
西安交通大学人居环境与建筑工程学院导师教师师资介绍简介-杨 肖虎

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-06-26

个人信息 - 杨 肖虎基本信息

杨肖虎 工学博士 教授 博导
· 分别于2010年、2015年在西安交通大学获工学学士、博士学位,2015年4月在人居环境与建筑工程学院从事科研教学工作。2016年赴瑞典皇家理工学院做博士后(导师: Applied Energy主编严晋跃院士)。2018年师从我国工程热物理学家何雅玲院士就多形态工业余热回收开展博士后研究工作。
·主要研究方向为:绿色建筑能源技术、太阳能相变蓄热技术、蓄能式空调技术、超轻多孔金属热质输运多尺度模拟。现已在Progress in Materials Science (IF: 31.14)、Applied Energy、International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer、Physics of Fluids、International Journal of Thermal Sciences、Applied Thermal Engineering、Journal of Physics D-Applied Physics、Transport in Porous Media、Physics Letters A等国内外刊物发表学术论文100余篇,其中SCI收录60余篇、EI收录50余篇,第一/通讯作者SCI论文50余篇,SCI单篇最高影响因子为31.14,6篇论文进入ESI高被引(前1%),1篇论文进入ESI热点论文(前0.1%),3篇论文获得Applied Energy高被引论文奖。研究成果曾获国际知名科技媒体Advances in Engineering以Featured Article的形式转载报道。已申请国家发明专利30余项,授权20余项,实用新型3项。

· 相变蓄能式空调系统(供热/冷)
· 超轻多孔金属热质输运多尺度模拟
· 多孔介质强化蓄冷/热技术
· 室内强化通风
· 太阳能光热与相变储能
· 多形态工业余热回收
· 超临界CO2循环

Urban Physical Environment and Design
Smart City and Urban Computing



祝贺小组硕士生郭俊菲的一项发明专利授权! 荐

祝贺小组硕士生郭俊菲的关于蓄冰球动态蓄冰过程的实验研究被《西安交通大学学报》录用! 荐

热烈祝贺小组硕士生郭俊菲的文章被《Renewable Energy》接收! 荐

热烈祝贺小组硕士生韦攀获得“西安交通大学第十一届学术之星“ 荐




·2016-2017,博士后,瑞典皇家理工学院(KTH-Royal Institute of Technology),导师:严晋跃院士(EiC of Applied Energy,欧洲科学院院士)
·2012/03-2012/09,访问研究生,南非金山大学(University of the Watersrand)机械、工业与宇航学院

· 国家自然科学基金通讯评议专家
· 国际多孔介质协会会员(Member of International Society of Porous Media)
· 美国机械工程师学会会员(Member of American Society of Mechanical Engineers)
· 国际期刊Applied Energy (IF:8.848, Q1 Top)客座编辑
· 国际期刊Journal of Porous Media (IF: 1.752,Q2)客座编辑
· 国际期刊Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments(IF: 3.542,Q2)客座编辑
· 国际期刊Energy and Built Enviroment (Elsevier-Science Press Journal) 青年编委
· 国际知名期刊审稿人:Applied Energy, Energy, Energy and Buildings, Renewable Energy, Energy Conversion and Management, Solar Energy, Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, Applied Thermal Engineering, International Journal of Thermal Sciences, Journal of Energy Storage, Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments, Scientific Reports, Transport in Porous Media, Journal of Porous Media, Materials & Design, Journal of Building Engineering, IEEE-Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, AIAA-Journal of Thermophysics and Heat Transfer, Special Topics & Reviews in Porous Media - An International Journal, ASME-Journal of Heat Transfer, Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering, Heat Transfer Engineering, Green Energy and Environment,Heliyon,Fractals,力学学报,声学学报,工业建筑,哈尔滨工业大学学报,西安交通大学学报
· Organizing Committee Members for:
International Conference on Applied Energy
CUE-Applied Energy Symposium and Summit: Low carbon cities and urban energy systems
International Conference on Sustainable Energy and Green Technology
ASME Micro/Nanoscale Heat & Mass Transfer International Conference
International Conference on Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics

· 2021,西安交通大学第十一届“学术之星”指导教师
· 2020,西安交通大学“优秀研究生标兵”指导教师
· 2020,西安交通大学青年拔尖人才****(A类)
· 2020,王宽诚青年****
· 2019,西安交通大学青年教师跟踪支持(优青培育)项目
· 2019,西安交通大学优秀硕士学位论文指导教授
· 2018,陕西省青年科技新星
· 2017,陕西省百篇优秀博士学位论文
· 2017,西安交通大学“十大学术新人”
· 2017,西安交通大学优秀博士学位论文
· 2016,The 5th ASME Micro/Nanoscale Heat & Mass Transfer International Conference, Best Poster Award
· 2015,西安交通大学优秀毕业生
· 2014,西安交通大学第五届“学术之星”
· 2014,教育部博士研究生国家奖学金(原教育部博士新人奖)
· 2013,教育部博士研究生国家奖学金(原教育部博士新人奖)
· 2012,陈学俊博士研究生奖学金



个人信息 - 杨 肖虎基本信息

杨肖虎 工学博士 教授 博导
· 分别于2010年、2015年在西安交通大学获工学学士、博士学位,2015年4月在人居环境与建筑工程学院从事科研教学工作。2016年赴瑞典皇家理工学院做博士后(导师: Applied Energy主编严晋跃院士)。2018年师从我国工程热物理学家何雅玲院士就多形态工业余热回收开展博士后研究工作。
·主要研究方向为:绿色建筑能源技术、太阳能相变蓄热技术、蓄能式空调技术、超轻多孔金属热质输运多尺度模拟。现已在Progress in Materials Science (IF: 31.14)、Applied Energy、International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer、Physics of Fluids、International Journal of Thermal Sciences、Applied Thermal Engineering、Journal of Physics D-Applied Physics、Transport in Porous Media、Physics Letters A等国内外刊物发表学术论文100余篇,其中SCI收录60余篇、EI收录50余篇,第一/通讯作者SCI论文50余篇,SCI单篇最高影响因子为31.14,6篇论文进入ESI高被引(前1%),1篇论文进入ESI热点论文(前0.1%),3篇论文获得Applied Energy高被引论文奖。研究成果曾获国际知名科技媒体Advances in Engineering以Featured Article的形式转载报道。已申请国家发明专利30余项,授权20余项,实用新型3项。

· 相变蓄能式空调系统(供热/冷)
· 超轻多孔金属热质输运多尺度模拟
· 多孔介质强化蓄冷/热技术
· 室内强化通风
· 太阳能光热与相变储能
· 多形态工业余热回收
· 超临界CO2循环

Urban Physical Environment and Design
Smart City and Urban Computing



祝贺小组硕士生郭俊菲的一项发明专利授权! 荐

祝贺小组硕士生郭俊菲的关于蓄冰球动态蓄冰过程的实验研究被《西安交通大学学报》录用! 荐

热烈祝贺小组硕士生郭俊菲的文章被《Renewable Energy》接收! 荐

热烈祝贺小组硕士生韦攀获得“西安交通大学第十一届学术之星“ 荐




·2016-2017,博士后,瑞典皇家理工学院(KTH-Royal Institute of Technology),导师:严晋跃院士(EiC of Applied Energy,欧洲科学院院士)
·2012/03-2012/09,访问研究生,南非金山大学(University of the Watersrand)机械、工业与宇航学院

· 国家自然科学基金通讯评议专家
· 国际多孔介质协会会员(Member of International Society of Porous Media)
· 美国机械工程师学会会员(Member of American Society of Mechanical Engineers)
· 国际期刊Applied Energy (IF:8.848, Q1 Top)客座编辑
· 国际期刊Journal of Porous Media (IF: 1.752,Q2)客座编辑
· 国际期刊Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments(IF: 3.542,Q2)客座编辑
· 国际期刊Energy and Built Enviroment (Elsevier-Science Press Journal) 青年编委
· 国际知名期刊审稿人:Applied Energy, Energy, Energy and Buildings, Renewable Energy, Energy Conversion and Management, Solar Energy, Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, Applied Thermal Engineering, International Journal of Thermal Sciences, Journal of Energy Storage, Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments, Scientific Reports, Transport in Porous Media, Journal of Porous Media, Materials & Design, Journal of Building Engineering, IEEE-Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, AIAA-Journal of Thermophysics and Heat Transfer, Special Topics & Reviews in Porous Media - An International Journal, ASME-Journal of Heat Transfer, Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering, Heat Transfer Engineering, Green Energy and Environment,Heliyon,Fractals,力学学报,声学学报,工业建筑,哈尔滨工业大学学报,西安交通大学学报
· Organizing Committee Members for:
International Conference on Applied Energy
CUE-Applied Energy Symposium and Summit: Low carbon cities and urban energy systems
International Conference on Sustainable Energy and Green Technology
ASME Micro/Nanoscale Heat & Mass Transfer International Conference
International Conference on Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics

· 2021,西安交通大学第十一届“学术之星”指导教师
· 2020,西安交通大学“优秀研究生标兵”指导教师
· 2020,西安交通大学青年拔尖人才****(A类)
· 2020,王宽诚青年****
· 2019,西安交通大学青年教师跟踪支持(优青培育)项目
· 2019,西安交通大学优秀硕士学位论文指导教授
· 2018,陕西省青年科技新星
· 2017,陕西省百篇优秀博士学位论文
· 2017,西安交通大学“十大学术新人”
· 2017,西安交通大学优秀博士学位论文
· 2016,The 5th ASME Micro/Nanoscale Heat & Mass Transfer International Conference, Best Poster Award
· 2015,西安交通大学优秀毕业生
· 2014,西安交通大学第五届“学术之星”
· 2014,教育部博士研究生国家奖学金(原教育部博士新人奖)
· 2013,教育部博士研究生国家奖学金(原教育部博士新人奖)
· 2012,陈学俊博士研究生奖学金



科学研究 - 杨 肖虎研究领域
· 相变蓄能式空调系统(供热/冷)
· 超轻多孔金属热质输运多尺度模拟
· 多孔介质强化蓄冷/热技术
· 室内强化通风
· 太阳能光热与相变储能
· 多形态工业余热回收
· 超临界CO2循环

· 主持国家自然科学基金项目2项:面上项目(在研);青年项目(结题优+)

· 主持陕西省青年科技新星项目
· 主持西安交通大学青年跟踪项目(优青培育)
· 主持中国博士后基金面上(一等)、特别资助、国际交流项目

· 主持中央高校基本科研业务费综合交叉项目
· 主持陕西省自然科学基金项目
· 主持陕西省博士后基金(一等)
· 主持西安交大新教师科研支持计划项目

· 骨干参与国家重点研发计划课题
· 骨干参与国家专项课题(项目负责人:何雅玲院士)
· 骨干参与国家973项目(首席科学家:卢天健教授)
· 骨干参与国家111引智计划项目(首席科学家:卢天健教授)

论文著作 - 杨 肖虎论文著作
[1] X Yang, JF Guo, HN Cheng, P Wei, YL He. Role of non-uniformly distributed annular fins on the thermal performance of a shell-and-tube thermal energy storage unit[J]. Applied Energy, accepted.
[2] T Xiao, X Yang*, TJ Lu*. An analytical fractal model for permeability in isotropic metal foam with fully or semi open cells[J]. Journal of Physics D-Applied Physics, under review.
[3] X Yang, ZX Guo, JF Guo, YL He. Effect of inclination on the melting phase change in a rectangle cavity with carious aspect ratios[J]. International Journal of Energy Research, under review.
[4] Z Liu, ZH Liu, H Li, X Cao, X Yang*. Performance assessment of a self-condensing transcritical CO2 cogeneration system with extraction turbine and ejector refrigeration cycle[J]. Energy,accepted.
[5] Z Liu, XR Wang, XQ Yang, SJ Yang, H Li, X Yang*. Energy and exergy analysis of a trigeneration system based on an underwater compressed air energy storage and an ejector refrigeration cycle[J]. Journal of Cleaner Production,accepted.
[6] Z Liu, XQ Yang, WG Jia, H Li, X Yang*. Thermodynamic study on a combined heat and compressed air energy storage system with a dual-pressure organic Rankine cycle[J]. Energy Conversion and Management,accepted.
[7] X Yang, ZY Niu, QS Bai, H Li, YL He. Optimization of solidification heat transfer in fin-foam composite structure for cold storage[J]. International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, accepted.
[8] Z Liu, ZH Liu, X Yang*,X Xin. Proposal and assessment of a novel carbon dioxide energy storage system with electrical thermal storage and ejector condensing cycle: energy and exergy analysis[J]. Applied Energy, accepted.
[9] X Yang, P Wei, Wang XY, YL He. Gradient design of pore parameters on the melting process in a thermal energy storage unit filled with open-cell metal foam[J]. Applied Energy, accepted.
[10] X Yang, P Wei, Liu G, QS Bai, YL He. Performance evaluation on the gradient design of pore parameters for metal foam and pin fin-metal foam hybrid structure[J]. Applied Thermal Engineering, accepted.
[11] QL Zhang, Y Niu, X Yang, DH Sun, X Xiao, Q Shen, G Wang. Experimental study on flue gas condensing heat recovery synergized with low nitrogen emission system[J]. Applied Energy, accepted.
[12] Z Liu, XQ Yang, X Yang*, HY Zhai, ZY Duan. Performance evaluation on the in-cylinder heat transfer of a reciprocating compressor using CO2 as a working fluid[J]. Journal of Thermal Science, accept.
[13] Z Liu, ZH Liu, X Cao, T Luo, X Yang*. Advanced exergoeconomic evaluation on supercritical CO2 recompression Brayton cycle[J]. Journal of Cleaner Production, accept.
[14] Z Liu, ZH Liu, XQ Yang, HY Zhai, X Yang. Advanced exergy and exergoeconomic analysis of a novel liquid carbon dioxide energy storage system[J]. Energy Conversion and Management,accept.
[15] Z Liu, XQ Yang, WG Jia, H Li, X Yang*. Justification of CO2 as the working fluid for a compressed gas energy storage system: a thermodynamic and economic study[J]. Journal of Energy Storage,accept.
[16] X Yang, JB Yu, ZH Hu, LW Jin, YL He. Design and operating evaluation of a finned shell-and-tube thermal energy storage unit filled with metal foam[J]. Applied Energy,accept.
[17] X Cui, X Yang, QX Kong, XZ Meng, LW Jin. Performance evaluation and comparison of multi-stage indirect evaporative cooling systems in two operation modes[J]. International Journal of Energy Research, 2019: 1-11.
[18] YL Liu, LW Jin, Li Y, X Yang, XZ Meng, LY Zhang*. Experimental and numerical study on heat and mass transfer of cross-flow liquid desiccant dehumidifier/regenerator[J]. Heat Transfer Engineering, 2019, in press.
[19] X Yang, ZY Niu, QS Bai, H Li, X Cui, YL He. Experimental study on the solidification process of fluid saturated in fin-foam composites for cold storage[J]. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2019, 161: 114163.
[20] Z Liu, Liu B, Guo JZ, Xin X, X Yang*. Conventional and advanced exergy analysis of a novel transcritical compressed carbon dioxide energy storage system[J]. Energy Conversion and Management, 2019, 198: 111807.
[21] X Yang, P Wei, X Cui, LW Jin, YL He. Thermal response of annuli filled with metal foam for thermal energy storage: an experimental study[J]. Applied Energy, 2019 250:1457-1467.
[22] X Yang, JB Yu, ZX Guo, LW Jin, YL He. Role of porous metal foam on the heat transfer enhancement for a thermal energy storage tube[J]. Applied Energy, 2019, 239:142-156.
[23] X Yang, ZX Guo, YH Liu, LW Jin, YL He. Effect of inclination on the thermal response of composite phase changematerials for thermal energy storage[J]. Applied Energy, 2019, 238:22-33.
[24] X Yang, QS Bai, ZX Guo, ZY Niu, C Yang, LW Jin, TJ Lu, J Yan. Comparison of direct numerical simulation with volume-averaged method on composite phase change materials for thermal energy storage[J]. Applied Energy, 2018, 229:700-714.
[25] X Yang, QS Bai, QL Zhang, WJ Hu, LW Jin, J Yan. Thermal and economic analysis of charging and discharging characteristics of composite phase change materials for cold storage [J]. Applied Energy, 2018, 225:585-599.
[26] X Yang, Li Y, LY Zhang, LW Jin, WJ Hu, TJ Lu. Thermal and fluid transport in micro open-cell metal foams: effect of node size[J]. Journal of Heat Transfer, 2018, 140: 014502-1.
[27] SY Song, X Yang, FX Xin, TJ Lu. Analytical modeling of surface roughness effects on Stokes flow in circular pipes[J]. Physics of Fluids, 2018, 30: 023604.
[28] HB Yan, X Yang, TJ Lu, GN Xie. Convective heat transfer in a lightweight multifunctional sandwich panel with X-type metallic lattice core[J]. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2017, 127:1293-1304.
[29] SY Song, X Yang*, FX Xin, SW Ren, TJ Lu*. Modeling of roughness effects on acoustic properties of micro-slits [J]. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 2017, 50:235303.
[30] X Yang, Z Lu, QS Bai, QL Zhang, LW Jin, J Yan. Thermal performance of a shell-and-tube latent heat thermal energy storage unit: role of annular fins[J]. Applied Energy, 2017, 202:558-570.
[31] X Yang, SY Song, C Yang, WJ Hu, FS Han, LW Jin, TJ Lu. Permeability model of micro-metal foam with surface micro-roughness[J]. Microfluidics and Nanofluidics, 2017, 21:32.
[32] Y Chai, X Yang, XZ Meng, M Zhao, ZY Chen, LW Jin. Study of micro-structure based effective thermal conductivity of graphite foam[J]. Journal of Heat Transfer, 2017, 139: 052004-1.
[33] X Yang, SS Feng, QL Zhang, C Yang, LW Jin, TJ Lu. The role of porous metal foam on the unidirectional solidification of saturating fluid for cold storage[J]. Applied Energy, 2017, 194: 508–521.
[34] X Yang, WB Wang, LL Yan, QC Zhang, TJ Lu. Effect of pore morphology on cross-property link for close-celled metallic foams[J]. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 2016, 49: 505301.
[35] WB Wang, X Yang, B Han, QC Zhang, TJ Lu. Analytical design of effective thermal conductivity for fluid-saturated prismatic cellular metal honeycombs[J]. Theoretical and Applied Mechanics Letters, 2016, 6: 69-75.
[36] H Meng, X Yang, SW Ren, FX Xin, TJ Lu. Sound propagation in composite micro-tubes with surface-mounted fibrous roughness elements[J]. Composites Science and Technology, 2016, 127: 158–168.
[37] X Yang, WB Wang, C Yang, LW Jin, TJ Lu. Solidification of fluid saturated in open-cell metallic foams with graded morphologies[J]. Internatinal Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2016, 98:60-69.
[38] HB Yan, SS Feng, X Yang, TJ Lu. Role of cross-drilled holes in enhanced cooling of ventilated brake disc[J]. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2015, 91: 318-333.
[39] QC Zhang, X Yang, P Li, GY Huang, SS Feng, C Shen, B Han, XH Zhang, F Jin, F Xu, TJ Lu. Bioinspired Engineering of Honeycomb Structure - Using Nature to Inspire Human Innovation[J]. Progress in Materials Science, 2015, 74: 332-400 (IF: 31.14).
[40] X Yang, SW Ren, WB Wang, X Liu, Xin XF, TJ Lu. A simplistic unit cell model for sound absorption of cellular foams with fully/semi-open cells [J]. Composites Science and Technology, 2015, 118: 276-283.
[41] X Yang, HB Yan, WB Wang, LW Jin, TJ Lu, K Ichimiya. Thermo-fluidic characteristics of natural convection in honeycombs: The role of chimney enhancement[J]. Science in China: Technological Series, 2015, 58(8): 1318-1327.
[42] X Yang, JX Bai, KJ Kang, TJ Lu, T Kim. Effective thermal conductivity of wire-woven bulk Kagome sandwich panels[J]. Theoretical and Applied Mechanics Letters, 2014, 4(5): 051010-1-6.
[43] X Yang, TJ Lu, T Kim. An analytical model for permeability of isotropic porous media[J]. Physics Letters A, 2014, 378(30-31): 2308-2311.
[44] X Yang, JX Bai, TJ Lu, T Kim. Experimental investigation of chimney-enhanced natural convection in hexagonal honeycombs[J]. Theoretical and Applied Mechanics Letters, 2014, 4(3): 032005-1-6
[45] X Yang, JX Bai, KJ Kang, TJ Lu, T Kim. Experimental investigations of natural convection in Wire-woven bulk Kagome[J]. Transport in Porous Media, 2014, 105(1): 1-22.
[46] X Yang, JX Bai, HB Yan, JJ Kuang, TJ Lu, T Kim. An analytical unit cell model for the effective thermal conductivity of high porosity open-cell metal foams[J]. Transport in Porous Media, 2014, 102(3): 403-426.
[47] X Yang, TJ Lu, T Kim. Effective thermal conductivity modeling for closed-cell porous media with analytical shape factors[J]. Transport in Porous Media, 2013, 100(2): 211-224.
[48] X Yang, JJ Kuang, FS Han, TJ Lu, T Kim. A simplistic analytical unit cell based model for the effective thermal conductivity of high porosity metal foams with open cells[J]. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 2013, 46(25): 255302-1-6.
[49] X Yang, TJ Lu, T Kim. Thermal stretching in two-phase porous media: physical basis of Maxwell model[J]. Theoretical and Applied Mechanics Letters, 2013, 3(2): 021011-1-5.
[50] X Yang, TJ Lu, T Kim. A simplistic model for the tortuosity in two-phase close-celled porous media[J]. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 2013, 46(12): 125305-1-4.
[51] X Yang, TJ Lu, T Kim. Influence of non-conducting pore inclusions on phase change behavior of porous media with constant heat flux boundary[J]. International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 2013, 64: 137-144.
[52] X Yang, TJ Lu, T Kim. Temperature effects on the effective thermal conductivity of phase change materials with two distinctive phases[J]. International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, 2011, 38(10): 1344-1348.

学术交流 - 杨 肖虎学术交流会议
· 2019.12, International Conference on Sustainable Energy and Green Technology (SEGT 2019), Bangkok, Thailand, Organizing Committee Member, Invited Speaker, Session Chair;
· 2019.10, 应用能源研讨会(CUE2019):低碳城市和城市能源系统, 厦门, 中国, 组委会成员, 分会场主席;
· 2019.08, 11th International Conference on Applied Energy, V?ster?s, Sweden, Organizing Committee Member, Session Chair;
· 2018.12, International Conference on Sustainable Energy and Green Technology (SEGT 2018), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Invited Speaker, Session Chair
· 2018.08, 10th International Conference on Applied Energy, Hongkong, China, Organizing Committee Member, Session Chair;
· 2018.06, 应用能源研讨会(CUE2018): 低碳城市和城市能源系统, 上海, 中国, 分会场主席;
· 2018.06, 微流控-纳米流体和芯片实验室国际会议, 北京, 中国;
· 2018.04, 中国工程热物理学会传热传质分会青年论坛,北京;
· 2017.08, 9th International Conference on Applied Energy, Cardiff, UK, Session Chair;
· 2017.06, 应用能源研讨会(CUE2017):低碳城市和城市能源系统, Singapore;
· 2016.10, 第八届国际应用能源会议, 北京, 中国, 分会场主席;
· 2016.06, 应用能源研讨会(CUE2016):低碳城市和城市能源系统, 济南, 中国, Session Chair;
· 2016.06, 微流控-纳米流体和芯片实验室国际会议, 大连, 中国, Session Chair;
· 2016.01, 第5届ASME微纳尺度传热传质国际会议(5th-MNHMT), Singapore, Session Chair;
· 2015.10, 第三届热流与污染物防治国际会议(3rd IWHT), 台湾, 中国;
· 2015.08, 第23届力学大会, 上海, 中国;
· 2014.11, 中国工程热物理年会-传热传质分会, 西安, 中国;
· 2014.10, 第八届全国固体力学会议, 成都, 中国;
· 2014.08, 第15届国际传热会议(IHTC-15), Koyto, Japan;
· 2014.07, 第10届传热、流体及工程热力学国际会议(HEFAT-10), 奥兰多, 佛罗里达, 美国;
· 2013.10, 中国工程热物理年会-传热传质分会, 重庆, 中国;
· 2013.08, 第22届力学大会, 西安, 中国;
· 2012.08, 第23届世界力学家大会(23rd ICTAM), 北京, 中国;
· 2012.03-2012.09, 访问研究生,Uinversity of Witwatersrand,热流科学工程实验室,约翰内斯堡,南非;

人才培养 - 杨 肖虎学生培养


Recruitment - 杨 肖虎Recruitment

Xi’an Jiaotong University Recruits Outstanding Talents in Thermal Energy Storage From All Over The World

School Introduction:
Xi’an Jiaotong University (XJTU), as one of the first universities entering China's "211 Project" and “985 Project”, is selected to be developed into a global first-class university. XJTU is a comprehensive research university with scientific focus. It is composed of 10 branches of disciplines, namely: science, engineering, medicine, economics, management, literature, law, philosophy, education and art. In recent years, XJTU focuses on national strategy, vigorously promoting the establishment of the Western China Science & Technology Innovation Harbour, which is designed to be an innovative unit with a union of “campus, industrial zone and community”, a combination of technologies and services, and a linking center of science, technology and industry. Now, XJTU is on the List of World-class Universities and First-class Disciplines (abbreviated as “Double First-class”) released in 2017 by Ministry of Education of China. As a Double First-class university in Category A, XJTU has eight disciplines selected into the first-class level in the world.
Xi'an Jiaotong University has more than 400 national talents, including academicians. At present, there are 28 national scientific research bases and 132 provincial and ministerial key scientific research bases. The number of key scientific research bases ranks among the forefront of colleges and universities in the country. Since 2000, XJTU has presided over 21 projects of the "973 Program", and 5843 projects have been approved by the National Natural Science Foundation of China. The number and funding of basic research projects are in the forefront of colleges and universities in the country. XJTU has obtained 68 national science and technology awards as the first completion unit.
The Western China Science &Technology Innovation Harbour aims to “contribute to national missions, establish a world science and education highland, serve to the development of Shaanxi Province, innovate drive platforms and provide a demonstration of being a wisdom uni-town”. Here we can actively explore new models, new forms and new experiences of the integration of modern universities and social development in the twenty-first Century.
Innovation Harbour has been put into use in September 2019. It will gather no less than 30,000 scientific and technological innovation talents and attract no less than 500 international renowned enterprises to set up "campus, industrial zone, community" the model of three in one of "intelligent learning town". Innovation Harbour will create a new type of international world-class talent development system, forming a talent highland in western China.
Recruitment announcement:
In order to further promote the discipline development of Xi'an Jiaotong University, strengthen the construction of the contingent of teachers, and supplement a number of academic backbones and academic leaders with innovative ability and potential for development. Xi'an Jiaotong University decided to recruit teachers both domestic and overseas with new measures and preferential treatment. We sincerely welcome outstanding talents from all over the world to seize the opportunity and choose Xi'an Jiaotong University as the development platform to fully show their value and elegant demeanor on the stage of life. The recruitment positions and benefits are announced as follows. Excellent scholars who are interested in teaching and scientific research are very welcome to apply.
Recruitment position and salary
1.Leading Scholars Programme:
?National level excellent talents;
?Physically and mentally healthy;
?Professors or equivalent positions in famous international university/ research institution;
?Or the applicant has undertaken national scientific and technological tasks, produced important academic achievements and significant outstanding contributions.

Basic Annual Salary
Other income

Leading Scholars Programme
600,000-800,000 RMB / year
School performance distribution + scientific research and social service income

Working conditions & Living accommodations
A.Supporting funds for scientific research: provided according to needs

B.350,000 RMB (after tax) for a one-time settlement fee

C.Providing a flat from XJTU for rent or purchase

D.Providing high quality educational opportunities for children in the local area

2.Top Young Talents Programme:
?The applicant should hold a PhD degree and be under the age of 40 (including 40);
?Physically and mentally healthy;
?The Applicant should have achieved outstanding academic accomplishments and have the potential to be leaders in their research fields.
In this plan, there are two kinds of posts: "professor" and "special appointed researcher".

Basic Annual Salary
Other income

450,000 RMB / year
School performance distribution + scientific research and social service income

Special appointed researcher
300,000 RMB / year

Working conditions &
Living accommodations
A.Supporting funds for scientific research: more than 2,000,000 RMB in Natural
Sciences and more than 500,000 RMB in Humanities and Social Sciences

B.350,000 RMB (after tax) for one-time settlement fee

C.Providing a flat from XJTU for rent or purchase

D.Providing high quality educational opportunities for children in the local area

It is specially stated that those who are selected or enter the interview session of the national "Youth Thousand talents Plan", "Outstanding Youth Science Fund", "Young Yangtze River Scholars", "Top Young talents of Ten Thousand talents Plan" can be directly selected into the program "professor" position. Those who are excellent in some disciplines can also receive special subsidy for 250,000 RMB / year. Special circumstances can be discussed in person.
3.Program for Supporting Young and Excellent Talents:
?The applicant should hold a PhD degree and should be under the age of 32 (including 32);
?Physically and mentally healthy;
?The applicant has made remarkable achievements in related fields and has shown good potential for academic development in publishing papers, hosting (participating in) scientific research projects or carrying out the transformation of scientific and technological achievements;
?The research interest focuses on the frontiers of science and technology, national needs and economic development.

Basic Annual Salary
Other income

Category A
300,000 RMB / year
School performance distribution + scientific research and social service income

Category B&C
160,000-200,000 RMB / year

Working conditions & Living accommodations
1) The person can apply for the basic scientific research service fee of the central university.
After the position is promoted or selected into the "Leading Scholars Programme" or "Top Young
talents Programme", scientific Research Fund is available to apply. When promoted
a higher position, the research start-up fund and settlement fee will be provided
in accordance with the position

2) Providing an apartment from XJTU for rent or rent subsidy 1,500 RMB/Month

3) Providing social insurance and housing provident fund in accordance with relevant regulations

4) Providing high quality educational opportunities for children in the local area

It should be noted that those who are selected in the national "Postdoctoral Innovative Talents Support Program" and "Postdoctoral International Exchange Program (Talent-Introduction Program)" are directly included in Category A to manage.
The Office of China Postdoc Council,and our university jointly set up the "Western China Overseas Postdoctoral Innovation Demonstration Center" introduction project to fund excellent foreign and overseas doctors to engage in postdoctoral research, with a salary of 200,000 RMB/ year.
4.Backbone teacher
üThe applicant should hold a PhD degree and have high academic attainments, generallydo not exceed the age of45 years old;
üPhysically and mentally healthy.

Basic Annual Salary
Other income

280,000-360,000 RMB / year
School performance distribution + scientific research and social service income

Working conditions & Living accommodations
1)Supporting funds for scientific research: 300,000 RMB in Natural Sciences
and 120,000 RMB in Humanities and Social Sciences

2)70,000-120,000 RMB for settlement fee

3)Providing an apartment from XJTU for rent or rent subsidy 1,000 RMB/Month

4)Providing social insurance and housing provident fund in accordance with relevant regulations

5)Providing high quality educational opportunities for children in the local area

Associate Professor
üApplicants should hold a PhD degree and have at least 2 years’ work experience. Generally,do not exceed the age of35 years old, do not exceed the age of 40 years old in Humanities and Social Sciences;
üPhysically and mentally healthy;
üApplicants should have 12 months or more of overseas studying and working experience;
üApplicants should have outstanding achievements in relevant academic fields.

Basic Annual Salary
Other income

Associate Professor
220,000-280,000 RMB / year
School performance distribution + scientific
research and social service income

Working conditions & Living accommodations
1)Supporting funds for scientific research: 150,000 RMB in Natural Sciences
and 60,000 RMB in Humanities and Social Sciences

2)60,000 RMB for settlement fee

3)Providing an apartment from XJTU for rent or rent subsidy 2,000 RMB/Month

4)Providing social insurance and housing provident fund in accordance with relevant

5)Providing high quality educational opportunities for children in the local area

What needs to be noted in particular is that associate professors implement a system of Tenure-Track. The permitted employment period is 3 years, and those who are excellent in the assessment of the employment period will be transferred to long-term employment; those who fail to achieve excellence in the assessment of the employment period shall be terminated.

Contact information
Add: No. 28 Xianning West Road, Xi’an, Shaanxi, 710049, P.R. China
Contact Person: Prof. Xiaohu Yang
Email for CV: xiaohuyang@xjtu.edu.cn

English Bio - 杨 肖虎Bio
Xiaohu Yang, Ph.D, Professor (Full)

Office phone: +86-
Email: xiaohuyang@xjtu.edu.cn
Webpage: http://gr.xjtu.edu.cn/web/xiaohuyang

Research interests:
1) Phase change energy storage air conditioning system (heating/cooling)
2) Multi-scale simulation of heat and mass transport in ultra-light porous metals
3) Enhanced cold/heat storage technology with porous media
4) Enhanced indoor ventilation
5) Solar thermal and phase change energy storage
6) Multi-form industrial waste heat recovery
7) Supercritical CO2 cycle

? 05/2020—now, Full Professor, School of Human Settlements and Architectural Engineering, Xi 'an Jiaotong University;
? 07/2017—04/2020, Associate Professor, School of Human Settlements and Architectural Engineering, Xi 'an Jiaotong University;
? 04/2015—06/2017, Assistant Professor, School of Human Settlements and Architectural Engineering, Xi 'an Jiaotong University;
? 12/2016—12/2017, Postdoctoral, KTH-Royal Institute of Technology, Supervisor: Professor Jinyue Yan (EiC of Applied Energy, Fellow of European Academy of Sciences and Arts)
? 09/2020—now, Deputy Director of the Institute of Building Environment and Sustainability Technology, Deputy Director of the Department of Architecture;
? 04/2018—08/2020, Deputy Director of the Department of Civil Engineering;

? 09/2010—03/2015, Power Engineering and Engineering Thermophysics, School of Energy and Power Engineering, Ph.D.
? 09/2006—07/2010, Energy and Power System and Automation, School of Energy and Power Engineering, Xi’an Jiaotong University, Bachelor.

Honor & Awards:
? 2020, Distinguished Professor of Top-notch Young Talents of Xi’an Jiaotong University (Class A);
? 2020, Young Scholar of Wong Kwancheng;
? 2019, Young Researcher Tracking Support (Excellent Youth training) project of Xi 'an Jiaotong University;
? 2018, Young Science and Technology Star of Shaanxi Province;
? 2017, One-hundred Excellent Doctoral Theses of Shaanxi Province;
? 2017, “Top Ten Academic Newcomers” of Xi’an Jiaotong University
? 2017, Excellent Doctoral dissertation of Xi 'an Jiaotong University
? 2016, The 5th ASME Micro/Nanoscale Heat & Mass Transfer International Conference, Best Poster Award
? 2015, Outstanding Graduate of Xi 'an Jiaotong University
? 2014,"Academic Star" of Xi 'an Jiaotong University
? 2014, National Scholarship for Doctoral Students of the Ministry of Education (formerly Doctoral Newcomer Award of Ministry of Education)
? 2013, National Scholarship for Doctoral Students of the Ministry of Education (formerly Doctoral Newcomer Award of Ministry of Education)

Representative Publications:
[1] W Tian, S Dang, ZX Guo, XY Wang, X Yang*. Thermal transport in phase change materials embedded in metal foam: evaluation on inclination configuration[J]. Journal of Energy Storage, accepted.
[2] X Yang, ZY Niu, P Wei, YL He. Melting evaluation of a thermal energy storage unit with partially filled metal foam[J]. International Journal of Energy Research, accepted.
[3] Z Liu, XQ Yang, X Yang*, HY Zhai, ZY Duan. Performance evaluation on the in-cylinder heat transfer of a reciprocating compressor using CO2 as a working fluid[J]. Journal of Thermal Science, accepted.
[4] Z Liu, X Liu, XQ Yang, X Yang. Assessment of a new combined thermal and compressed energy storage coupled with an absorption power cycle: Thermodynamic study [J]. Energy Conversion and Management, 2020, 226, 113516.
[5] Z Liu, ZH Liu, X Cao, H Li, X Yang*. Self-condensing transcritical CO2 cogeneration system with extraction turbine and ejector refrigeration cycle: A techno-economic [J]. Energy, 2020, 208, 118391.
[6] X Yang, JF Guo, B Yang, HN Cheng, P Wei, YL He. Design of non-uniformly distributed annular fins for a shell-and-tube thermal energy storage unit [J]. Applied Energy, 2020, 279, 115772.
[7] Z Liu, XQ Yang, WG Jia, H Li, X Yang*. Thermodynamic study on a combined heat and compressed air energy storage system with a dual-pressure organic Rankine cycle[J]. Energy Conversion and Management, 2020,221, 113141.
[8] X Yang, ZY Niu, JF Guo,QS Bai, H Li, YL He.Role of pin fin-metal foam composite structure in improving solidification: Performance evaluation[J]. International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer,2020,117,104775.
[9] Z Liu, ZH Liu, X Yang*, X Xin. Proposal and assessment of a novel carbon dioxide energy storage system with electrical thermal storage and ejector condensing cycle: energy and exergy analysis[J]. Applied Energy, 2020, 269, 115067.
[10] X Yang, P Wei, Wang XY, YL He. Gradient design of pore parameters on the melting process in a thermal energy storage unit filled with open-cell metal foam[J]. Applied Energy, 2020, 268, 115019.
[11] X Yang, P Wei, Liu G, QS Bai, YL He. Performance evaluation on the gradient design of pore parameters for metal foam and pin fin-metal foam hybrid structure[J]. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2020, 175: 115416
[12] QL Zhang, Y Niu, X Yang, DH Sun, X Xiao, Q Shen, G Wang. Experimental study on flue gas condensing heat recovery synergized with low nitrogen emission system[J]. Applied Energy, 2020, 269, 115091.
[13] Z Liu, ZH Liu, X Cao, T Luo, X Yang*. Advanced exergoeconomic evaluation on supercritical CO2 recompression Brayton cycle[J]. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2020, 256: 120537.
[14] Z Liu, ZH Liu, XQ Yang, HY Zhai, X Yang. Advanced exergy and exergoeconomic analysis of a novel liquid carbon dioxide energy storage system[J]. Energy Conversion and Management, 2020, 205: 112391.
[15] Z Liu, XQ Yang, WG Jia, H Li, X Yang*. Justification of CO2 as the working fluid for a compressed gas energy storage system: a thermodynamic and economic study[J]. Journal of Energy Storage, 2020, 27: 101132.
[16] X Yang, JB Yu, T Xiao,ZH Hu, YL He. Design and operating evaluation of a finned shell-and-tube thermal energy storage unit filled with metal foam[J]. Applied Energy, 2020, 261: 114385.
[17] X Cui, X Yang, QX Kong, XZ Meng, LW Jin. Performance evaluation and comparison of multi-stage indirect evaporative cooling systems in two operation modes[J]. International Journal of Energy Research, 2020,44: 9298-9308.
[18] YL Liu, LW Jin, Li Y, X Yang, XZ Meng, LY Zhang*. Experimental and numerical study on heat and mass transfer of cross-flow liquid desiccant dehumidifier/regenerator[J]. Heat Transfer Engineering, 2020, 41:9-10.
[19] X Yang, ZY Niu, QS Bai, H Li, X Cui, YL He. Experimental study on the solidification process of fluid saturated in fin-foam composites for cold storage[J]. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2019, 161: 114163.
[20] Z Liu, Liu B, Guo JZ, Xin X, X Yang*. Conventional and advanced exergy analysis of a novel transcritical compressed carbon dioxide energy storage system[J]. Energy Conversion and Management, 2019, 198: 111807.
[21] X Yang, P Wei, X Cui, LW Jin, YL He. Thermal response of annuli filled with metal foam for thermal energy storage: an experimental study[J]. Applied Energy, 2019,250:1457-1467.
[22] X Yang, JB Yu, ZX Guo, LW Jin, YL He. Role of porous metal foam on the heat transfer enhancement for a thermal energy storage tube[J]. Applied Energy, 2019, 239:142-156.
[23] X Yang, ZX Guo, YH Liu, LW Jin, YL He. Effect of inclination on the thermal response of composite phase changematerials for thermal energy storage[J]. Applied Energy, 2019, 238:22-33.
[24] X Yang, QS Bai, ZX Guo, ZY Niu, C Yang, LW Jin, TJ Lu, J Yan. Comparison of direct numerical simulation with volume-averaged method on composite phase change materials for thermal energy storage[J]. Applied Energy, 2018, 229:700-714.
[25] X Yang, QS Bai, QL Zhang, WJ Hu, LW Jin, J Yan. Thermal and economic analysis of charging and discharging characteristics of composite phase change materials for cold storage [J]. Applied Energy, 2018, 225:585-599.
[26] X Yang, Li Y, LY Zhang, LW Jin, WJ Hu, TJ Lu. Thermal and fluid transport in micro open-cell metal foams: effect of node size[J]. Journal of Heat Transfer, 2018, 140: 014502-1.
[27] SY Song, X Yang, FX Xin, TJ Lu. Analytical modeling of surface roughness effects on Stokes flow in circular pipes[J]. Physics of Fluids, 2018, 30: 023604.
[28] HB Yan, X Yang, TJ Lu, GN Xie. Convective heat transfer in a lightweight multifunctional sandwich panel with X-type metallic lattice core[J]. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2017, 127:1293-1304.
[29] SY Song, X Yang*, FX Xin, SW Ren, TJ Lu*. Modeling of roughness effects on acoustic properties of micro-slits [J]. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 2017, 50:235303.
[30] X Yang, Z Lu, QS Bai, QL Zhang, LW Jin, J Yan. Thermal performance of a shell-and-tube latent heat thermal energy storage unit: role of annular fins[J]. Applied Energy, 2017, 202:558-570.
[31] X Yang, SY Song, C Yang, WJ Hu, FS Han, LW Jin, TJ Lu. Permeability model of micro-metal foam with surface micro-roughness[J]. Microfluidics and Nanofluidics, 2017, 21:32.
[32] Y Chai, X Yang, XZ Meng, M Zhao, ZY Chen, LW Jin. Study of micro-structure based effective thermal conductivity of graphite foam[J]. Journal of Heat Transfer, 2017, 139: 052004-1.
[33] X Yang, SS Feng, QL Zhang, C Yang, LW Jin, TJ Lu. The role of porous metal foam on the unidirectional solidification of saturating fluid for cold storage[J]. Applied Energy, 2017, 194: 508–521.
[34] X Yang, WB Wang, LL Yan, QC Zhang, TJ Lu. Effect of pore morphology on cross-property link for close-celled metallic foams[J]. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 2016, 49: 505301.
[35] WB Wang, X Yang, B Han, QC Zhang, TJ Lu. Analytical design of effective thermal conductivity for fluid-saturated prismatic cellular metal honeycombs[J]. Theoretical and Applied Mechanics Letters, 2016, 6: 69-75.
[36] H Meng, X Yang, SW Ren, FX Xin, TJ Lu. Sound propagation in composite micro-tubes with surface-mounted fibrous roughness elements[J]. Composites Science and Technology, 2016, 127: 158–168.
[37] X Yang, WB Wang, C Yang, LW Jin, TJ Lu. Solidification of fluid saturated in open-cell metallic foams with graded morphologies[J]. Internatinal Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2016, 98:60-69.
[38] HB Yan, SS Feng, X Yang, TJ Lu. Role of cross-drilled holes in enhanced cooling of ventilated brake disc[J]. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2015, 91: 318-333.
[39] QC Zhang, X Yang, P Li, GY Huang, SS Feng, C Shen, B Han, XH Zhang, F Jin, F Xu, TJ Lu. Bioinspired Engineering of Honeycomb Structure - Using Nature to Inspire Human Innovation[J]. Progress in Materials Science, 2015, 74: 332-400 (IF: 31.14).
[40] X Yang, SW Ren, WB Wang, X Liu, Xin XF, TJ Lu. A simplistic unit cell model for sound absorption of cellular foams with fully/semi-open cells [J]. Composites Science and Technology, 2015, 118: 276-283.
[41] X Yang, HB Yan, WB Wang, LW Jin, TJ Lu, K Ichimiya. Thermo-fluidic characteristics of natural convection in honeycombs: The role of chimney enhancement[J]. Science in China: Technological Series, 2015, 58(8): 1318-1327.
[42] X Yang, JX Bai, KJ Kang, TJ Lu, T Kim. Effective thermal conductivity of wire-woven bulk Kagome sandwich panels[J]. Theoretical and Applied Mechanics Letters, 2014, 4(5): 051010-1-6.
[43] X Yang, TJ Lu, T Kim. An analytical model for permeability of isotropic porous media[J]. Physics Letters A, 2014, 378(30-31): 2308-2311.
[44] X Yang, JX Bai, TJ Lu, T Kim. Experimental investigation of chimney-enhanced natural convection in hexagonal honeycombs[J]. Theoretical and Applied Mechanics Letters, 2014, 4(3): 032005-1-6
[45] X Yang, JX Bai, KJ Kang, TJ Lu, T Kim. Experimental investigations of natural convection in Wire-woven bulk Kagome[J]. Transport in Porous Media, 2014, 105(1): 1-22.
[46] X Yang, JX Bai, HB Yan, JJ Kuang, TJ Lu, T Kim. An analytical unit cell model for the effective thermal conductivity of high porosity open-cell metal foams[J]. Transport in Porous Media, 2014, 102(3): 403-426.
[47] X Yang, TJ Lu, T Kim. Effective thermal conductivity modeling for closed-cell porous media with analytical shape factors[J]. Transport in Porous Media, 2013, 100(2): 211-224.
[48] X Yang, JJ Kuang, FS Han, TJ Lu, T Kim. A simplistic analytical unit cell based model for the effective thermal conductivity of high porosity metal foams with open cells[J]. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 2013, 46(25): 255302-1-6.
[49] X Yang, TJ Lu, T Kim. Thermal stretching in two-phase porous media: physical basis of Maxwell model[J]. Theoretical and Applied Mechanics Letters, 2013, 3(2): 021011-1-5.
[50] X Yang, TJ Lu, T Kim. A simplistic model for the tortuosity in two-phase close-celled porous media[J]. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 2013, 46(12): 125305-1-4.
[51] X Yang, TJ Lu, T Kim. Influence of non-conducting pore inclusions on phase change behavior of porous media with constant heat flux boundary[J]. International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 2013, 64: 137-144.
[52] X Yang, TJ Lu, T Kim. Temperature effects on the effective thermal conductivity of phase change materials with two distinctive phases[J]. International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, 2011, 38(10): 1344-1348.

Research collaborations:
• Professor J Yan, Fellow of European Academy of Sciences and Arts, Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden
• Professor C Yang, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
• Professor SK Chou, National University of Singapore
• Professor J Chai, University of Sheffield, UK
• Professor K Hooman, University of Queensland, Australia
• Professor H Li, University of Meralen, Sweden
• Professor P Campana, Meralen University, Sweden
• Professor K Ichimiya, Yamanashi University, Japan

客座教授 - 杨 肖虎Guest Professors

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