
西安交通大学航天航空学院导师教师师资介绍简介-刘 Liu Zishun 子顺

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-06-27

首页 - 刘 Liu Zishun 子顺基本信息

Int. Journal of Applied Mechanics (IJAM) 2008-至今 主编
Int. Journal of Computational Materials Science and Engineering(IJCMSE) 2011-至今 主编
Journal of Mechanics of Material and Structures(JoMMS) 2018-至今 编辑(Editor)
Journal of Applied and Computational Mechanics 2017-至今 副主编
Acta Mechanica Solida Sinica 2015-2020 特邀副主编,2020-至今 编委
Special issue of Computational Materials Science 特刊主编(2010)
Special issue of Structural Engineering and Mechanics 特刊主编(2014)
Int. Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics (IJSSD)2017-至今编委
Coupled System Mechanics (CSM)2017-至今 编委
Acta Mechanica Sinica (AMS) 2020-至今 编委
Int. Journal of Computational Method (IJCM)2009-至今 编委
Int. Association of Applied Mechanics (IAAM)秘书长
应用力学学报(中国) 2007-至今 编委
新加坡计算力学学会 荣誉主席

刘子顺 教授 博士生导师 西安交通大学****,陕西省三秦****,西安交通大学国际应用力学中心(ICAM)执行主任。


电话: +86-
地址: 陕西省西安市咸宁西路28号西安交通大学国际应用力学中心



1999年5月至2012年7月历任新加坡高性能计算研究院 (IHPC, A*STAR) 高级研究工程师(Senior Research Engineer), 研究科学家(Research Scientist),高级科学家 (Senior Scientist)。
1994年8月至1996年3月历任新加坡国立大学研究**** (Research Scholar), 研究助理 (Research Assistant) 。
1986年3月至1994年8月历任西安交通大学助教, 讲师, 副教授。


新加坡国立大学 固体力学 Ph. D
新加坡国立大学 固体力学 M. Eng
西安交通大学 固体力学 M. Eng
西安交通大学 应用力学 B. Eng

Frontiers in Applied Mechanics

首页 - 刘 Liu Zishun 子顺基本信息

Int. Journal of Applied Mechanics (IJAM) 2008-至今 主编
Int. Journal of Computational Materials Science and Engineering(IJCMSE) 2011-至今 主编
Journal of Mechanics of Material and Structures(JoMMS) 2018-至今 编辑(Editor)
Journal of Applied and Computational Mechanics 2017-至今 副主编
Acta Mechanica Solida Sinica 2015-2020 特邀副主编,2020-至今 编委
Special issue of Computational Materials Science 特刊主编(2010)
Special issue of Structural Engineering and Mechanics 特刊主编(2014)
Int. Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics (IJSSD)2017-至今编委
Coupled System Mechanics (CSM)2017-至今 编委
Acta Mechanica Sinica (AMS) 2020-至今 编委
Int. Journal of Computational Method (IJCM)2009-至今 编委
Int. Association of Applied Mechanics (IAAM)秘书长
应用力学学报(中国) 2007-至今 编委
新加坡计算力学学会 荣誉主席

刘子顺 教授 博士生导师 西安交通大学****,陕西省三秦****,西安交通大学国际应用力学中心(ICAM)执行主任。


电话: +86-
地址: 陕西省西安市咸宁西路28号西安交通大学国际应用力学中心



1999年5月至2012年7月历任新加坡高性能计算研究院 (IHPC, A*STAR) 高级研究工程师(Senior Research Engineer), 研究科学家(Research Scientist),高级科学家 (Senior Scientist)。
1994年8月至1996年3月历任新加坡国立大学研究**** (Research Scholar), 研究助理 (Research Assistant) 。
1986年3月至1994年8月历任西安交通大学助教, 讲师, 副教授。


新加坡国立大学 固体力学 Ph. D
新加坡国立大学 固体力学 M. Eng
西安交通大学 固体力学 M. Eng
西安交通大学 应用力学 B. Eng

Frontiers in Applied Mechanics

研究领域 - 刘 Liu Zishun 子顺研究领域
主要研究方向有软物质力学、计算固体及生物力学、纳米力学、纳米压痕与材料表征、振动声学与振动系统。已在国际期刊杂志及国际会议发表论文一百多篇,其中发表在Int. J. of Solids and Structures 上的论文被评为”IJSS 2005-2008 年引用率最高作者奖”。并且作为课题负责人完成科研项目近百项,2010年所负责完成的科研项目得到新加坡科技研究局高性能计算研究院的最佳项目奖。

麻省理工学院的赵选贺课题组在2019年发表的综述(Yuk et al,.2019)中阐明,水凝胶是唯一一种可能成为人机交互作用界面的材料的,并提出水凝胶生物电子学的概念。目前,该方向的应用主要分为4个子方面:1)水凝胶封装技术,包括涂层与胶囊化;2)离子导电水凝胶的力学和电学特性;3)导电纳米复合水凝胶;4)导电聚合物水凝胶。以上研究都包含水凝胶表面与另外一种基质的相互作用,涉及断裂韧性,界面强度,导电特性和生物相容性等诸多问题。本课题组主要专注于基于以上现实应用的底层机理,发展更新更实用的水凝胶本构理论,水凝胶-软基质界面和断裂理论,为实际的工程应用提供理论支持。



自然界充满了神奇,我们生长在这个奇妙的世界中。自然界动植物的生长充满了迷人的复杂模式和形状。人们观察到植物的生长过程可产生各种有趣而复杂的三维形状:如正螺旋形和反螺旋形的仙人掌,园型仙人掌上的肋骨可呈现出平行四边形图形,南瓜表面会出现复杂的脊谷图貌。而松树锥和向日葵头的图案又显示出交叉的螺旋形状。达尔文曾经说过, “迷人的植物图案可以驱使人具有疯狂想象”。人们可能会问自然界生物为何长得如此奇妙?自然植物为何生长的千奇百怪?为什么圆形南瓜有十个等距纵脊,而另一种长南瓜约有二十个纵脊?为什么一个哈密瓜表面呈现出网状混合山脊和明显的纬度形态模式?人们虽然早就认识到植物叶子和花瓣是由不同模式的图形组成,或呈现出对称或反对称螺旋图型,这些自然结构形成的物理机制和变形机制是什么?如何解释形态的发生与这些植物的自然生长?我们如何理解这些表面形貌与基因的关系?这些问题一直困扰着许许多多的研究者。近一个世纪来,科学家都试图用各种各样的理论、方法来解释这些现象。一个最简单而普遍答案可能是,力产生的变形及屈曲是造成这些模式形成的主要原因,在动植物生长过程中动植物的总势能总是趋于最小化,它可能是动植物进化时表面出现褶皱变形的成因。另外一些研究人员认为化学和生物物理学是某些植物和动物的形态形成的主因,例如,生长激素作为化学信号及成长的动力作为物理信号可影响植物顶端材料使其产生不同的植物形态。虽然答案尚不完全清楚,但是人们试图利用力学原理解释这些奇妙现象的努力从未停止。
例如早在上个世纪90年代,著名力学家斯坦福大学Charles R. Steele教授和他的研究组就通过实验研究、理论分析和仿真模拟来证明机械应力和变形在植物模式变形中起着关键的作用。他们尝试用弹性梁、板、壳结构来解释某些自然现象。但是,他们所用的材料主要是工程材料,其材料的弹性本构关系是线弹性。实际上植物及生物界的材料特性不同于一般工程材料。虽然他们对某些动植物的形态做出来某些解释,但这种解释并不是非常合适的。由于凝胶材料同动植物材料相似,都含有大量的液体,并且凝胶的溶胀与动植物早期生长的过程类似。所以利用凝胶材料来代替工程材料可能是一种更好的选择。近年来,随着软物质力学的快速发展,水凝胶变形的本构理论和模拟水凝胶变形的数值方法取得了巨大的突破。我们(西安交通大学刘子顺研究组)借助于水凝胶非均质大变形的理论,发现自然界中许多有趣现象可以用水凝胶大变形理论及扩散理论得到很好的解释和模拟。例如我们利用凝胶状溶胀变形研究了树叶的生长和枯萎过程(Liu et al., 2010),模拟结果同实际生长变形过程吻合较好。我们还利用结构的稳定屈曲理论揭示了水果生长时由于屈曲变形产生的奇妙形状( Liu et al., 2012; Chen et al., 2014;),此研究中我们利用化学势的变化来模拟水果生长的生长过程。利用凝胶圆环结构的溶胀过程中产生的屈曲现象来解释一些花环的产生(Zhang et al., 2014),揭示了甘蓝花形成的奇妙现象等等(如图1所示)。比如,南瓜在生长的过程中会在头部产生屈曲,形成瓣状,我们利用水凝胶在受约束的条件下进行吸水的过程同这一现象进行比拟,结果发现,在水凝胶吸水溶胀过程中也会产生相同的屈曲的现象,此模拟过程可以解释一些瓜果的形态(如图2所示)。通过生涩期到成熟期的化学势变化改变以及边界条件的施加,我们进一步模拟了苹果和辣椒的生长过程。三种不同脉络结构的叶子的干燥过程以及圆环板形状的卷心菜屈曲都进行了研究(如图3所示)。即在凝胶非均匀场理论基础上从力学角度说明水果和植物的纹路生长形态。不仅如此,我们也希望利用水凝胶的大变形理论来解释一些动物体的生长现象,为生命科学提供力学理论支持,例如利用水凝胶代替人工关节等。
图1 自然界中奇妙的生长现象。(a) 树叶的生长;(b)树叶的枯萎;(c)南瓜的瓣状;(d)花环的产生
图2 水凝胶大变形理论对于自然现象的模拟。(a)树叶的吸水;(b)树叶的失水;(b)南瓜的生长;(d)花环的产生。
图3 通过凝胶材料模拟蔬果植物的生长形态
该成果发表在《Engineering Computations》上。第一作者是西安交通大学航天航空学院博士研究生刘若璇,通讯作者是刘子顺教授,合作者有格拉斯哥大学Sean Mcginty博士, Xiaoyu Luo教授及新加坡高性能计算研究所Fangsen Cui博士。

Chen, L., Zhang, Y., Swaddiwudhipong, S., Liu, Z., 2014. Mimicking The Pattern Formation Of Fruits And Leaves Using Gel Materials. Structural Engineering & Mechanics 50, 575-588.
Liu, Z., Hong, W., Suo, Z., Swaddiwudhipong, S., Zhang, Y., 2010. Modeling And Simulation Of Buckling Of Polymeric Membrane Thin Film Gel. Computational Materials Science 49, S60-S64.
Liu, Z., Swaddiwudhipong, S., Hong, W., 2012. Pattern Formation In Plants Via Instability Theory Of Hydrogels. Soft Matter 9, 577-587.
Zhang, Y., Chen, L., Swaddiwudhipong, S., Liu, Z., 2014. Buckling Deformation Of Annular Plates Describing Natural Forms. International Journal of Structural Stability & Dynamics 14, **-.










软物质力学 - 刘 Liu Zishun 子顺软物质力学


计算固体及生物力学 - 刘 Liu Zishun 子顺计算固体与生物力学


纳米力学 - 刘 Liu Zishun 子顺纳米力学



纳米压痕与材料表征 - 刘 Liu Zishun 子顺纳米压痕与材料表征

振动声学与振动系统的结构强度 - 刘 Liu Zishun 子顺振动声学与振动系统的结构强度

发表论文 - 刘 Liu Zishun 子顺期刊论文

Zheng S.J. and Liu Z.S. (2021), The Machine Learning Embedded Method of Parameters Determination in the Constitutional Models and Potential Applications for Hydrogels, International Journal of Applied Mechanics, Vol. 13(1), **. DOI: S**00010. pdf
Vengatachalam B., Huang R., Poh L.H., Liu Z.S., Qin Q.H. and Swaddiwudhipong S. (2021), Initial yield behaviour of closed-cell aluminium foams in biaxial loading, International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, Vol. 191, 106063. DOI: 10.1016/j.ijmecsci.2020.106063.
Lei J.C., Li Z.Q., Xu S. and Liu Z.S. (2021), Recent Advances of Hydrogel Network Models for Studies on Mechanical Behaviors, Acta Mechanica Sinica, Vol. 37. DOI: 10.1007/s10409-021-01058-2. pdf
Jia Y.R., Han L.Z., Lei J.C. and Liu Z.S. (2021), Study on the Equivalent Properties of Nonlinear Periodic Heterogeneous Composite Plates Using the Structural Genome Approach, 利用结构基因法研究非线性周期性板结构的等效力学性能《计算力学学报》Chinese Journal of Computational Mechanics, Vol. 37, DOI: 10.7511/jslx. (Accepted)
Han L.Z., Lei J.C., Liu Z.S. and Lee H.P. (2021), Prediction of Mechanical and Thermal Properties of Particle Reinforced Hydrogel Composites Using THE Structural Genome Approach, Int. Journal of Computational Materials Science and Engineering, Vol. 10(1). (Accepted)
Lei J.C., Xu S., Li Z.Q. and Liu Z.S., (2020), Study on Large Deformation Behavior of Polyacrylamide Hydrogel Using Dissipative Particle Dynamics, Frontiers in Chemistry,Vol. 8: 115, doi: 10.3389/fchem.2020.00115.
Toh W., Ang Elisa Y.M., Ng T.Y., Lin R.M., Liu Z.S., (2020), Nanopumping of Water via Rotation of Graphene Nanoribbons, Nanotechnology. Vol. 31(17),. 175704,DOI: 10.1088/1361-6528/ab6ab6.
Selim B. A., Liu Z.S. and Liew K.M. (2020), Active control of functionally graded CNT-reinforced composite plates with piezoelectric layers subjected to impact loading, Journal of Vibration and Control, Vol. 26(7-8), 581-598, DOI: 10.1177/89849 .
Li Z.Q., Liu Z.S., Ng T.Y., Sharma P. (2020) The effect of water content on the elastic modulus and fracture energy of hydrogel Article reference, Extreme Mechanics Letters, Vol.35, 100617 DOI: 10.1016/j.eml.2019.100617.
Huang R., Zheng S.J. L, Liu Z.S. and Ng T.Y., (2020), Recent Advances of the Constitutive Models of Smart Materials- Hydrogels and Shape Memory Polymers, International Journal of Applied Mechanics, Vol. 12(2), **.DOI: 10.1142/S**00143.(pdf).
Ang Y.M., Ng T.Y., Yeo J.J., Lin R.M., Liu Z.S. and Geethalakshmi, K. R. (2020), Investigations on Different Two-Dimensional Materials as Slit Membranes for Enhanced Desalination, Journal of Membrane Science, Vol.598, 117653. DOI: 10.1016/j.memsci.2019.117653.
Toh W., Ang Elisa Y.M., Yeo J.J., Lin R.M., Liu Z.S., Geethalakshmi, K. R., Ng T.Y. (2020), A Review on Low dimensional Carbon Desalination and Gas Separation Membrane Designs, Journal of Membrane Science, Vol. 598, 117785. DOI: 10.1016/j.memsci.2019.117785.
Liu R.X., Xu S., Luo X.Y. and Liu Z.S., (2020), Theoretical and numerical analysis of mechanical behaviors of a metamaterial-based shape memory polymer stent, Polymers, Vol.12(8), 1784. DOI:10.3390/polym**.
Wang L.F., Feng P.H., Wu Y. and Liu Z.S., (2020), A temperature-dependent model of shape memory alloys considering tensile-compressive asymmetry and the ratchetting effect, Materials, Vol.13, 3116. DOI: 10.3390/ma**.
Xu S. and Liu Z.S., (2020), Coupled theory for transient responses of conductive hydrogels with multi-stimuli, Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, Vol. 143, 104055. DOI: 10.1016/j.jmps.2020.104055.
Li Z.Q. and Liu Z.S., (2020), The elongation-criterion for fracture toughness of hydrogels based on percolation model, Journal of Applied Physics, Vol.127(21) 215101, DOI: 10.1063/5.**.
Li Y.X., Liu R.X., Liu Z.S. and Swaddiwudhipong S., (2020), 3D phase-evolution-based thermomechanical constitutive model of shape memory polymer with finite element implementation, Journal of Mechanics of Materials and Structures, Vol. 15(3), 291-306. DOI: 10.2140/jomms.2020.15.291.
Huang R., Xue Y.H., Li Z.J. and Liu Z.S., (2020), The programmable spiral and helical deformation behaviors of the hydrogel-based bi-material beam structures, International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics, Vol. 20(13) article No. **. DOI: 10.1142/S02**102.
Sha Z.D., Lin W.H., Poh L.H., Xing G.C., Liu Z.S., Wang T.J., Gao H.J. (2020), Fatigue of metallic glasses, Applied Mechanics Reviews, Vol.72(5), 050801 DOI: 10.1115/1.**.
Toh W., Ang Elisa Y.M., Ng T.Y. Lin R.M. and Liu Z.S. (2020), An investigation on the effects of nanoplastic particles on nanoporous graphene membrane desalination, Desalination, Vol. 496, 114765, DOI: 10.1016/j.desal.2020.114765.
Zhang B.J., Zhang Y.Y., Yang X.D., Li G.P., Zhang S.K., Zhang Y.F., Liu Z.S. He G. (2020), Isometric Thionated Naphthalene Diimides As Organic Cathodes for High Capacity Lithium Batteries, Chemistry of Materials, Vol.32(24), 10575–10583.
Aphinyan S. Ang Elisa Y.M., Yeo, J.J., Ng, T.Y., Lin, R.M., Liu, Z.S., Rangaswamy G. K. (2019), Many-Body Dissipative Particle Dynamics Simulations of Nano-Droplet Formation in 3D Nano-Inkjet Printing, Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering,Vol.27 (5), 055005. DOI: 10.1088/1361-651X/ab1d43.
Xie Cihang, Ying Wu and Liu Z.S., (2019), Stress Fields and Effective Modulus of Piezoelectric Fiber Composite with Arbitrary Shaped Inclusion under In-plane Mechanical and Anti-plane Electric Loadings, Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids, DOI: 10.1177/40685.
Zheng S.J., Li Z.Q. and Liu Z.S., (2019), The Inhomogeneous Diffusion of Chemically Crosslinked Polyacrylamide Hydrogel Based on Poroviscosity Theory, Science China Technological Sciences, DOI: 10.1007/s11431-018-9472-2.
Xu S and Liu Z.S., (2019), A nonequilibrium thermodynamics approach to the transient properties of hydrogels, Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, Vol. 127, 94-110. DOI 10.1016/j.jmps.2019.03.008.
Rangaswamy G. K., Ang Elisa Y.M., Yeo, J.J., Lin R.M., NG T.Y., and Liu Z.S., (2019), Carbon Nanotube Arrays as Multilayer Transverse Flow Carbon Nanotube Membrane for Efficient Desalination, Journal of Membrane Science, V581, 383-392.
Wang Y., Lei J.C. and Liu Z.S., (2019), Molecular Dynamics Study on the Anisotropic Poisson's Ratio of the Graphene,Diamond and Related Materials,Vol.93, 66-74. 10.1016/j.diamond.2019.01.026.
Liu R.X., McGinty S., Cui F.S., Luo X.Y., Liu Z.S., (2019), Modelling and Simulation of the Expansion of a Shape Memory Polymer Stent, Engineering Computations, DOI 10.1108/EC-10-2018-0462.
Liu R.X., Li Y.X. and Liu Z.S., (2019), Experimental study on thermo-mechanical behavior of a thermosetting shape memory polymer. Mechanics of Time-Dependent Materials, Vol.23. DOI: 10.1007/s11043-018-9377-0. [PDF]
Pan Z.Z., Huang R. and Liu Z.S., (2019), Prediction of the thermomechanical behavior of particle reinforced shape memory polymers. Polymer Composites,40(1), 353-363. DOI: 10.1002/pc.24658.[PDF]
Zhou Y., Hu J.Y. and Liu Z.S., (2019), Deformation Behavior of Fiber-Reinforced Hydrogel Structures, International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics, Vol.19, No.3, **. DOI: 10.1142/S02**329.
Ang Elisa Y. M., Ng T.Y., Liu Z.S. Lin R.M., Yeo J.J. and Rangaswamy K. (2019), Effects of Oscillating Pressure on Desalination Performance of Transverse Flow CNT Membrane. Desalination, Vol.451 35-44. DOI: 10.1016/j.desal.2018.03.029.[PDF]
Yang X.D., Zhang B.J., Zhang S.K., Li G.P., Xu L.T., Wang Z.J., Li P.F., Zhang Y.F., Liu Z.S. and He G. (2019), The Marriage of Carborane with Chalcogen Atoms: Non-Conjugation, σ-π Conjugation and Intramolecular Charge Transfer,Organic Letters, (Accepted).
Wang L.F., Feng P.H., Wu Y. and Liu Z.S. (2019), A tensile-compressive asymmetry model for shape memory alloys with a redefined martensite internal variable,Smart Materials and Structures, (Accepted).
Li Z.J., Huang R. and Liu Z.S. (2019), A Periodic Deformation Mechanism of a Soft Actuator for Crawling and Grasping,Advanced Materials Technologies, DOI: 10.1002/admt..
Selim B. A., Liu Z.S. and Liew K.M. (2019), Active vibration control of functionally graded graphene nanoplatelets reinforced composite plates integrated with piezoelectric layers,Thin-Walled Structures, Vol. 145,106372. DOI:10.1016/j.tws.2019.106372.
Wang Y., Lei J.C., Bai L.C., Zhou K. and Liu Z.S., (2019), Effects of Tensile Strain Rate and Grain Size on the Mechanical Properties of Nanocrystalline T-carbon,Computational Materials Science, Vol. 170, 109188.
Zheng S.J. and Liu Z.S., (2019), Constitutive Model of Salt Concentration Sensitive Hydrogel,Mechanics of Materials, Vol. 136, 103092. DOI: 10.1016/j.mechmat.2019.103092.
Vengatachalam B., Poh L.H., Liu Z.S., Qin Q.H., Swaddiwudhipong S., (2019), Three dimensional modelling of closed-cell aluminium foams with predictive macroscopic behaviour,Mechanics of Materials, Vol. 136, UNSP 103067. DOI: 10.1016/j.mechmat.2019.103067.
Wang L.F., Wu Y. and Liu Z.S., (2019), Theoretical analysis on the adaptive vibration attenuation of a fixed-fixed beam realized by a piezo-SMA ferrule,Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, Vol. 30(14), 2079-2090. DOI: 10.1177/**X**.
Xie C.H. Wu Y. and Liu Z.S., (2019), A new approach for electro-elastic analysis of piezoelectric fiber composites with arbitrary shaped inclusions under anti-plane shear and in-plane electric loadings,Smart Materials and Structures, Vol. 28(7), 075030. DOI: 10.1088/1361-665X/ab1cf7.
Lei J.C., Zhou Z.D. and Liu Z.S. (2019), Side Chains and the Insufficient Lubrication of Water in Polyacrylamide Hydrogel - A New Insight, Polymers, Vol. 11, 1845, doi:10.3390/polym**.
Li Z.Q. and Liu Z.S. (2019), Energy transfer speed of polymer network and its scaling-law of elastic modulus-New insights, Journal of Applied Physics, Vol.126(21) 215101, DOI: 10.1063/1.** .
Jia Y.R., Lei J.C., Liu Z.S. and Lee H.P. (2019), Determination of the Equivalent Properties of Periodic Heterogeneous Composite Plates Using the Structural Genome Approach, Int. Journal of Computational Materials Science and Engineering, Vol. 8(4), **, DOI: 10.1142/S00179.


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Xu S., Cai S.Q. and Liu Z.S., (2018), Thermal Conductivity of Polyacrylamide Hydrogel at Nanoscale, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, Vol.10(42), 36352-36360. DOI: 10.1021/acsami.8b09891.[PDF]
Li Y.X., Liu R.X. and Liu Z.S., (2018), The Dynamic Behaviors of a Shape Memory Polymer Membrane, Acta Mechanica Solida Sinica, Vol.31 (5), 635-651. DOI: 10.1007/s10338-018-0042-6.[PDF]
Zhang N., Pan Z.Z., Lei J.C. and Liu Z.S., (2018), Effects of Temperature on Fracture and Fatigue Damage of Temperature Sensitive Hydrogels, RSC Advances, Vol.8,31048-31054. DOI: 10.1039/c8ra06518g.[PDF]
Bai, L.C., Sun P.P., Liu B., Liu Z.S. and Zhou K., (2018), Mechanical behaviors of T-carbon: A molecular dynamics study, Carbon, Vol.138, 357-362.[PDF]
He Y.H., Zhou Y., Liu Z.S. and Liew K.M., (2018), Buckling and pattern transformation of modified periodic lattice structures, Extreme Mechanics Letters, Vol.22, 112–121, DOI: 10.1016/j.eml.2018.05.011.[PDF]
Pan Z.Z. and Liu Z.S., (2018), A novel fractional viscoelastic constitutive model for shape memory polymers, The Journal of Polymer Science Part B: Polymer Physics, Vol.56, 1125–1134. DOI: 10.1002/polb.**.[PDF]
Xie C.H., Wu Y. and Liu Z.S., (2018), Modeling and active vibration control of lattice grid beam with piezoelectric fiber composite using fractional order PDμ algorithm, Composite Structures, Vol.198, 126–134.[PDF]
Lei J.C. and Liu Z.S., (2018), A novel model for the mechanical properties of silica aerogels,Journal of Applied Physics,Vol.123, 025102, DOI: 10.1063/1.**.
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Ang Elisa Y. M., Ng T.Y., Lin R.M., Yeo J.J., Liu Z.S. and Rangaswamy K., (2018), Effects of CNT size on desalination performance of outer-wall CNT slit membrane, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, Vol.20 (20), 13896-13902, DOI: 10.1039/C8CP01191E.[PDF]
Zhang N., Zheng S.J., Pan Z.Z. and Liu Z.S., (2018), Phase Transition Effects on Mechanical Properties of NIPA Hydrogel, Polymers, Vol.10 (4), 358.[PDF]
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Du X.Y., Huang R., Vengatachalam B. and Liu Z.S., (2018), Vibration Control for Slotted Plate Using Structural Intensity Method. Int. J. Computational Materials Science and Engineering, Vol.7 (1), **.[PDF]
Wang Y. and Liu Z.S., (2018), Spontaneous Rolling-up and Assembly of Graphene by Designing with Defects,Nanoscale, 2018, 10 (14), 6487–6495.[PDF]
Hu J.Y., Zhou Y. and Liu Z.S., (2018), The Friction Effect on Buckling Behavior of Cellular Structures under Axial Load, International Journal of Applied Mechanics, Vol.10 (2), **.[PDF]
Zheng S.J., Li Z.Q. and Liu Z.S., (2018), The fast homogeneous diffusion of hydrogel under different stimuli, International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, Vol.137, 263–270.[PDF]
Lei J.C. and Liu Z.S., (2018), The structural and mechanical properties of graphene aerogels based on Schwarz-surface-like graphene models, Carbon, Vol. 130, 741-748.[PDF]
Zheng S.J. and Liu Z.S., (2018), Phase transition of temperature sensitive hydrogel under mechanical constraint, Journal of Applied Mechanics, Vol. 85(2), 021002. [PDF]
沙振东; 滕云; 刘子顺; 王铁军, (2018), 金属玻璃的微结构、增韧与疲劳问题研究进展, 固体力学学报, Chinese Journal of Solid Mechanics Vol.39 (4), 333-374.

Zhang N., Zheng S.J. and Liu Z.S., (2017), Numerical Simulation and Experimental Study of Crack Propagation of Polydimethylsiloxane. Procedia Engineering. DOI:10.1016/j.proeng.2017.08.191.
Wang Y.R., Huang R. and Liu Z.S., (2017), The Relationship between Structural Intensity and Sound Field Characteristics of Cylindrical Shells. Procedia Engineering. DOI:10.1016/j.proeng.2017.08.192.
Li Z.Q., and Liu Z.S. (2017), An algorithm for obtaining real stress field of hyperelastic materials based on digital image correlation system. Int. J. Computational Materials Science and Engineering, 6(4), **, DOI: 10.1142/S00033.
Sha Z.D., She C.M., Pei Q.X., Liu Z.S., Wang T.J., Gao H.J. (2107), Metallic glass-based chiral nanolattice: Light weight, auxeticity, and superior mechanical propertie. Materials Today, 20(10). 569-576. DOI:10.1016/j.mattod.2017.10.001.
He Y.H., Li Y.X., Liu Z.S. and Liew K.M., (2017), Buckling analysis and buckling control of thin films on shape memory polymer substrate. European Journal of Mechanics - A/Solids, 66, 356-369. DOI: 10.1016/j.euromechsol.2017.08.006. [pdf]
Hu J.Y., Zhou Y., Liu Z.S. and Ng T.Y., (2017), Pattern Switching in Soft Cellular Structures and Hydrogel-Elastomer Composite Materials under Compression. Polymers, 9(6), 229. DOI: 10.3390/polym**. [pdf]
He Y.H., Zhou Y., Liu Z.S. and Liew K.M., (2017), Pattern transformation of single-material and composite periodic cellular structures. Materials & Design, 132, 375-384. DOI: 10.1016/j.matdes.2017.07.022. [pdf]
Li, Y.X., Hu J.Y. and Liu Z.S., (2017), A constitutive model of shape memory polymers based on glass transition and the concept of frozen strain release rate. International Journal of Solids and Structures, 124 (1), 252-263. DOI: 10.1016/j.ijsolstr.2017.06.039. [pdf]
Sha Z.D., Wong W.H., Pei Q.X., Branicioc P.S., Liu Z.S., Wang T.J. and Gao H.J., (2017), Atomistic origin of size effects in fatigue behavior of metallic glasses. Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 104, 84-95. DOI: 10.1016/j.jmps.2017.04.005.
Li, Y.X., He Y.H. and Liu Z.S. (2017), A Viscoelastic Constitutive Model for Shape Memory Polymers Based on multiplicative decompositions of the deformation gradient. International Journal of Plasticity, 91, 300-317. DOI: 10.1016/j.ijplas.2017.04.004. [pdf]
Lei J.C., Hu Y.W., Liu Z.S., Cheng Gary J. and Zhao K.J. (2017). Defects Mediated Corrosion in Graphene Coating Layer. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 9(13), 11902-11908. DOI: 10.1021/acsami.7b01539. [pdf]
Sha Z.D., Pei Q.X., Wan Q. and Liu, Z.S. (2017), Failure Mechanism of Phosphorene by Nanoindentation. J. Phys. Chem. C, 121, 4708-4713. DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpcc.6b13071.
Bai, L.C.; Srikanth, N.; Zhao, B.; Liu, B.; Liu, Z.S.; Zhou, K. (2016), Lubrication Mechanisms of Graphene for DLC Films Scratched by a Diamond Tip. J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 49(48), 485302. DOI: 10.1088/0022-3727/49/48/485302.
Liu Z.S. (2016), Foreword Special issue on Mechanics of Soft Materials and Machines, International Journal of Applied Mechanics, 8 (7), **. DOI: 10.1142/S**1002X.
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Ang Elisa Y.M., Ng T.Y., Yeo J.J., Liu Z.S., Geethalakshmi K.R. (2016), Free-standing graphene slit membrane for enhanced desalination, Carbon, 110, 350-355. DOI: 10.1016/j.carbon.2016.09.043.
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Liu Z.S. (2016), Message from the Editor-in-Chief, International Journal of Applied Mechanics, 8(3), ** DOI: 10.1142/S**10018.
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Sha Z.D., Branicio P.S., Pei Q.X., Liu Z.S., Lee H.P., Tay T.E., and Wang T.J. (2015), Strong and superplastic nanoglass. Nanoscale, 7(41), 17404-17409. DOI: 10.1039/C5NR04740D.
Sha Z.D., Qu S.X., Liu Z.S., Wang T.J. Gao H.J., (2015) Cyclic deformation in metallic glasses. Nano Letters, 15(10), 7010-7015. DOI: 10.1021/acs.nanolett.5b03045.
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Zhou H.F., Li X.Y., Wang Y., Liu Z.S., Yang W. and Gao H.J. (2015), Torsional Detwinning Domino in Nanotwinned One-Dimensional Nanostructures, Nano Letters, 15(9), 6082-6087. DOI: 10.1021/acs.nanolett.5b02330.
He Y.H., Guo S.S., Liu Z.S., and Liew K.M. (2015), Pattern Transformation of Thermo-responsive Shape Memory Polymer Periodic Cellular Structures, International Journal of Solids and Structures, 71, 194-205. DOI: 10.1016/j.ijsolstr.2015.06.022. [pdf]
Toh W.. Ding Z.W., Ng T.Y. and Liu Z.S., (2015), Wrinkling of a Polymeric Gel during Transient Swelling, Journal of Applied Mechanics, 82(6), 061004 DOI: 10.1115/1.**.
Sha Z.D., Pei Q.X., Liu Z.S., Zhang Y.W. and Wang T.J., (2015), Necking and notch strengthening in metallic glass with symmetric sharp-and-deep notches, Scientific Reports, 5, 10797.
Guo S.S., Wang D.F. and Liu Z.S., (2015), Probabilistic Analysis of Random Structural Intensity for Structural Members under Stochastic Loadings, Int. J. Computational Methods, 12(3), **; DOI: 10.1142/S02**139.
Li Y.X., Guo S.S., He Y.H. and Liu Z.S., (2015), A simplified constitutive model for predicting shape memory polymers deformation behaviour, Int. J. Computational Materials Science and Engineering, 3(4), ** (16 pages); DOI: 10.1142/S**.
Sha Z.D., Wan Q., Pei Q.X. Quek S.S. Liu Z.S., Zhang Y.W. and Shenoy V., (2014), On the failure load and mechanism of polycrystalline graphene by nanoindentation, Scientific Reports, 4, 7437. DOI: 10.1038/srep07437.
Shakouri A., Yeo J.J., Ng T.Y., Liu Z.S. and Taylor H., (2014) Superlubricity-activated thinning of graphite flakes compressed by passivated crystalline silicon substrates for graphene exfoliation,Carbon, 80, 68-74. DOI: 10.1016/j.carbon.2014.08.026.
Sha Z.D., He L.C., Xu S., Pei Q.X., Liu Z.S., Zhang Y.W. and Wang T.J (2014) Effect of aspect ratio on the mechanical properties of metallic glasses, Scripta Materialia, 93, 36-39. DOI: 10.1016/j.scriptamat.2014.08.025.
Toh W. Ng T.Y., Hu J.Y. and Liu Z.S. (2014), Mechanics of Inhomogeneous Large Deformation of Photo-Thermal Sensitive Hydrogels,InternationalJournal of Solids and Structures, 51(25-26), 4440-4451. DOI: 10.1016/j.ijsolstr.2014.09.014.
Sha Z.D., Quek S.S., Pei Q.X., Liu Z.S., Wang T.J. Shenoy V.B. and Zhang Y.W., (2014) Inverse Pseudo Hall-Petch Relation in Polycrystalline Graphene, Scientific Reports, 4, 5991. DOI: 10.1038/srep05991, SREP-13-06507.3d.
Swaddiwudhipong S., Lam N. and Liu Z.S., (2014) Special Issue on Computing in Engineering Applications Preface, Structural Engineering and Mechanics, 50(5), I-II.
Sha Z. D., He L.C., Pei Q.X., Liu Z.S., Zhang Y.W. and Wang T.J., (2014) The mechanical properties of a nanoglass/metallic glass/nanoglass sandwich structure, Scripta Materialia, 83, 37-40.
Yang Z.Z., Liu Z.S.. Ding Z.W., Hu J.Y., Tan Y.M., Swaddiwudhipong S., Lee K. (2014) Strength Analyses of the menisci and the ligaments of the Knee Joint under Different Loading Cases, Journal of Life Medicine, 2(3), 85-94.
Sha Z.D., He L.C., Pei Q.X., Pan H., Liu Z.S., Zhang Y.W., Wang T.J. (2014) On the notch sensitivity of CuZr nanoglass,Journal of Applied Physics, 115(16), 163507.
Chen L., Zhang Y., Swaddiwudhipong S., Liu Z.S. (2014) Mimicking the pattern formation of fruits and leaves using gel materials, Structural Engineering and Mechanics, 50(5), 575-588.
Hu J.Y., He Y.H., Lei J.C., Liu Z.S., Swaddiwudhipong S., (2014) Mechanical behavior of composite gel periodic structures with the pattern transformation Structural Engineering and Mechanics, 50(5), 605-616.
He LC, Guo S.S., Lei J.C., Sha Z.D. and Liu Z.S. (2014) The effect of Stone-Thrower-Wales defects on mechanical properties of graphene sheets- a molecular dynamics study,CARBON, 75, 124-132. DOI:10.1016/j.carbon.2014.03.044.
Sha Z.D., Pei Q.X., Liu Z.S., Shenoy V.B. and Zhang Y.W., (2014) Is the failure of large-area polycrystalline graphene notch sensitive or insensitive?, CARBON, 72, 200-206. DOI: 10.1016/j.carbon.2014.02.003.
Toh W, Ng T.Y, Liu Z.S., Hu, J.Y. (2014) The Deformation Kinetics of pH-Sensitive Hydrogels, Polymer International, 63(9), 1578-1583. DOI 10.1002/pi.4652.
Yeo J.J., Ng T.Y., and Liu Z.S., (2014), Molecular dynamics analysis of the thermal conductivity of graphene and silicene monolayers of different lengths, Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience 11(8), 1-7.
Zhang Y., Chen L., Swaddiwudhipong S., Liu Z.S., (2014), Buckling Deformation of Annular Plates Describing Natural Forms, International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics, 14 (1), **. DOI: 10.1142/S02**545.
Adibi S., Sha Z.D. Branicio P.S., Joshi S.P., Liu Z.S., Zhang Y.W. (2013) A transition from localized shear banding to homogeneous superplastic flow in nanoglass, Applied Physics Letters, Vol.103 (21), 211905. (DOI: 10.1063/1.**.
Hu J.Y., He Y.H., Lei J.C.,Liu Z.S.(2013), Novel mechanical behavior of periodic structure with the pattern transformation,Theoretical & Applied Mechanics Letters, Vol. 3, 054007.
Lei J.C.,Liu Z.S., Yeo J.J., Ng T.Y. (2013). Determination of the Young’s Modulus of Silica Aerogel-An Analytical-Numerical Approach,Soft Matter,Vol. 9 (47), 11367-11373. DOI:10.1039/C3SM51926K.
Yeo J.J., Liu Z.S. Ng T.Y., (2013), Enhanced thermal characterization of silica aerogels through molecular dynamics simulation,Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering, Vol. 21(7), 075004.
Ding Z.W.,Liu Z.S., Hu J.Y., Swaddiwudhipong S., Yang Z.Z. (2013), Inhomogeneous large deformation study of temperature-sensitive hydrogel,InternationalJournal of Solids and Structures, Vol. 50(16-17), 2610-2619.
Ren M., Huang J.G., Cai H., Tsai J. M.L., Zhou J.X.,Liu Z.S., Suo Z.G., Liu A.Q. (2013) Nano-optomechanical Actuator and Pull-Back Instability,ACS NANO, 7(2), 1676-1681.
Ng T.Y., Yeo J.J., andLiu Z.S.(2013), Molecular dynamics simulation of the thermal conductivity of shorts strips of graphene and silicene: a comparative study,Int. J. Mech Mater Des,Vol. 9(2), 105-114.DOI: 10.1007/s10999-013-9215-0.
Toh W,Liu Z.S.Ng T.Y, Hong W. (2013), Inhomogeneous Large Deformation Kinetics of Polymeric Gels,International Journal of Applied Mechanics, 5(1). **.
Toh W, Ng T.Y.,Liu Z.S.(2013), Non-Linear Large Deformation Kinetics of Polymeric Gel,Key Engineering Materials, Vols. 535-536 pp 338-341.
Liu Z.S., Swaddiwudhipong S., Hong W., (2013,) Pattern Formation in Plants via Instability Theory of Hydrogels,Soft Matter, Vol. 9 (2), 577 - 587. DOI:10.1039/c2sm26642c.
Huang W.X., Pei Q.X.,Liu Z.S., Zhang Y.W. (2012), Thermal conductivity of fluorinated graphene: A non-equilibrium molecular dynamics study,Chemical Physics Letters, 552, 97-101.
Islam M.J., Swaddiwudhipong S.,Liu Z.S., (2012), Penetration of Concrete Targets Using a Modified Holmquist-Johnson-Cook Material Model,International Journal of Computational Methods, Vol. 9 (4), **.
Yeo J.J.,Liu Z.S.,Ng T.Y. (2012), Comparing the effects of dispersed stone-thrower-wales defects and double vacancies on the thermal conductivity of graphene nanoribbons,Nanotechnology,Vol. 23,385702.
Zhang Y.,Liu Z.S., Swaddiwudhipong S., Miao H.. Ding Z.W., Yang Z.Z., (2012),pH-Sensitive Hydrogel for Micro-Fluidic Valve,Journal of Functional Biomaterials, Vol. 3 (3), 464-479.
Yang Z.Z.. Ding Z.W.,Liu Z.S., Swaddiwudhipong S., Tan Y.M. and Lee K.,(2012), Comparative Study on Strength of Knee Joint Using Various Material Models,Int. J. Computational Materials Science and Engineering, Vol. 1(2),DOI: 10.1142/S00133 , No.**.
Ng T.Y., Yeo J.J.,Liu Z.S., (2012), A molecular dynamics study of the thermal conductivity of graphene nanoribbons containing dispersed Stone-Thrower-Wales defects,CARBON, Vol.50 (13),4887-4893.
Liu Z.S., Swaddiwudhipong S., Islam M.J., (2012), Perforation of Steel and Aluminum Targets Using a Modified Johnson-Cook Material Model,Nuclear Engineering and Design. Vol. 250, 108-115.
Ng T.Y., Yeo J.J.,Liu Z.S., (2012), A molecular dynamics study of the thermal conductivity of nanoporous silica aerogel, obtained through negative pressure rupturing,Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 358(11), 1350-1355.
Swaddiwudhipong S., Islam M.J.,Liu Z.S., (2011), High Velocity Perforation Simulations of Lightweight Target Plates Using a Modified Johnson-Cook Model,International Journal of Aerospace and Lightweight Structures, Vol. 1 (1) 67-88.
Liu Z.S., SwaddiwudhipongS., Cui F.F., Hong W., Suo Z.G., Zhang Y.W., (2011), Analytical Solutions of Polymeric Gel Structures under Buckling and Wrinkle,International Journal of Applied Mechanics, Vol. 3 (2) 235-257.
Harsono E., Swaddiwudhipong S.,Liu Z.S.and Shen L., (2011), Numerical and experimental indentation tests considering size effects"InternationalJournal of Solids and Structures, Vol. 48 (6) 972-978.
Islam M.J.,Liu Z.S. and Swaddiwudhipong S., (2011), Numerical study on concrete penetration /perforation under high velocity impact by ogive-nose steel projectile,Computers and Concrete, Vol. 8 (1), 111-123.
Swaddiwudhipong S., Islam M.J. andLiu Z.S.,(2010), High Velocity Penetration/Perforation Using Coupled Smooth Particle Hydrodynamics-Finite Element Method",International Journal of Protective Structures, Vol. 1. No.4, 489-506.
Pei Q.X.,Liu Z.S., Zhang Y.W. and Dong Z.L., (2010), Study of Nanoimprinting Processes by Molecular Dynamics Simulations,Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience, Vol. 7.2144-2150.
Liu Z.S., Hong W., Suo Z.G.,Swaddiwudhipong S., and Zhang Y.W., (2010), Modeling and Simulation of Buckling of Polymeric Membrane Thin Film Gel,Computational Materials Science, Vol. 49 S60-64.
Hong W.,Liu Z.S., and Suo Z.G., (2009) Inhomogeneous Swelling of a Gel in Equilibrium with A Solvent and Mechanical Load,InternationalJournal of Solids and Structures, Vol. 46 No. 17, 3282-3289.
Liu Z.S., Harsono E.,SwaddiwudhipongS., (2009), Material Characterization Based on Instrumented and Simulated Indentation Tests,International Journal of Applied Mechanics, Vol. 1(1), 61-84.
Harsono E.,SwaddiwudhipongS.,Liu Z.S.,(2009), Material Characterization Based on Simulated Spherical-Berkovich Indentation Tests,Scripta Materialia, Vol. 60 (11), 972-975.
Wang D.F, He P.F.,Liu Z.S.,(2008), Structural Intensity Characterization of Composite Laminates Subjected To Impact Load,Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong University (Science), Vol. 13(3), 375-380.
王东方,贺鹏飞,朱晓玲,刘子顺(Liu Z.S.)(2008),箱形复合材料层板结构的内噪声优化控制,力学季刊,Chinese Quarterly of Mechanics,Vol. 29(2),210-217.
SwaddiwudhipongS., Harsono E.,and Liu Z.S., (2008), Comparative Study of Reverse Algorithms via Artificial Neural Networks Based on Simulated Indentation Tests,Tsinghua Science & Technology. Vol. 13 (S1) 393-399.
Harsono E.,SwaddiwudhipongS. andLiu Z.S., (2008), Effect Of Friction on Indentation Test Results,Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering, 16 (6) 065001, 1-12.
Liu Z.S., Swaddiwudhipong S. and Pei, Q.X., (2008), Simulations of Micro and Nanoindentations,Journal of Mechanics of Materials and Structures, Vol. 3 (10) 1847-1856.6.
SwaddiwudhipongS., Harsono E., Hua J., andLiu Z.S., (2008), Reverse Analysis via Efficient Artificial Neural Networks Based on Simulated Berkovich Indentation Considering Effects of Friction,Engineering with Computers, Vol. 24, No. 2, 127-134.
Pei Q.X., Lu C.,Liu Z.S. and Lam KY (2007), Molecular Dynamics Study on the Nano-imprint of Copper,Journal of Physics D. Applied Physics.Vol. 40, 4928-4935.
顾易瓅,郑百林,贺鹏飞,刘子顺(Liu Z.S.)(2007),具有分形结构界面的固体膜/粘滞层/基底层状结构的变形,固体力学学报,ACTA Mechanica Solida Sinica, Vol.28 No.2, 183-188.
王东方,贺鹏飞,刘子顺(Liu Z.S.),李岩(2007),复合材料层合板在动集中力作用下的结构声强特性,力学季刊,Chinese Quarterly of Mechanics, Vol.28(2), 217-222.
Swaddiwudhipong S., Ton T.T.,Liu Z.S. and Hua J., (2007), Modelling of wind load on single and staggered dual buildings,Engineering with Computers, Vol. 23 No. 3, 215-227.
Liu Z.S., Luo X.Y., Lee H.P. and Lu C., (2007), Snoring source identification using structure intensity method,Journal of Biomechanics, Vol. 40(4), 861-870.
Liu A.Q., Li J.,Liu Z.S., Lu C., Zhang X.M. and Wang Y., (2006) Self-Latched Micromachined Mechanism with Large Displacement Ratio,Journalof Microelectromechanical Systems, Vol. 15 (6), 1576-1585.
Swaddiwudhipong S., Hua J., Harsono E.,Liu Z.S. and Ooi. Brandon, N.S (2006), Improved Algorithm for Material Characterization by Simulated Indentation Tests,Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering, 14 (2006) 1347-1362.
SwaddiwudhipongS, Hua J., Tho K.K. andLiu Z.S.(2006), Finite Element Modeling For Materials With Size Effect,Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering, Vol. 14 (7), 1127-1137.
Gu Y.L., He P.F., Zheng B.L. andLiu Z.S., (2006). Deformation Of Thin Solid Film/Liquid Layer/Substrate Structures With Rough Liquid Layer/Substrate Interface,Thin Solid Films, Vol. 513, No.1-2, 243-247.
Liu Z.S., Lee H.P. and Lu C. (2006), Reply To Comments On Passive And Active Interior Noise Control Of Box Structures Using The Structural Intensity Method,Applied Acoustics, Vol. 67 (10), 1046-1047.
Tho K.K., Swaddiwudhipong S., Hua J. andLiu Z.S. (2006), Numerical Simulation of Indentation with Size Effect,Material Science and Engineering A., Vol. 421 (1-2): 268-275.
SwaddiwudhipongS., Hua J., Tho K.K. andLiu Z.S. (2006), Equivalency Of Berkovich And Conical Load-Indentation Curves,Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering,. Vol. 14 (1), 71-82.
Swaddiwudhipong, S, Tho K.K, Hua J andLiu Z.S., (2006), Mechanism-Based Strain Gradient Plasticity in C0 Axisymmetric Element,International Journal of Solids and Structures, Vol. 43(5), 1117-1130.
Liu Z.S., Lee H.P. and Lu C. (2006), Passive and Active Interior Noise Control of Box Structure Using Structural Intensity Method,Applied Acoustics, Vol. 67(2), 112-134.
Liu Z.S., Lu C., Wang Y.Y., Lee H.P., Koh Y.K. and Lee K.S. (2006), Interior Noise Prediction of Tracked vehicles,Applied Acoustics, Vol. 67(1), 74-91.
Swaddiwudhipong S, Hua J, Tho K.K andLiu Z.S., (2005), C0 solid elements for materials with strain gradient effects,International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, Vol. 64(10), 1400-1414.
Swaddiwudhipong S., Poh L.H., Hua J.,Liu Z.S. And Tho K.K., (2005), Modeling Nano-Indentation Tests Of Glassy Polymers Using Finite Elements With Strain Gradient Plasticity,Material Science and Engineering A, Vol. 404(1-2) 179-187.
SwaddiwudhipongS., Tho K.K.,Liu Z.S., Hua J. and Ooi Brandon N.S., (2005), Material Characterization via Least Squares Support Vector Machines,Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering,13 (6), 993-1004.
Liu Z.S., SwaddiwudhipongS., Lu C. and Hua J., (2005), Transient Energy Flow of Vessel Plate/Shell Structures under Low Velocity Impact,Structural Engineering and Mechanics, Vol. 20 (4), 451-463.
Liu Z.S., Lee H.P. and Lu C., (2005), Numerical Study of Dynamic Buckling for Plate and Shell Structures,Structural Engineering and Mechanics, Vol. 20 (2), 241-257.
Tang M., Liu A.Q., Agarwal A.,Liu Z.S. and Lu C. (2005), A Single-Pole Double-Throw (SPDT) Circuit Using Lateral Metal-Contact Micromachined Switches,Sensors & Actuators: A. Physical, 121 (1), 187-196.
Liu Z.S., Cheng Q.H., He P.F., Lee H.P. and Lu C. (2005), Active Interior Noise Control of Box Structure,GESTSInternational Transaction on Acoustic Science and Engineering, Vol. 3(1), 155-163.
Tang M., Yu, A.B., Liu A.Q., Agarwal A., Aditya S. andLiu Z.S., (2005), High Isolation X-Band MEMS Capacitive Switches,Sensors & Actuators: A. Physical,Vol. 120 (1), 241-248.
Hua J.,SwaddiwudhipongS.,Liu Z.S. and XuQ.Y. (2005), Numerical Analysis of Nonlinear Rotor-Seal System,Journal of Sound and Vibration, Vol. 283(3-5), 525-542.
Liu Z.S., Lee H.P., and Lu C. (2005) Structural Intensity Study of Plates under Low Velocity Impact,International Journal of Impact Engineering, Vol. 31(8), 957-975.
Tho K.K., Swaddiwudhipong S.,Liu Z.S. and Zeng K. (2005), Simulation of Instrumented Indentation and Material Characterization,Material Science and Engineering A, Vol. 390(1-2), 202-209.
Swaddiwudhipong S., Tho K.K.,Liu Z.S., and Zeng K. (2005), Material Characterization Based on Dual Indenters,InternationalJournal of Solids and Structures, Vol. 42 (1), 69-83.
Swaddiwudhipong S., Tho, K. K.,Liu Z.S. and Zeng K. (2005), Material Characterization Based on Nano-Indentation,Journal of Metastable & Nanocrystalline Materials, Vol. 23, 359-362.
Liu Z.S., Swaddiwudhipong S. and Koh C.G., (2004), High Velocity Impact Dynamic Response of Structures Using SPH Method,International Journal of Computational Engineering and Science, Vol. 5(2), 315-326.
Tho K.K.,SwaddiwudhipongS.,Liu Z.S., and Hua J. (2004), Artificial Neural Network Model For Material Characterization By Instrumented Indentation,Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering, Vol. 12(5), 1055-1062.
Tho K.K., Swaddiwudhipong S.,Liu Z.S., Zeng K. and Hua J. (2004), Uniqueness of Reverse Analysis from Conical Indentation Tests,Journal of Materials Research, Vol. 19(8), 2498-2502.
Zhang X.M., Liu A.Q., Lu C., Wang F. andLiu Z.S., (2003), Polysilicon Micromachined Fiber-Optical Attenuator for DWDM Applications,Sensors& Actuators: A. Physical, Vol. 108 (1-3): 28-35.
Liu A.Q., Zhang X.M., Lu C., Wang F., Lu C. andLiu Z.S., (2003), Optical and Mechanical Models For A Variable Optical Attenuator Using A Micromirror Drawbridge,Journal of Micromechanical and Microengineering, Vol. 13(3), 400-411.
Wang F., Lu C.,Liu Z.S., Li J., Liu A.Q. and Zhang X.M. (2002), Finite Element Simulation and theoretical Analysis of Fiber-optical Switch,Sensors& Actuators: A. Physical, Vol. 96(2-3), 167-178.
Liu Z.S., Swaddiwudhipong S. and Koh C.G. (2002), Stress wave propagation in 1-D and 2-D media using Smooth Particle Hydrodynamics method,Structural Engineering and Mechanics, Vol. 14(4), 455-472.
SwaddiwudhipongS., Koh C.G. andLiu Z.S. (2002) Numerical Study Of Shell Structures Under Low Velocity Impact,Journal of the International Association for Shell and Spatial Structures, Vol. 43(3), 159-170.
Liu Z.S. and SwaddiwudhipongS., (1997). Dynamic Response of Plate and Shell Structures under Low Velocity Impact,Journal of Engineering Mechanics ASCE, Vol. 123(12), 1230-1237.
SwaddiwudhipongS., andLiu Z.S. (1997), Response of Laminated Composite Plate and Shell,Composite Structures, Vol. 37(1), 21-32.
SwaddiwudhipongS. andLiu Z.S. (1996). Dynamic Response of Large Strain Elasto-Plastic Plate and Shell Structures,Thin-Walled Structures, Vol. 26(4), 223-239.
刘子顺(Liu Z.S.),乐美峰(1995),利用边界积分法计算截面图形的几何性质力学与实践(Mechanics In Engineering), Vol. 17(4), 68-70.
刘子顺(Liu Z.S.),殷家驹,赵挺 (1994),壳体结构弹塑性大应变动态响应分析,应用力学学报(Chinese Journal of Applied Mechanics), Vol. 11(1), 102-122.
毛祖德,马贵发,刘子顺(Liu Z.S.) (1993),110KV等级电力变压器油箱结构形式的探讨,变压器(Transformer), Vol. 30(1), 15-18.
刘子顺(Liu Z.S.),殷家驹,赵挺(1993), 计算板壳结构大应变动态问题的新型有限元法,南洋理工学院学报(Journal of Nanyang Institute of Science and Technology), Vol. 1(1), 66-72. (创刊号).
刘子顺(Liu Z.S.),闵行,楼志文 (1990),利用固有应变理论计测对节焊钢管残余应力场的实验研究,应用力学学报(Chinese Journal of Applied Mechanics), Vol. 7(2), 48-55.
刘子顺(Liu Z.S.),闵行,楼志文,(1987),计测残余应力场的固有应变法研究,西安交通大学学报(Journal of Xi’an Jiaotong University), Vol. 21(4), 47-54.

学术交流 - 刘 Liu Zishun 子顺主办主持国际会议
2020年9月,5th International Conference on Frontiers in Applied Mechanics-ICFAM 2020, Xi'an. Chaiman.
2019年7月, Int. Co-Chair of The 10th International Conference on Computational Methods, (ICCM2019) July 9-13, 2019, Singapore. Co-Chair
2019年6月, Co-Chair of Symposium FF Computational Advanced Material Science and Application, 10th ICMAT2019, June 23-28, 2019, Singapore. Co-Chair
2019年3月, 2nd International Conference on Modeling in Mechanics and Materials(CMMM2109). 29-31, March 2019. Suzhou, China. Co-Chair
2018年8月, 4th International Symposium on Frontiers in Applied Mechanics (ISFAM2018). 8-11 Aug. 2018. Trondheim, Norway. 会议主席
2018年7月, Mini-symposium for Computational Mechanics of Soft Matter and Machines, WCCM XIII and PANACM II, 22-27 July, New York, 会议主席
2018年6月, Symposium of Multiscale and multiophysics modeling and simulation methods 18th U.S. National Congress for Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (USNC/TAM18), 4-9 June. 2018 Chicago, USA. 联合主席
2017年9月, International Symposium on Safety and Mechanics of Nuclear Structures (ISSMNS2017), 21-24 Sep. 2017, Xi’an, China. 会议主席
2016年12月, 3rd International Symposium on Frontiers in Applied Mechanics (ISFAM2016). 1-4 Dec. 2016 Melbourne, Australia. 会议主席
2016年7月, Mini-symposium for Computational Mechanics of Soft Matter and Machines, WCCM XII and APCOM VI, July 24-29, 2016, Seoul Korea, 会议主席
2016年7月,12th World Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM XII) and 6th Asia-Pacific Congress on Computational Mechanics (APCOM VI), July 24-29, 2016, Seoul Korea, 组委会委员
2015年11月, 2nd International Symposium on Frontiers in Applied Mechanics (ISFAM2015). 8-10 Nov. 2015 Xi’an China. 组委会主席
2015年6-7月, Symposium S, Computational Materials Science and Engineering, ICMAT2015& IUMRS-ICA2015, 28 June-3 July 2015 Singapore. 组委会联合主席;
2014年12月, International Symposium on Frontiers in Applied Mechanics (ISFAM2014). 4-7 Dec. 2014 Singapore. 组委会主席;
2014年4月,APACM Thematic Conference & IACM Special Interest Conference COMPSAFE 2014 Computational Engineering and Science for Safety and Environmental Problems,Sendai International Center, Sendai, Japan, 组委会委员;
2013年12月,5th Asian Pacific Congress on Computational Mechanics 2013 (APCOM2013),SINGAPORE,组委会主席;
2013年10月,The 23rd International Workshop on Computational Mechanics of Materials (IWCMM23),SINGAPORE,组委会委员;
2012年11月,The 4th International Conference on Computational Methods (ICCM2012), Gold Coast, Australia,组委会委员;
2009年,9th International Conference on Analysis of Discontinuous Deformation (ICADD-9),SINGAPORE,组委会委员;
2009年,2009 Fall Workshop & Conference: Advanced Image-Based Measurement Methods: Recent Developments and Applications in Engineering and Medicine, SC USA,组委会委员;
2011年 7月:International Conference on Materials for Advanced Technologies (ICMAT 2011) , Singapore,大会委员
2009年 7月:International Conference on Materials for Advanced Technologies 2009 (ICMAT 2009), Singapore,大会委员
2007年 7月:International Conference on Materials for Advanced Technologies (ICMAT 2007), Singapore,大会委员

• 2019年1月, International Conference on Plasticity, Damage & Fracture 2019: Jan. 3-9, 2019, Panama City, Panama. (Keynote Lecture)
• 2018年8月, 4th International Symposium on Frontiers in Applied Mechanics (ISFAM2018). 8-11 August 2018. Trondheim, Norway. (Keynote Talk)
• 2018年7月, WCCM XIII and PANACM II, New York, USA, July 22-27, 2018.(Keynote Talk)
• 2018年6月,The 3rd International Symposium on Computing in Cardiology (ISCC III), Xi’an China, June 1-2, 2018.(Plenary Talk)
• 2017年8月, International Conference on Structural Engineering and Computational Mechanics (SE&CM2017), August 25-27, 2017, Guangzhou, China.(Plenary Talk)
• 2017年7月, The 8th International Conference on Computational Methods (ICCM2017), July 25-29, 2017, Guilin, China.(Keynote Talk)
• 2016年12月, Proceedings of 3rd Int. Symposium on Frontiers in Applied Mechanics, Dec. 1-4 2016, Melbourne Australia.(Invited Talk)
• 2016年7月,12thWorldCongressonComputationalMechanics(WCCMXII)and6thAsia-PacificCongressonComputationalMechanics(APCOMVI)
(Semi-Plenary Lecture)
• 2015年8月,The Chinese Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics 2015, MS26 复杂条件下力学-化学耦合与交互 (Invited Lecture)
• 2015年5月,Hunan University, China (湖南大学机械与运载工程学院)
• 2015年5月,Xiangtan University, China (湘潭大学土木工程与力学学院)
• 2014年12月,The Center for Soft Materials, Zhejiang University, China.
• 2014年9月,Shanghai Institute of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, China.
• 2014年8月,2014 Conference of China Computational Mechanics, August 10-13, 2014, Guiyang, China. (Semi-Plenary Lecture).
•2014年7月,11th World Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM XI), July 20 - 25, 2014, Barcelona, Spain. (Keynote Lecture).
• 2014年6月,School of Aerospace, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin, China.
• 2014年6月,School of Mechanical engineering, Tianjin University, China.
• 2014年4月, Laboratory of Soft & Wet Matter, Hokkaido University, Faculty of Advanced Life Science, Japan.
• 2014年1月, Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Seoul National University, Korea.
• 2013年11月,Department of Earth and Space Science and Engineering, York University, Canada.
• 2013年9月, Institute of Solid Mechanics, Tsinghua University, China.
• 2013年5月, State Key Lab of Mechanics and Control of Mechanical Structures, Nanjing University of Aeronautics & Astronautics, China.
• 2013年5月,Department of Engineering Mechanics, Hohai University, China.
• 2013年3月, School of Civil Engineering and Transportation South China University of Technology, China.
• 2013年3月,Department of Engineering Mechanics, Chongqing University, China.
• 2012年12月,College of Science, Xi’an University of Architecture and Technology, China.
• 2011年3月,Dept. of Aerospace Engineering, Iowa State University, USA.
• 2011年3月,Dept. of Civil Engineering, MIT, USA.
• 2010年9月,Dept. of Mechanics, Lanzhou University, China.
• 2010年3月,Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, University of Glasgow, UK.
• 2009年10月,School of Civil Engineering, Beijing Jiaotong University, China.
• 2009年6月, School of Aeronautics and Aerospace, Zhejiang University, China.
• 2008年12月,Department of Mechanical and Materials Engineering,Queen's University,Kingston, Canada
• 2008年11月,Dept. of Maths, University of Glasgow, UK.
• 2007年10月, School of Computer Engineering and Science, Shanghai University, China.
• 2006年6月, School of Aerospace, Xi'an Jiaotong University, China.
• 2006年3月,School of Engineering, Computer Science & Mathematics, University of Exeter, UK.
• 2006年3月,School of Aeronautical Engineering, Queen's University Belfast, UK.
• 2006年2月, Dept. of Maths, University of Glasgow, UK.
• 2006年1月, Centre for Advanced Computations in Engineering Science, National University of Singapore.
• 2005年3月, Institute for Computational Sciences (RICS), Tsukuba, Japan.
• 2004年10月,Dept. of Mechanics, VSB - Technical University of Ostrava, Czech Republic.

出版图书 - 刘 Liu Zishun 子顺出版图书(章节)
Liu Z.S. and Fang D.N. Frontiers in Applied Mechanics, Research Publishing, Singapors. (2020) ISBN: 978-981-14-7514-6
Liu Z.S. and He J.Y.Frontiers in Applied Mechanics, Research Publishing, Singapore, (2018) ISBN 978-981-11-2729-8.
Ng T.Y., Joshi S.C., Yeo J.J. and Liu Z.S.Effects of Nano Porosity on the Mechanical Properties and Applications of Aerogels in Composite Structures, Advances in Nanocomposites, Springer. (2016) ISBN: 978-3-319-31660-4
Zishun Liu, Teng Yong Ng and Xiqiao Feng, Proceedings of Frontiers in Applied Mechanics, Research Publishing, Singapore. (2015) ISBN 9-789810-962784.
Zishun Liu, Frontiers in Applied Mechanics, Imperial College Press, UK, Singapore. (2014) ISBN 978-1-78326-683-8.

科普介绍 - 刘 Liu Zishun 子顺科普介绍
麻省理工学院的赵选贺课题组在2019年发表的综述(Yuk et al,.2019)中阐明,水凝胶是唯一一种可能成为人机交互作用界面的材料的,并提出水凝胶生物电子学的概念。目前,该方向的应用主要分为4个子方面:1)水凝胶封装技术,包括涂层与胶囊化;2)离子导电水凝胶的力学和电学特性;3)导电纳米复合水凝胶;4)导电聚合物水凝胶。以上研究都包含水凝胶表面与另外一种基质的相互作用,涉及断裂韧性,界面强度,导电特性和生物相容性等诸多问题。本课题组主要专注于基于以上现实应用的底层机理,发展更新更实用的水凝胶本构理论,水凝胶-软基质界面和断裂理论,为实际的工程应用提供理论支持。



自然界充满了神奇,我们生长在这个奇妙的世界中。自然界动植物的生长充满了迷人的复杂模式和形状。人们观察到植物的生长过程可产生各种有趣而复杂的三维形状:如正螺旋形和反螺旋形的仙人掌,园型仙人掌上的肋骨可呈现出平行四边形图形,南瓜表面会出现复杂的脊谷图貌。而松树锥和向日葵头的图案又显示出交叉的螺旋形状。达尔文曾经说过, “迷人的植物图案可以驱使人具有疯狂想象”。人们可能会问自然界生物为何长得如此奇妙?自然植物为何生长的千奇百怪?为什么圆形南瓜有十个等距纵脊,而另一种长南瓜约有二十个纵脊?为什么一个哈密瓜表面呈现出网状混合山脊和明显的纬度形态模式?人们虽然早就认识到植物叶子和花瓣是由不同模式的图形组成,或呈现出对称或反对称螺旋图型,这些自然结构形成的物理机制和变形机制是什么?如何解释形态的发生与这些植物的自然生长?我们如何理解这些表面形貌与基因的关系?这些问题一直困扰着许许多多的研究者。近一个世纪来,科学家都试图用各种各样的理论、方法来解释这些现象。一个最简单而普遍答案可能是,力产生的变形及屈曲是造成这些模式形成的主要原因,在动植物生长过程中动植物的总势能总是趋于最小化,它可能是动植物进化时表面出现褶皱变形的成因。另外一些研究人员认为化学和生物物理学是某些植物和动物的形态形成的主因,例如,生长激素作为化学信号及成长的动力作为物理信号可影响植物顶端材料使其产生不同的植物形态。虽然答案尚不完全清楚,但是人们试图利用力学原理解释这些奇妙现象的努力从未停止。
例如早在上个世纪90年代,著名力学家斯坦福大学Charles R. Steele教授和他的研究组就通过实验研究、理论分析和仿真模拟来证明机械应力和变形在植物模式变形中起着关键的作用。他们尝试用弹性梁、板、壳结构来解释某些自然现象。但是,他们所用的材料主要是工程材料,其材料的弹性本构关系是线弹性。实际上植物及生物界的材料特性不同于一般工程材料。虽然他们对某些动植物的形态做出来某些解释,但这种解释并不是非常合适的。由于凝胶材料同动植物材料相似,都含有大量的液体,并且凝胶的溶胀与动植物早期生长的过程类似。所以利用凝胶材料来代替工程材料可能是一种更好的选择。近年来,随着软物质力学的快速发展,水凝胶变形的本构理论和模拟水凝胶变形的数值方法取得了巨大的突破。我们(西安交通大学刘子顺研究组)借助于水凝胶非均质大变形的理论,发现自然界中许多有趣现象可以用水凝胶大变形理论及扩散理论得到很好的解释和模拟。例如我们利用凝胶状溶胀变形研究了树叶的生长和枯萎过程(Liu et al., 2010),模拟结果同实际生长变形过程吻合较好。我们还利用结构的稳定屈曲理论揭示了水果生长时由于屈曲变形产生的奇妙形状( Liu et al., 2012; Chen et al., 2014;),此研究中我们利用化学势的变化来模拟水果生长的生长过程。利用凝胶圆环结构的溶胀过程中产生的屈曲现象来解释一些花环的产生(Zhang et al., 2014),揭示了甘蓝花形成的奇妙现象等等(如图1所示)。比如,南瓜在生长的过程中会在头部产生屈曲,形成瓣状,我们利用水凝胶在受约束的条件下进行吸水的过程同这一现象进行比拟,结果发现,在水凝胶吸水溶胀过程中也会产生相同的屈曲的现象,此模拟过程可以解释一些瓜果的形态(如图2所示)。通过生涩期到成熟期的化学势变化改变以及边界条件的施加,我们进一步模拟了苹果和辣椒的生长过程。三种不同脉络结构的叶子的干燥过程以及圆环板形状的卷心菜屈曲都进行了研究(如图3所示)。即在凝胶非均匀场理论基础上从力学角度说明水果和植物的纹路生长形态。不仅如此,我们也希望利用水凝胶的大变形理论来解释一些动物体的生长现象,为生命科学提供力学理论支持,例如利用水凝胶代替人工关节等。
图1 自然界中奇妙的生长现象。(a) 树叶的生长;(b)树叶的枯萎;(c)南瓜的瓣状;(d)花环的产生
图2 水凝胶大变形理论对于自然现象的模拟。(a)树叶的吸水;(b)树叶的失水;(b)南瓜的生长;(d)花环的产生。
图3 通过凝胶材料模拟蔬果植物的生长形态
该成果发表在《Engineering Computations》上。第一作者是西安交通大学航天航空学院博士研究生刘若璇,通讯作者是刘子顺教授,合作者有格拉斯哥大学Sean Mcginty博士, Xiaoyu Luo教授及新加坡高性能计算研究所Fangsen Cui博士。

Chen, L., Zhang, Y., Swaddiwudhipong, S., Liu, Z., 2014. Mimicking The Pattern Formation Of Fruits And Leaves Using Gel Materials. Structural Engineering & Mechanics 50, 575-588.
Liu, Z., Hong, W., Suo, Z., Swaddiwudhipong, S., Zhang, Y., 2010. Modeling And Simulation Of Buckling Of Polymeric Membrane Thin Film Gel. Computational Materials Science 49, S60-S64.
Liu, Z., Swaddiwudhipong, S., Hong, W., 2012. Pattern Formation In Plants Via Instability Theory Of Hydrogels. Soft Matter 9, 577-587.
Zhang, Y., Chen, L., Swaddiwudhipong, S., Liu, Z., 2014. Buckling Deformation Of Annular Plates Describing Natural Forms. International Journal of Structural Stability & Dynamics 14, **-.

研究团队 - 刘 Liu Zishun 子顺团队成员


Belal A. M. M. Selim





Sundari Pruthvi Raj




Email: @qq.com

Email: **@qq.com

Mahmoud Hussien Ahmed Sebaq
Email: Mahmoud.hussien@bhit.bu.edu.eg



Xiuxiu Guo

Linchun He

William Toh
Zhengzhi Yang

Jing Jie Yeo
Yang Zhang

Giftson Sudhaker
Kirk Ming Yeoh


Email:a@stu.xjtu.edu.cn 贾贻然Email:@qq.com


学术任职 - 刘 Liu Zishun 子顺学术任职

Int. Journal of Applied Mechanics (IJAM), 2008年至今
Int. Journal of Computational Materials Science and Engineering (IJCMSE), 2011年至今
Computational Materials Science(COMMAT), 2010 客座主编

Structural Engineering and Mechanics, 2014
Journal of Applied and Computational Mechanics, 2017年至今 副主编
Acta Mechanica Solida Sinica, 2015年-2020年 特邀副主编
Journal of Mechanics of Material and Structures (JoMMS), 2018年至今 Editor
International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics (IJSSD), 2017年至今

Coupled System Mechanics, An International Journal (CSM), 2017年至今
Int. Journal of Computational Methods (IJCM), 2009年至今
应用力学学报Chinese Journal of Applied Mechanics (CJAM), 2007年至今
Acta Mechanica Solida Sinica (AMSS), 2020年-至今
Acta Mechanica Sinica (AMS), 2020年-至今

Multiscale Science and Engineering (MSE), 2019年-至今

2016.12至今, 国际应用力学学会(IAAM)秘书长;
2016.10至今, 中国力学学会计算力学专业委员会特邀委员;
2014.06至今, 陕西省力学学会常务理事;

团队留影 - 刘 Liu Zishun 子顺团队风采


相关话题/西安交通大学 师资