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党少农 西安交通大学医学部 公共卫生学院 流行病与卫生统计学系,副教授,硕士生导师
主要从事生物统计方法教学与相关研究工作,包括研究设计、现场数据收集、现场工作管理以及数据处理和分析以及生物统计方法的教学与研究等。兼任中华预防医学会卫生统计学分会委员、陕西省医学会卫生统计学分会委员、秘书、《中华流行病学杂志》编委、《西安交通大学学报(医学版)》编委、《中国医院统计》编委、《中国皮肤与性病杂志》编委、《Scientific Reports》编委等,国内外医学和公共卫生领域学术期刊专业审稿人。主持或参与国家自然科学基金、国家科技支撑重点项目、联合国儿童基金会、美国中华医学基金会以及省级和行业科研课题十余项,2009年获得陕西省科学技术奖一等奖(第二完成人)。在国内外专业期刊上发表学术论文90余篇。
1. Yang J, Cheng Y, Zeng L, Dang S*, Yan H. Maternal dietary diversity during pregnancy and congenital heart defects: a case-control study. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2020. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41430-020-0617-4
2. Liu R, Zhao Y, Li Q, Dang S*, Yan H. Body Fat Mass, Fat Distribution and Egg Consumption: a Population-Based Study in Chinese Adults. Journal of the American College of Nutrition 2020: 39(6):528-536.
3. Zhang B, Wu W, Shi G, Mi B, Chen F, Zhang R, Liu D, Kang Y, Shang S, Yan H, Dang S*. Maternal exposure to low-to-medium altitude and birth outcomes: Evidence from a population-based study in Chinese newborns. Journal of Developmental Origins of Health and Disease, 2020. doi:10.1017/S2040**X
4. Zhang B, Shang S, Li S, Mi B, Li M, Shi G, Ma M, Wang Q, Yan H, Dang S*. Maternal folic acid supplementation and more prominent birth weight gain in twin birth compared with singleton birth: A cross-sectional study in northwest China. Public Health Nutrition, 2020, 23(16):2973-2982.
5. Mi B, Wu C, Gao X, Wu W, Du J, Zhao Y, Wang D, Dang S*, Yan H. Long-term BMI change trajectories in Chinese adults and its association with the hazard of type 2 diabetes: evidence from a 20-year China Health and Nutrition Survey. BMJ Open Diab Res Care, 2020;8:e000879.
6. Liu D, Cheng Y, Mi B, Zeng L, Qu P, Li S, Zhang R, Qi Q, Wu C, Gao X, Liu Y, Dang S*, Yan H. Maternal dietary patterns during pregnancy derived by reduced-rank regression and birth weight in the Chinese population. British Journal of Nutrition, 2020,123: 1176-1186.
7. Yang J, Kang Y, Cheng Y, Zeng L, Shen Y, Shi G, Liu Y, Qu P, Zhang R, Yan H, Dang S*. Iron intake and iron status during pregnancy and risk of congenital heart defects: A case-control. International Journal of Cardiology, 2020,301: 74-79.
8. Yang J, Kang Y, Cheng Y, Zeng L, Yan H, Dang S*. Maternal Dietary Patterns during Pregnancy and Congenital Heart Defects: A Case-Control Study. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2019, 16, 2957.
9. Li S, Liu D, Zhang R, Lei F, Xiao M, Guo L, Li M, Zhang B, Zhu Z, Shi G, Liu Y, Dang S*, Yan H. The association of maternal dietary folate intake and folic acid supplementation with small-for-gestational-age births: a cross-sectional study in Northwest China. British Journal of Nutrition, 2019,122(4): 459-467.
10. Wang L, Xiang X, Mi B, Song H, Dong M, Zhang S, Bi Y, Zhao Y, QLi Q, Zhang Q, Zhang L, Yan H, Wang D, Dang S*. Early prenatal exposure to ambient air pollution and birth defects: evidence from Chinese newborns in Xi’an, China. Journal of Public Health, 2019,41(3):494-501.
11. Mi B, Wen X, Li S, Liu D, Lei F, Liu R, Shen Y, Chen Y, Zeng L, Liu X, Dang S*, Yan H.Vegetable dietary pattern associated with low risk of preeclampsia possibly through reducing proteinuria. Pregnancy Hypertension,2019, 16:131-138
12. Qu P, Li S, Liu D, Lei F, Zeng L, Wang D, Yan H, Shi W, Shi J, Dang S*. A propensity-matched study of the association between optimal folic acid supplementation and birth defects in Shaanxi province, Northwestern China. Scientific Reports, 2019,9,(1):589
13. Guo L, Zhao D, Zhang R, Li S, Liu R, Wang H, Dang S*, Yan H. A Matched Case-Control Study on the Association between Colds, Depressive Symptoms during Pregnancy and Congenital Heart Disease in Northwestern China. Scientific Reports, 2019,9,(1):589
14. Lei F, Liu D, Shen Y, Zhang L, Li S,Liu X, Shi G, Li J, Zhao Y, Kang Y, Dang S*, Yan H. Study on the influence of pregnancy-induced hypertension on neonatal birth weight. Journal of Investigative Medicine, 2018,66:1008-1014.
15. Zhang Q, Dang S*, Bai R, Mi B, Wang L, Yan H Association between maternal interpregnancy interval after live birth or pregnancy termination and birth weight: a quantile regression analysis. Scientific Reports, 2018, 8, 4130.
16. Guo L, Qu P, Zhang R, Zhao D, Wang H, Liu R, Mi B, Yan H, Dang S*. Propensity Score-Matched Analysis on the Association Between Pregnancy Infections and Adverse Birth Outcomes in Rural Northwestern China. Scientific Reports, 2018, 8, 5154.
17. 李晶, 杜玉娇, 王红丽, 杜姣洋, 屈鹏飞, 张若, 郭乐倩, 颜虹, 党少农*. 母亲围孕期被动吸烟与子代先天性心脏病关系的病例对照研究[J].中华流行病学杂志,2020,41(6):884-889.
18. 杜玉娇, 李晶, 王红丽, 杜姣洋, 屈鹏飞, 张若, 郭乐倩, 颜虹, 党少农*. 待产女性血清维生素B12和叶酸水平的流行病学特征.中华流行病学杂志,2020,41(8):1359-1364.
19. 严惠, 吴小艳, 党少农*, 张耀东, 罗淑颖. 2010-2012年陕西省育龄妇女孕期膳食模式与不良妊娠结局关联研究.中华预防医学杂志,2019,53(8):829-834.
20. 王红丽, 赵娜, 刘蓉, 郭乐倩, 赵豆豆, 党少农*, 颜虹. 基于结构方程模型分析陕西育龄妇女孕期膳食模式对新生儿低出生体重的影响[J].中国卫生统计,2019,36(06):834-838.

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