

本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-09-19

姓  名
关庆鑫 性  别

1981-12 籍  贯
学  历
博士 毕业院校
职  称
副教授 管理职务

教学科研 系所单位

电 话

1. 纳米催化材料与多相催化
2. 氯乙烯合成无汞催化剂
3. 金属填隙化合物及生物燃油转换
4. 室内空气净化和甲醛低温催化氧化



1. Facile in-situ Encapsulation of Highly Dispersed Ni@MCM‐41 for the Trans‐Decalin Production from Hydrogenation of Naphthalene at Low Temperature
Xiaoyun Song, Qingxin Guan*, Yu Shu, Xiaojing Zhang, Wei Li*
ChemCatChem, 2019, 11, 1286-1294.
2. The Synergistic Effect of CuZnCeOx in Controlling the Formation of Methanol and CO from CO2 Hydrogenation
Xiaosong Hu, Wei Qin, Qingxin Guan*, Wei Li*
ChemCatChem, 2018, 10, 4438-4449.
3. Bio-friendly controllable synthesis of silver nanoparticles and their enhanced antibacterial property
Qingxin Guan, Chanchan Xia, Wei Li*
Catal. Today, 2019, 327, 196-202.
4. Investigation on hydroisomerization and hydrocracking of C15–C18n-alkanes utilizing a hollow tubular Ni-Mo/SAPO-11 catalyst with high selectivity of jet fuel
Guanhua Xing, Siyang Liu, Qingxin Guan*, Wei Li*
Catal. Today, 2019, 330, 109-116.
5.Nondestructive construction of Lewis acid sites on the surface of supported nickel phosphide catalysts by atomic-layer deposition
Guoxia Yun, Qingxin Guan*, Wei Li*
J. Catal. 2018, 361, 12-22.
6.Eco-friendly controllable synthesis of highly dispersed ZIF-8 embedded in porous Al2O3 and its hydrogenation properties after encapsulating Pt nanoparticles
Xiaoyun Song, Qingxin Guan*, Zitao Cheng, Wei Li**
Appl. Catal. B-Environ. 2018, 227, 13-23.
7.The synthesis and mechanistic studies of a highly active nickel phosphide catalyst for naphthalene hydrodearomatization
Guoxia Yun, Qingxin Guan* and Wei Li *
RSC Adv., 2017, 7, 8677 - 8687.
8. Catalytic performance and deoxygenation path of methyl palmitate on Ni2P-SiO2 synthesized using the thermal decomposition of nickel hypophosphite
Qingxin Guan, Fei Han, Wei Li*
RSC Adv., 2016, 6, 31308 - 31315
9. Deoxygenation of methyl palmitate over SiO2-supported nickel phosphide catalysts: effects of pressure and kinetic investigation
Fei Han, Qingxin Guan*, Wei Li*
RSC Adv., 2015, 5, 107533-107539
10. Hydrodeoxygenation of methyl palmitate over MCM-41 supported nickel phosphide catalysts
Qingxin Guan, Fanfan Wan, Fei Han, Zihe Liu, Wei Li*
Catal.Today, 2016, 259, 467-473.
11. Synthesis of bulk and supported nickel phosphide using microwave radiation for hydrodeoxygenation of methyl palmitate
Yinan Xue, Qingxin Guan,* and Wei Li
RSC Advances, 2015, 5, 53623-53628
12. Modification with boehmite-derived alumina nanoparticles enhances mechanical properties of resin
Qingxin Guan, Hui Wang, Bohan Chai and Wei Li*
RSC Advances, 2015, 5, 52710-52717
13. A feasible approach to the synthesis of nickel phosphide for hydrodesulfurization.
Qingxin Guan, Xun Cheng, Rongguan Li, Wei Li*
Journal of Catalysis, 2013, 299, 1-9.
14. The synthesis and evaluation of highly active Ni2P–MoS2 catalysts using the decomposition of hypophosphites
Qingxin Guan, Wei Li
Catal. Sci. Technol., 2012, 2, 2356-2360.
15. The synthesis and investigation of ruthenium phosphide catalysts
Qingxin Guan, Cuiping Sun, Rongguan Li, Wei Li
Catalysis Communications, 2011 (14) 114-117.
16. A novel synthetic approach to synthesizing bulk and supported metal phosphides.
Qingxin Guan, Wei Li*
Journal of Catalysis, 2010, 271(2), 413-415.
17. Alternative synthesis of bulk and supported nickel phosphide from the thermal decomposition of hypophosphites.
Qingxin Guan, Wei Li*, Minghui Zhang, Keyi Tao.
Journal of Catalysis, 2009, 263(1), 1-3.


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