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教育背景 2003年9月 – 2009年6月,北京交通大学,博士
1999年9月 – 2003年7月,北京交通大学,学士

工作经历 2015.7-至今 南开大学 商学院 讲师
2009.7-2015.6 南开大学 泰达学院 讲师
2013.12-2014.12 University of Maryland, Robert H. Smith School of Business, 访问****

获奖成果 2011年,南开大学捷成奖教金。

[1]Ping Chen, Bruce Golden, Xingyin Wang, Edward Wasil*. ANovel Approach to Solve the Split Delivery Vehicle Routing Problem. International Transactions in Operational Research. 2017. 24(1-2):27-41. DOI: 10.1111/itor.12250.

[2] 肖建华,王超文,陈萍*牛云云. 基于城市道路限行的多能源多车型车辆路径优化.系统工程理论与实践. 2017, 37(5):1339-1348.

[3] Jianhua Xiao, Ying Liu, Shuai Zhang, Ping Chen*. An Adaptive Membrane Evolutionary Algorithm forSolving Constrained Engineering Optimization Problems. Journal of Universal Computer Science, vol. 23, no. 7 (2017), 652-672.
[4] Xingye Dong*, Maciek Nowak, Ping Chen, Youfang Lin. Self-adaptive perturbation and multi-neighborhood search for iterated local search on the permutation flow shop problem. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 87:176-185, 2015.

[5] Xingye Dong*, Ping Chen, Houkuan Huang and Maciek Nowak. A multi-restart iterated local search algorithm for the permutation flow shop problem minimizing total flow time. Computers & Operations Research, 40(2:627-632, 2013.
[6] Ping Chen*, Xingye Dong, Yanchao Niu. An iterated local search algorithm for the cumulative capacitated vehicle routing problem. In: Technology for Education and Learning. Advances in Intelligent and Soft Computing, 136:575-581, 2012.
[7] 陈萍*,黄厚宽,董兴业. 求解多车型车辆路径问题的变邻域搜索算法. 系统仿真学报, 23(9):1945-1950, 2011.

[8] Ping Chen*, Houkuan Huang, Xingye Dong. Iterated variable neighborhood descent algorithm for the capacitated vehicle routing problem. Expert Systems with Applications, 37(2):1620-1627, 2010.

[9] Xingye Dong*, Houkuan Huang, Ping Chen, An iterated local search algorithm for the permutation flowshop problem with total flowtime criterion. Computers & Operations Research, 36(5):1664-1669, 2009.

[10] 陈萍*,黄厚宽,董兴业.基于多邻域的车辆路径优化迭代局部搜索算法. 北京交通大学学报, 33(2):1-5, 2009.

[11] 陈萍*,黄厚宽,董兴业. 求解卸装一体化车辆路径问题的混合启发式算法. 计算机学报, 31(4):1-9, 2008.

[12]Xingye Dong*, Houkuan Huang, Ping Chen, An improved NEH-based heuristic for the permutation flowshop problem. Computers & Operations Research, 35(12):3962-3968, 2008.

[13]董兴业*,黄厚宽,陈萍. 多目标同顺序流水作业的局部搜索算法. 计算机集成制造系统, 14(3):535-542, 2008.
[14]Jianhua Xiao, Juanjuan He, Ping Chen, Yunyun Niu. An improved dynamic membrane evolutionary algorithm for constrained engineering design proble. 15:579-589, 2016.
[15] Jianhua Xiao, Yunyun Niu, Ping Chen, Stephen C.H. Leung, Fei Xing. An improved gravitational search algorithm for green partner selection in virtual enterprises. Neurocomputing, 217:103-109, 2016.
[16] 肖建华,陈萍,刘秉镰. 基于城市道路拥堵的物流配送车辆停车收费定价研究. 商业经济与管理. 38(2):16-23, 2018.

[1] Oliver Lum, Ping Chen, Xingyin Wang, Bruce Golden, Edward Wasil. A Heuristic Approach for the Swap-body Vehicle outing Problem. 14th INFORMS Computing Society Conference Richmond, Virginia, January 11-13, 2015, pp. 172-187.
[2] Xingye Dong, Ping Chen, Houkuan Huang, Maciek Nowak. An Acceleration Method for the Permutation Flow Shop Problem Minimizing Total Flow Time. IEEM 2012, December 10-13, 2012, Hong Kong.
[3] Xingye Dong, Ping Chen, Houkuan Huang. An improved iterated local search algorithm for the permutation flowshop problem with total flowtime. 2011 International Conference on Automation and Robotics ( ICAR 2011), 122 LNEE, pp. 41-48.
[4] Xingye Dong, Houkuan Huang, Ping Chen. Study on iterated local search algorithm for permutation flowshop problem with total flowtime objective. International Conference of Applied Informatics and Communication, 225 CCIS, 2011, pp. 236-245.
[5] Xingye Dong, Houkuan Huang, Ping Chen. Study on heuristics for the permutation flowshop with sequence dependent setup times. IEEE IRI, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, 2009, pp. 3962-3968.
[6] Ping Chen, Youli Qu, Houkuan Huang, Xingye Dong. A new hybrid iterated local search for the open vehicle routing problem.In 2008 Pacific-Asia Workshop on Computational Intelligence and Industrial Applications, Wuhan, China, 2008, pp. 891-895.
[7] Ping Chen, Houkuan Huang, Xingye Dong. A hybrid heuristic algorithm for the vehicle routing problem with simultaneous delivery and pickup. In 2007 Second IEEE Conference on Industrial Electronics and Applications, Harbin, China, 2007, pp. 136-141.(Best Paper Award)
[8] Xingye Dong, Houkuan Huang, Ping Chen. An efficient tabu search algorithm for the permuation flow shop problem. Dynamics of Continuous Discrete and Impulsive System-Series B-Applications & Algorithms, 13E, 2006, pp. 499-504.
[9] Huaying Ding, Xinyao Yu, Zijian Min, Ping Chen*. A Heuristic Approach for Solving the Multi-trip Electric and Conventional Vehicle Routing Problem. 7th IEEE International Conference on Logistics, Informatics and Service Sciences (LISS 2017), Beijing, Aug. 2017.
[10] 陈萍,李航. 基于时间满意度的O2O外卖配送路径优化研究. 第十八届中国管理科学学术年会. 2016年10月,西安.
[11] Ping Chen, Xingye Dong, Jianhua Xiao. Study on split delivery open vehicle routing problem within two splits. 2016 12th International Conference on Natural Computation and 13th Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery (ICNC-FSKD), August 2016. Changsha.

[1] 中国现代物流发展报告(2011) 第七章 成渝经济区物流发展状况 主编.
[2] 中国现代物流发展报告(2011)(英文版)第四章主编之一。
[3] 中国现代物流发展报告(2012) 第八章 港澳台地区物流发展状况 主编。
[4] 中国现代物流发展报告(2015)执行主编
[5] Contemporary Logistics in China:New Horizon and New Blueprint. Springer, 2016, 第三主编.
[6] 中国现代物流发展报告(2016)第六章 中国公路物流发展报告 主编.
[7] Contemporary Logistics in China:Reformation and Perpetuation. Springer,2017,Chapter 2主编.

研究课题 [1]国家自然科学基金青年项目 ,“考虑交通限行约束的绿色城市物流配送多能源车辆路径优化研究”(**),主持,2018年1月1日-2020年12月31日;
[2] 教育部人文社会科学青年基金项目, “基于碳排放的城市时变交通网络环境下物流运输调度研究”(13YJC630010),主持,已结项; [3]中央高校基本科研业务费一般项目, “应急物流中基于物联网环境的城市救援车辆调度研究”(NKZXB10104),主持,已结项。

教授课程 本科生课程:《采购管理》、《库存管理》、《专业英语》、《运筹学案例分析与建模》
留学生课程《Introduction to Principles of Management》、《Procurement Management》

社会兼职 中国运筹学会会员

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