yuetao Li, Binbin Song and Jixuan Wu, “Silica-tube-based whisperinggallery mode dye lasers based on different pumping schemes”, Microwave andOptical Technology Letters, Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, 59 (3):609-614, 2017. (SCI: EK3GV; EI: 20**6)
60.?Jixuan Wu, Bo Liu*, HaoZhang**, Binbin Song, Wei Lin and Yuetao Li, “WGM micro-fluidic-channel basedon reflection type fiber-tip-coupled hollow-core PCFs”, IEEE PhotonicsTechnology Letters, 28 (22): 2565-2568, 2016. (SCI: EC4MY; EI: 20**2)
61.?Shecheng Gao, Weigang Zhang*,Hao Zhang** and Chonglei Zhang, “Reconfigurable and ultra-sensitive in-lineMach-Zehnder interferometer based on the fusion of microfiber and microfluid”,Applied Physics Letters, 106 (8): 084103, 2015. (SCI: CC7KP; EI:20**2)
62.?Fansheng Kong, Bin Yang,Chengkun Yang, Hao Zhang*, Bo Liu*, Haifeng Liu and Jie Yu, “Electrically tunedwhispering gallery mode microresonator based on Kagomé photonic crystal fibersinfiltrated with nematic liquid crystals, Applied Optics, 58 (6): 1351-1355,2019. (EI: 20**6)
63.?Yinping Miao, Jixuan Wu, WeiLin, Kailiang Zhang, Yujie Yuan, Binbin Song, Hao Zhang* and Bo Liu, “Magneticfield tunability of optical microfiber taper integrated with ferrofluid”,Optics Express, 21 (24): 29914-29920, 2013. (SCI: 265JP; EI: 20**8)
64.?Wei Lin, Hao Zhang, Shih-ChiChen, Bo Liu, Yange Liu, “Microstructured optical fiber for multichannelsensing based on Fano resonance of the whispering gallery modes”, OpticsExpress, 25 (2): 994-1004, 2017. (SCI: EO2HY; EI: 20**2)
65.?Shanshan Li, Hao Zhang, JinjunBai, Weiwei Liu and Shengjiang Chang, “Dual-porous-fiber-based lowloss broadband terahertz polarization splitter”, IEEE PhotonicsTechnology Letters, 26 (1):1399-1402, 2014. (SCI: AK3VQ; EI: 20**5)
66.?Jianhua Luo, Hao Zhang, Bo Liu,Chenglai Jia, Shaolin Yan and Xiurong Ma, “Multi-longitudinal-mode fiber laserbased displacement sensor”, Chinese Journal of Lasers, 37 (5): 1280-1283, 2010.(EI: 975, in Chinese)
67.?Guoyu Li, Hao Zhang, Bo Liu,Jian Zhang, Shuzhong Yuan, Guiyun Kai and Xiaoyi Dong, “The interrogationsystem for FBG sensing based on the InGaAs linear image sensor”, Microwave andOptical Technology Letters, 50 (4): 1101-1104, 2008. (SCI: 275EW; EI:915)
68.?Tuan Guo, Hao Zhang, Bo Liu,Guoyu Li, Qida Zhao and Xiaoyi Dong, “Gaussian-strain-chirped fiber Bragggrating couple for temperature-insensitive and intensity-referenced forcemeasurement”, IEEE Sensors Journal, 7 (9-10): 1390-1394, 2007. (SCI: 214MQ; EI:018)
69.?Lihui Liu, Hao Zhang, QidaZhao, Yuliang Liu and Fang Li, “Temperature-independent FBG pressure sensorwith high sensitivity”, Optical Fiber Technology, 13 (1): 78-80, 2007. (SCI:131QZ; EI: 780)
70.?Qingying Dou, Hao Zhang andShuzhong Yuan, “A novel attenuator bans on bending loss in SMF”, Microwave andOptical Technology Letters, 48 (1): 114-118, 2006. (SCI: 994ZU; EI:48)
71.?Xu Zhang, Bo Liu, Hao Zhang, XuZhang, Binbin Song, Jixuan Wu and Shaoxiang Duan, “Label-free detection of DNAhybridization utilizing dual S-tapered thin-core fiber interferometer”, Journalof Lightwave Technology, 37 (11): 2762-2767, 2019. (EI: ?20**4)
72.?Xu Zhang, Bo Liu, Hao Zhang,Jixuan Wu, Binbin Song and Chao Wang, “A magnetic field sensor based on a dual S-taperedmultimode fiber interferometer”, Measurement Science and Technology, 29 (7):075103, 2018. (SCI:?GH1RJ; EI: 20**3)
73.?Wei Lin, Bo Liu, Hao Zhang,Binbin Song, Donglin Yan, Yinping Miao, Haifeng Liu and Yange Liu, “Laser-inducedthermal effect for tunable filter employing ferrofluid and fiber taper coupler”,IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 27 (22): 2339-2342, 2015. (SCI: CS8TH; EI: 20**1)
74.?Shecheng Gao, Weigang Zhang,Hao Zhang, Pengcheng Geng, Wei Lin, Bo Liu, Zhiyong Bai and Xiaolin Xue, “Fibermodal interferometer with embedded fiber Bragg grating for simultaneousmeasurements of refractive index and temperature”, Sensors and Actuators B:Chemical, 188: 931-936, 2013. (SCI: 243VE; EI: 20**3)
75.?Wei Lin, Yinping Miao, HaoZhang, Bo Liu, Yange Liu and Binbin Song, “Fiber-optic in-line magnetic fieldsensor based on the magnetic fluid and multimode interference effects”, AppliedPhysics Letters, 103 (15): 151101, 2013. (SCI: 236FD; EI: 20**1)
76.?Wei Lin, Yinping Miao, HaoZhang, Bo Liu, Yange Liu, Binbin Song and Jixuan Wu, “Two-dimensional magneticfiber vector sensor based on tilted fiber Bragg grating and magnetic fluid’,Journal of Lightwave Technology, 31 (15): 2599-2604, 2013. (SCI: 187LE; EI:20**7)
77.?Xiaolin Xue, Weigang Zhang, HaoZhang, Shecheng Gao, Pengcheng Geng, Zhiyong Bai and Jieliang Li, “Simultaneousmeasurement of temperature and refractive index using a simplified modalinterferometer composed of tilted long-period fiber grating and fiber bitaper”,Measurement Science and Technology, 24 (6): 065103, 2013. (SCI: 148SN; EI: 20**6)
78.?Pengcheng Geng, Weigang Zhang,Hao Zhang, Shanshan Zhang, Juan Ruan, Shilei Wei and Xiaolin Xue, “Design ofbroadband single-polarization single-mode photonic crystal fiber based onindex-matching coupling”, IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 24 (6): 452-454,2012. (SCI: 896OW; EI: 577)
79.?Yu Hou, Fei Fan, Hao Zhang,Xianghui Wang and Shengjiang Chang, “Terahertz single-polarization single-modehollow-core fiber based on index-matching coupling”, IEEE Photonics TechnologyLetters, 24 (8): 637-639, 2012. (SCI: 917XB; EI: 469)
80.?Juan Ruan, Weigang Zhang, HaoZhang, Limei Yin, X. L. Li, Pengcheng Geng and Xiaolin Xue, “Temperature andtwist characteristics of cascaded long-period fiber gratings written inpolarization-maintaining fibers”, Journal of Optics, 14 (10): 105403, 2012.(SCI: 202MB; EI: 652)
81.?Yan Liu, Bo Liu, Hao Zhang andYinping Miao, “Characteristics of long period gratings inscribed in microstructuredoptical fiber filled with Fe3O4 nanoparticle fluid”, Sensor Letters, 10 (7):1432-1435, 2012. (SCI: 031TA; EI: 469)
82.?Bo Liu, Jinjie Chen, Hao Zhangand Xiaoyi Dong, “Research on fiber-grating-based wireless sensor networks”,Photonic Sensors, 2 (2): 166-172, 2012.
83.?Bo Liu, Chenglai Jia, Hao Zhangand Jianhua Luo, “DBR-fiber-laser-based active temperature sensor and itsapplications in the measurement of fiber birefringence”, Microwave and OpticalTechnology Letters, 52 (1):41-44, 2010. (SCI: 531DO; EI: 788)
84.?Jianhua Luo, Bo Liu, Hao Zhang,Shaolin Yan, Xiurong Ma and Chenglai Jia, “Microwave signal generation based ontwo single-longitudinal-mode erbium-doped fiber lasers”, Microwave and OpticalTechnology Letters, 52 (1): 177-179, 2010. (SCI: 531DO; EI: 827)
85.?Bo Liu, Chenglai Jia, Hao Zhangand Jianhua Luo, “Investigation of DBR fiber laser sensing based on beatfrequency interrogation and its networking technique”, Journal ofOptoelectronics Laser, 21 (11): 1614-1617, 2010. (EI: 489, inChinese)
86.?Wei Xi, Zhiliang Fang, HaoZhang, Hongchao Wu and Guoguang Mu, “Acquisition of digitized multi-spectralimage based on a 4-channel spatial modulator”, Journal of Optoelectronics, 19(2): 249-252, 2008. (EI: 043, in Chinese)
87.?Jing Sun, Xiurong Ma, HaoZhang, Jianhua Luo and Qing Ji, “Short-cavity single-longitudinal-modedual-wavelength fiber laser and its linewidth measurement”, Journal ofOptoelectronics Laser, 21 (SUPPL.): 15-17, 2010. (EI: 215, in Chinese)
88.?Yinping Miao, Bo Liu, HaoZhang, Yuan Li, Haibin Zhou, Hua Sun, Weihua Zhang and Qida Zhao, “Relativehumidity sensor based on tilted fiber Bragg grating with polyvinyl alcoholcoating”, IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 21 (7): 441-443, 2009. (SCI:445MK; EI: 985)
89.?Tuan Guo, Bo Liu, Hao Zhang,Qida Zhao and Xiaoyi Dong, “Linear and Gaussian chirped fiber Bragg grating andits applications in fiber-optic filtering and sensing system”, IEEE PhotonicsTechnology Letters, 19 (13-16): 1096-1098, 2007. (SCI: 199BQ; EI:521)
90.?Guoyu Li, Tuan Guo, Hao Zhang,Hongwei Gao, Jian Zhang, Bo Liu, Shuzhong Yuan, Guiyun Kai and Xiaoyi Dong,“Fiber grating sensing interrogation based on an InGaAs photodiode array”,Applied Optics, 46 (3): 283-286, 2007. (SCI: 126YH; EI: 714)
91.?Tuan Guo, Qida Zhao, Hao Zhang,Chunshu Zhang, Guiling Huang, Lifang Xue and Xiaoyi Dong,“Temperature-insensitive fiber Bragg grating dynamic pressure sensing system”,Optics Letters, 31 (15): 2269-2271, 2006. (SCI: 065QB; EI: 654)
92.?Tuan Guo, Qida Zhao, Hao Zhang,Lifang Xue, Guoyu Li, Bo Dong, Bo Liu, Weigang Zhang, Guiyun Kai and XiaoyiDong, “Temperature-insensitive fiber Bragg grating force sensor via a bandwidthmodulation and optical-power detection technique”, Journal of LightwaveTechnology, 24 (10): 3797-3802, 2006. (SCI: 098SI; EI: 708)
93.?Long Jin, Weigang Zhang, HaoZhang, Bo Liu, H Zhao, Qinchang Tu, Guiyun Kai and Xiaoyi Dong, “An embeddedFBG sensor for simultaneous measurement of stress and temperature”, IEEEPhotonics Technology Letters, 18 (1-4): 154-156, 2006. (SCI: 020HL; EI:939)
94.?Xinhuan Feng, Yange Liu, HaoZhang, Yao Li, Shuzhong Yuan, Guiyun Kai, Weigang Zhang and Xiaoyi Dong, “Widewavelength-switched optical-pulse generation in an L-band mode-lockederbium-doped fiber laser”, Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, 44 (2):196-199, 2005. (SCI: 882RB; EI: 23)
95.?Zhenhong Wang, Ruijing, YangeLiu, Hao Zhang, Simeng Han, Hongye Li, Guangdou Wang, Guang Yang and Zhi Wang,“Generation of trapezoidal envelope pulses and soliton rains from passivelymode-locked fiber laser with MoS2 saturable absorber on microfiber”, AppliedPhysics Letters, 11 (7): 072504, 2018. (SCI: GL0SV; EI: 20**7)
96.?Hu Liang, Yange Liu, Hongye Li,Hao Zhang, Simeng Han, Yonghua Wu and Zhi Wang, “All-fiber light intensitydetector based on an ionic-liquid-adorned microstructured optical fiber”, IEEEPhotonics Journal, 10 (2): **, 2018. (SCI: GD7RX; EI: ?20**2)
97.?Jixuan Wu, Xu Zhang, Bo Liu,Hao Zhang and Binbin Song, “Square-microfiber-integrated biosensor forlabel-free DNA hybridization detection”, Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical,252: 1125-1131, 2017. (SCI: FE5UT; EI: 20**9)
98.?Yinping Miao, Yong He, Xixi Ma,Hao Zhang, Binbin Song, Xiaoping Yang, Lifang Xue, Bo Liu and Jianquan Yao, “Low-temperaturecross-sensitivity refractive index sensor based on single-mode fiber withperiodically modulated taper”, IEEE Sensors Journal, 16 (8): 2442-2446, 2016.(SCI: DG9QO; EI: 20**9)
99.?Wei Lin, Binbin Song, YinpingMiao, Hao Zhang, Donglin Yan, Bo Liu and Yange Liu, “Liquid-filledphotonic-crystal-fiber-based multimodal interferometer forsimultaneous measurement of temperature and force”, Applied Optics, 54 (6):1309-1313, 2015. (SCI: CB5RR; EI: 20**7)
100.?Wei Lin, Yinping Miao, Binbin Song, Hao Zhang, Bo Liu, Yange Liu andDonglin Yan, ”Multimodal transmission property in a liquid-filled photoniccrystal fiber”, Optics Communications, 336: 14-19, 2015. (SCI: AU6BS; EI:20**0)
101.?Zhiyong Bai, Weigang Zhang, Shecheng Gao, Hao Zhang, Li Wang andGang Liu, “Bend-insensitive long period grating-based high temperature sensor”,Optical Fiber Technology, 21: 110-114, 2015. (SCI: AX0MD; EI: 20**1)
102.?Binbin Song, Yinping Miao, Wei Lin, Hao Zhang, Bo Liu, Jixuan Wu,Haifeng Liu and Donglin Yan, “Loss-based magnetic field sensor employing hollowcore fiber and magnetic fluid”, IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 26 (22):2283-2286, 2014. (SCI: AS7WG; EI: 20**8)
103.?Lei Chen, Weigang Zhang, Li Wang, Hao Zhang, Jonathan Sieg, QuanZhou, Liyu Zhang, Biao Wang and Tieyi Yan, “In-fiber torsion sensor based ondual polarized Mach-Zehnder interference”, Optics Express, 22 (26):31654-31664, 2014. (SCI: AX8SR; EI: 20**9)
104.?Binbin Song, Yinping Miao, Wei Lin, Hao Zhang, Bo Liu, Jixuan Wu,Haifeng Liu and Donglin Yan, “Loss-based magnetic field sensor employing hollowcore fiber and magnetic field”, IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 26 (22):2283-2286, 2014. (SCI: AS7WG; EI: 8)
105.?Shecheng Gao, Weigang Zhang, Zhiyong Bai, Hao Zhang, Wei Lin, LiWang and Jieliang Li, “Microfiber-enabled in-line Fabry-Perot interferometerfor high-sensitive force and refractive index sensing”, Journal of LightwaveTechnology, 32 (9): 1682-1688, 2014. (SCI: AF4FT; EI: 20**3)
106.?Zhiyong Bai, Weigang Zhang, Shecheng Gao, Hao Zhang, Li Wang, YongjiLiu and Tieyi Yan, “Simultaneous measurement of strain and temperature using along period fiber grating based on waist-enlarged fusion bitapers”, Journal ofOptics, 16 (4): 045401, 2014. (SCI: AE3AU; EI: 20**2)
107.?Binbin Song, Yinping Miao, Wei Lin, Hao Zhang, Jixuan Wu and Bo Liu,“Multi-mode interferometer-based twist sensor with low temperature sensitivityemploying square coreless fibers”, Optics Express, 21 (22): 26806-26811, 2013.(SCI: 252LZ; EI: 20**6)
108.?Zhiquan Cui, Weigang Zhang, Fang Liu, Hao Zhang, Zhiyong Bai,Pengcheng Ge and Shecheng Gao, “Asymmetrically corrugated long-period gratingsby burning fiber coating and etching cladding”, IEEE Photonics TechnologyLetters, 25 (20): 1961-1964, 2013. (SCI: 224KJ; EI: 20**8)
109.?Shecheng Gao, Weigang Zhang, Zhiyong Bai, Hao Zhang, Pengcheng Geng,Wei Lin and Jieliang Li, “Ultrasensitive refractive index sensor based onmicrofiber-assisted U-shape cavity”, IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 25(18): 1815-1818, 2013. (SCI: 217CY; EI: 20**2)
110.?Yinping Miao, Bo Liu, Kailiang Zhang, Hao Zhang, Ran Wang, Yan Liuand Jianquan Yao, “Magneto-optical tunability of magnetic fluid infiltratedmicrostructured optical fiber”, Optics and Laser Technology, 48: 280-284, 2013.(SCI : 137RA ; EI : 20**8)
111.?Pengcheng Geng, Weigang Zhang, Shecheng Gao, Hao Zhang, Jieliang Li,Shanshan Zhang, Zhiyong Bai and Li Wang, “Two-dimensional bending vectorsensing based on spatial cascaded orthogonal long period fiber”, OpticsExpress, 20 (27): 28557-28562, 2012. (SCI: 089LG; EI: 20**8)
112.?Yan Liu, Bo Liu, Yinping Miao, Hao Zhang and Jian Liu, “Effect ofbending and orientation on the fiber modal Mach-Zehnder interferometer”,Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, 54 (1): 136-139, 2012. (SCI: 859FC;EI: 201**)
113.?Jiabin Shang, Weigang Zhang, Shilei Wei, and Hao Zhang, “Two-channelfiber microcavity strain sensor based on fiber loop ring-down spectroscopy”,Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, 54 (5): 1305-1309, 2012. (SCI: 907QA;EI: 730)
114.?Qing Ji, Xiurong Ma, Jing Sun, Hao Zhang and Ying Yao, “Novel methodfor measurement of effective cavity length of DBR fiber”, Chinese OpticsLetters, 8 (4): 398-400, 2010. (EI: 289)
115.?Jing Sun, Xiurong Ma, Qing Ji, Hao Zhang and Jianhua Luo, “Study ona novel low-noise erbium-doped fiber amplifier”, Journal of OptoelectronicsLaser, 21 (11): 1638-1640, 2010 (EI: 495, in Chinese)
116.?Long Jin, Weigang Zhang, Jie Li, Hao Zhang, Bo Liu, Qingchang Tu,Guiyun Kai and Xiaoyi Dong, “Two-dimensional bend sensing with acantilever-mounted FBG”, Measurement Science and Technology, 17 (1): 168-172,2006. (SCI: 007FI; EI: 73)
117.?Guoyu Li, Qingying Dou, Yange Liu, Hao Zhang, Jian Zhang, ShuzhongYuan and Xiaoyi Dong, “Optical automatic gain-clamped erbium-doped fiberamplifier based on a high birefringence fiber Bragg grating”, Acta OpticaSinica, 26 (9): 1308-1312, 2006. (EI: 499, in Chinese)
118.?Tuan Guo, Qida Zhao, Qingying Dou, Hao Zhang, Lifang Xue, GuilingHuang and Xiaoyi Dong, “Temperature-insensitive fiber Bragg gratingliquid-level sensor based on bending cantilever beam”, IEEE Photonics TechnologyLetters, 17 (11): 2400-2402, 2005. (SCI: 978UI; EI: 41)
119.?Hongwei Gao, Hongmin Li, Bo Liu, Hao Zhang, Jianhua Luo, Ye Cao,Shuzhong Yuan, Weigang Zhang, Guiyun Kai and Xiaoyi Dong, “A novel fiber Bragggrating sensors multiplexing technique”, Optics Communications, 251 (4-6):361-366, 2005. (SCI: 943KZ; EI: 88)
120.?Lihui Liu, Qida Zhao, Guang Zhou, Hao Zhang, Shaohua Chen, LumingZhao, Ying Yao, Peng Guo and Xiaoyi Dong, “Study on an optical filterconstituted by concatenated Hi-Bi fiber loop mirrors”, Microwave and OpticalTechnology Letters, 43 (1): 23-26, 2004. (SCI: 849MO; EI: 15)
121.?Hongyun Meng, Weiqing Gao, Yange Liu, Hao Zhang, Chunliu Zhao,Shuzhong Yuan, Xiaoyi Dong and Songhao Liu, “The gain and noise figure improvementof reflection L-band erbium-doped fiber amplifier”, Optics Communications, 228(1-3): 85-89, 2003. (SCI: 743RA; EI: 87)
122.?Hongyun Meng, Yange Liu, Weiqing Gao, Hao Zhang, Shuzhong Yuan andXiaoyi Dong, “Reflection L-band erbium-doped fiber-amplifier-based on afiber-loop mirror”, Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, 36 (6): 501-503,2003. (SCI: 651AK; EI: 26)
123.?Zhenhong Wang, Zhi Wang, Yange Liu, Wenjing Zhao, Hao Zhang,Shangcheng Wang, Guang Yang and Ruijing He, “Q-switched soliton bunches andnoise-like pulses generation in a partially mode-locked fiber laser”, OpticsExpress, 24 (13): 14709-14716, 2016. (SCI: DT8RF; EI: 20**6)
124.?Yinping Miao, Xixi Ma, Yong He, Hongmin Zhang, Hao Zhang, BinbinSong, Bo Liu and Jianquan Yao, “Low-temperature-sensitive relative humiditysensor based on tapered square no-core fiber coated with SiO2 nanoparticles”, Optical Fiber Technology, 29: 59-64, 2016. (SCI: DL8AC; EI: 20**0)
125.?Yinping Miao, Xixi Ma, Jixuan Wu, Binbin Song, Hao Zhang, Bo Liu andJianquan Yao, “Photonic crystal fiber modal interferometer based onthin-core-fiber mode exciter”, Applied Optics, 54 (32): 9415-9418, 2015. (SCI:CV7MC)
126.?Yinping Miao, Xixi Ma, Jixuan Wu, Binbin Song, Hao Zhang, KailiangZhang, Bo Liu and Jianquan Yao, “Low-temperature cross-talk magnetic-fieldsensor based on tapered all-solid waveguide-array fiber and magnetic fluids”,Optics Letters, 40 (16): 3905-3908, 2015. (SCI: CP2SQ; EI: 20**5)
127.?Haifeng Liu, Yinping Miao, Bo Liu, Wei Lin, Hao Zhang, Binbin Song,Mengdi Huang and Lie Lin, “Relative humidity sensor based on S-taper fibercoated with SiO2 nanoparticles”, IEEE Sensors Journal, 15 (6):3424-3428, 2015. (SCI: CI7OV; EI: 20**3)
128.?Jixuan Wu, Yinping Miao, Binbin Song, Wei Lin, Hao Zhang, Kailiang Zhang,Bo Liu and Jianquan Yao, "Low temperature sensitive intensity-interrogated magneticfield sensor based on modal interference in thin-core fiber andmagnetic fluid", Applied Physics Letters, 104, 252402, 2014. (SCI: AK6CQ;EI: 20**7)
129.?Yinping Miao, Jixuan Wu, Wei Lin, Binbin Song, Hao Zhang, KailiangZhang, Bo Liu and Jianquan Yao, “Magnetic field tunability of square taperedno-core fibers based on magnetic fluid”, Journal of Lightwave Technology, 32(23): 4600-4605, 2014. (SCI: AS9WM; EI: 9)
130.?Yinping Miao, Kailiang Zhang, Bo Liu, Wei Lin, Hao Zhang, Ying Luand Jianquan Yao, “Ferrofluid-infiltrated microstructured optical fiber long-periodgrating”, IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 25 (3): 306-309, 2013. (SCI: 079MV;EI: 20**4)
131.?Zhiyong Bai, Weigang Zhang, Shecheng Gao, Pengcheng Geng, Hao Zhang,Jieliang Li and Fang Liu, “Compact long period grating based on periodicmicro-core-offset”, IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 25 (21): 2111-2114,2013. (SCI: 236PR; EI: 20**8)
132.?Yinping Miao, Kailiang Zhang, Yujie Yuan, Bo Liu, Hao Zhang, Yan Liuand Jianquan Yao, “Agarose gel-coated LPG based on two sensing mechanisms forrelative humidity measurement”, Applied Optics, 52 (1): 90-95, 2013. (SCI:073LZ; EI: 20**1)
133.?Pengcheng Geng, Weigang Zhang, Shecheng Gao, Shanshan Zhang, HaoZhang and Juan Ruan, “Orthogonal single-polarization single-core photoniccrystal fiber for wavelength splitting”, IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 24(15): 1304-1306, 2012. (SCI: 967HY; EI: 581)
134.?Shecheng Gao, Weigang Zhang, Pengcheng Geng, Xiaolin Xue, Hao Zhangand Zhiyong Bai, “Highly sensitive in-fiber refractive index sensor based ondown-bitaper seeded up-bitaper pair”, IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 24(20): 1878-1881, 2012. (SCI: 017PE; EI: 070)
135.?Yinping Miao, Bo Liu, Kailiang Zhang, Yan Liu and Hao Zhang,“Temperature tunability of photonic crystal fiber with Fe3O4 nanoparticlefluid”, Applied Physics Letters, 98 (2): 021103, 2011. (SCI: 709VZ; EI:166)
136.?Luming Zhao, Qida Zhao, Jin Zhou, Shuang Tian and Hao Zhang,“Two-dimensional multi-channel acousto-optic diffraction”, Ultrasonics, 50(4-5): 512-516, 2010. (SCI: 554PI; EI: 772)
137.?Qing Shi, Zhi Wang, Long Jin, Yuan Li, Hao Zhang, Fuyun Lu, GuiyunKai and Xiaoyi Dong, “A hollow-core photonic crystal fiber cavity basedmultiplexed Fabry-Perot interferometric strain sensor system”, IEEE PhotonicsTechnology Letters, 20 (13-16): 1329-1331, 2008. (SCI: 338KE; EI: 373)
138.?Xiurong Ma, Guiyun Kai, Zhifang Wu, Honglei Guo, Hao Zhang, YangeLiu, Shuzhong Yuan and Xiaoyi Dong, “Polarization-independent all-fibre combfilter with dynamically halved channel spacing”, Chinese Physics Letters, 22(5): 1159-1161, 2005. (SCI: 927OF)
139.?Yu Yan, Qida Zhao, Shaohua Chen, Lihui Liu, Hao Zhang and XiaoyiDong, “A novel variable optical attenuator and temperature sensor based onhigh-birefringence fiber-loop mirror”, Microwave and Optical TechnologyLetters, 44 (3): 259-261, 2005. (SCI: 888CB; EI: 73)
140.?Yu Yan, Qida Zhao, Shaohua Chen, Lihui Liu, Hao Zhang, GuilingHuang, Shiyu Gao and Xiaoyi Dong, “A novel temperature sensor and variableoptical attenuator based on a high-birefringence fiber loop mirror”, TechnicalPhysics Letters, 31 (4): 290-292, 2005. (SCI: 922VE; EI: 73)
141.?Fei Fan, Xuanzhou Zhang, Shanshan Li, Decai Deng, Ning Wang and HaoZhang, “Terahertz transmission and sensing properties of microstructured PMMAtube waveguide”, Optics Express, 23 (21): 27204-27212, 2015. (SCI: CY7FR)
142.?Yinping Miao, Xixi Ma, Jichao Lin, Binbin Song, Wei Lin, Hao Zhang,Bo Liu and Jianquan Yao, “Intensity-based magnetic field measurement employingtilted long-period fiber gratings”, Journal of Optics, 17 (10): 105609, 2015.(SCI: CY1JE; EI: 20**8)
143.?Jixuan Wu, Yinping Miao, Binbin Song, Wei Lin, Kailiang Zhang, HaoZhang, Bo Liu and Jianquan Yao, “Simultaneous measurement of displacement andtemperature based on thin-core fiber modal interferometer”, OpticsCommunications, 340: 136-140, 2015. (SCI: AZ5JX; EI: 20**3)
144.?Jixuan Wu, Yinping Miao, Wei Lin, Kailiang Zhang, Binbin Song, HaoZhang, Bo Liu and JianqunYao, “Dual-direction magnetic field sensor based oncore-offset microfiber and ferrofluid”, IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 26(15): 1581-1584, 2014. (SCI: AM9MA; EI: 20**4)
145.?Jixuan Wu, Yinping Miao, Wei Lin, Binbin Song, Kailiang Zhang, HaoZhang, Bo Liu and Jianquan Yao, “Magnetic-field sensor based on core-offsettapered optical fiber and magnetic fluid”, Journal of Optics, 16 (7): 075705,2014. (SCI: AK9PO; EI: 20**5)
146.?Jixuan Wu, Yinping Miao, Binbin Song, Kailiang Zhang, Wei Lin, HaoZhang, Bo Liu and Jianquan Yao, “Temperature-insensitive optical fiberrefractometer based on multimode interference in two cascaded no-core squarefibers”, Applied Optics, 53 (22): 5037-5041, 2014. (SCI: AN8BC; EI:6)
147.?Tuan Guo, J. Yang, Qida Zhao, Guiling Huang, Lifang Xue, Hao Zhangand Xiaoyi Dong, “Temperature-immune and intensity-referenced pressure sensorbased on strain-induced quadratic-chirped fibre Bragg grating”, ElectronicsLetters, 43 (2): 90-92, 2007. (SCI: 194AW)
148.?Xiurong Ma, Zhifang Wu, Guiyun Kai, Yange Liu, Lihui Liu, Hao Zhang,Shuzhong Yuan and Xiaoyi Dong, “Polarization-independent all-fiber flat-topcomb filter”, Optical Fiber Technology, 12 (1): 1-9, 2006. (SCI: 001MK; EI:02)
Conference Contributions
1.?Hao Zhang, “Generation oforbital angular momentum light in optical fibers”, The 10th InternationalConference on Information Optics and Photonics (CIOP2018), Invited Talk,Beijing, China, 2018.07.08-07.11.?
2.?Hao Zhang, Bo Liu, Yange Liu,Yinping Miao, Xingya Chen and Yunqi Liu, “Multilongitudinal-mode fiber lasertemperature sensor and its applications in the measurement of temperaturedependence of fiber birefringence”, Proceedings of SPIE, Optical Sensors andBiophotonics III, 8311: 83110Q, Shanghai, China, 2011.11.29. (EI:202)
3.?Hao Zhang, Ling Yu, Yange Liu,Chao Wang, Lihui Liu, Lingyun Xiong, Shuzhong Yuan and Xiaoyi Dong, “A novelmethod to improve noise figure for double-pass L-band EDFA”, Conference onPassive Components and Fiber-based Devices, Proceedings of SPIE, 5623: 799-802,Beijing, China, 2004.11.09-11. (EI: 03)
4.?Hao Zhang, Bo Liu, LingyunXiong, Ling Yu, Qingying Dou, Shaohua Chen, Y Liu, Lihui Liu, Shuzhong Yuan andXiaoyi Dong, “An all-fiber electric voltage sensor based on high birefringencefiber loop mirror”, Conference on Passive Components and Fiber-based Devices,Proceedings of SPIE, 5623: 817-820, Beijing, China, 2004.11.09-11. (EI:06)
5.?Hao Zhang, Ling Yu, Yange Liu,Lihui Liu, Shuzhong Yuan and Xiaoyi Dong, “Discretely tunable all-fiberFabry-Perot laser based on birefringence fiber loop mirror and fiber Bragggrating”, Asia-Pacific Optical and Wireless Communications Conference (APOC2003), Proceedings of SPIE, 5280: 849-852, Wuahan, China, 2004.11.04-06. (EI:11)
6.?Hao Zhang, Yange Liu, Ling Yu,Lihui Liu, Guang Zhou, Shuzhong Yuan and Xiaoyi Dong, “Novel all-fiber variableoptical attenuator based on high birefringence fiber loop mirror”, Asia-PacificOptical and Wireless Communications Conference (APOC 2003), Proceedings ofSPIE, 5279: 456-460, Wuahan, China, 2004.11.04-06. (EI: 07)
7.?Yuetao Li, Hao Zhang*, Bo Liu,Yuhan Li and Binbin Song, “Whispering-gallery-mode tuning in amagnetic-fluid-infiltrated microbubble resonator based on laser-inducedphoto-thermal effect”, Optics InfoBase Conference Papers,?v Part F37-APOS2016,?Asia-Pacific Optical Sensors Conference, APOS 2016, Shanghai, China,2016.10.11-10.14. (EI: 20**4)
8.?Ninging Gu, Hao Zhang*, Bo Lu,Shouxin Kang, Nanjie Xie and Binbin Song, “Magnetic field sensor based onconcatenation of fiber peanut and long-period fiber grating with resolved temperaturecross sensitivity”, ICOCN2016 15th International Conference on OpticalCommunications and Networks, Hangzhou, China, 2016.09.24-09.27 (EI:20**4)
9.?Wei Lin, Hao Zhang, BinbinSong, Bo Liu, Dongling Yandong, Haifeng Liu, Yinping Miao and Yange Liu, “Magneticfield sensor based on fiber taper coupler coated with magnetic fluid”,Proceedings of SPIE, 24th International Conference on Optical FibreSensors, 9634: 96347U, Curitiba, Brazil, 2015.09.28-10.02. (EI: 20**9)
10.?Shouxin Kang, Hao Zhang*, BoLiu and Yinping Miao, "Grating-spacing-dependent spectral characteristicsof single-mode-fiber-based cascaded acousto-optic tunable filters",Proceedings of SPIE, ACP 2014, Shanghai, China, 2014.11.11-14. (EI:20**9)
11.?Haifeng Liu, Hao Zhang*, Bo Liuand Yinping Miao, "Relative humidity sensor based on S-Taper fiber coated with polyvinyl alcohol", Proceedings of SPIE, ACP2014, Shanghai, China, 2014.11.11-14. (EI: 20**7)
12.?Minghui Qiu, Hao Zhang*,Yinping Miao, Bo Liu and Lihui Liu, “Spectral purification and stabilization ofan acousto-optic tunable filter based on water-filled solid-coremicrostructured fiber”, Proceedings of SPIE, ACP/IPOC 2013, AF2D.17, Beijing,China, 2013.11.12-15. (EI: 20**3)
13.?Yange Liu, Hao Zhang, ShuzhongYuan, Jianguo Tian and Xiaoyi Dong, “Study on gain and noise characteristics ofall-optical gain-clamped Fabry-Perot lasing erbium-doped fiber amplifier usingfiber Bragg reflectors”, Conference on Asia-Pacific Optical and WirelessCommunication (APOC2002), 4906: 428-432, Shanghai, China, 2002.10.15-18. (EI:51)
14.?Binbin Song, Bo Liu, Hao Zhang,Jixuan Wu, Xu Zhang, Haifeng Liu and Wei Huang, “Side-hole-fiber basedmicrofluidic biosensor for label-free DNA hybridization kinetics detection”, OpticalFiber Sensors, OFS2018, Lausanne, Switzerland, 2018.09.24-28. (EI: 20**5)
15.?Chengkun Yang, Bo Liu, HaoZhang and Haifeng Liu, “Electrically tunable whispering gallery mode resonatorbased on liquid-crystal-infiltrated silica capillary”, CLEO: Applications andTechnology, ATu4B.8, San Jose, California, USA, 2017.05.14-19. (EI: 20**7)
16.?Chenglai Jia, Bo Liu, Hao Zhangand Yinping Miao, “Dynamic temperature compensation interrogation technique forliquid level sensors array based on single-longitudinal-mode DBR fiber laser”, Proceedingsof SPIE, 22nd International Conference on Optical Fiber Sensors, 8421: 84215.9,Beijing, China, **-19. (EI: 20**5)
17.?Jianhua Luo, Bo Liu, Hao Zhang,Yifang Kang and Mengdong He, “Bending-induced sensing sensitivity insingle-longitude-mode DBR fiber laser”, Proceedings of SPIE, 2011 InternationalConference on Optical Instruments and Technology: Optical Sensors andApplications, 8199: 819915, Beijing, China, **-09. (EI: 201**)
18.?Kevin Koh, Tobias Wood, HaoZhang, Karim Lekarim, Daniel Elson and Guangzhong Yang, “Fluorescenceexcitation spectroscopic imaging with a tunable light source and dimensionalityreduction using FR-IsoMap”, Progress in Biomedical Optics and Imaging,Proceedings of SPIE, 6848: 68480Z, San Jose, California, United States,2008.01.20-21. (EI: 781)
19.?Hongwei Gao, Bo Liu, Hao Zhangand Jianhua Luo, “Petri Net based fiber Bragg grating sensing multiplexingtechnique”, 20th Congress of the International-Commission-for-Optics,Proceedings of SPIE, 6031: B310, Changchun, China, 2005.08.21-26.(EI:78)
20.?Wei Lin, Yinping Miao, Bo Liu,Hao Zhang, Yange Liu and Binbin Song, “All-fiber magnetometer based onSagnac loop and magnetic fluid”, Proceedings of SPIE, ACP/IPOC 2013,AW4D.4, Beijing, China, **-15. (EI: 20**4)
21.?Jianhua Luo, Bo Liu, HaibinZhou, Hao Zhang and Shaolin Yan, “Fiber laser based multiplexed sensingsystem”, APOS: 2008 1st Asia-Pacific Optical Fiber Sensors Conference, **,2008.11.7-9. (EI: 626)
22.?Lihui Liu, Qida Zhao, WeigangZhang, Hao Zhang, Long Jin, Luming Zhao, Yu Yan, Shiyu Gao and Xiaoyi Dong,“Fibre grating pressure sensor with enhanced sensitivity”, Conference onPassive Components and Fiber-based Devices, Proceedings of SPIE, 5623: 16-19,Beijing, China, 2004.11.09-11. (EI: 44)
23.?Lihui Liu, Luming Zhao, GuangZhou, Hao Zhang, Shuyang Hu, Guiling Huang, Shiya He and Qida Zhao, “A Sagnacfilter composed of high-birefringence loops”, Conference on Passive Componentsand Fiber-based Devices, Proceedings of SPIE, 5623: 867-871, Beijing, China,2004.11.09-11. (EI: 13)
24.?Hongyun Meng, Zhigang Wu,Weiqing Gao, Hao Zhang, Shuzhong Yuan and Xiaoyi Dong, “Theoretical studies onthe gain characteristics for 1064nm-pumped thulium-doped fiber amplifier”,Conference on Asia-Pacific Optical and Wireless Communication (APOC2002), 4906:392-397, Shanghai, China, 2002.10.16-18. (EI: 46)
25.?Chengli Wei, Zhi Wang, YangeLiu, Bo Liu, Hao Zhang and Yunqi Liu, “Coupling characteristics of afluid-filled dual-core photonic crystal fiber based on temperature tuning”, Proceedingsof SPIE, Conference on Passive Components and Fiber-Based Devices VIII, 8307:83071R, Shanghai, China, 2011.11.14-16. (EI: 20**0)
26.?Binbin Song, Bo Liu, Wei Lin,Yinping Miao, Hao Zhang, Jixuan Wu, Haifeng Liu and Donglin Yan, “Ultrahighsensitive twist sensor employing Sagnac interferometer based on PM-ellipticalcore fibers”, Proceeding of SPIE, 24th International Conference onOptical Fibre Sensors, 9634: 963453, Curitiba, Brazil, 2015.09.28-10.02. (EI: 20**0)
27.?Yinping Miao, Bo Liu, KailiangZhang, Wei Lin, Hao Zhang and Jianquan Yao, “Magneto-optical tunability ofmicrostructured optical fiber filled with ferrofluid”, Proceedings of SPIE, 2012Asia Communications and Photonics Conference (ACP), AS2A.4, Guangzhou, China, 2012.11.07-10. (EI:20**5)
28.?Yan Liu, Xiang Huang, Bo Liu,Yinping Miao, Hao Zhang and Xingya Chen, “Relative humidity sensor based onlong period grating with agarose gel coating”, Proceedings of SPIE, 2011International conference on Optical Instruments and Technology: OptoelectronicMeasurement Technology and Systems, 8201: 820109, Beijing, China, 2011.1106-09.(EI: 213)
29.?Yinping Miao, Bo Liu, KailiangZhang, Yan Liu and Hao Zhang, “Intensity measurement liquid-level sensor basedon weakly tilted fiber Bragg grating”, Proceedings of SPIE, Optical Sensors andBiophotonics III, 8311:83112G,Shanghai, China, 2011.1113-16.
30.?Qida Zhao, Lihui Liu, ShaohuaChen, Luming Zhao, Hao Zhang, Yu Yan and Guiling Huang, “Temperaturecompensation for high birefringence fiber loop mirror”, Proceedings of SPIE, Conferenceon Passive Components and Fiber-based Devices, 5623: 872-875, Beijing, China,2004.11.09-11. (EI: 14)
31.?Yinping Miao Yan Liu, Bo Liu,Kailiang Zhang, Hao Zhang and Qida Zhao, “Intensity-modulated temperaturesensor based on the photonic crystal fibers filled with magnetic fluid”,Proceedings of SPIE, 21st International Conference on Optical FiberSensors, 7753: 775347, Ottawa, Canada, 2011.05.15-19. (EI: 009)
32.?Yinping Miao, Jixuan Wu, WeiLin, Kailiang Zhang, Binbin Song, Hao Zhang and Bo Liu, “Magneticfield tunability of square tapered no-core fibers", Proceedings ofSPIE, 23rd International Conference on Optical Fibre Sensors, 9157: 302,Santander, Spain, 2014.06.02-06. (EI: 20**9)
33.?Yinping Miao, Jia Mao, JixuanWu, Wei Lin, Binbin Song, Kailiang Zhang, Hao Zhang and Bo Liu, “Magnetic-fieldsensor based on tapered all-solid waveguide-array fiber and magnetic fluids”,Proceeding of SPIE, 24th International Conference on Optical FibreSensors, 9634: 96346W, Curitiba, Brazil, 2015.09.28-10.02. (EI: 20**5)
34.?Yinping Miao, Bo Liu, KailiangZhang, Xiaoyun Zhu, Yan Liu, Xingya Chen and Hao Zhang, “Bend response ofweakly tilted Bragg grating inscribed in all-solid photonic band-gap fibers”,Proceedings of SPIE, 3rd Asia Pacific Optical Sensors Conference,8351: 835116, Sydney, Australia, 2012.01.31-02.03. (EI: 252)
updated on May. 3, 2019
讲授课程 Thermal Physics (undergraduate course); Linear Algebra(undergraduate course)
社会兼职 Senior Member of Chinese Optics Society
Editorial Board Member for Scientific Reports
Reviewer for international journals including Biosensor &Bioelectronics, Nanophotonics,?Sensors and Actuators B,?OSA Continuum, Photonics Research, Optics Letters, Optics Express, Nanotechnology, IEEE PhotonicsJournal, Sensors, IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, ?Journal of Optics, Sensors,?Smart Materials and Structures,?Measurement Science and Technology, Optics Communications,?Applied Optics, etc.
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