

南开大学 免费考研网/2016-02-04

性 别:男
职 称:教授

学历 学位专业 授予时间 学校地址学士化学1987南开大学,中国天津硕士化学1989南开大学,中国天津博士生物化学1995康乃尔大学医学院,美国纽约工作经历1999-2005: 助理教授 (Assistant Professor of Pathology), 血管生物学中心, 康乃尔大学医学院, 美国纽约(Center of Vascular Biology, Weill Medical College of Cornell University, New York, USA)2005-2007: 副教授 (Associate Professor of Pathology), 血管生物学中心, 康乃尔大学医学院, 美国纽约2006-至今: 中国国家自然科学基金药物药理学、临床医学基础学科基金申请评审专家2007-至今: 天津南开大学生命科学学院特聘教授、生物化学与分子生物学系系主任2009-至今: 973计划项目首席科学家,****特聘教授专业协会成员 (Memberships in Professional Societies)American Association for the Advancement of ScienceAmerican Heart AssociationAmerican Society for Investigate PathologyAmerican Society for Biochemistry and Molecular BiologyFederation of American Society for Experimental Biology;联系方式Tel: **; **E-mail: jihonghan2008@nankai.edu.cn; jhan@med.cornell.edu代表性论文Martensson J, Han J, Griffith OW, Meister A. 1993. Glutathione ester delays the onset of scurvy in ascorbate-deficient guinea pigs. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA 90:317-21Rusakow LS, Han J, Hayward MA, Griffith OW. 1995. Pulmonary oxygen toxicity in mice is characterized by alterations in ascorbate redox status. Journal of Applied Physiology 79:1769-76Ito K, Bian H, Molina M, Han J, Magram JS, Bolir DL, Nagy Z. 1996. HLA-DR4-IE chimeric class II transgenic, murine class II deficient mice are susceptible to experimental allergic encephalomyelitis. Journal of Experimental Medicine 183:2635-44Han J, Febbraio M, Hajjar DP, Nicholson AC. 1997. Native and modified low density lipoproteins increase the functional expression of macrophage class B scavenger receptor, CD36. The Journal of Biological Chemistry 272:21654-9Han J, Nicholson AC. 1998. Lipoproteins modulate expression of the macrophage scavenger receptor. The American Journal of Pathology 152:1647-54Han J, Hajjar DP, Tauras JM, Nicholson AC. 1999. Cellular cholesterol regulates the expression of macrophage scavenger type B receptor, CD36. Journal of Lipid Research 40:830-8Han J, Hajjar DP, Tauras JM, Feng J, Gotto AM Jr, Nicholson AC. 2000. Transforming growth factor beta-1 (TGFbeta-1) and TGFbeta-2 decrease expression of CD36, the type B scavenger receptor, through mitogen-activated protein kinase phosphorylation of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-gamma. The Journal of Biological Chemistry 275:1241-6Han J, Feng J, Pearce SFA, Silverstein RL, Gotto AM Jr, Hajjar DP, Nicholson AC. 2000. Induction of CD36 expression by oxidized LDL and IL-4 by a common signaling pathway dependent on protein kinase C and PPARgamma. Journal of Lipid Research 40:688-96Nicholson AC, Febbraio M, Han J, Silversterin RL, Hajjar DP. 2000. CD36 in Atherosclerosis. The role of a class B macrophage scavenger receptor.Annals of New York Academy of Science 902:128-33Nicholson AC, Han J, Febbraio M, Pearce SFA, Gotto AM Jr, Hajjar DP. 2001. CD36, the Macrophage class B scavenger receptor: Regulation and role in atherosclerosis. pp41-47, Atherosclerosis and Autoimmunity, Y. Shoenfeld, D. Harats and G. Wick, editors, Elsevier Science B.V.Nicholson AC, Han J, Febbraio M, Silverstein RL, Hajjar DP. 2001. Role of CD36, the macrophage class B scavenger receptor, in atherosclerosis. Annals of New York Academy of Science 947:224-9Han J, Nicholson AC, Zhou X, Feng J, Gotto AM Jr, Hajjar DP. 2001. Oxidized LDL decreases macrophage expression of scavenger receptor B-I (SR-BI). The Journal of Biological Chemistry 276:16567-72Han J, Hajjar DP, Zhou X, Gotto AM Jr, Nicholson AC. 2002. Regulation of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-?-mediated gene expression. A new mechanism of action for high density lipoprotein. The Journal of Biological Chemistry 277:23582-6Febbraio M, Gotto AM Jr, Han J, Nicholson AC, Sharma K, Podrez EA, Hoff HF, Hazen SL, Smith JD, Hajjar DP, Silverstein RL. 2002. Regulation of CD36 by PPAR-gamma: Pro- or anti-Atherogenic? International Symposium on PPARgamma: From Basic Science to Clinical Application. Fruchart JC, Gorro AM Jr, Paoletti R, Staels B, Catapano AL, Eds. Kluwer Academic PublisherHan J, Markle RA, Summers BD, Yokoyama T, Hajjar KA, Hajjar DP, Gotto AM Jr, Nicholson AC. 2003. Pitavastatin alters the expression of thrombotic and fibrinolytic proteins in human vascular cells. Journal of Cellular Biochemistry 90:23-32Sun L, Nicholson AC, Hajjar DP, Gotto AM Jr, Han J. 2003. Adipogenic differentiating agents regulate expression of fatty acid binding protein (aP2) and CD36 in macrophages. Journal of Lipid Research 44:1877-86Han J, Zhou X, Hajjar DP, Gotto AM Jr, Nicholson AC. 2004. Pitavastatin down-regulates expression of the macrophage type B scavenger receptor, CD36. Circulation 109:790-6Han J (通信作者), Parsons M, Zhou X, Nicholson AC, Gotto AM Jr, Hajjar DP. 2004. Functional interplay between the macrophage scavenger receptor class B type I (SR-BI) and pitavastatin (NK-104). Circulation 110:3472-9Han J (通信作者), Zhou X, Parsons M, Nicholson AC, Gotto AM Jr, Yokoyama T, Hajjar DP. 2005. Regulation of macrophage scavenger receptor expression-New pleiotropic effects of statins. pp265-269. Advances in Heart Disease, International Academy of Cardiology. Asher Kimchi, Ed. International ProceedingNicholson AC, Zhou X, He W, Gotto AM Jr, Hajjar DP, Han J. 2007. Anti-adipogenic action of pitavastatin occurs through the coordinate regulation of PPARgamma?and Pref-1 expression. British Journal of Pharmacology 151:807-15Chung EY, Liu J, Homma Y, Zhang Y, Brendolan A, Saggese M, Han J, Silverstein R, Selleri L, Ma X. 2007. Interleukin-10 expression in macrophages during phagocytosis of apoptotic cells is mediated by the homeoprotein pre-B-cell leukemia transcription factor-1. Immunity 27:952-64Zhou X, He W, Huang Z, Gotto AM Jr, Hajjar DP, Han J. 2008. Genetic deletion of low density lipoprotein receptor impairs mouse macrophage ABCA1 expression-A SREBP-1 dependent mechanism. Journal of Biological Chemistry 283:2129-38Huang Z, He W, Zhou X, Hajjar DP, Nicholson AC, Gotto AM Jr, Han J. 2008. Activation of PPARalpha induces hepatic LDL receptor expression. British Journal of Pharmacology 155:596-605Nakaya H, Summers BD, Nicholson AC, Gotto AM Jr, Hajjar DP, Han J. 2009. Atherosclerosis in LDLR knockout mice is inhibited, but not reversed by the PPARgamma ligand pioglitazone. American Journal of Pathology. 174:2007-14Zhou X, Yin Z, Guo X, Hajjar DP, Han J. 2010. Inhibition of ERK1/2 and activation of LXR synergistically induce macrophage ABCA1 expression and cholesterol efflux. Journal of Biological Chemistry 285:6316-6326He W, Hao J, Dong S, Gao Y, Tao J, Chi H, Flavell R, O'Brien RL, Born WK, Craft J, Han J, Wang P, Zhao L, Wu J, Yin Z. 2010. Naturally activated Vgamma4 T cells play a protective role in tumor immunity through expression of eomesodermin. The Journal of Immunology. 185:126-33Dong P, Xie T, Zhou X, Hu W, Chen Y, Duan Y, Li X, Han J. 2011. Induction of macrophage scavenger receptor type BI expression by tamoxifen and 4-hydroxytamoxifen. Atherosclerosis 218:435-42 Hao J, Dong S, Xia S, He W, Jia H, Zhang S, Wei J, O'Brien RL, Born WK, Wu Z, Wang P, Han J, Hong Z, Zhao L, Yin Z. 2011. Regulatory role of Vgamma1 gammadeltaT cells in tumor immunity through IL-4 production. The Journal of Immunology. 187:4979-86 Zhao N, Hao J, Ni Y, Luo W, Liang R, Cao G, Zhao Y, Wang P, Zhao L, Tian Z, Flavell R, Hong Z, Han J, Yao Z, Wu Z, Yin Z. 2011. Vgamma4?gammadeltaT cell-derived IL-17A negatively regulates NKT cell function in Con A-induced fulminant hepatitis. The Journal of Immunology. 187:5007-14 Zheng W, Wang Z, Song L, Zhao Q, Zhang J, Li D, Wang S, Han J, Zheng XL, Yang Z, Kong D. 2012. Endothelialization and patency of RGD-functionalized vascular grafts in a rabbit carotid artery model. Biomaterials. 33:2880-91 Hu W, Zhou X, Jiang N, Duan Y, Chen Y, Li X, Yin Z, He G, Yao Z, Zhu Y, Hajjar DP, Han J. 2012. Statins synergize dexamethasone-induced adipocyte fatty acid binding protein expression in macrophages. Atherosclerosis. 222:434-43.Duan Y, Chen Y, Hu W, Li X, Zhou X, Yin Z, Kong D, Hajjar DP, Liu L, Liu Q,Han J. 2012. PPAR? activation by ligands and dephosphorylation induces PCSK9 and LDLR expression The Journal of Biological Chemistry ARTNO: M112.350181, Epub. 2012 May 16



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