訾艳阳 教授, 博士生导师
邮 编: 710049
电 话: (办)
E-mail: ziyy@mail.xjtu.edu.cn
办公室: 西二楼东407
国际期刊IJCE(International Journal of Comprehensive Engineering)编委
1989年9月~1993年7月, 西安交通大学机械工程系, 机械制造工艺与设备专业,工学学士
1993年7月~1995年8月, 西安交通大学机械工程系,辅导员、团工委书记
1995年9月~2001年4月, 西安交通大学机械工程学院,硕博连读,工学博士学位,导师何正嘉教授
2001年5月~2003年6月, 清华大学精密仪器系,博士后,导师李庆祥教授
2003年6月~2004年6月, 西安交通大学机械工程学院,讲师
2004年7月~2010年2月, 西安交通大学机械工程学院,副教授
2010年3月~今, 西安交通大学机械工程学院,教授,博士生导师
2013年~今, 西安交通大学招生办公室,主任
基本信息 - 訾 艳阳基本信息
訾艳阳 教授, 博士生导师
邮 编: 710049
电 话: (办)
E-mail: ziyy@mail.xjtu.edu.cn
办公室: 西二楼东407
国际期刊IJCE(International Journal of Comprehensive Engineering)编委
1989年9月~1993年7月, 西安交通大学机械工程系, 机械制造工艺与设备专业,工学学士
1993年7月~1995年8月, 西安交通大学机械工程系,辅导员、团工委书记
1995年9月~2001年4月, 西安交通大学机械工程学院,硕博连读,工学博士学位,导师何正嘉教授
2001年5月~2003年6月, 清华大学精密仪器系,博士后,导师李庆祥教授
2003年6月~2004年6月, 西安交通大学机械工程学院,讲师
2004年7月~2010年2月, 西安交通大学机械工程学院,副教授
2010年3月~今, 西安交通大学机械工程学院,教授,博士生导师
2013年~今, 西安交通大学招生办公室,主任
科学研究 - 訾 艳阳研究领域
** 舰船动力装置振动信号的超小波自适应分解与多重损伤特征定量识别 国家自然科学基金项目 2013-1~ 负责人 纵向项目
XJ2012 基于振动的船用柴油机核心组件故障诊断关键技术研究 中国船舶工业集团公司船舶系统工程部 2012-11~2013-12 负责人 横向项目
** 关键设备故障预示与运行安全保障的新理论和新技术 国家自然科学基金重点项目 2011-1~ 骨干成员 纵向项目
** 复合材料健康监测的硅基柔性传感器多尺度动力学研究 国家自然科学基金项目 2010-1~2012-12 负责人 纵向项目
2009ZX04014-101 数控机床故障预警诊断技术及基于功能部件的可重构监测诊断系统 国家科技重大专项 2009-1~2010-12 骨干成员 纵向项目
2009ZX04014-015 精密、重型机床可靠性设计与性能试验技术 国家科技重大专项 2009-1~2010-12 骨干成员 纵向项目
XJ2008 连轧机非平稳振动故障形态的研究 上海宝钢工业检测公司 2008-6~2009-9 负责人 横向项目
** 硬盘驱动器头盘界面近接触动力学建模与应用研究 国家自然科学基金项目 2006-1~2008-12 负责人 纵向项目
2006AA04Z430 大型动力装备故障微弱信号特征识别技术与应用研究 “863”高科技项目 2006-12~2008-12 负责人 纵向项目
** 超亚微米飞行系统设计理论与方法的研究 国家自然科学基金项目 2004-1~2004-12 负责人 纵向项目
科研成果 - 訾 艳阳专著
何正嘉,訾艳阳,张西宁. 现代信号处理与工程应用, 西安交通大学出版社,2007.
何正嘉, 袁静, 訾艳阳. 机械故障诊断的内积变换原理与应用. 北京: 科学出版社. 2011. 中国科学院科学出版基金资助.
[1] Hailiang Sun, Yanyang Zi*, Zhengjia He, Jing Yuan, Xiaodong Wang, Lue Chen. Customized Multiwavelets for Planetary Gearbox Fault Detection Based on Vibration Sensor Signals [J]. Sensors, 2013, 13: 1183-1209 (SCI: 077JV, EI: 20**0)
[2] Chen JL, Zi YY*, He ZJ, Wang XD. Adaptive redundant multiwavelet denoising with improved neighboring coefficients for gearbox fault detection. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing. 2013;38(2):549-68. (SCI: 170FM, EI: 20**6)
[3] Chen JL, Zi YY, He ZJ, Yuan J. Compound faults detection of rotating machinery using improved adaptive redundant lifting multiwavelet. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing. 2013;38(1):36-54. (SCI: 147OQ, EI: 20**2)
[4] Chen JL, Zuo MJ, Zi YY*, He ZJ, Yuan J, Chen XF. Customized lifting multiwavelet packet information entropy for equipment condition identification. Smart Materials and Structures. 2013, 22(9). (SCI: 210KP, 20**7)
[5] He WP, Zi YY*, Chen BQ, Wang S, He ZJ. Tunable Q-factor wavelet transform denoising with neighboring coefficients and its application to rotating machinery fault diagnosis. Science China-Technological Sciences. 2013;56(8):1956-65. (SCI: 192ZF, EI: 20**6)
[6] Yuan J, He ZJ, Zi YY, Wei Y. Construction and selection of lifting-based multiwavelets for Mechanical fault detection. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing. 2013;40(2):571-88. (SCI: 232RE, EI: 20**6)
[7] Chen BQ, Zhang ZS, Zi YY, He ZJ, Sun C. Detecting of transient vibration signatures using an improved fast spatial-spectral ensemble kurtosis kurtogram and its applications to mechanical signature analysis of short duration data from rotating machinery. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing. 2013;40(1):1-37. (SCI: 210BA, EI: 20**0)
[8] Chen BQ, Zhang ZS, Zi YY, Yang ZB, He ZJ. A pseudo wavelet system-based vibration signature extracting method for rotating machinery fault detection. Science China-Technological Sciences. 2013;56(5):1294-306. (SCI: 134AM, 20**0)
[9] 孙海亮,訾艳阳,何正嘉. 多小波自适应分块阈值降噪及其在轧机齿轮故障诊断中的应用. 振动工程学报, 2013, 26(1): 127-134
[10] 万志国, 訾艳阳, 曹宏瑞, 何正嘉, 王帅. 时变啮合刚度算法修正与齿根裂纹动力学建模. 机械工程学报, 2013, 49(11): 153-160
[11] 孙海亮, 訾艳阳, 袁静, 何正嘉, 陈雪军, 李康. 非抽样多小波和Hilbert-Huang时频分析在行星减速器早期故障诊断中的应用. 机械工程学报, 2013, 49(3): 56-62
[12] 李一青, 訾艳阳, 郎倩, 蔡自刚, 万年红. 基于多特征融合的轧机自激振动预警方法. 振动、测试与诊断, 2013, 33(s), pp 141-144. (EI: )
[13] CHEN JingLong, ZI YanYang, HE ZhengJia, WANG XiaoDong. Construction of adaptive redundant multiwavelet packet and its application to compound faults detection of rotating machinery [J]. SCIENCE CHINA E: Technological Sciences, 2012, 55(8): 2083–2090 (SCI:977VU)
[14]Chen Jinglong, Zi Yanyang, He Zhengjia, Yuan, Jing. Improved spectral kurtosis with adaptive redundant multiwavelet packet and its applications for rotating machinery fault detection[J] . MEASUREMENT SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY, 2012, 23( 4): :1-15 (SCI:914UT, EI: 777)
[15] Chen Binqiang, Zhang Zhousuo, Sun Chuang, Li Bing, Zi Yanyang, He, Zhengjia. Fault feature extraction of gearbox by using overcomplete rational dilation discrete wavelet transform on signals measured from vibration sensors[J]. MECHANICAL SYSTEMS AND SIGNAL PROCESSING. 2012, 33: 275-298 (SC:010LF, EI: 949)
[16] 陈景龙,訾艳阳,何正嘉,袁静. 自适应冗余多小波及其在故障诊断中的应用[J], 西安交通大学学报, 2012, 46(7): 44-49(EI: 443)
[17] J L Chen, Y Y Zi, Z J He and X D Wang. Adaptive Redundant Multiwavelet Packet and its Application for Compound Faults Detection of Mechanical Equipment[C]. 25th International Congress on Condition Monitoring and Diagnostic Engineering, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2012, 364 : 1-10
[18] Jinglong Chen, Yanyang Zi, Zhengjia He, Xiaodong Wang. Adaptive Redundant Multiwavelet Packet and its Application for Compound Faults Detection of Mechanical Equipment[C]. Proceedings of the 25th International Congress on Condition Monitoring and Diagnostics Engineering Management (COMADEM2012), Huddersfield, UK, 18-20 June, 2012
[19] Wang Shuai, Zi Yanyang, Fu Yanying, Zhang Minquan. Performance Analysis and Optimization of a Silicon-based Flexible Sensor[C]. Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Frontiers of Design and Manufacturing, June 10~12, 2012, Chongqing, China
[20] 孙海亮, 訾艳阳, 何正嘉等. 离心式风机叶片裂纹故障的非平稳振动特征提取与应用. 振动与冲击, 2012, 31(S): 329-331
[21] 何正嘉, 袁静, 訾艳阳, 孙海亮, 陈彬强. 机械故障诊断内积变换原理与验证[J]. 振动.测试与诊断, 02期, pp 175-185+337, 2012(EI: )
[22] 何正嘉, 袁静, 訾艳阳. 机械故障诊断的内积变换原理与应用. 北京: 科学出版社. 2011.11. 中国科学院科学出版基金资助
[23] [24] LEI YG, LIN J, HE ZJ, ZI YY. Application of an improved kurtogram method for fault diagnosis of rolling element bearings [J]. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 2011, 25(5): 1738-49.
[25] LEI YG, HE ZJ, ZI YY. EEMD method and WNN for fault diagnosis of locomotive roller bearings [J]. Expert Systems With Applications, 2011, 38(6): 7334-41.
[26] Ping XU, Yanyang ZI, Zhengjia HE. Weak Feature Extraction of SpindleBearing Fault with Strong Noise Background for Machine Tool. Proceedings of the 24th International Congress on Condition Monitoring and Diagnostics Engineering Management (COMADEM2011): 95-100
[27] Sun HL, Zi YY, He ZJ, Wang XD, Yuan J. Translation-invariant multiwavelet denoising using improved neighbouring coefficients and its application on rolling bearing fault diagnosis. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, v 305, n 1, 2011, 9th International Conference on Damage Assessment of Structures, DAMAS 2011(ISTP:BCB88)
[28] CAI Zigang, ZI Yanyang, SUN Hailiang, SUN Chuang, HE Zhengjia. The Intelligent Diagnostics And Prognostics System Of Rolling Bearing Based On An Improved Life Propagation Model. Proceedings Of 7th International Conference On Vibration Engineering And Technology Of Machinery. Shanghai, Nov.21-24,2011
[29] Zhao, Dawei, Zi, Yanyang, He, Zhengjia. Surface Topology Optimization of Air Bearing Slider for Wear Durability in Magnetic Hard Disk Drives. Advanced Materials Research, v 418-420, p 959-964, 2012. (EI: 392, ISTP: BZS08)
[30] YUAN J, HE Z, ZI Y. Gear fault detection using customized multiwavelet lifting schemes [J]. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 2010, 24(5): 1509-28.
[31] WANG Y, HE Z, ZI Y. Enhancement of signal denoising and multiple fault signatures detecting in rotating machinery using dual-tree complex wavelet transform [J]. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 2010, 24(1): 119-37.
[32] WANG Y, HE Z, ZI Y. A Comparative Study on the Local Mean Decomposition and Empirical Mode Decomposition and Their Applications to Rotating Machinery Health Diagnosis [J]. Journal of Vibration and Acoustics-Transactions of the Asme, 2010, 132(2):
[33] LEI Y, ZUO M, HE Z, ZI Y. A multidimensional hybrid intelligent method for gear fault diagnosis [J]. Expert Systems With Applications, 2010, 37(2): 1419-30.
[34] Yuan Jing, He Zhengjia, Zi Yanyang. Separation and extraction of electromechanical equipment compound faults using lifting multiwavelets. Journal of Mechanical Engineering, v 46, n 1, p 79-85+91, January 5, 2010(EI: 846)
[35] 陈略, 訾艳阳, 何正嘉, 成玮. 总体平均经验模式分解与1.5 维谱方法的研究 [J]. 西安交通大学学报, 2009, 43(5): 94-8.
[36] YUAN J, HE Z J, ZI Y Y, LEI Y G, LI Z. Adaptive multiwavelets via two-scale similarity transforms for rotating machinery fault diagnosis [J]. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 2009, 23(5): 1490-508.
[37] YUAN J, HE Z, ZI Y, LIU H. Gearbox fault diagnosis of rolling mills using multiwavelet sliding window neighboring coefficient denoising and optimal blind deconvolution [J]. Science in China Series E-Technological Sciences, 2009, 52(10): 2801-9.
[38] WANG Y X, HE Z J, ZI Y Y. A demodulation method based on improved local mean decomposition and its application in rub-impact fault diagnosis [J]. Measurement Science & Technology, 2009, 20(2):
[39] WANG X D, ZI Y Y, HE Z J. Multiwavelet construction via an adaptive symmetric lifting scheme and its applications for rotating machinery fault diagnosis [J]. Measurement Science & Technology, 2009, 20(4):
[40] TAN J Y, CHEN X F, WANG J Y, CHEN H X, CAO H R, ZI Y Y, HE Z J. Study of frequency-shifted and re-scaling stochastic resonance and its application to fault diagnosis [J]. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 2009, 23(3): 811-22.
[41] LEI Y G, HE Z J, ZI Y Y. Application of an intelligent classification method to mechanical fault diagnosis [J]. Expert Systems with Applications, 2009, 36(6): 9941-8.
[42] LEI Y G, HE Z J, ZI Y Y. Application of the EEMD method to rotor fault diagnosis of rotating machinery [J]. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 2009, 23(4): 1327-38.
[43] LEI Y, HE Z, ZI Y. A Combination of WKNN to Fault Diagnosis of Rolling Element Bearings [J]. Journal of Vibration and Acoustics-Transactions of the Asme, 2009, 131(6):
[44] HE Z J, CAO H R, LI Z, ZI Y Y, CHEN X F. The principle of second generation wavelet for milling cutter breakage detection [J]. Science in China Series E-Technological Sciences, 2009, 52(5): 1312-22.
[45] DONG H B, QI K Y, CHEN X F, ZI Y Y, HE Z J, LI B. Sifting process of EMD and its application in rolling element bearing fault diagnosis [J]. Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, 2009, 23(8): 2000-7.
[46] CHEN L, ZI Y, CHENG W, HE Z. EEMD-1.5 Dimension Spectrum Applied to Locomotive Gear Fault Diagnosis [M]. 2009 International Conference on Measuring Technology and Mechatronics Automation, Vol I. 2009: 622-5.
[47] 赵大伟, 訾艳阳, 何正嘉. 近场光存储光学飞行头特性仿真与优化设计 [J]. 系统仿真学报, 2008, 20(16): 4466-9.
[48] ZI Y Y, WANG Y, ZHAO D W, YANG.Y.Q., DUAN H Q. A DSMC Method for Contact Dynamics of Head Disk Interface in Hard Disk Drive; proceedings of the Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Frontiers of Design and Manufacturing, Tianjin, China, F Sept. 23~26, 2008, 2008 [C].
[49] QI K Y, HE Z J, LI Z, ZI Y Y, CHEN X F. Vibration based operational modal analysis of rotor systems [J]. Measurement, 2008, 41(7): 810-6.
[50] LI Z, HE Z J, ZI Y Y, WANG Y X. Customized wavelet denoising using intra- and inter-scale dependency for bearing fault detection [J]. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2008, 313(1-2): 342-59.
[51] LI Z, HE Z J, ZI Y Y, JIANG H K. Rotating machinery fault diagnosis using signal-adapted lifting scheme [J]. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 2008, 22(3): 542-56.
[52] LI Z, HE Z J, ZI Y Y, CHEN X F. Bearing condition monitoring based on shock pulse method and improved redundant lifting scheme [J]. Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, 2008, 79(3): 318-38.
[53] LEI Y G, HE Z J, ZI Y Y, HU Q. Fault diagnosis of rotating machinery based on a new hybrid clustering algorithm [J]. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2008, 35(9-10): 968-77.
[54] LEI Y G, HE Z J, ZI Y Y, CHEN X F. New clustering algorithm-based fault diagnosis using compensation distance evaluation technique [J]. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 2008, 22(2): 419-35.
[55] LEI Y G, HE Z J, ZI Y Y. A new approach to intelligent fault diagnosis of rotating machinery [J]. Expert Systems with Applications, 2008, 35(4): 1593-600.
[56] LEI Y, HE Z J, ZI Y Y. Application of a novel hybrid intelligent method to compound fault diagnosis of locomotive roller bearings [J]. Journal of Vibration and Acoustics-Transactions of the Asme, 2008, 130(3):
[57] DING F, HE Z J, ZI Y Y, CHEN X F, TAN J Y, CAO H R, CHEN H X. Application of Support Vector Machine for Equipment Reliability Forecasting [J]. 2008 6th Ieee International Conference on Industrial Informatics, Vols 1-3, 2008, 494-8.
[58] CHEN H X, CHEN X F, ZI Y Y, DING F, CAO H R, TAN J Y, JIANG H K, HE Z J. An effective approach to rolling bearing diagnosis based on Adaptive Redundant Second-Generation Wavelet [J]. International Journal of Materials & Product Technology, 2008, 33(1-2): 65-78.
[59] CAO H R, CHEN X F, ZI Y Y, DING F, CHEN H X, TAN J Y, HE Z J. End milling tool breakage detection using lifting scheme and Mahalanobis distance [J]. International Journal of Machine Tools & Manufacture, 2008, 48(2): 141-51.
[60] 何正嘉, 訾艳阳, 张西宁. 《现代信号处理及工程应用》 [M]. 西安: 西安交通大学出版社, 2007.
[61] 何正嘉, 訾艳阳, 陈雪峰. 内积变换原理与机械故障诊断 [J]. 振动工程学报, 2007, 20(5): 528-33.
[62] QI K Y, HE Z J, ZI Y Y. Cosine window-based boundary processing method for EMD and its application in rubbing fault diagnosis [J]. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 2007, 21(2750-60.
[63] LEI Y, HE Z, ZI Y, AL. E. Fault diagnosis of rotating machinery based on multiple ANFIS combination with GAS [J]. MECHANICAL SYSTEMS AND SIGNAL PROCESSING, 2007, 21(5): 2280-94.
[64] HU Q, HE Z J, ZHANG Z S, ZI Y Y. Fault diagnosis of rotating machinery based on improved wavelet package transform and SVMs ensemble [J]. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 2007, 21(2): 688-705.
[65] CHEN X, ZI Y, LI B, AL. E. Identification of multiple cracks using a dynamic mesh-refinement method [J]. JOURNAL OF STRAIN ANALYSIS FOR ENGINEERING DESIGN, 2006, 41(1): 31-39. (SCI: 006QJ)
[66] Zi Yanyang, Cao Li, Zhao Dawei, He Zhengjia. A NUMERICAL SCHEME FOR STATICSIMULATION OF MICRO-FLYING HEAD SLIDERS IN NEAR-FIELD OPTICAL RECORDING. Proceedings of the 7th ICFDM2006 International Conference on Frontiers of Designand Manufacturing. June 19-22, 2006, Guangzhou, China Pages 185-188.
[67] ZI Y Y, HE Z J, ZHAO D P, LI Q X. Design and fabrication of an integrated optical flying head for near-field recording system [J]. Advances in Optical Data Storage Technology, 2005, 5643(43-7.
[68] ZI Y Y, CHEN X F, HE Z J, PENG C. Vibration based modal parameters identification and wear fault diagnosis using laplace wavelet [J]. Damage Assessment of Structures Vi, 2005, 293-294(183-90). (SCI检索:BCS11)
[69] LI Z, JING S X, ZI Y Y. Fractal scale and its application to abrasion fault diagnosis of gearbox [J]. Wavelet Analysis and Active Media Technology Vols 1-3, 2005, 1153-8.
[70] HU Q, HE Z J, ZI Y Y, ZHANG Z S, LEI Y G. Intelligent fault diagnosis in power plant using empirical mode decomposition, fuzzy feature extraction and support vector machines [J]. Damage Assessment of Structures Vi, 2005, 293-294(373-81.
[71] HU Q, HE Z J, ZHANG Z S, ZI Y Y, LEI Y G. A novel hybrid intelligent maintenance system and its application [J]. 2005 International Conference on Services Systems and Services Management, Vols 1 and 2, Proceedings, 2005, 863-7.
[72] HE Z J, JIANG H K, ZI Y Y. Hybrid wavelet analysis of vibration signal singularity for condition monitoring and fault prognosis [J]. WMSCI 2005: 9th World Multi-Conference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics, Vol 6, 2005, 85-90.
[73] HE Z J, HU Q, ZI Y Y, ZHANG Z S, CHEN X F. Hybrid intelligent forecasting model based on empirical mode decomposition, support vector regression and adaptive linear neural network [J]. Advances in Natural Computation, Pt 2, Proceedings, 2005, 3611(324-7.
[74] CHEN X F, HE Z J, GAO Q, ZI Y Y. Identification of crack damage with wavelet finite element [J]. Damage Assessment of Structures Vi, 2005, 293-294(63-9.
[75] 訾艳阳,曹莉,赵大伟,何正嘉. 近场光存储一体化飞行光学头结构设计与特性仿真. 西安交通大学学报. 2005, 39(7): 736~739(EI检索:)
[76] Zi Yanyang, He Zhengjia. Theoretical Analysis and Simulation of Optical Flying Head for Near-Field Recording. Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Frontiers of Design and Manufacturing (ICFDM’04), June 21-23, 2004, Xi’an, China. Science Press. 425-427, 2004
[77] 訾艳阳,胡桥,雷亚国等,基于无线局域网的仓库叉车状态可视化监测诊断系统研究,振动工程学报,Vol.17, No.S, 623-625, 2004
[78] Yanyang Zi, Zhengjia He, Dapeng Zhao, Qingxiang Li. Design and fabrication of an integrated optical flying head for near-field recording system. Proceedings of SPIE-The International Society for Optical Engineering, Vol.5643, 2004:43~47 (EI检索,;ISTP检索:BBS97)
[79] Zi Yanyang, Li Qingxiang, He Zhengjia. Singularity recognization of vibration signal based on hermitian wavelet for diagnosis. In: Fifth International Symposium on Instrumentation and Control Technology, 24-27 October 2003, Beijing. Proceedings of SPIE-The International Society for Optical Engineering, Vol.5253, 171-176, 2003
[80] LI Y H, LI Q X, LONG Z F, ZI Y Y, ZHAO D P, GUO Y K. Study on lateral dual-element electron tunneling accelerometer [J]. Fifth International Symposium on Instrumentation and Control Technology, 2003, 5253(23-8.
[81] 訾艳阳,李庆祥,何正嘉,Laplace小波相关滤波法与冲击响应提取,振动工程学报,Vol.16, No.1, 67~70, 2003
[82] 白立芬,訾艳阳,赵大鹏,李庆祥,采用柔性铰链实现多光盘的定位与夹紧,中国机械工程,Vol.14, No.3, 181~183, 2003(EI检索,)
[83] ZI Y Y, ZHAO D P, LI Q X, LI Y H. Measurement of dynamic properties of optical disk cluster drive using virtual instruments [J]. Advanced Optical Storage Technology, 2002, 4930(150-4. (ISTP检索:BV65J)
[84] ZHAO D P, ZI Y Y, LI Q X, BAI L F, LI Y H. The development of real time method to measure SIL -DISK spacing for super-low-flying system [J]. Advanced Optical Storage Technology, 2002, 4930(271-4.
[85] LI Y H, LI Q X, ZI Y Y, ZHAO D P, BAI L F. Design of allgnment and positioning structure in huge capacity optical storage system [J]. Advanced Optical Storage Technology, 2002, 4930(493-7.
[86] LI Y H, LI Q X, ZI Y Y, ZHANG D P, LI Y. Layer-iteration hough transform to detect and measure micro object [J]. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Precision Mechanical Measurement, Vol 4, 2002, 615-9.
[87] LI S, LI Y H, ZI Y Y, LI Q X, GU J Z, HUANG L L. New control scheme in high density optical disc mastering system [J]. Advanced Optical Storage Technology, 2002, 4930(326-32.
[88] 訾艳阳,何正嘉,李庆祥,转子径向碰摩故障的非线性特征研究”,汽轮机技术,Vol.44, No.5, 276~278, 2002 (EI检索,)
[89] 訾艳阳,何正嘉,胥永刚,离散振动信号分形盒维数的改进算法和应用,机械科学与技术,Vol.20, No.3, 373~375, 2001
[91] 訾艳阳,何正嘉,张周锁,小波分形技术及其在非平稳故障诊断中的应用,西安交通大学学报,Vol.34, No.9, 83~87, 2000 (EI检索,)
[92] 訾艳阳,何正嘉,张周锁,汽轮机高压缸蒸汽激励故障分析与诊断,汽轮机技术,Vol.42, No.3, 166~169, 2000(EI检索,)
[93] 訾艳阳,张平波,范虹,何正嘉,炼油厂大型关键设备在线监测诊断局域网系统的开发研究,全国设备诊断技术学术会议论文集,北京:兵器工业出版社,541~545,1997
[94] 何正嘉,訾艳阳,张周锁,大型机械设备变工况非平稳动态分析与监测诊断关键技术,中国机械工程,Vol.10, No.9, 978~981, 1999(EI检索,)
[95] Zhang Zhousuo, Zi Yanyang, Zhao Jiyuan, He Zhengjia. Characteristic Wavelet Bases and Their Application to Nonstationary Machinery Diagnosis, Proceeding of 1999 International Conference on Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Xi’an, 1999
[96] Zhang Zhousuo, Zi Yanyang, Zhao Jiyuan, He Zhengjia. Genetic Wavelet and Harmonic Wavelet and Their Application to Non-stationary Machinery Equipment Diagnosis, International Journal of Plant Engineering and Management, Vol.5, No.1, 17~25, 2000
[97] Li Fucai*, Zi Yanyang, He Zhengjia. Distributed On-line Monitoring and Diagnosis System Based on Network, International Journal of Plant Engineering and Management. Vol.5, No.4, 136~141, 2000
[98] He Zhengjia, Zi Yanyang, Chen Peng, Toyota Toshio. New approach of wavelet fractal analysis to mechanical fault diagnosis. Proceedings of the ASME Design Engineering Technical Conference, Sep 9-12, Pittsburgh, PA, United States, 2905~2909, 2001. (EI检索,)
[99]何正嘉,訾艳阳,基于Hermitian小波的信号奇异性识别,工程数学学报,Vol.18, No.5, 37~43, 2001(EI检索,)
[100]何正嘉,訾艳阳,Laplace小波及其工程应用,工程数学学报,Vol.18, No.5, 87~92, 2001(EI检索,)
[101] 张周锁,訾艳阳,何正嘉,转辙机振动加速度的实验研究,机械强度,Vol.23, No.1, 91~94, 2001(EI检索,)
[102] 李富才*,訾艳阳,何正嘉,基于网络的分布式在线监测诊断系统,机械科学与技术,Vol.20, No.5, 756~758, 2001(EI检索,)
[103] 胥永刚*,何正嘉,訾艳阳,机械故障诊断中振动参量转换的波形基线修正算法,计算机工程与应用,No.24, 9~11, 2001
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