
西安交通大学化学学院导师教师师资介绍简介-丁 大伟

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-06-26

Information - 丁 大伟基本信息
丁大伟(David Ding

一直从事纳米复合材料的设计制备及在能量转换、存储中的应用,包括过渡金属/半导体纳米复合材料,等离子体纳米能源材料设计、合成与应用;光催化材料太阳能制氢,裂解水(OER), CO2还原及环境微污染修复;太阳能光热转换材料用于高效水汽化、热发电;多元多尺度复合光子晶体对红外、电磁波选择性吸收;在Nano Lett., Adv. Funct. Mater., J. Mater. Chem. A, Chem. Commun., Sol. Energ. Mat. Sol. C. 等国际权威期刊发表论文二十余篇;编辑英文著作一本;ACS Appl. Nano Mater., Sol. Energ. Mat. Sol. C., Sol Energy等期刊长期审稿人;中国化学会会员;授权发明专利四项;先后主持国家自然科学基金、JW科技委、省部级科研基金、中央高校基本科研费等项目。


Education Experience(教育经历)
2011 Global Ph.D. Course in Solar Energy,Kassel University, Germany
2008-2011 环境工程专业,博士,环境科学与工程学院,上海交通大学
2005-2008 环境工程专业,硕士,环境科学与工程学院,上海交通大学
2001-2005 环境工程专业,学士,环境科学与工程学院,上海交通大学

08/2011-09/2011 Global Ph.D. Course in Solar Energy, Kassel University, Germany
03/2008-07/2011 环境工程专业,博士,环境科学与工程学院,上海交通大学
09/2005-03/2008 环境工程专业,硕士,环境科学与工程学院,上海交通大学
09/2001-06/2005 环境工程专业,学士,环境科学与工程学院,上海交通大学

07/2020-现在 副教授,博导,化学学院, 西安交通大学
07/2019-06/2020 副教授,硕导,理学院化学系, 西安交通大学
09/2016-09/2017 访问****,加州大学河滨分校殷亚东课题组
09/2015-07/2019 讲师,硕导,理学院化学系,西安交通大学
03/2013-09/2015 博士后,材料化学中心,前沿科学研究院,西安交通大学
01/2010-03/2013 研发部主管,艾荻环境技术(上海)有限公司


Information - 丁 大伟基本信息
丁大伟(David Ding

一直从事纳米复合材料的设计制备及在能量转换、存储中的应用,包括过渡金属/半导体纳米复合材料,等离子体纳米能源材料设计、合成与应用;光催化材料太阳能制氢,裂解水(OER), CO2还原及环境微污染修复;太阳能光热转换材料用于高效水汽化、热发电;多元多尺度复合光子晶体对红外、电磁波选择性吸收;在Nano Lett., Adv. Funct. Mater., J. Mater. Chem. A, Chem. Commun., Sol. Energ. Mat. Sol. C. 等国际权威期刊发表论文二十余篇;编辑英文著作一本;ACS Appl. Nano Mater., Sol. Energ. Mat. Sol. C., Sol Energy等期刊长期审稿人;中国化学会会员;授权发明专利四项;先后主持国家自然科学基金、JW科技委、省部级科研基金、中央高校基本科研费等项目。


Education Experience(教育经历)
2011 Global Ph.D. Course in Solar Energy,Kassel University, Germany
2008-2011 环境工程专业,博士,环境科学与工程学院,上海交通大学
2005-2008 环境工程专业,硕士,环境科学与工程学院,上海交通大学
2001-2005 环境工程专业,学士,环境科学与工程学院,上海交通大学

08/2011-09/2011 Global Ph.D. Course in Solar Energy, Kassel University, Germany
03/2008-07/2011 环境工程专业,博士,环境科学与工程学院,上海交通大学
09/2005-03/2008 环境工程专业,硕士,环境科学与工程学院,上海交通大学
09/2001-06/2005 环境工程专业,学士,环境科学与工程学院,上海交通大学

07/2020-现在 副教授,博导,化学学院, 西安交通大学
07/2019-06/2020 副教授,硕导,理学院化学系, 西安交通大学
09/2016-09/2017 访问****,加州大学河滨分校殷亚东课题组
09/2015-07/2019 讲师,硕导,理学院化学系,西安交通大学
03/2013-09/2015 博士后,材料化学中心,前沿科学研究院,西安交通大学
01/2010-03/2013 研发部主管,艾荻环境技术(上海)有限公司


Publications - 丁 大伟Publications(发表文章)
24.Dawei Ding, * Hu Wu, Xiaoping He, Fan Yang, Chuanbo Gao, * Yadong Yin and Shujiang Ding *, A metal nanoparticle assembly with broadband absorption and suppressed thermal radiation for enhanced solar steam generation, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2021,9, 11241-11247. (Advance Article) Fulltext


23.Fan Yang,Jinxing Chen,Zuyang Ye,Dawei Ding,NosangVincent Myung,Yadong Yin*,Ni‐based Plasmonic/Magnetic Nanostructures as Efficient Light Absorbers for Steam Generation, AdvacedFunctional Materrials,2021, 31, **. Fulltext

22. Min Zhu, Huari Kou, Ke Wang,HuWu,Dawei Ding,Guijiang Zhou,Shujiang Ding*, Promising functional two-dimensional lamellar metal thiophosphates: synthesis strategies, properties and applications, Materials Horizons, 2020, 7, 3131-3160.??????? Fulltext
21. Dawei Ding*, Qikui Fan, Kai Liu and Shujiang Ding, Au/Ag alloy nanostructure with built-in hotspots fabricated by galvanic-replacement-assisted growth on AgI for surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy, Journal of Alloys andCompounds, 2019, 809, 151677 Fulltext
20. Yong Xu, Jiang Mo, Guanqun Xie, Dawei Ding, Shujiang Ding, Xiaoxia Wang* and Chen Li, MOF-derived Co1.11Te2 with half-metallic character for efficient photochemical conversion of CO2 under visible-light irradiation, Chemical Communications, 2019,55, 6862-6865 Fulltext
19. Dawei Ding, Kai Liu, Qikui Fan, Bitao Dong, Yang Zhang, Yadong Yin, Chuanbo Gao*and Shujiang Ding*,Nickel nanoparticles individually encapsulated in densified ceramic shells for thermally stable solar energy absorption,Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2019, 7, 3039.(Front Cover) Fulltext

18. Yuanchao Pang, Shuyang Zhang, Sheng Chen, Jin Liang, Minyan Li, Dawei Ding* and Shujiang Ding*, Transition-Metal Oxides Anchored on Nitrogen-Enriched Carbon Ribbons for High-Performance Pseudocapacitors, Chemistry-A European Journal, 2018, 24, 16104
17. Shili Sun, Lei Shi, Shiyao Lu, Yuanchao Pang, Yuankun Wang, Min Zhu, Dawei Ding and Shujiang Ding*,A new polysulfide blocker - poly(acrylic acid) modified separator for improved performance of lithium-sulfur battery, Journal of Membrane Science, 2018, 563, 277.
16. Yuanchao Pang, Shuyang Zhang, Limin Liu, Jin Liang, Zongjie Sun, Yuankun Wang, Chunhui Xiao, Dawei Ding and Shujiang Ding*,Few-layer MoS2 anchored at nitrogen-doped carbon ribbons for sodium-ion battery anodes wit high rate performance, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2017, 5, 17963.
15. Bitao Dong, Mingyan Li, Sheng Chen, Dawei Ding, Wei Wei, Guoxin Gao and Shujiang Ding*, Formation of g-C3N4@Ni(OH)(2) Honeycomb Nanostructure and Asymmetric Supercapacitor with High Energy and Power Density, ACS Applied Materials& Interfaces, 2017, 9, 17890.
14. Bitao Dong, Mingyan Li, Chunhui Xiao, Dawei Ding, Guoxin Gao and Shujiang Ding*, Tunable growth of perpendicular cobalt ferrite nanosheets on reduced graphene oxide for energy storage, Nanotechnology, 2017, 28.
13. Dawei Ding*, Bitao Dong ,Jin Liang ,Han Zhou ,Yuanchao Pang and Shujiang Ding*, Solvothermal-Etching Process Induced Ti-Doped Fe2O3 Thin Film with Low Turn-On Voltage for Water Splitting, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2016, 8, 24573.
12. Dawei Ding*, Lei Zhang, Qikui Fan and Shujiang Ding*, Assemble of high-density gold nanodots on TiO2 substrate for surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy, Applied Surface Science, 2016, 392, 481.
11. Dawei Ding, K. Liu, S. He, C. Gao*, Y. Yin*, Ligand-exchange assisted formation of Au/TiO2 Schottky contact for visible-light photocatalysis, Nano Letters 2014, 14, 6713-6736 Fulltext
10. Dawei Ding, M. C. Long*, W. M. Cai*, In-situ synthesis of photocatalytic CuAl2O4-Cu hybrid nanorod arrays, Chemical Communications, 2009, 28, 3588-3590
9. Dawei Ding, W. M. Cai*, M. C. Long*, Optical, structural and thermal characteristics of Cu-CuAl2O4 hybrids deposited in anodic aluminum oxide as selective solar absorber, Solar Energy Materials &Solar Cells 2010, 94, 1578-1581
8. C. Chen, M. C. Long*, W. M. Cai, B. X. Zhou, D. W. Ding, D. Y. Wu, Preparation, characterization and visible-light activity of carbon modified TiO2 with two kinds of carbonaceous species, J. Mol. Catal. A – Chem. 2009, 314, 35-41
7. Dawei Ding*, H. D. Wu, X. J. Yu, Air-stable NiFeCrOx selective absorber for mid-to-high temperature application, Solar Energy 2015, 113, 43-47
6. Dawei Ding*, W.M. Cai and M. C. Long, Controlled growth of spinel CuAl2O4/Cu hybrid nanorods array by electrodeposition in porous aluminum oxide template, Journal Alloys and Compounds. 2012, 545, 52-56
5. Dawei Ding*, H. D. Wu, W. M. Cai, Self-assembled nanostructured composites for solar absorber, Materials Letters. 2012, 93, 269-271
4. Dawei Ding, W. M. Cai*, Computer simulation of high-temperature solar selective absorber, Acta Energiae Solaris Sinica, 2008, 29, 1353-1358
3. Dawei Ding* and W. M. Cai, Self–assembled needle-like spinel composites on alloy surface as specular absorber, ISES proceeding, 2011.
2. Dawei Ding*, W. M. Cai, Electrochemical fabrication of CuAl2O4-Cu hybrid nanorods at room temperature, 4th International Symposium on Novel Carbon Resource Sciences, 2009
1. Dawei Ding* and W. M. Cai, A novel design for high-temperature solar selective coating, ISES proceeding, Springer, 2007, 505-509


蔡伟民,丁大伟,具有选择性吸收功能的复合材料涂层,ZL 2011 1 **.7
蔡伟民,丁大伟,选择性吸收光波的复合材料,ZL 2011 1 **.2
蔡伟民,丁大伟,合金表面选择性吸收处理方法, ZL 2011 1 **.1
蔡伟民,丁大伟,龙明策,铝酸盐-金属-氧化铝复合材料涂层及制备方法,ZL 2009 1 **.9

Projects - 丁 大伟Blank

研究项目 - 丁 大伟

Members - 丁 大伟

Family - 丁 大伟

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