本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-07-10
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2013年7月于陇东学院获得化学专业理学学士学位,2013年7月-2016年7月于西北大学师从尹兵副教授攻读物理化学硕士学位,2016年7月-2019年6月于西北大学师从李剑利教授学习并获得有机化学博士学位,期间于2016年9月-2017年10月于北京大学余志祥教授课题组进行交流。研究方向:1)超卤化物的量子化学研究;2)有机反应机理的理论研究。在Organic Chemistry Frontiers、The Journal of Chemical Physics、Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics等国际知名期刊发表论文12篇。
[1]Jin-Feng Li, Ru-Fang Zhao, Fu-Qiang Zhou, Meng-Yao She, Jun Zhang, Bing Yin, * Sheng-Yong Zhang and Jian-Li Li*. “Exploring the necessity of an acidic additive for Pd(II)-catalyzed exclusive C4-fluoroalkylation of 3-acetylindole: a detailed DFT study on the mechanism and regioselectivity” Organic Chemistry Frontiers, 2019. DOI: 10.1039/c8qo01338a (SCI二区期刊, IF = 5.445)
[2]Jin-Feng Li, Ru-Fang Zhao, Xu-Ting Chai, Fu-Qiang Zhou, Chao-Chao Li, Jian-Li Li, Bing Yin*. “Why do higher VDEs of superhalogen not ensure improved stabilities of the noble gas hydrides promoted by them? A high-level ab initio case study.” The Journal of Chemical Physics, 2018, 149, 064301. (SCI二区Top期刊, IF = 2.843)
[3]Jin-Feng Li, Miao-Miao Li, Hongcun Bai, Yin-Yin Sun, Jian-Li Li, Bing Yin*. “Probing the Properties of Polynuclear Superhalogens without Halogen Ligand via ab Initio Calculations: A Case Study on Double-Bridged [Mg2(CN)5]-1 Anions.” ChemPhysChem, 2015, 16, 3652-3659. (SCI三区期刊, IF = 2.947)
[4]Jin-Feng Li, Yin-Yin Sun, Hongcun Bai, Miao-Miao Li, Jian-Li Li, Bing Yin*. “Are superhalogens without halogen ligand capable of transcending traditional halogen-based superhalogens? Ab initio case study of binuclear anions based on pseudohalogen ligand.” AIP Advances, 2015, 5, 277-283. (SCI三区期刊, IF = 1.653)
[5] Yin-Yin Sun?,Jin-Feng Li?, Fu-Qiang Zhou, Jian-Li L, Bing Yin*. “Probing the potential of halogen-free superhalogen anions as effective electrolytes of Li-ion batteries: a theoretical prospect from combined ab initio and DFT studies.” Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2016,18, 28576-28584. (共同第一,SCI二区Top期刊, IF = 3.906)
[6] Miao-Miao Li?,Jin-Feng Li?, Hongcun Bai, Yin-Yin Sun, Jian-Li Li, Bing Yin*. “Is the regulation of the electronic properties of organic molecules by polynuclear superhalogens more effective than that by mononuclear superhalogens? A high-level ab initio case study.” Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2015, 17, 20338. (共同第一,SCI二区Top期刊, IF = 3.906)
[7] Fu-Qiang Zhou, Ru-Fang Zhao,Jin-Feng Li, Wen-Hua Xu, Chao Chao Li, Jian-Li Li, Bing Yin*“Constructing organic superacids from superhalogens is a rational route as verified by DFT calculations” Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2019, 21, 2804. (SCI二区Top期刊, IF = 3.906)
[8] Ru-Fang Zhao, Fu-Qiang Zhou, Wen-Hua Xu,Jin-Feng Li, Chao-Chao Li, Jian-Li Li and Bing Yin*. “Superhalogen-based composite with strong acidity- a crossing point between two topics.” Inorganic Chemistry Frontiers, 2018, 5, 2934 (SCI二区期刊, IF = 5.106)
[9] Fu-Qiang Zhou, Wen-Hua Xu,Jin-Feng Li, Ru-Fang Zhao, Bing Yin*. “The Combination of Superhalogens and Br?nsted Acids HX (X = F, Cl, Br): An Effective Strategy for Designing Strong Superacids.” Inorganic Chemistry, 2017, 56, 11787–11797. (SCI二区Top期刊, IF = 4.700)
[10] Ru-Fang Zhao, Le Yu, Fu-Qiang Zhou,Jin-Feng Li, Bing Yin*. “Could the increased structural versatility imposed by non-halogen ligands bring something new for polynuclear superhalogens? A case study on binuclear [Mg2L5]- (L = -OH, -OOH and -OF) anions.” Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2017, 19, 26986. (SCI二区Top期刊, IF = 3.906)
[11] Yin-Yin Sun;Jin-Feng Li; Miao-Miao Li, Fu-Qiang Zhou; Jian-Li Li, Bing Yin*. “Could the description on polynuclear superhalogens by DFT be comparable with high-level ab initio results? A comparison between DFT and CCSD(T).” The Journal of Chemical Physics, 2016, 144, 054303. (SCI二区Top期刊, IF = 2.843)
[12] Bing Yin*, Teng Li,Jin-Feng Li, Yang Yu, Jian-Li Li, Zhen-Yi Wen, Zhen-Yi Jiang. “Are polynuclear superhalogens without halogen atoms probable? A high-level ab initio case study on triple-bridged binuclear anions with cyanide ligands.” The Journal of Chemical Physics, 2014, 140, 277. (SCI二区Top期刊, IF = 2.843)
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