* 博士(Doctor)
* 副教授(Associate Professor)
* 博士生导师(Doctoral Supervisor)
* 担任国家自然科学基金评审人(Referee of NSFC)
* 担任瑞士Frontiers in Optics and Photonics 杂志的Associate Editor
* 担任以下期刊审稿人(Referee of the following journals)
Physical Review Letters,
Nature Communications,
Advanced Optical Materials,
Photonics Research,
Journal of Materials Chemistry C,
Optics Letters,
Optics Express,
New Journal of Physics,
荣誉·奖励 (Awards & Honors)
2020年度美国光学学会“杰出审稿人” Outstanding Reviewers of OSA in 2020
第五届中国电子学会优秀科技工作者 The fifth Excellent Science and Technology Worker of Chinese Institute of Electronics
陕西省普通高校“青年杰出人才”支持计划 Outstanding Yougth Talent Supporting Program of Colleges and Universities in Shaanxi Province
陕西省第十三届自然科学优秀学术论文三等奖The Third Award for Natural Science Excellent Academic Paper of Shaanxi Province
2016年度陕西省科学技术二等奖(证书编号:2016-2-101,第二完成人)The Second Award for Science and Technology of Shaanxi Province(No. 2016-2-101, second place)
2016年度陕西省高等学校科学技术奖一等奖(证书编号:16B15,第二完成人)CollegeScientific and Technical Awards of Shaanxi Province (No. 16B15, second place)
访客 (Guests)
进展 (News )
2015年发表在PRL上的论文入选web of science高被引论文
关于高阶拓扑激光的研究工作被APL Photonics接受
关于拓扑光子学的研究被Optics Letters接受
关于光涡旋拉比振荡的研究被Advanced Photonics接受
工作经历 (Working Experience)
2014.09- :副教授·西安交通大学·电子与信息学部·电子科学与工程学院(Associate Professor@ School of Electronic Science and Engineering, Faculty of Electronic and Information Engineering, Xi'an Jiaotong University)
2012.07-2014.08:讲 师·西安交通大学·电子与信息工程学院·电子科学与技术系(Assistant Professor@ Department of Electronics Science and Technology, The School of Electronics and Information Engineering, Xi'an Jiaotong University)
教育历程 (Education)
2009.11-2010.11 :德国马普学会复杂系统物理研究所 (Max Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems);
2006.09-2011.07:中国科学院西安光学精密机械研究所·瞬态光学与光子技术国家重点实验室·物理电子学专业,工学博士 (State Key Laboratory of Transient Optics and Photonics, Xi’ an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Doctor's Degree, Major: Physical Electronics);
2002.09-2006.07:天津大学·精密仪器与光电子工程学院·电子科学与技术(光电子技术)专业,工学学士 (College of Precision Instrument & Opto-electronics Engineering, Tianjin University, Bachelor's Degree, Major: Opto-electronics)
联系方式 (Contact)
邮件 (Email): zhangyiqi@mail.xjtu.edu.cn;zhang-yiqi@qq.com
主页 (Homepage): http://zhangyiqi.gr.xjtu.edu.cn
电话 (Telephone): (0086)--2770
地址 (Address): 陕西省西安市碑林区咸宁西路28号西安交通大学,710049 (Xi'an Jiaotong University, No.28, Xianning West Road, Xi'an,710049, P. R. China)
链接 (Links)
课题组 (Groups)
刘纯亮教授 (Prof. Chunliang Liu)
李永东教授 (Prof. Yongdong Li)
张彦鹏教授 (Prof. Yanpeng Zhang)
肖敏教授 (Prof. Min Xiao)
李福利教授 (Prof. Fuli Li)
Prof. Milivoj Belic
Prof. Stefan Skupin
机构 (Affiliations)
西安交通大学 (Xi'an Jiaotong University)
马普学会复杂系统物理研究所 (MPG-PKS)
中国科学院西安光学精密机械研究所 (XIOPM-CAS)
天津大学 (Tianjin University)
简介 (CV) - 张 贻齐基本信息 (Basic Information)
* 博士(Doctor)
* 副教授(Associate Professor)
* 博士生导师(Doctoral Supervisor)
* 担任国家自然科学基金评审人(Referee of NSFC)
* 担任瑞士Frontiers in Optics and Photonics 杂志的Associate Editor
* 担任以下期刊审稿人(Referee of the following journals)
Physical Review Letters,
Nature Communications,
Advanced Optical Materials,
Photonics Research,
Journal of Materials Chemistry C,
Optics Letters,
Optics Express,
New Journal of Physics,
荣誉·奖励 (Awards & Honors)
2020年度美国光学学会“杰出审稿人” Outstanding Reviewers of OSA in 2020
第五届中国电子学会优秀科技工作者 The fifth Excellent Science and Technology Worker of Chinese Institute of Electronics
陕西省普通高校“青年杰出人才”支持计划 Outstanding Yougth Talent Supporting Program of Colleges and Universities in Shaanxi Province
陕西省第十三届自然科学优秀学术论文三等奖The Third Award for Natural Science Excellent Academic Paper of Shaanxi Province
2016年度陕西省科学技术二等奖(证书编号:2016-2-101,第二完成人)The Second Award for Science and Technology of Shaanxi Province(No. 2016-2-101, second place)
2016年度陕西省高等学校科学技术奖一等奖(证书编号:16B15,第二完成人)CollegeScientific and Technical Awards of Shaanxi Province (No. 16B15, second place)
访客 (Guests)
进展 (News )
2015年发表在PRL上的论文入选web of science高被引论文
关于高阶拓扑激光的研究工作被APL Photonics接受
关于拓扑光子学的研究被Optics Letters接受
关于光涡旋拉比振荡的研究被Advanced Photonics接受
工作经历 (Working Experience)
2014.09- :副教授·西安交通大学·电子与信息学部·电子科学与工程学院(Associate Professor@ School of Electronic Science and Engineering, Faculty of Electronic and Information Engineering, Xi'an Jiaotong University)
2012.07-2014.08:讲 师·西安交通大学·电子与信息工程学院·电子科学与技术系(Assistant Professor@ Department of Electronics Science and Technology, The School of Electronics and Information Engineering, Xi'an Jiaotong University)
教育历程 (Education)
2009.11-2010.11 :德国马普学会复杂系统物理研究所 (Max Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems);
2006.09-2011.07:中国科学院西安光学精密机械研究所·瞬态光学与光子技术国家重点实验室·物理电子学专业,工学博士 (State Key Laboratory of Transient Optics and Photonics, Xi’ an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Doctor's Degree, Major: Physical Electronics);
2002.09-2006.07:天津大学·精密仪器与光电子工程学院·电子科学与技术(光电子技术)专业,工学学士 (College of Precision Instrument & Opto-electronics Engineering, Tianjin University, Bachelor's Degree, Major: Opto-electronics)
联系方式 (Contact)
邮件 (Email): zhangyiqi@mail.xjtu.edu.cn;zhang-yiqi@qq.com
主页 (Homepage): http://zhangyiqi.gr.xjtu.edu.cn
电话 (Telephone): (0086)--2770
地址 (Address): 陕西省西安市碑林区咸宁西路28号西安交通大学,710049 (Xi'an Jiaotong University, No.28, Xianning West Road, Xi'an,710049, P. R. China)
链接 (Links)
课题组 (Groups)
刘纯亮教授 (Prof. Chunliang Liu)
李永东教授 (Prof. Yongdong Li)
张彦鹏教授 (Prof. Yanpeng Zhang)
肖敏教授 (Prof. Min Xiao)
李福利教授 (Prof. Fuli Li)
Prof. Milivoj Belic
Prof. Stefan Skupin
机构 (Affiliations)
西安交通大学 (Xi'an Jiaotong University)
马普学会复杂系统物理研究所 (MPG-PKS)
中国科学院西安光学精密机械研究所 (XIOPM-CAS)
天津大学 (Tianjin University)
Research & Teaching - 张 贻齐研究领域·基金 (Researches & Fundings)
研究领域 (Research Interests)
1. 大块介质、周期性介质以及原子气体中的光孤子,光涡旋和光怪波 (Optical vortex, soliton and rogue waves formation in bulk media, optical lattices and atomic vapors.)
2. 无衍射自加速光及其相关领域 (Self-accelerating nondiffracting beams and related topics.)
3. 拓扑光子学及其相关领域 (Topological photonics and related topics.)
4. 分数薛定谔方程的传播动力学及相关领域 (Propagation dynamics of the fractional Schrodinger equation and related topics.)
科研项目 (Fundings)
项目来源 起止年月 金额 项目名称 编号 状态 角色
国家自然科学基金(面上项目) 2021.01-2024.12 63万 基于非保守非线性狄拉克光晶格的空间光场调控研究 ** 在研 主持
国家自然科学基金(青年项目) 2014.01-2016.12 28万 原子气体中多波混频信号的空间调制研究 ** 结题 主持
陕西省自然科学基金(重点项目) 2017.01-2019.12 10万 离散光学系统中的光局域及伪自旋特性研究 2017JZ019 结题 主持
陕西省自然科学基金(青年项目) 2014.01-2015.12 3万 原子气体中多波混频光涡旋的液体性质研究 2014JQ8341 结题 主持
中国博士后科学基金(特别资助) 2013.06-2014.06 15万 原子相干调控的多波混频传输特性研究 2014T70923 结题 主持
中国博士后科学基金(面上项目) 2016.07-2018.07 8万 基于超级蜂巢格子的赝自旋、光局域、边界态的研究 2016M600777 结题 主持
中国博士后科学基金(面上项目) 2012.07-2014.06 5万 原子气体中的空间多波混频孤子 2012M521773 结题 主持
陕西省博士后科研项目(特等资助) 2017.04-2018.07 15万 原子介质超级蜂巢光晶格的拓扑特性及边界孤子的研究 2017BSHTDZZ18 结题 主持
陕西省博士后科研项目(一等资助) 2013.05-2014.06 4万 原子气体中非线性竞争诱导的光凝聚研究 - 结题 主持
国家重点研发计划 2017.01-2022.12 308万 人工微结构中的量子、类量子效应及功能集成光子芯片子课题 2017YFA** 在研 骨干
陕西省科技厅 2014.01-2016.12 100万 多波混频量子调控创新团队 2014KCT-10 结题 骨干
讲授课程 (Teaching)
1. 2014-2015学年第二学期 (The 2nd semester in 2014-2015)
本科课程 (for Undergraduate): 《程序设计基础》(Fundamentals of Programming)
班级(Class and Grade): 电子41-44 (Major of Department of Electronic Science and Technology 41-44)
课程代码(Code): COMP1024
学分(Credits): 3
学时(Credit Hours): 56
上课起止周次(Weeks): 1-10
2.2015-2016学年第一学期 (The 1st semester in 2015-2016)
本科课程 (for Undergraduate): 《程序设计基础》(Fundamentals of Programming)
班级(Class and Grade): 电信类51-53 (Major of Electronic Information and Engineering 51-53)
课程代码(Code): COMP300205
学分(Credits): 3
学时(Credit Hours): 56
上课起止周次(Weeks): 1-10
网上课堂(Online class):
3.2016-2017学年第二学期 (The 2nd semester in 2016-2017)
本科课程 (for Undergraduate): 《程序设计基础》(Fundamentals of Programming)
班级(Class and Grade): 电信类61-63 (Major of Electronic Information and Engineering 61-63)
课程代码(Code): COMP300205
学分(Credits): 3
学时(Credit Hours): 56
上课起止周次(Weeks): 1-10
网上课堂(Online class):
4. 2019-2020学年第一学期 (The 1st semester in 2019-2020)
本科课程 (for Undergraduate): 大学物理实验I2 (Experiment of College Physics: I2)
课程代码(Code): PHYS280509
学分(Credits): 1
学时(Credit Hours): 32
上课起止周次(Weeks): 1-16
5. 2020-2021学年第一学期 (The 1st semester in 2020-2021)
本科课程 (for Undergraduate): 大学物理II(College Physics: II)
课程代码(Code): PHYS281609
学分(Credits): 4
学时(Credit Hours): 64
上课起止周次(Weeks): 1-16
6. 2020-2021学年第二学期 (The 2nd semester in 2020-2021)
本科课程 (for Undergraduate): 电磁场理论 (Theory of Electromagnetical Field)
课程代码(Code): INFT400405
学分(Credits): 3.5
学时(Credit Hours): 56
上课起止周次(Weeks): 1-16
7. 2020-2021学年第二学期 (The 2nd semester in 2020-2021)
本科课程 (for Undergraduate): 历史上最伟大的10个方程 (Top Ten Greatest Equations Ever)
课程代码(Code): GNED100127
学分(Credits): 1
学时(Credit Hours): 16
上课起止周次(Weeks): 1-8
8. 2020-2021学年第二学期 (The 2nd semester in 2020-2021)
研究生课程 (for Postgraduate): 带电粒子光学 (Charged Particle Opics)
课程代码(Code): 052056
学分(Credits): 2
学时(Credit Hours): 32
上课起止周次(Weeks): 1-8
9. 2020-2021学年第二学期 (The 2nd semester in 2020-2021)
研究生课程 (for Postgraduate): 电子与信息工程英语专业实践(English Practice for Electronic & Information Engineering)
课程代码(Code): WS**
学分(Credits): 1
学时(Credit Hours): 16
上课起止周次(Weeks): 9-16
团队 (Team)
国际合作者(International Collaborators)
姓名(name) 邮箱(E-mail) 单位(Affiliation)
Prof. Dr.Milivoj Beli? milivoj.belic@qatar.tamu.edu Texas A&M University at Qatar
Prof. Dr. Yaroslav V. Kartashov yaroslav.kartashov@icfo.eu Russian Academy of Sciences
教职 (Faculties)
姓名 (Name) 邮箱 (E-mail)
刘纯亮 教授 (Prof. Chunliang Liu) chlliu@mail.xjtu.edu.cn
李永东 教授 (Prof. Yongdong Li) leyond@mail.xjtu.edu.cn
曹猛 教授 (Prof. Meng Cao) mengcao@mail.xjtu.edu.cn
学生 (Students)
姓名 (Name) 邮箱 (E-mail)
钟华 博士生 (Miss Hua Zhong, PhD candidate) @qq.com
任博权 博士生 (Miss Boquan Ren, PhD candidate) boquanren@163.com
吕诚名 硕士生 (Mr. Chengming Lü, Master candidate)
已毕业学生 (Former members)
姓名(Name) 邮箱 (E-mail) 去向 (Destination)
张达 博士生 (Dr. Da Zhang) zhang**@163.com 西安交通大学
Mr. Noor Ahmed (Master) @qq.com 上海交通大学
刘星 硕士生 (Mr. Xing Liu, Master) bruceliuxing@formail.com 百度 (Baidu)
刘俊峰 硕士生 (Mr. Junfeng Liu, Master) @qq.com 定向
王荣 硕士生 (Miss Rong Wang, Master) @qq.com 联通
靳凯超 硕士生 (Mr. Kaichao Jin, Master candidate) @qq.com 快手
Publications - 张 贻齐专著·论文 (Monograph & Publications)
专著 (Monograph)
Yiqi Zhang, MilivojBeli?, and Yanpeng Zhang,Spatial control of laser light in atomic vapors and dielectric media (Science Press, Beijing, 2016) [前言与目录(Foreword and Content)]
论文列表 (Publication list) [* indicates the corresponding author, and # the equally contributed author][JCR-2020,JCR-2019]
68. Qian Tang, Boquan Ren,Victor O. Kompanets, Yaroslav V. Kartashov, Yongdong Li, and Yiqi Zhang*, under review
67. Boquan Ren, Hongguang Wang, Victor O. Kompanets, Yaroslav V. Kartashov, Yongdong Li, and Yiqi Zhang*, under review
66. Hua Zhong, Shiqi Xia, Yongdong Li, Yiqi Zhang*, Daohong Song, Chuanliang Liu, and Zhigang Chen, "Nonlinear Topological Valley Hall Edge States Arising from Type-II Dirac Cones," under review
65.Marco S. Kirsch#, Yiqi Zhang#, Mark Kremer, Lukas J. Maczewsky, Sergey K. Ivanov, Yaroslav V. Kartashov, Lluis Torner, Dieter Bauer, Alexander Szameit*, and Matthias Heinrich, "Nonlinear second-order photonic topological insulators," Nat. Phys. (accepted)
64. Hua Zhong, Yaroslav V. Kartashov, Yongdong Li, Chunliang Liu, and Yiqi Zhang*, "Theory of Topological Corner State Laser in Kagome Waveguide Arrays," APL Photon.6, 040802(2021).
63.Yiqi Zhang,Y. V. Kartashov,A. Ferrando,Yongdong Li, andL. Torner, "Nonlinear higher-order polariton topological insulator," Opt. Lett.45, 4710-4713(2020). [Supplemental Materials]
62. Kaichao Jin, Yongdong Li, Feng Li, Milivoj R. Beli?, Yanpeng Zhang, and Yiqi Zhang*, "Rabi oscillation of azimuthons in weakly nonlinear waveguides," Adv. Photon.2, 046002(2020).
[Front cover]
[Reported by Xi'an Jiaotong University]
[Reported by SPIE news]
[Reported by PHYS.org]
[Reported byEurekAlert]
[Reported by the WeChat platform: 中国激光]
61.Yongfeng Kang*, Jingyi Zhao, Jiaxin Wu,Lei Zhang*, Jian Zhao, Yiqi Zhang*, Yuqing Zhao, and Xiaofei Wang, "Superior Deep-ultraviolet Source Pumped by an Electron Beam for NLOS Communication," IEEE Trans. Electron Dev.67, 3391-3394(2020).
60.Kaichao Jin, Hua Zhong, Yongdong Li, Fangwei Ye, Yanpeng Zhang, Fuli Li,Chunliang Liu, and Yiqi Zhang*, "Parametric type-II Dirac photonic lattices," Adv. Quantum Technol.3, **(2020)
[Back cover]
[Reported by theWeChat platform:两江科技评论]
59.Hua Zhong,Yongdong Li,Daohong Song,Yaroslav V. Kartashov,Yiqi Zhang*,Yanpeng Zhang,and Zhigang Chen,"Topological valley Hall edge state lasing," Laser & Photon. Rev.14, **(2020)
[Front cover]
58.Zhaoyang Zhang, Rong Wang, Yiqi Zhang*, Yaroslav V. Kartashov, Feng Li, Hua Zhong,Hua Guan, Kelin Gao, Fuli Li, Yanpeng Zhang,and Min Xiao,"Observation of Edge Solitonsin Photonic Graphene," Nat. Commun.11, 1902(2020)
[Reported by Xi'an Jiaotong University]
[Reported by theWeChat platform:爱光学]
57. Feng Liu, Jingwen Zhang, Wei-Ping Zhong, Milivoj R. Beli?, Yu Zhang,Yanpeng Zhang, Fuli Li, and Yiqi Zhang*, "Manipulation of Airy beams in dynamic parabolic potentials," Ann. Phys. (Berlin)532, **(2020)
56. Yiqing Tian, Hua Zhong, Milivoj R. Beli?,Yanpeng Zhang, Fuli Li, andYiqi Zhang*, "Nonlinear conicial diffraction in superhoneycomb lattice induced in a photorefractive crystal," Rom. Rep. Phys.71, 412(2019)
55. Sergey K. Ivanov,Yiqi Zhang*,Yaroslav V. Kartashov,and Dmitry V. Skryabin, "Floquet topological insulator laser," APL Photon.4, 126101(2019)
[Editor's pick]
54. Yongfeng Kang, Hua Zhong, Milivoj R. Beli?, Yiqing Tian, Kaichao Jin, Yanpeng Zhang, Fuli Li, andYiqi Zhang*, "Conical diffraction from approximate Dirac cone states in a superhoneycomb lattice," Ann. Phys. (Berlin)531, **(2019)
[Inside front cover]
53. Hua Zhong, Yaroslav V. Kartashov, Yiqi Zhang*, Daohong Song, Yanpeng Zhang, Fuli Li, and Zhigang Chen, "Rabi-like oscillation of photonic topological valley Hall edge states," Opt. Lett.44, 3342-3345(2019)
52. Yiqi Zhang, Yaroslav V. Kartashov, and Albert Ferrando, "Interface states in polariton topological insulators," Phys. Rev. A99, 053836(2019)
51. Hua Zhong, Rong Wang, Milivoj R. Beli?, Yanpeng Zhang, and Yiqi Zhang*, "Asymmetric conical diffraction in dislocated edge-centered square lattices," Opt. Express27, 6300-6309(2019) [Erratum]
50. Hua Zhong,Yiqi Zhang*, Milivoj R. Beli?, and Yanpeng Zhang, "Generating Lieb and super-honeycomb lattices by employing the fractional Talbot effect," J. Opt. Soc. Am. B36, 862-866(2019)
49. Hua Zhong, Rong Wang, Fangwei Ye, Jingwen Zhang, Lei Zhang, Yanpeng Zhang, Milivoj R. Beli?, and Yiqi Zhang*, "Topological insulator properties of photonic kagome helical waveguide arrays," Results Phys.12, 996-1001(2019)
48.Yiqi Zhang, Yaroslav V. Kartashov, Yanpeng Zhang, Lluis Torner, and Dmitry V. Skryabin, "Inhibition of tunnelingand edge state control in polariton topological insulators," APL Photon.3, 120801(2018)
[Editor's pick]
47.Yiqi Zhang, Yaroslav V. Kartashov, Yanpeng Zhang, Lluis Torner, and Dmitry V. Skryabin, "Resonant edge-state switching in polariton topological insulators," Laser & Photon. Rev.12, ** (2018)
[Inside back cover]
46.Junfeng Liu,Yiqi Zhang*, Hua Zhong, Jingwen Zhang, Rong Wang,Milivoj R. Beli?, and Yanpeng Zhang, "Optical Bloch oscillations of a dual Airy beam," Ann. Phys. (Berlin)530, **(2018)
45.Yiqi Zhang, Rong Wang, Hua Zhong, Jingwen Zhang, Milivoj R. Beli?, and Yanpeng Zhang, "Optical Bloch oscillation and Zener tunneling in the fractional Schr?dinger equation," Sci. Rep.7,17872(2017)
44.Yiqi Zhang, Rong Wang, Hua Zhong, Jingwen Zhang, Milivoj R. Beli?, and Yanpeng Zhang, "Resonant mode conversions and Rabi oscillations in fractional Schr?dinger equation," Opt. Express25, 32401-32410(2017)
43.Yiqi Zhang, Yaroslav V. Kartashov, Feng Li, Zhaoyang Zhang, Yanpeng Zhang, Milivoj R. Beli?, and Min Xiao, "Edge states in dynamical superlattices," ACS Photon.4, 2250-2256(2017)
42.Da Zhang, Yiqi Zhang*, Zhaoyang Zhang, Noor Ahmed, Yanpeng Zhang, Fuli Li, Milivoj R. Beli?, and Min Xiao, "Unveiling the link between fractional Schr?dinger equation and light propagation in honeycomb lattice," Ann. Phys. (Berlin)529, **(2017)
[Front cover]
[Reported by theWeChat platform: "Advanced Science News"]
41. Da Zhang,Yiqi Zhang*, Hua Zhong, Changbiao Li,Zhaoyang Zhang,Yanpeng Zhang, andMilivoj R. Beli?, "New edge-centered photonic square lattices with flat bands," Ann. Phys.382, 160-169(2017)
40.Yiqi Zhang, Da Zhang, Zhaoyang Zhang, Changbiao Li, Yanpeng Zhang, Fuli Li, Milivoj R. Beli?,and Min Xiao,"Optical Bloch Oscillation and Zener Tunneling in anAtomic System," Optica4, 571-575(2017)
39. Yiqi Zhang, Hua Zhong,Milivoj R. Beli?, and Yanpeng Zhang, "Guided Self-Accelerating Airy Beams — a Mini-Review," Appl. Sci.7, 341(2017)
38. Yongfeng Kang, Yiqi Zhang*, Changbiao Li, Hua Zhong, Yanpeng Zhang, and Milivoj R. Beli?, "Nonparaxial accelerating electron beams," IEEE J. Quantum. Electron.53, **(2017)
37.Hua Zhong, Yiqi Zhang*, Yi Zhu, Da Zhang, Changbiao Li, Yanpeng Zhang, Fuli Li, Milivoj R. Beli?, and Min Xiao, "Transport properties in the photonic super-honeycomb lattice — a hybrid fermionic and bosonic system," Ann. Phys. (Berlin)529, **(2017)
[Front cover]
[Reported by "Advanced Science News"]
[Reported bytheWeChat platform: "Advanced Science News"]
36.Hua Zhong, Yiqi Zhang*, Zhaoyang Zhang, Changbiao Li, Da Zhang, Yanpeng Zhang, and Milivoj R. Beli?, "Nonparaxial self-accelerating beams in an atomicvapor with electromagnetically induced transparency," Opt. Lett.41, 5644-5647(2016)
35.Yiqi Zhang,Junfeng Liu,Feng Wen,Changbiao Li,Zhaoyang Zhang,Yanpeng Zhang, andMilivoj R. Beli?, "Coherent and incoherent nonparaxial self-accelerating Weber beams," IEEE Photon. J.8, ** (2016)
34. Zhaoyang Zhang#, Yiqi Zhang#,Jiteng Sheng, Liu Yang, Mohammad-Ali Miri, Demetrios
[Selected as "Trending in PRL"]
33. Yiqi Zhang, Hua Zhong,Milivoj R. Beli?, Changbiao Li, Zhaoyang Zhang, Feng Wen, Yanpeng Zhang, and MinXiao, "Fractional nonparaxial accelerating Talbot effect," Opt. Lett.41, 3253-3256 (2016)
32.Yiqi Zhang, Hua Zhong, Milivoj R. Beli?, Yi Zhu, Weiping Zhong, Yanpeng Zhang, Demetrios N. Christodoulides, and Min Xiao, "PT symmetry in a fractionalSchr?dingerequation," Laser & Photon. Rev.10, 526-531(2016)
[Back cover]
[Reported byXi'an Jiaotong University]
31.Yiqi Zhang, Hua Zhong, Milivoj R. Beli?, Noor Ahmed, Yanpeng Zhang, and Min Xiao, "Diffraction-free beams in fractional Schr?dinger equation," Sci. Rep.6, 23645(2016)
30.Hua Zhong,Yiqi Zhang*, Milivoj R. Beli?, Changbiao Li, Feng Wen, Zhaoyang Zhang, and Yanpeng Zhang,"Controllable circular Airy beams via dynamic linear potential," Opt. Express24,7495-7506(2016)
29.Yiqi Zhang, Xing Liu, Milivoj R. Beli?, Weiping Zhong, Changbiao Li, Haixia Chen, and Yanpeng Zhang, “Dispersion relations of strained and complex Lieb lattices based on the tight-binding method,” Rom. Rep. Phys.68, 230-240(2016)
28. Yiqi Zhang, Hua Zhong, Milivoj R. Beli?,Xing Liu,Weiping Zhong, Yanpeng Zhang, andMin Xiao, “Dual accelerating Airy-Talbot recurrence effect,” Opt. Lett.40, 5742-5745(2015)
27. Yiqi Zhang, Xing Liu, Milivoj R. Beli?, Weiping Zhong, Yanpeng Zhang, and Min Xiao, “Propagation dynamics of a light beam in a fractional Schr?dinger equation,” Phys. Rev. Lett.115, 180403(2015)
[Reported by the website of Xi'an Jiaotong University]
[Reported by 《中国科学报》 (Chinese Science News, 2015-11-03 第4版 综合)]
26. Yiqi Zhang, Xing Liu, Milivoj Beli?, Weiping Zhong, Milan S. Petrovi?, and Yanpeng Zhang, “Automatic Fourier transform and self-Fourier beams due to a parabolic potential,” Ann. Phys.363, 305-315(2015)
25. Yiqi Zhang, Xing Liu, Milivoj R. Beli?, Zhenkun Wu, and Yanpeng Zhang, “Modulation of the photonic band structure topology of a honeycomb lattice in an atomic vapor,” Ann. Phys.363, 114-121(2015)
24. Yiqi Zhang, Milivoj Beli?, Jia Sun, Huaibin Zheng, Zhenkun Wu, Haixia Chen, and Yanpeng Zhang, “Controllable acceleration and deceleration of Airy beams via an initial velocity,” Rom. Rep. Phys.67, 1099-1107(2015)
23. Yiqi Zhang, Xing Liu, Milivoj R. Beli?, Weiping Zhong, Feng Wen, and Yanpeng Zhang, “Anharmonic propagation of two-dimensional beams carrying orbital angular momentum in a harmonic potential,” Opt. Lett.40, 3786-3789(2015)
[Cover image]
22. Yiqi Zhang, Milivoj Beli?, Lei Zhang, Weiping Zhong, Dayu Zhu, Ruimin Wang, and Yanpeng Zhang, “Periodic inversion and phase transition of finite energy Airy beams in a medium with parabolic potential,” Opt. Express23, 10467-10480(2015)
21. Yiqi Zhang, Zhenkun Wu, Milivoj R. Beli?, Huaibin Zheng, Zhiguo Wang, Min Xiao, and Yanpeng Zhang, “Photonic Floquet topological insulators in atomic ensembles,” Laser & Photon. Rev.9, 331-338(2015)
[Reported byXi'an Jiaotong University]
20. Yiqi Zhang, Milivoj Beli?, Weiping Zhong, Feng Wen, Yang Guo, Yao Guo, Keqing Lu, and Yanpeng Zhang, “Beam splitter and combiner based on Bloch oscillations in spatially modulated waveguide arrays,” J. Opt.17, 045606(2015)
19. Yiqi Zhang, Milivoj Beli?, Milan S. Petrovi?, Huaibin Zheng, Haixia Chen, Changbiao Li, Keqing Lu, and Yanpeng Zhang, “Two-dimensional linear and nonlinear Talbot effect from rogue waves,” Phys. Rev. E91, 032916(2015)
18. Yiqi Zhang, Xun Zhang, Haixia Chen, Peiying Li, Mengqin Gao, Zihai Jiang, and Yanpeng Zhang, “Optical cavity squeezing of multi-wave mixing via dark state,” J. Opt. Soc. Am. B31, 2792-2801(2014)
17. Yiqi Zhang, Milivoj Beli?, Huaibin Zheng, Haixia Chen, Changbiao Li, Jianeng Xu, and Yanpeng Zhang, “Interactions of incoherent localized beams in a photorefractive medium,” J. Opt. Soc. Am. B31, 2258-2262(2014)
16. Yiqi Zhang, Milivoj Beli?, Jia Sun, Huaibin Zheng, Haixia Chen, Changbiao Li, Zhiguo Wang, and Yanpeng Zhang, “Three-dimensional nonparaxial accelerating beams from the transverse Whittaker integral,” Europhys. Lett.107, 34001(2014)
15. Yiqi Zhang, Milivoj Beli?, Huaibin Zheng, Haixia Chen, Changbiao Li, Jianping Song, and Yanpeng Zhang, “Nonlinear Talbot effect from rogue waves,” Phys. Rev. E89, 032902(2014)
14. Yiqi Zhang, Milivoj Beli?, Huaibin Zheng, Haixia Chen, Changbiao Li, Yuanyuan Li, and Yanpeng Zhang, “Interactions of Airy beams, nonlinear accelerating beams, and induced solitons in Kerr and saturable nonlinear media,” Opt. Express22, 7160-7171(2014)
13. Yiqi Zhang, Zhenkun Wu, Huaibin Zheng, Zhiguo Wang, Yunzhe Zhang, Hao Tian, and Yanpeng Zhang, “Controllable nonreciprocity of six-wave mixing by a moving electromagnetically induced grating,” Laser Phys.24, 045402(2014)
12. Yiqi Zhang, Milivoj Beli?, Zhenkun Wu, Huaibin Zheng, Keqing Lu, Yuanyuan Li, and Yanpeng Zhang, “Soliton pair generation in the interactions of Airy and nonlinear accelerating beams,” Opt. Lett.38, 4585-4588(2013)
11. Yiqi Zhang, Milivoj Beli?, Zhenkun Wu, Chenzhi Yuan, Ruimin Wang, Keqing Lu, and Yanpeng Zhang, “Multicharged optical vortices induced in a dissipative atomic vapor system,” Phys. Rev. A88, 013847(2013)
10. Yiqi Zhang, Zhenkun Wu, Xin Yao, Zhaoyang Zhang, Haixia Chen, Huaibin Zhang, and Yanpeng Zhang, “Controlling multi-wave mixing signals via photonic band gap of electromagnetically induced absorption grating in atomic media,” Opt. Express24, 29338-29349(2013)
9. Yiqi Zhang, Milivoj Beli?, Huaibin Zheng, Zhenkun Wu, Yuanyuan Li, Keqing Lu, and Yanpeng Zhang, “Fresnel diffraction patterns as accelerating beams,” Europhys. Lett.104, 34007(2013)
8. Yiqi Zhang, Zhenkun Wu, Chenzhi Yuan, Xin Yao, Keqing Lu, Milivoj Beli?, and Yanpeng Zhang, “Optical vortices induced in nonlinear multi-level atomic vapors,” Opt. Lett.37, 4507-4509(2012)
7. Yiqi Zhang, Xin Yao, Chenzhi Yuan, Peiying Li, Jiamin Yuan, Weikang Feng, Shuqiao Jia, and Yanpeng Zhang, “Controllable multiwave mixing Talbot effect,” IEEE Photon. J.4, 2957-2065(2012)
6. Yiqi Zhang, Yanpeng Zhang, Meizhi Zhang, and Keqing Lu, “Interactions of two humps of dipoles in anisotropic nonlinear media,” Opt. Laser Tech.44, 1729-1732(2012)
5. Yiqi Zhang*, and Keqing Lu, “Bragg gap solitons in PT symmetric lattices with competing nonlinearity,” Opt. Commun.285, 1934-1939(2012)
2012年以前(before 2012)
4. Yiqi Zhang, Stefan Skupin, Fabian Maucher, Arpa Galestian Pour, Keqing Lu, and Wieslaw Królikowski, “Azimuthons in weakly nonlinear waveguide of different symmetries,” Opt. Express18, 27846-27857(2010)
3. Yiqi Zhang, Keqing Lu, Meizhi Zhang, Kehao Li, and Yanpeng Zhang, “Dark incoherent spatial solitons in logarithmically saturable nonlinear media,” Chin. Phys. B18, 2359-2363(2009)
2. Yiqi Zhang, Keqing Lu, Meizhi Zhang, Kehao Li, and Yanpeng Zhang, “Dynamics of incoherent photovoltaic spatial solitons,” Chin. Phys. Lett.26, 034212(2009)
1. Yiqi Zhang, Keqing Lu, Lei Zhang, Meizhi Zhang, and Kehao Li, “Large self-deflection of bright and dark screening photovoltaic solitons in LiNbO3,” Acta Physica Sinica57, 6354-6359(2008)
合作论文(Co-authored publications)
请参阅Researcher ID页面(Please move to my Researcher IDto get more papers)。
高被引论文(Highly cited papers)
1. Zhaoyang Zhang#,Yiqi Zhang#,Jiteng Sheng, Liu Yang, Mohammad-Ali Miri, Demetrios
[ISI Web of Science]
2. Nail Akhmediev,Bertrand Kibler,Fabio Baronio,Milivoj Beli?,Wei-Ping Zhong,Yiqi Zhang,Wonkeun Chang,Jose M. Soto-Crespo,Peter Vouzas,Philippe Grelu,Caroline Lecaplain,K. Hammani, S. Rica,A. Picozzi,Mustapha Tlidi,Krassimir Panajotov,Arnaud Mussot,Abdelkrim Bendahmane, Pascal Szriftgiser,Goery Genty,John Dudley,Alexandre Kudlinski,Ayhan Demircan, Uwe Morgner,Shalva Amiraranashvili,Carsten Bree,Günter Steinmeyer,C. Masoller, Neil G. R. Broderick,Antoine F. J. Runge,Miro Erkintalo,S Residori,U. Bortolozzo,F. T. Arecchi, Stefan Wabnitz,C. G. Tiofack,S. Coulibaly,andM. Taki, "Roadmap on optical rogue waves and extreme events," J. Opt.18, 063001(2016)
[ISI Web of Science]
3. Yiqi Zhang, Xing Liu, Milivoj R. Beli?, Weiping Zhong, Yanpeng Zhang, and Min Xiao, “Propagation dynamics of a light beam in a fractional Schr?dinger equation,” Phys. Rev. Lett.115, 180403(2015)
[ISI Web of Science]
Visiting & Collaboration - 张 贻齐交流合作 (Visiting & Collaboration)
1. 学术会议(Conferences)
2021.06.21-2021.06.25: CLEO/Europe EQEC 2021, Online, Oral: Topological Corner State Laser in Kagome Waveguide Arrays
2021.05.09-2021.05.14: CLEO 2021, Online, Oral: Nonlinear valley Hall edge states in type-II Dirac lattices
2020.12.18-2020.12.20: 陕西省第一届非线性物理研讨会,@西安,口头报告:基于第II类狄拉克光晶格的能谷霍尔效应拓扑边界孤子
2020.09.25-2020.09.27: 光学前沿在线:微纳光子学会议(2020),口头报告:第II类狄拉克锥光晶格
2019.08.22-2019.08.25:第五届全国光孤子学术研讨会,@西安,口头报告:极化激元拓扑绝缘体中拓扑边界态的空间控制(2019 National Seminar on Optical Solitons, @Xi'an, Oral:Spatial control of topological edge state in polariton topological insulators)
2019.08.06-2019.08.09:Optics Frontier—The 11th International Conference on Information Optics and Photonics (CIOP 2019), @Xi'an, Oral: Spatial control of topological edge state in polariton topological insulators
2019.06.30-2019.07.02: International workshop on “Topological Photonics and Beyond 2019” (TPB'19), @Tianjin, Poster:Rabi-like oscillation of photonic topological valley Hall edge states
2018.10.09-2018.10.12:The 7th Conference on Advances in Optoelectronics and Micro/nano-optics (AOM 2018), @Xi'an, Invited talk:Topological edge state switching and tunneling inhibition in polariton topological insulators
2018.05.14-2018.05.19:第19届纳米结构中光与物质相互作用物理国际会议(19th International Conference on Physics of Light-Matter Coupling in Nanostructures, PLMCN19), @Chengdu, Oral: Topological edge state switching in polariton topological insulators
2018.04.21-2018.04.22: 第十三届中国电子信息技术年会(The China Electronic Information Technology Conference), @Suzhou
2016.10.14-2016.10.17: The2nd International Conference on Photonics and Optical Engineering (icPOE 2016), @Xi'an, Invited talk:Control of Light Propagation in Fractional Schr?dinger Equation (Co-chair of the second part of Branch of Session II)
2016.08.26-2016.08.28:International Symposium on Photonics and Optoelectronics (SOPO 2016), @Xi'an,Oral talk:Spatial control of light via harmonic potential and atomic topological insulators (Session Chair of "Technical Session 2: Laser Technology and Applications & Medical andBiological Applications")
2016.08.08-2016.08.11:Progress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium(PIERS 2016), @Shanghai
2016.07.18-2016.07.22: The 6thInternational Conference on Manipulation, Manu-facturing and Measurement on the Nanoscale (3M-NANO 2016), @Chongqing, Invited talk:Light Control due to the Flat Band and Dirac Cone in Artificial Optical Lattices
2016.07.17-2016.07.20:Optics Frontier—The 8th International Conference on Information Optics and Photonics(CIOP 2016), @Shanghai, Invited talk:Control of Light Propagation in Fractional Schr?dinger Equation
2016.06.25-2016.06.28: The 4th International Conference Nonlinear Waves - Theory and Applications, @Beijing, Invited talk:Spatial control of light via harmonic potential and atomic topological insulators (on behalf of Prof. Yanpeng Zhang)
2015.12.13-2015.12.16: Photonics Middle East Conference 2015, @Doha, Poster: Spatial Control of Light via Harmonic Potential
with Prof. Albert Ferrando, Prof. Wolfgang Ketterle, and Prof. Milivoj Belic [by Dr. Milan Petrovic]
2015.11.06-2015.11.08: 2015全国光孤子学术研讨会,@金华,口头报告:抛物势井对光束的空间控制(2015 National Seminar on Optical Solitons, @Jinhua, Oral:Light Control via Parabolic Potential)
2015.10.23-2015.10.25: 第五届原子分子光物理青年科学家论坛,@北京,口头报告:原子介质中光子拓扑绝缘体(The 5th Young Scientist Forum in Atomic, Molecular, @Beijing,Oral: Photonic Topological Insulators in Atomic Media)
2015.07.12-2015.07.15: Optics Frontier—The 7th International Conference on Information Optics and Photonics(CIOP 2015), @Nanjing
2015.07.10-2015.07.12: The Third International Workshop: Frontiers in Photonics, @Tianjin, Poster: Photonic Floquet Topological Insulators in Atomic Ensembles
2015.06.18-2015.06.19: International Workshop on Solitons and Nonlinear Dynamics, @Shanghai
2014.11.07-2014.11.09: 2014年全国光孤子学术研讨会,@广州,口头报告:原子介质中光子拓扑绝缘体以及基于光怪波的非线性泰伯效应 (2014 National Seminar on Optical Solitons, @Guangzhou, Oral talk: Photonic Topological Insulators in Atomic Media and Nonlinear Talbot Effect based on Optical Rogue Waves)
with Prof. Zhigang Chen (middle) and Prof. Yanpeng Zhang (right) [by Dr. Xianglian Liu]
2014.09.18-2014.09.20: The 4th Advances in Optoelectronics and Micro/nano-optics (AOM 2014), @Xi'an, Oral talk: Photonic Floquet topological insulators in an atomic ensemble
2014.08.22-2014.08.24: International Symposium on Photonics and Optoelectronics (SOPO 2014), @Suzhou, Oral talk: Interacting Airy andnonlinear beams
2010.06.21-2010.06.24: Nonlinear Photonics Coference held by OSA, @Karlsruhe, Poster: Azimuthons in weakly nonlinear waveguides
with Prof. Wieslaw Krolikowski [by Dr. Yongyao Li]
2. 访问交流(Visiting and Collaboration)
2016.07.19: 华东理工大学物理系学习交流,并作报告:光学系统中泰伯效应的研究 (Visited Department of Physics, School of Science,East China University of Science and Technology,and gave the talk: Talbot effect in optical systems)
2016.05.11: 西北大学物理学院学习交流,并作报告:光学系统中泰伯效应的研究 (VisitedSchool of Physics,Northwest University, and gave the talk: Talbot effect in optical systems)
2015.12: 德克萨斯A&M大学卡塔尔分校,@卡塔尔多哈 (Texas A&M University at Qatar, @ Qatar)
2014.12: 德克萨斯A&M大学卡塔尔分校,@卡塔尔多哈 (Texas A&M University at Qatar, @ Qatar)
2014.08.19~2014.08.21: 德克萨斯A&M大学卡塔尔分校物理系教授Milivoj Belic教授来访,并作“舞动的光:光折变晶体中相向传输的光”等4个报告 (Prof. Milivoj Belic atTexas A&M University at Qatar visitedour group, andgave 4 talks including "Dancing light: Counterpropagating beams in photorefractive crystals", etc)
Prof. Milivoj Belic is giving his talk [by Dr. Changbiao Li]
2013.12: 德克萨斯A&M大学卡塔尔分校,@卡塔尔多哈 (Texas A&M University at Qatar, @ Qatar)
2012.12: 德克萨斯A&M大学卡塔尔分校,@卡塔尔多哈 (Texas A&M University at Qatar, @ Qatar)
with Prof. Milivoj Belic [by Prof. Wei-ping Zhong]
2009.12~2010.12: 德国马普学会复杂系统物理研究所,@德国德雷斯顿 (Max-Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems, @Dresden)
with my supervisor Dr. Stefan Skupin [by Dr. Fabian Maucher]
招生 - 张 贻齐Blank9