

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-07-10

敖冬,男、1989年10月生,环境科学与工程系讲师。2019年毕业于西安建筑科技大学环境工程专业并获工学博士学位。主要从事再生水回用水质保障方面的研究,尤其是再生水补水对城市水体环境的影响。研究工作是围绕导师申请的水专项课题展开,其主要是基于全国189个省会城市水体的水质调研数据,分析不同区域、补水水源、水力条件下城市水体的水环境特征;并立足城市水体的景观娱乐功能,基于MIKE水质模型模拟,提出缺水地区再生水回用水质安全保障策略;在此基础上,开发一系列水体水质净化措施。至今,已在《Environmental Pollution》、《Ecological Indicators》、《Journal of Hazard Materials》和《Environmental International》等国际期刊发表科研论文7篇,其中SCI 6篇;第一和通讯作者发表SCI论文4篇;参与申请发明专利1项,并撰写了《城市景观水体富营养化特性及营养物作用机制》中关于再生水补水型景观水体水环境特征的两章节内容。邮箱:aodong@xpu.edu.cn;电话(微信):**
[1]Ao Dong*; Lei Zhen; Dzakpasu Mawuli; Chen Rong. Role of divalent metals
Cu2+ and Zn2+ in Microcystis aeruginosa proliferation and production of toxic
Microcystins, Toxicon, 2019, 170: 51-59(SCI三区, IF=2.27).
[2] Ao Dong; Huang Yue; Tao Xue; Wang Nang; Chen Rong*. Implication of environmental factors on the occurrence of pathogens in urban landscape ponds with reclaimed wastewater replenishment, Blue-Green Systems, 2019,1,119-133.
[3] Ao Dong, Chen Rong*, Wang Xiaochang, Liu Yanzheng, Dzakpasu Mawuli, Zhang Lu, Huang Yue, Xue Tao, Wang Nan. On the risks from sediment and overlying water by replenishing urban landscape ponds with reclaimed wastewater [J]. Environmental Pollution, 2018, 236, 488-497.(SCI二区, IF=5.71).
[4]Ao Dong, Luo Li, Dzakpasu Mawuli, Chen Rong, Xue Tao, Wang Xiaochang*. Replenishment of landscape water with reclaimed water: Optimization of supply scheme using transparency as an indicator [J]. Ecological Indicators, 2018, 88, 503–511. (SCI二区, IF=4.49).
[5] Ao Dong, Lei Zhen, Xue Tao, Chen Rong*. Effect of Mn2+ on the proliferation and microcystin-LR production of the harmful cyanobacterium Microcystis aeruginosa at various phosphate conditions [J]. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 2018, 27, 5277-5284. (SCI四区, IF=0.69).
[6]Chen Rong*,Ao Dong, Ji Jiayuan, Wang Xiaochang, Li Yuyou, Huang Yue, Xue Tao, Guo Hongbing, Wang Nan, Zhang Lu. Insight into the risk of replenishing urban landscape ponds with reclaimed wastewater [J]. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2017, 324, 573–582. (SCI一区, IF=7.65).
[7]Zhang Qionghua, Yang Wennan , Ngo Huuhao, Guo Wenshan, Jin Pengkang, Dzakpasu Mawuli, Yang Shenjiong, Wang Qian, Wang Xiaochang,Ao Dong. Current status of urban wastewater treatment plants in China[J]. Environment International, 2016, 92-93, 11-22. (SCI一区, IF=8.58).
[8]陈荣,吴鹍,李倩.城市景观水体富营养化特性及营养物作用机制[M] (两章节内容).科学出版社,北京,2018.
[9]王晓昌,薛涛,吴鹍,王楠,敖冬,邓玮玮.一种针对地表水的横流式生物滤池及滤池系统[P].发明专利号, ZL5.X.

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