南开大学 免费考研网/2016-02-04
以下按英文字母顺序排列: 姓 名: 朱晓农
性 别: 男
所属部门: 现代光学研究所
行政职务: 教育部重点实验室主任
职 称: 教授
学 历: 博士
所学专业: 光学技术科学
办公电话: **
电子邮件: xnzhu1@nankai.edu.cn
研究方向: 飞秒激光及其应用
个人简介: 1991年毕业于英国St. Andrews大学物理、天文系,获博士学位。1993-1995年在加拿大Laval大学激光光电子中心做博士后研究。2002年回国前先后在英国St. Andrews大学,加拿大Toronto大学,美国Quantronix公司,加拿大国家研究院集成制造技术研究所,加拿大JDS-Uniphase公司任职十余年,长期从事激光与光子学前沿研究及其相关技术开发工作。
科研项目、成果、获奖、专利等情况: 近年承担的科研项目:
2.国家自然科学基金重点项目“折/衍混合成像元件的飞秒激光超精细加工技术及应用研 究”(与吉林大学合作)2012 年。
3.国家自然科学基金重点项目“ 超短脉冲激光烧蚀推进新技术的基础研究”,2007年。
撰写论文、专著、教材等: JOURNAL ARTICLES(*Corresponding author)
1.Bao, W., Zhang, N., and Zhu, X.* 2013. Study of dispersion compensation effect of femtosecond laser amplifier
using home-made third-order autocorrelator, Optics & Laser Technology 54, 242-248.
2.Yang, J., Zhang, N., and Zhu, X. 2013. Investigation of the ultrafast phase evolution of the ejected material
generated during femtosecond laser ablation of aluminum by the coherent light illuminated Schlieren apparatus,
Physica Sinica, 62, 134203 (in Chinese)
3.Zhang, N., Yang, J., Bao, X., and Zhu, X. 2013. Determination of temporal structure of femtosecond laser pulses
by means of the laser-induced air plasma, Chinese Physics B 22, 054209.
4.Tang, Y., Yang, J., Zhao, B., Wang, M., and Zhu, X. 2012. Control of periodic ripples growth on metals by
femtosecond laser ellipticity, Optics Express, 20, 25826-25833.
5.Yang, J., Yang, Y., Zhao, B., Wang, Y., and Zhu, X. 2012. Femtosecond laser-induced surface structures to
significantly improve the thermal emission of light from metals, Appl Phys B, 106, 349–355.
6.Xue, L., Yang, J., Yang, Y., Wang, X., and Zhu, X. 2012. Creation of periodic subwavelength ripples on tungsten
surface by ultra-short laser pulses, Appl Phys A 109, 357–365.
7.Zhang, N., Wu, Z., Xu, K., and Zhu, X. 2012. Characteristics of micro air plasma produced by double
femtosecond laser pulses, Optics Express, 20, 2528-2538.
8.Sun, X., Liu, L., Hu, Y., Duan, J., Liao, P., and Zhu, X.* 2012. Characteristics of core refractive index axial
asymmetry LPFGs written by femtosecond laser, Int. J. Nanomanufacturing, 8, 340-346.
9.Sun, X., Huang, P., Zhao, J., Wei, L., Zhang, N., Kuang, D., Zhu, X*. 2012. Characteristic control of long
period fiber grating (LPFG) fabricated by infrared femtosecond laser, Frontiers of Optoelectronics, 5, 334-340.
10.Zhang, N., Yang, J., and Zhu, X.* 2012. Investigation of the Ultrafast process of femtosecond laser ablation
of highly oriented pyrollytic graphite, Chinese Journal of Laser, 39, ** (in Chinese).
11.Zhang, N., Xu, Z., Zhu, X.*, Xu, K., Yang, J., Wu, Z., Liang Y., and Wang, M. 2011. Laser propulsion technology,
Infrared and Laser Engineering, 40: 1025-1037. (in Chinese)
12.Xu, K., Liang, Y., Zhu, X.* 2011. Enhancement of imaging depth and definition for optical coherence tomography
by using sodium chloride agent, Optik, 122: 2181-2185.
13.Zhang, N., Wang, W., Zhu, X., Liu, J., Xu, K., Huang, P., Zhao, J., Li, R., and Wang, M. 2011, Investigation of
ultrashort pulse laser ablation of solid targets by measuring the ablation-generated momentum using a torsion
pendulum, Optics Express, 19: 8870-8878.
14.Wu, Z., Zhang, N., Wang, M., and Zhu, X.* 2011. Femtosecond laser ablation of silicon in vacuum and air.
Chinese Optics Letters, 9: 093201 (1-4).
15.Wu, Z., Zhu, X., and Zhang, N. 2011. Time-resolved shadowgraphic study of femtosecond laser ablation of
aluminum under different ambient air pressures, J. Appl. Phys., 109: 053113(1-8).
16.Li, S., Han, P., Shi, M., Yao, Y., Hu, B., Wang, M., and Zhu, X., 2011, Low-loss channel optical waveguide
fabrication in Nd3+-doped silicate glasses by femtosecond laser direct writing, Optics Express, 19: 23958-23964.
17.Ma, F., Yang, J., Zhu, X., Liang, C., and Wang, H. 2010. Femtosecond laser-induced concentric ring
microstructures on Zr-based metallic glass, Applied Surface Science, 256 (11): 3653-3660.
18. Yang, J., Wang, R., Liu, W., Sun, Y., and Zhu, X. 2009. Investigation of microstructuring CuInGaSe thin films
with ultrashort laser pulses, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 42: 215305.
19.Yang, Y., Yang, J., Liang, C., Wang, H., Zhu, X., and Zhang, N. 2009. Surface microstructuring of Ti plates by
femtosecond lasers in liquid ambiences: a new approach to improving biocompatibility, Optics Express, 17:
20.Liu, Y., Liang, Y., Mu, G., and Zhu, X. 2009. Deconvolution methods for image deblurring in optical coherence
tomography, Journal of Optical Society of America A, 26, 72-77.
21.Zhao, Y., Liang, Y., Zhang, N., Wang, M., and Zhu, X.* 2008. Pulse width effect in ultrafast laser ionization
imaging, Opt. Lett. 33, 2467-2469.
22.Zhu, X., Liang, Y., Mao, Y, Jia, Y., Liu Y., and Mu, G. 2008. Analyses and calculations of noise in optical
coherence tomography systems, Frontiers of Optoelectronics in China, 1, No.3-4, 247-257.
23.Zhao, Y., Liang, Y., and Zhu, X.* 2008. Applications of scanning femtosecond laser-induced ionization
microscopy in biological imaging, Frontiers of Optoelectronics in China, 1, No.3-4, 201-204.
讨论会. 2013.10.20-23 安徽 黄山(邀请报告).
2.Xu, J., Yu, Y., Zhang, N., Zhao J., and Zhu, X., Generation of Super-luminescent Jet Light through Disrupted
Conical Emission, Paper QW1E.5, CLEO’13, Jun. 9- Jun. 14, San Jose, USA.
3.Zhu, X.*, Xu, Z., Yu, Y. and Zhang, N. New superluminescent jet-like optical beam generation with focused
femtosecond laser pulses, International Workshop: Progress in Ultrafast Laser Modifications of Materials,
Cargese, Corsica, France; 2013.4.15-19. (Invited talk)
4.Xu, J., Zhu, X., Zhang, N., and Yu, Y. Observation of Super-luminescent Jet Beam From Femtosecond
Laser-induced Air Plasma, Paper WPB-1, CLEO/Pacific Rim 2013, Jun. 30 - July. 4, Kyoto, Japan.
5.Yu, Y., Xu, J., Zhang, N., and Zhu, X., Characteristics of Electron Density in Air Plasma Produced by
Tightly-Focused 50 Fs Laser Pulses , Paper WPB-2, CLEO/Pacific Rim 2013, Jun. 30 - July. 4, Kyoto, Japan.
6.朱晓农,张楠,吴泽华,于洋,杨景辉,包文霞,飞秒激光烧蚀的三部曲 - 超短脉冲激光作用下固体靶材烧蚀演
化过程的分析与理解,第十届全国光电学术交流会. 2012. 6. 12-14, 北京(邀请报告).
7.Zhu, X.*, Zhang, N., Wu, Z., Xu, K., Investigation of air plasma produced by double femtosecond laser pulses,
IQEC/CLEO Pacific Rim, Paper 4700-PO-122, Aug. 28 – Sep. 1, 2011, Sydney, Australia.
8.Xu, K., Zhang, N., and Zhu, X.*, Investigation of a peculiar diffraction pattern recorded by a CCD camera under
coherent light illumination, International Symposium on Photoelectronic Detection and Imaging(ISPDI 2011)
May 24 – 26, 2011, Beijing (Invited talk).
9.朱晓农,包文霞,超快激光光学学习路线图,中国光学学会2011年学术年会,2011.8 深圳.
10.Xu, K., Wu, Z., Zhang, N., and Zhu, X.*, Characterization of micro air plasma and plume dynamics associated
with femtosecond laser ablation of solid targets, The 2nd China National Symposium on High Energy Density
Physics and China-Japan CUP Seminar on Laser Plasma Physics, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China,
October 13-16, 2010 (Invited talk).
11.Zhu, X., Characterization of micro air plasma and plume dynamics associated with femtosecond laser ablation
of solid targets, LPHYS’10, 2010, July 5-9, Foz do Iguacu, Brazil. (Invited talk)
12.Zhu, X., Exploration of applications of ultrashort pulse laser – ablative laser propulsion and laser ionization
microscopy, The 9th National Symposium on Opto-electronic Technologies, 2010, May 29-31, Beijing,
China. (Invited talk)
13.Sun, X., Wang, X., Yang, J., Yao, Y., Xu, Z., Li, Y, Wei, L., and Zhu, X.*, Applications of ultrashort pulse laser in
micro- nano-machining of functional materials,The 7th Asia-Pacific Laser Symposium, 2010, May. 11-15,
Jeju Island, Korea. (Invited talk)
14.Yang, Y., Yang, J., Liang, C., Wang, H., and Zhu, X., “Fusion of biocompatible Ca/P elements with implantable
metals by femtosecond laser micro-structuring in liquids”, CLEO/Pacific Rim 2009, Aug. 31- Sept.3, Shanghai.
15.Xu, K., Liang, Y., and Zhu, X., “Enhancement of imaging depth and definition for optical coherence tomography
by using sodium chloride agent”, CLEO/Pacific Rim 2009, Aug. 31- Sept.3, Shanghai.
16.Zhu, X.*, and Zhang, N., “Investigation of ultrashort pulse laser propulsion using time-resolved shadowgraphy
and torsion pendulum”, Proceedings of SPIE, 7382, 738208 (2009).(Invited talk)
第一届全国高能量密度物理会议,2009. 12, 成都(邀请报告).
18.Zhu, X.*, Zhao, Y., Liang, Y., and Liu, Y., “Introduction to a new type of nonlinear imaging method - USP laser
induced ionization microscopy”, International conference on optical instrument and technology, OIT’ 09,
Shanghai. (Invited talk)
19.Zhu, X., “Beam quality control of solid-state lasers with asymmetrical thermal lensing and design of a
Gaussian-Flat top beam profile converter”, The19th national laser symposium, 2009, Beijing, China.(Invited talk)
20.Zhu, X., Dynamics of ultrashort pulse laser ablation of solid targets and its application in light propulsion,
The CCAST-WL Workshop on Strong Field Laser Physics, 2008, Oct. 23-26, QingDao, China. (Invited talk)
21.Zhu, X.* and Zhang N., 2008, Ultrashort pulse laser ionization microscopy, Proc. SPIE, 7276 72760W.
(Invited paper)
22.Wu, Z., Zhang, N., Yang, J., and Zhu, X., 2008, Investigation of the dynamic process of high fluence femtosecond
laser ablation of aluminum by ultrafast time-resolved shadowgraphy. Proc. SPIE, 7276: 72760V.
1.朱晓农, 赵友博,梁艳梅,“超短脉冲激光诱导的多光子电离非线性显微成像方法和系统及其应用”中国专利号:
ZL **0.4(发明专利证书号第539725号),授权公告日:2009年8月19日。
2.梁艳梅,许宽宏,王莹利,朱晓农,“ 提高光学相干层析术成像清晰度和探测深度的方法与用途”,中国专利号:
ZL **5.6(发明专利证书号第720623号),授权公告日:2010年12月29日。
讲授课程: Fundamentals of Ultrafast Laser Optics (超快激光光学基础)(全英文授课研究生课程,自编英文讲义和中文注释)
社会兼职: 《红外与激光工程》杂志编委,科学出版社《光学与光子学丛书》首届编委会副主编。
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以下按英文字母顺序排列: 姓 名: 王志红 性 别: 男 所属部门: 电子信息实验教学中心 行政职务: 职 称: 实验师 学 历: 博士 所学专业: 办公电话: 电子邮件: wanghao801226@nankai.edu.cn 研究方向: 个人简介: 科研项目、成果、获 ...南开大学师资导师 南开大学 免费考研网 2016-02-04南开大学电子信息与光学工程学院研究生导师简介-王艳芳
以下按英文字母顺序排列: 姓 名: 王艳芳 性 别: 女 所属部门: 电子信息实验教学中心 行政职务: 职 称: 实验师 学 历: 硕士 所学专业: 办公电话: ** 电子邮件: wyanfang@nankai.edu.cn 研究方向: 嵌入式系统 个人简介: 学习及工作经历: ...南开大学师资导师 南开大学 免费考研网 2016-02-04南开大学电子信息与光学工程学院研究生导师简介-王锦
以下按英文字母顺序排列: 姓 名: 王锦 性 别: 女 所属部门: 电子信息实验教学中心 行政职务: 职 称: 实验师 学 历: 博士 所学专业: 办公电话: 电子邮件: wangjnk@nankai.edu.cn 研究方向: EDA技术及应用,集成电路设计,电子光学 个人简 ...南开大学师资导师 南开大学 免费考研网 2016-02-04南开大学电子信息与光学工程学院研究生导师简介-王海
以下按英文字母顺序排列: 姓 名: 王海 性 别: 男 所属部门: 电子信息实验教学中心 行政职务: 职 称: 实验师 学 历: 硕士 所学专业: 办公电话: 电子邮件: wanghai@nankai.edu.cn 研究方向: 微电子与微系统 个人简介: 工作与学习经历: 2 ...南开大学师资导师 南开大学 免费考研网 2016-02-04