

本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-09-19


王萍,1978年出生,天津人。2001年毕业于吉林大学文学院,获文学学士学位;2001年~2007年,就读于南开大学文学院,师从石锋先生学习实验语音学,获得文学硕士学位和文学博士学位。2007年7月起留校任教。2018.9-2019.9获得国家留学基金委(CSC)资助,以访问****身份赴日本青山学院大学留学(导师:远藤 光晓 先生)。访学期间,曾到早稻田大学进行学术交流。
Sept 2004- Jul 2007 Ph.D.,School ofLiterature, Nankai University. Major: Experimental Phonetics. ( Academic Adviser: SHI, Feng )
Sept 2001- Jul 2004 M.A., School of Literature, Nankai University. Major: Experimental Phonetics. ( Academic Adviser: SHI, Feng )
Sept 1997- Jul 2001 B.E., School of Literature, Jilin University

Academic Working Experience:
Sep 2018- Sep 2019 Visiting Scholar, Aoyama Gakuin University (Academic Adviser: prof. Mitsuaki Endo)
Dec 2011-Present Associate Professor, School of Literature, Nankai University
Jul 2007-Present Lecturer, School of Literature, Nankai University

ResearchInterest : Experimental Phonetics, the Interface of Phonetics and Phonology, Chinese Intonation.
Undertaking Courses:
Modern Chinese ( Undergraduates)
Chinese Listening and Speaking ( Undergraduate International Students)
Experimental Phonetics (Postgraduates)
Professional English (Postgraduates)
Special Lectures on Tones, Vowels and Intonation, National Advanced Workshop on Phonetics

2004 天津话声调的变异,《乐在其中——王士元教授七十华诞庆祝文集》,天津:南开大学出版社。(第二作者)
2004. The new changes in Tianjin dialect. The Joy of Research a Festival in Honor of Professor William S-Y. Wang on His Seventieth Birthday.Tianjin: Nankai Press. (2nd author)
2006a 北京话单字音声调的统计分析,《中国语文》,第1期。(第二作者)(一级顶尖 CSSCI)
2006a A statistic analysis of the tones in Beijing Mandarin. ZHONGGUO YUWEN 1. (2nd author) (CSSCI)
2006b 北京话单字音声调的分组统计分析,《当代语言学》第4期。(第二作者)(二级顶尖 CSSCI)
2006b A statistic analysis of tone groups in Beijing Mandarin. Contemporary Linguistics 4. (2nd author)(CSSCI)
2008a 北京话一级元音的统计分析,《中国语音学报》第1辑,北京:商务印书馆。(第一作者)
2008b The statistic analysis on the first class vowels in Beijing Mandarin. Chinese Journal of Phonetics 1.
(1st author)
2008b 北京话二合元音/ai/、/au/、/ia/、/ua/韵腹/a/的听感实验研究,《语言文字应用》,第3期。(独撰)(二级顶尖 CSSCI)
2008b A perceptual experiment of the nuclei /a/ of /ai/、/au/、/ia/、/ua/ in Beijing Mandarin. Applied Linguistics3. (independent author) (CSSCI)
2008c 试说当代汉语新方言,《中国北方方言与文化》,首尔:韩国文化社。(第三作者)
2008c The tentative analysis on the new dialect in contemporary Mandarin. Chinese Northern Dialects and Culture.Seoul: Korean Culture Press. (3rd author)
2009a 天津话声调新变化的再考察,《汉藏语学报》第3期,商务印书馆。(第一作者)
2009a A further study on the changes of tonesin Tianjindialect. Journal of Sino-Tibetan Linguistics3. (1st author)
2009b 汉语普通话陈述句语调的起伏度,《南开语言学刊》,第2期。(第二作者)(CSSCI)
2009b The undulating scale of theintonation of declarative sentences in Standard Chinese, Nankai Linguistics 2. (2nd author) (CSSCI)
2010a 论语音格局,《南开语言学刊》,第1期。(第三作者)(CSSCI)
2010a. On sound Pattern, Nankai Linguistics 1. (3rd author) (CSSCI)
2010b 汉语北京话疑问句语调的起伏度,《南开语言学刊》,第2期。(第一作者)(CSSCI)
2010b The undulating scale of intonation of interrogative sentences in Standard Chinese, Nankai Linguistics 2.(1st author) (CSSCI)
2010c 元音的三维空间,《当代语言学》第3期。(第一作者)(二级顶尖 CSSCI)
2010c The research on the three dimensional space of vowels, Contemporary Linguistics 3. (1st author) (CSSCI)
2011a 试论语调研究格局的研究方法,《当代外语研究》,第5期。(第一作者)
2011a The study method on the intonation pattern, Contemporary Foreign Languages Studys 5. (1st author)
2011b 汉语语调的基本模式,《南开语言学刊》,第2期。(第一作者)(CSSCI)
2011b The basic pattern of Chinese intonation,Nankai Linguistics2. (1st author) (CSSCI)
2012a 普通话陈述句中的音高下倾和降阶,《中国语音学报》,第3期。(第一作者)
2012a The declination and downstep of declarative sentences in Standard Mandarin, Chinese Journal of Phonetic 3. (1st author)
2012b 声调统计研究中的T值演算法和偏分布演算法,《实验语言学》创刊号。(第一作者)
2012b The arithmetics onTand skewing in statistic research of tones - A case study of the citation tones of Beijing Mandarin, EXPERIMENTAL LINGUISTICS 1. (1st author)
2012c “了1”、“了2”在汉语语调中的表现,《汉藏语学报》,第6期。(第一作者)
2012c The different realization of “了1”and “了2”in the intonation of Standard Chinese, Journal of Sino-Tibetan Linguistics6. (1st author)
2013 普通话语调基本模式中句调域、词调域的同构性,《语言科学》第5期。(二级顶尖 CSSCI)
2013 The isomorphism shared by Full Range and Sub-Range in basic pattern of intonation in Standard Mandarin. Linguistic Sciences 5. (1st author) (CSSCI)
2014a 边界调和焦点调,中国语言学报(Journal of Chinese Linguistics),第42卷第1期。
(第二作者)(二级顶尖 SSCI)
2014a Boundary tone and focus tone, Journal of Chinese Linguistics( 42):1. ( 2nd author) (SSCI)
2014b 汉语普通话上声的听感范畴 ,《中国语文》第4期。(第一作者)
(人大复印报刊资料 语言文字学2014年第10期全文转载)(一级顶尖 CSSCI)
2014b The perceptional category of tone3 in standard Mandarin, ZHONGGUO YUWEN 4.
(1st author) (CSSCI)
2014c 汉语普通话基础元音的统计特性,《南开语言学刊》第2期。(第一作者)(CSSCI)
2014c The statistical analysis on the basic vowels in Standard Mandarin.NANKAI LINGUISTIC 2. (1st author) (CSSCI)
2015 “是”字强调焦点句的语调实验研究,《汉语学习》第3期。(独撰)(二级顶尖 CSSCI)
2015 The expeirmental study on the intonation of the emphatic sentences with marked word "shi", HANYU XUEXI 4. ( independent author ) (CSSCI)
2016 汉语普通话阴平调的听感范畴,《当代语言学》第1期.(第二作者)(二级顶尖 CSSCI)
2016 The perceptional category of tone1 in standard Mandarin, CONTEMPOARY LINGUISTICS 1. (2nd author) (CSSCI)
2017a On the mid vowel phoneme in Mandarin phonology, Lingua,volume 196, 1-9. Available online at www.sciencedirect.com. (second author) (一级顶尖 SSCI)
2017b 汉语普通话基础元音的分组统计分析,《南开语言学刊》第1期。(第一作者)(CSSCI)
2017b The grouped statistical study on the basic vowels in Standard Mandarin, NANKAI LINGUISTICS 1. (1st author) (CSSCI)
2017c 较大样本普通话陈述句和疑问句的音高分析,《语言文字应用》第4期。(第一作者) (二级顶尖CSSCI)
2017c The experimental study on the pitch of declarative sentences and interrogative sentences in Standard Mandarin based on a large sample, YUYAN WENZI YINGYONG 4. (1st author) (CSSCI)
2017d 汉语普通话基础元音三维空间的统计性研究,《中国语音学报》第8辑。(第一作者)
2017d The statistical study on the three-dimentional space of the basic vowels in standard Chinese, Chinese Journal of Phonetics8. (1st author)
2017e The study on the intonation acquition of positive and negative questions in Standard Mandarin by Thai students, NANKAI LINGUISTICS 1. (1st author) (CSSCI)
2019a 汉语普通话不同语句类型的时长分布模式,《语言教学与研究》,第2期。(第一作者)(二级顶尖 CSSCI)
2019a Distribution patterns of duration of different sentence types in Standard Mandarin, LANGUAGE TEACHING AND LINGUISTIC STUDIES 2. (1st author) (CSSCI)
2019b 汉语普通话前响二合元音共振峰模式的异质性表现,《语言科学》。(独撰)(二级顶尖 CSSCI)
2019b The heterogeneity existing in fomant patterns of falling diphthongs in Standard Mandarin, YUYAN KEXUE3. ( independent author ) (CSSCI)
2019c 汉语普通话“是”字焦点句的韵律表现,《语言文字应用》,第3期。(第一作者)(二级顶尖CSSCI)
2019c The prosodic features of focus sentences with "shi" in Standard Mandarin, YUYAN WENZI YINGYONG 3. (1st author) (CSSCI)
2019d 岩田 礼、广濑 肇 著,王萍译 汉语普通话塞音和塞擦音的光纤及声学研究,《南开语言学刊》第1期。(CSSCI)
2019d Fiberoptic acoustic studies of Mandarin stops and affricates, Ray Iwata, Haijime Hrose, Wang, Ping Trans, NANKAI LINGUISTICS 1. (CSSCI)
(第一作者)(二级顶尖 CSSCI)
2020a Comparing the Prosodic and Perceptual Characteristics of the Chinese Interrogative Pronoun ShuiWhen Indicating Inquriy and Free Reference, SHIJIE HANYU JIAOXUE 3. ( 1st author CSSCI)

2009 北京话声调和元音的实验与统计,天津:南开大学出版社。(独撰)
2009 The Experimental and Statistic Analysis on the Citation Tones and Vowels in BeijingMandarin. Tianjin: Nankai UniversityPress. (independent author)
2018 汉语语音实验探索,北京:世界图书出版公司。(独撰)
2018 TheExplorationof Phonetic Experiment in Chinese, Beijing:World Publishing Corporation. ( indepentedent author)
2018 汉语功能语调研究,北京:北京语言大学出版社。(第二编著者)
2018 A Study of Chinese functional intonation, Beijing: Beijing Language and Culture University Press. (2nd contributor)

2005 《北京话一级元音的统计分析》获天津市语言学会2005年学术年会优秀论文一等奖。
2005 Excellent Paper Award, First Award, Tianjin Linguistic Association Annual Conference.
2007 荣获2007年度南开大学优秀毕业研究生的称号。
2007Outstanding Graduate,Nankai University.
2007 《北京话二合元音/ai/、/au/、/ia/、/ua/韵腹/a/的听感实验研究》获天津市语言学会年会优秀论文 二等奖。(一等奖空缺)
2007 Excellent Paper Award, Second Award, Tianjin Linguistic Association Annual (First Award Vacancy)
2007 《北京话单字音声调的统计分析》获南开大学社会科学优秀研究成果奖。
2007 Social Science Research Award, Nankai University.
2010 荣获南开大学文学院云林奖教金二等奖。
2010 YunLin Award, Second Award, School of Literature.
2012 荣获南开大学文学院云林奖教金二等奖
2012 YunLin Award, Second Award, School of Literature.
2012 《元音的三维空间》荣获南开大学亚洲研究中心第八届人文社会科学优秀论文奖。
2012 The 8th Excellent Paper Award of Humanities and Social Sciences, Asia Research Center in Nankai University.
2015 《汉语普通话上声的听感范畴》荣获南开大学人文社会科学研究优秀成果奖。
2015 Social Science Research Award, Nankai University.
2015 作为指导教师指导“天津市大学生创新创业训练计划”。课题名称:天津方言语调调查与研究(5)(参加者:张静怡、翟醒卉、翟洋洋、杨凯杰),此项目荣获2015年南开大学本科生创新科研优秀项目一等奖。
2015 Excellent Project of Undergraduate Innovation andScientific Research, First Award, Nankai University.
2015 专著《语调格局—实验语言学的奠基石》荣获第七届高校科学研究优秀成果三等奖。(第二作者)
2015 The 7th Outstanding Achievements of Scientific Research in Colleges and Universities,Third Award, Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China. (2nd author)
2016 作为指导教师指导南开大学“大学生创新科研项目”。课题名称:广州方言声调语调现状调查(3)(参加者:吕晓琳 刘燕婷 宋璨华 许唯),此项目荣获2016年南开大学本科生创新科研优秀项目。
2016 Excellent Project of Undergraduate Innovation and Scientific Research,Excellent Award, Nankai University. ( Supervisor )
2016 《汉语普通话前响二合元音共振峰模式的异质性表现》荣获天津市语言学会2016年学术年会优秀论文一等奖。
2016 Excellent Paper Award, First Award, Tianjin Linguistic Association Annual Conference.
2017 作为指导教师指导“南开大学第十五届本科生创新项目“百项工程”课题名称:“南开大学德语专业学生德语语音情况及受汉语影响程度研究”(BX15023)参加者:姜瑜晔、徐满誉、王泽萍、王念一。
2017 Excellent Project of Undergraduate Innovation and Scientific Research,Excellent Award, Nankai University. ( Supervisor )
2018 天津市第十五届社会科学优秀成果三等奖。
2018 The 15th Outstanding Achievements in Social Science, Third Award, Tianjin Municipal People's Goverment.

Research Grants
国家社科基金重大项目”普通话语音标准声学和感知参数数据库建设“,子课题”语调声学和听辨标准参数“负责人。(13&ZD134) (主持人,石锋,已结项)
Major Project of National Social Science Fund, Principal of the Sub Project.(13&ZD134) (Completion)
参与教育部人文社科项目“汉语疑问句语调的实验研究”。(主持人 石锋教授,已结项)
主持天津市哲学社会科学研究规划资助项目“汉语焦点句中信息结构与韵律结构的互动关系研究”(TJHY11)(已结项 鉴定等级:A)
Tianjin Philosophy and Social Science Reseach Project, Principal. (TJHY11) (Completion, Appraisal Grade: A)
主持天津社科项目“类型学视阈下相同音系范畴的元音在汉语及跨语言中的语音实现和机制探求”(TJZW16001)。(已结项 鉴定等级:A)
Tianjin Philosophy and Social Science Reseach Project, Principal. (TJZW16001) (Completion, Appraisal Grade: A)
Special Project of Chinese Language Resources Protection.(YB1624A128) (Co-Principal)
The Project of Asia Research Center in Nankai University, Principal. (AS1909) (in Progress). Principal
Comparative Linguistics Team Project, the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities (in Progress). Principal

Social Work
Person in Charge of Phonetic Lab,School of Literature, Nankai University.
Deputy Editor-in-chief of Nankai Linguistics
Membership of International Association of Chinese Linguistics
Membership of the Chinese Linguistics Society of Japan

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    张培锋中国语言文学系教授博导电话:**转8110(办)zaijiaseng@126.com个人简介姓名:张培锋出生日期:1963年3月个人简历:1985年毕业于天津师范大学中文系,先后在天津大学冶金分校人文教研室、天津社会科学院科研处、伦理学所、文学所工作。2003年师从孙昌武教授,2006年获文学 ...
    本站小编 Free考研考试 2020-09-19