西安交通大学理学院导师教师师资介绍简介-杨 志懋
本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-06-26
进入我的个人主页空间 - 杨 志懋基本信息
Email: zmyang@xjtu.edu.cn
1986.09-1996.10 西安交通大学材料学院,分别获得学士、工学硕士和工学博士学位
2000.12-2002.08 日本产业技术综合技术研究所外国特别研究员(STA Fellow),从事“用高速摄影技术研究钨电极气体保护电弧焊接(GTAW)的电弧和钨电极的冶金物理过程”研究。
2002.08-2020.08 理学院材料物理系, 2004年6月晋升为教授,2005年6月批准为博士生指导教师,主讲研究生课程《材料物理性能测试技术》和本科生《材料成形基础》、《材料制备和合成》等课程,主持学校基础通识核心课程《材料与人类文明》建设。
2020.08 - 今 物理学院材料物理系教授
进入我的个人主页空间 - 杨 志懋基本信息
Email: zmyang@xjtu.edu.cn
1986.09-1996.10 西安交通大学材料学院,分别获得学士、工学硕士和工学博士学位
2000.12-2002.08 日本产业技术综合技术研究所外国特别研究员(STA Fellow),从事“用高速摄影技术研究钨电极气体保护电弧焊接(GTAW)的电弧和钨电极的冶金物理过程”研究。
2002.08-2020.08 理学院材料物理系, 2004年6月晋升为教授,2005年6月批准为博士生指导教师,主讲研究生课程《材料物理性能测试技术》和本科生《材料成形基础》、《材料制备和合成》等课程,主持学校基础通识核心课程《材料与人类文明》建设。
2020.08 - 今 物理学院材料物理系教授
科研工作 - 杨 志懋研究领域
1) 热碳还原法真空触头材料制备关键技术的研究及应用:在课题组研究基础上提出了研究控制残余碳形态,变有害元素为有利元素的新思路。通过系列试验证明了控制CuCr触头中碳的含量和形态,不仅大幅降低氧含量,而且明显提高耐电压强度和抗熔焊能力,开发出热碳还原、烧结、熔渗一体化高性能CuCr触头集成制造独创技术,使用国产低成本原材料批量生产出高性能触头材料。
2) 真空熔铸法真空触头材料制备关键技术的研究及应用:提出了通过添加合金元素抑制Cu、Cr的液相分离和快速定向凝固技术的学术思路,成功解决了Cr宏观偏析的难题,开发出低成本高性能CuCr 触头材料的真空熔铸制造技术。上述两项关键技术在国内生产企业得到迅速推广应用,在陕西斯瑞公司建成了年产120 万对国内最大规模CuCr 触头材料生产线,并实现了触头材料产品由进口到出口的转变。
3) 氧化亚铜晶体生长控制和性能:提出了通过籽晶法和控制生长条件制备高性能含高指数表面氧化亚铜单晶粉末的研究思路,制备出含有311、522和具有孪晶结构的氧化亚铜,具有优异的光催化性能,并通过理论计算和实验分析了其生长机理和结构-形貌-性能的调控规律。
4) 纳米贵金属尺寸、形态控制机制和晶体生长机理:提出了紫外诱导纳米贵金属的结构、形态调控的研究思路,开发出超小尺寸贵金属纳米粒子的连续、大量、低成本的紫外辐射制备技术,研制出能源转换、汽车尾气净化等产业要求的纳米贵金属材料。
2013KCT-05 陕西省重点建设创新团队 其他 2013-6~ 负责人 纵向项目
** 外加物理场下纳米氧化亚铜颗粒介观生长机理和介观晶体特性 国家自然科学基金项目 2013-1~2016-12 负责人 纵向项目
2009AA03Z320 超小尺寸贵金属纳米粒子的紫外辐射可控规模制备 “863”高科技项目 2009-1~2012-5 负责人 纵向项目
SC0006 纳米CuCr电极材料制备与性能 国际合作项目 2006-4~2008-1 负责人 纵向项目
2006CB601202 超轻多孔材料和结构创新构型的多功能化基础研究 973项目 2006-1~2010-12 骨干成员 纵向项目
** 多场耦合作用和纳米电极调控下开关中金属蒸汽电弧特性的研究 国家自然科学基金项目 2006-1~2009-12 骨干成员 纵向项目
** 纳米结构对阴极斑点运动特性的影响 国家自然科学基金项目 2005-1~2007-12 骨干成员 纵向项目
2003AA001047 高性能低成本CuCr触头材料的大批量生产技术研究 “863”高科技项目 2003-4~2006-6 负责人 纵向项目
03C 高性能纳米氧化物复合钨电极制品 横向合作项目 2003-1~2005-12 负责人 纵向项目
溶液相中纳米晶结构调控及其应用 2015 省部级科技成果奖 二等奖 西安交通大学
电极材料表面电弧分散特性及其应用 2010 省部级科技成果奖 二等奖 西安交通大学
陕西省青年科技奖 2008 其他 一等奖 西安交通大学
高性能真空开关铜铬触头材料设计、关键制造技术及其应用 2007 国家科技进步奖 二等奖 西安交通大学
高性能铜铬(CuCr)触头材料关键制备技术及其应用 2006 省部级科技成果奖 一等奖 西安交通大学
一种负载异质结构光触媒材料光纤网的制备方法 0.X 发明 2016.01.01
一种Cu-Cu2O异质结的制备方法 6.8 发明 2011.07.27
一种新型磁性高分子水凝胶的制备方法 5.6 发明 2011.07.22
一种长径比可调的氧化锌介观晶体的制备方法 ZL7.3 发明 2011.07.18
一种空心结构纳米贵金属粒子的制备方法 ZL5 发明 2010.12.15
一种铂纳米片的制备方法 ZL2 发明 2010.08.04
一种含高指数晶面包络表面的氧化亚铜单晶粉末制造方法 ZL7 发明 2010.02.15
胶体金纳米粒子的制备方法 ZL6.7 发明 2005.12.23
一种胶体银纳米粒子的制备方法 ZL7.7 发明 2005.12.23
高温自润滑涂层的制备方法 ZL5 发明 2005.07.11
真空定向凝固制造铜铬触头材料的方法 ZL**.8 发明 2003.08.11
添加合金元素W-氧化物电极材料及制备工艺 ZL**.7 发明 2002.10.24
教学工作 - 杨 志懋讲授课程
1. 主讲2003年研究生课程:功能材料物性测试技术(40学时,8人)
2. 主讲2004年研究生课程:材料科学进展(40学时,3人)
3. 主讲2005年本科生课程(2004-2005二):材料的成形与制备(32学时,材物21,24人)
4. 主讲2005年本科生课程(2005-2006一):材料成形基础(32学时,材物21,24人)
5. 主讲2005年本科生课程(2005-2006二):材料的制备与合成(32学时,材物31,20人)
6. 主讲2006年本科生课程(2006-2007一):高速摄影在材料研究中的应用(32学时,材物31,20人)
7. 主讲2007年本科生课程(2007-2008一):材料的制备与合成(32学时,材物41,18人)
8. 主讲2007年研究生课程(2007-2008一):材料物理性能及测试(40学时,22人)
9. 主讲2008年本科生课程(2007-2008二):高速摄影在材料研究中的应用(32学时,材物41、理硕41,24人)
10. 主讲2008年研究生课程(2008-2009一):材料物理性能及测试(40学时,31人)
11. 主讲2008年本科生课程(2008-2009一):材料的制备与合成(32学时,材物51,29人)
12. 主讲2009年本科生课程(2008-2009二):高速摄影在材料研究中的应用(32学时,材物51,15人)
13. 主讲2009年研究生课程(2009-2010一):材料物理性能及测试(40学时,36人)
14. 主讲2011年研究生课程(2010-2011一):材料物理性能及测试(40学时)
15. 主讲2011年本科生课程(2010-2011二):材料成型基础(32学时,与汪飞共同授课,材物81)
16. 主讲2011年研究生课程(2011-2012一):材料物理性能及测试(40学时,38人)
17. 主讲2011年研究生课程(2011-2012二):材料物理性能及测试(40学时,26人)
18. 主讲2012年本科生基础通识核心课程(2011-2012二):材料与人类文明(32学时,兴庆校区三个班,共计580人、与杨生春等共同授课)
19. 主讲2012年本科生基础通识核心课程(2012-2013一):材料与人类文明(32学时,兴庆校区2班,西校区1班,与杨生春等共同授课)
20. 主讲2012年研究生课程(2012-2013一):材料物理性能及测试(40学时,25人)
21. 主讲2013年本科生基础通识核心课程(2012-2013二):材料与人类文明(32学时,兴庆校区3班,与杨生春、汪飞等老师共同授课)
22. 主讲2014年本科生基础通识核心课程(2013-2014二):材料与人类文明(32学时,兴庆校区3班,与杨生春、汪飞等老师共同授课)
23. 主讲2014年上半年研究生课程(2013-2014二):材料物理性能及测试(40学时,27人)
24. 主讲2014年本科生基础通识核心课程(2013-2014小学期):材料与人类文明(32学时,3个班,与杨生春、汪飞等老师共同授课)
1. 指导本科生毕业论文:25人,其中3人优秀
2. 指导硕士研究生:王家真2004、梁永仁2007、崔树茂2008、刘轲2009、曹钰华2009,周飞宇2010,吕培春2010、成佳2011、孔春才2011、张珩2012、高扬2012、邓东楚2013、孙月霞2014、王萨如拉2015、杜宇航2016、胡玄玄2018、李鹏举2018、张卫鑫2019
4. 2008年材料物理51班实习(太原钢铁(集团)有限公司,校优秀实习队)
5. 2004年参加编写研究生教材《纳米材料学》(机械工业出版社,第六编写人)
学术论文 - 杨 志懋Publications
1. Kong Chuncai, Zhao Nana, Lv Jian, Liu Ke, Zhang Xiaojing, Yang Sen, Yang Zhimao*, One-pot synthesis of ultrafine Ag-hydrogel composites with enhanced catalytic reduction of 4-nitrophenol,
Materials Letters
, 236:530-533, 2019
2. Jian Lv, Chuncai Kong, Chao Yang, Lu Yin, Itthipon Jeerapan, Fangzhao Pu, Xiaojing Zhang, Sen Yang*, Zhimao Yang, Wearable, stable, highly sensitive hydrogel–graphene strain sensors,
Beilstein J. Nanotechnol
. 2019, 10, 475–480.
3. Fangzhao Pu, Chuncai Kong, Jian Lv, Bo Ma, Wanqi Zhang, Xiaojing Zhang, Sen Yang, Hong Jin*, Zhimao Yang*, CuO ultrathin nanosheets decorated reduced graphene oxide as a high performance anode for lithium-ion batteries,
Journal of Alloys and Compounds
, 805 (2019) 355-362
1. Jian Lv, Itthipon Jeerapan, Farshad Tehrani, Lu Yin, Cristian Abraham Silva-Lopez, Ji-Hyun Jang, Davina Joshuia, Rushabh Shah, Yuyan Liang, Lingye Xie, Fernando Soto, Chuanrui Chen, Emil Karshalev, Chuncai Kong, Zhimao Yang, Joseph Wang, Sweat-based wearable energy harvesting-storage hybrid textile devices,
Energy & Environmental Science
, 11(12):3431-3442, 2018
2. Jian Lv, Chuncai Kong, Ke Liu, Lu Yin, Bo Ma, Xiaojing Zhang, Sen Yang*, Zhimao Yang*, Surfactant-free synthesis of Cu2O yolk–shell cubes decorated with Pt nanoparticles or enhanced H2O2 detection,
Chemical Communications
, 2018, 54, 8458-8461
3. Wang Mei Xiang,Chen Yong Mei*,Gao Yang,Hu Chen, Hu Jian, Tan Li*,Yang Zhimao*, Rapid Self-Recoverable Hydrogels with High Toughness and Excellent Conductivity,
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces
, 2018,10, 26610-26617
4. Kong Chuncai,Ma Bo, Liu Ke, Pu Fangzhao, Yang Zhimao*, Yang Sen, Templated-synthesis of hierarchical Ag-AgBr hollow cubes with enhanced visible-light-responsive photocatalytic activity,
Applied Surface Science
, 2018, 443, 492-496
5. Chuncai Kong, Bo Ma, Ke Liu, Weixin Zhang, Zhimao Yang*, Continuous UV irradiation synthesis of ultra-small Au nanoparticles decorated Cu2O with enhanced photocatalytic activity,
Composites Communications
, 9 (2018) 27–32
6. Chuncai Kong, Jian Lv, Xuanxuan Hu, Na Zhao, Ke Liu, Xiaojing Zhang, Ge Meng, Zhimao Yang*, Sen Yang*, Template-synthesis of hierarchical CuO nanoflowers constructed by ultrathin nanosheets and their application for non-enzymatic glucose detection,
Materials Letters
, 219 (2018) 134–137
7. Shaodong Sun*, Xiaojing Zhang, Qing Yang, Shuhua Liang*, Xiaozhe Zhang, Zhimao Yang*, Cuprous oxide (Cu2O) crystals with tailored architectures: A comprehensive review on synthesis, fundamental properties, functional modifications and applications,
Progress in Materials Science
, 96, 111–173, 2018
8. Ma Bo, Kong Chuncai*, Lv Jian, Zhang Weixin, Guo Jian, Zhang Xiaojing, Yang Zhimao, Yang Sen*, Controllable in-situ Synthesis of Cu-Cu2O Heterostructures with Enhanced Visible-light Photocatalytic Activity,
, 3, 38:10641-10645, 2018
9. Bo Ma, Chuncai Kong*, Xuanxuan Hu, Ke Liu, Qiang Huang*, Jian Lv, Wenjing Lu, Xiaojing Zhang, Zhimao Yang, Sen Yang,A sensitive electrochemical nonenzymatic biosensor for the detection of H2O2 released from living cells based on ultrathin concave Ag nanosheets,
Biosensors and Bioelectronics
106 (2018) 29–36
1. Shaodong Sun, Qing Yang, Shuhua Liang*, Zhimao Yang*, Hollow CuxO (x=2, 1) micro/nanostructures: synthesis, fundamental properties and applications,
, 2017, 19, 6225–6251
2. Shaodong Sun, Pengju Li, Shuhua Liang*, Zhimao Yang*, Diversified copper sulfide (Cu2−xS) micro-/nanostructures: a comprehensive review on synthesis, modifications and applications,
, 2017, 9, 11357
3. Jian Lv, Chuncai Kong∗, Yun Xu, Zhimao Yang, Xiaojing Zhang, Shengchun Yang, Ge Meng, Jinglei Bi, Jianhui Li, Sen Yang∗, Facile synthesis of novel CuO/Cu2O nanosheets on copper foil for high sensitive nonenzymatic glucose biosensor,
Sensors and Actuators B
, 248 (2017) 630–638
4. Jian Lv, Chuncai Kong, Xuanxuan Hu, Xiaojing Zhang, Ke Liu, Shengchun Yang, Jinglei Bi, Xiaoyan Liu, Ge Meng, Jianhui Li, Zhimao Yang*, Sen Yang*, Zinc ion mediated synthesis of cuprous oxide crystals for non-enzymatic glucose detection,
Journal of Materials Chemistry B
, 2017, 5, 8686
1. Xiaozhe Zhang, Sen Yang, Zhimao Yang*, Xiaoshan Xu*, Kinetics and intermediate phases in epitaxial growth of Fe3O4 films from deposition and thermal reduction , Journal of Applied Physics, 120, 085313 (2016)
2. Linli Tang, Jian Lv, Chuncai Kong* and Zhimao Yang, Jianhui Li*, Facet-dependent nonenzymatic glucose sensor properties of Cu2O cubes and octahedra. New Journal of Chemistry, 2016, 40, 6573
3. Gao Yang, Hu Chen, Zheng Wen Jiang, Yang Sen, Li Fei, Sun Shao Dong, Zrínyi Miklós, Osada Yoshihito, Yang Zhi Mao*, Chen Yong Mei*, Fe3O4 Anisotropic Nanostructures in Hydrogels: Efficient Catalysts for the Rapid Removal of Organic Dyes from Wastewater, CHEMPHYSCHEM,2016,17
4. Yang Gao, Li Mei Zhang, Chun Cai Kong, Zhi Mao Yang*, Yong Mei Chen*, NO adsorption and dissociation on palladium clusters: The importance of charged state and metal doping, Chemical Physics Letters, 658, 7–11, 2016
1. Linli Tang, Yuhang Du, Chuncai Kong, Shaodong Sun and Zhimao Yang*, One-pot synthesis of etched Cu2O cubes with exposed {110} facets with enhanced visible-light-driven photocatalytic activity, PHYS. CHEM. CHEM. PHYS., 2015,17, 29479-29482
2. Shaodong Sun,Yuexia Sun, Anran Chen, Xiaozhe Zhang, Zhimao Yang*, Nanoporous copper oxide ribbon assembly of free-standing nanoneedles as biosensors for glucose, ANALYST, 2015,140, 5205-5215
3. Anran Chen, YuDing, ZhimaoYang, ShengchunYang, Constructing heterostructure on highly roughened caterpillar-like gold nanotubes with cuprous oxide grains fo rultrasensitive and stable nonenzymatic glucosesensor, BIOSENSORS AND BIOELECTRONICS, 74(2015): 967–973
1. Shaodong Sun, Hongjia Zhang, LinLi Tang, Xiaozhe Zhang and Zhimao Yang*, One-pot fabrication of novel cuboctahedral Cu2O crystals enclosed by anisotropic surfaces with enhancing catalytic performance, PHYS.CHEM.CHEM.PHYS., 2014, 16, 20424
2. Linli Tang, Jian Lv, Shaodong Sun, Xiaozhe Zhang, Chuncai Kong, Xiaoping Song and Zhimao Yang*, Facile hydroxyl-assisted synthesis of morphological Cu2O architectures and their shape-dependent photocatalytic performances, NEW J. CHEM, 2014, 38, 4656-4660
3. Yunxia Zhang, Shaodong Sun, Xiaozhe Zhang, Linli Tang, Xiaoping Song and Zhimao Yang*, Sulfate-ion-assisted galvanic replacement tuning of silver dendrites to highly branched chains for effective SERS, PHYS. CHEM. CHEM. PHYS., 2014, 16, 18918
4. Yunxia Zhang, Shaodong Sun, Xiaozhe Zhang, Linli Tang, Xiaoping Song, Bingjun Ding, Zhimao Yang*, Magnetic field controlled particle-mediated growth inducing icker-like silver architectures, CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL, 240 (2014) 494–502
5. Xiaozhe Zhang, Shaodong Sun, Jian Lv, Linli Tang, Chuncai Kong, Xiaoping Song and Zhimao Yang*, Nanoparticle-aggregated CuO nanoellipsoids for high performance non-enzymatic glucose detection, JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY A, 2014, 2, 26: 10073-10080
6. Shaodong Sun and Zhimao Yang*, Recent advances in tuning crystal facets of polyhedral cuprous oxide architectures, RSC ADV., 2014, 4, 3804–3822
7. Chuncai Kong, Linli Tang, Xiaozhe Zhang, Shaodong Sun, Shengchun Yang, Xiaoping Song and Zhimao Yang*,Templating synthesis of hollow CuO polyhedron and its application for nonenzymatic glucose detection, JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY A, 2014, 2, 20: 7306-7312
8. Shaodong Sun and Zhimao Yang*, Cu2O-templated strategy for synthesis of definable hollow architectures, CHEM. COMMUN., 2014, 50, 56: 7403-7415
9. Chuncai Kong, Jian Lv, Shaodong Sun, Xiaoping Song, Zhimao Yang*, Copper-templated synthesis of gold microcages for sensitive surface-enhanced Raman scattering activity, RSC ADVANCES, 2014, 4, 51: 27074-27077
1. Shaodong Sun, Xiaozhe Zhang, Yuexia Sun, Jie Zhang, Shengchun Yang, Xiaoping Song and Zhimao Yang*, A facile strategy for the synthesis of hierarchical CuO nanourchins and their application as non-enzymatic glucose sensors, RSC ADV., 2013, 3, 13712–13719
2. Shaodong Sun, Yuexia Sun, Xiaozhe Zhang, Hongjia Zhang, Xiaoping Song and Zhimao Yang*, A surfactant-free strategy for controllable growth of hierarchical copper oxide nanostructures, CRYSTENGCOMM, 2013, 15, 5275–5282
3. Shaodong Sun, Dongchu Deng, Xiaoping Song and Zhimao Yang*, Elucidating a twin-dependent chemical activity of hierarchical copper sulfide nanocages, PHYS.CHEM. CHEM. PHYS., 2013, 15, 15964 -15970
4. Shaodong Sun, Sarula Wang, Dongchu Deng and Zhimao Yang*, Formation of hierarchically polyhedral Cu7S4 cages from Cu2O templates and their structure-dependent photocatalytic performances, NEW J. CHEM., 2013, 37, 3679--3684
5. Sun, SD; Zhang, XZ; Sun, YX; Yang, SC; Song, XP; Yang, ZM*, Hierarchical CuO nanoflowers: water-required synthesis and their application in a nonenzymatic glucose biosensor, PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CHEMICAL PHYSICS, 15, 26: 10904-10913, 2013
6. Kong, CC; Sun, SD; Zhang, XZ; Song, XP; Yang, ZM*, Nanoparticle-aggregated hollow copper microcages and their surface-enhanced Raman scattering activity, CRYSTENGCOMM, 15, 31: 6136-6139, 2013
7. Guijing Li, Feifei Lu, Xin Wei, Xiaoping Song, Zhanbo Sun,Zhimao Yangand Shengchun Yang, Nanoporous Ag–CeO2 ribbons prepared by chemical dealloying and their electrocatalytic properties, JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY A, 2013,1, 4974-4981
8. Shaodong Sun, Xiaozhe Zhang, Jie Zhang, Liqun Wang, Xiaoping Song and Zhimao Yang*, Surfactant-free CuO mesocrystals with controllable dimensions: green ordered- aggregation- driven synthesis, formation mechanism and their photochemical performances, CRYSTENGCOMM, 2013, 15, 867–877 (封面文章)
9. Xiao Luo, Shaomin Lian, Liqun Wang, Shengchun Yang,* Zhimao Yang, Bingjun Ding and Xiaoping Song, Volume shrinkage induced formation of porous Ag submicrocubes via solid–liquid reaction for SERS, CRYSTENGCOMM, 2013, 15, 2588–2591
10. Sun, SD; Zhang, XZ; Sun, YX; Yang, SC ; Song, XP; Yang, ZM*, Facile Water-Assisted Synthesis of Cupric Oxide Nanourchins and Their Application as Nonenzymatic Glucose Biosensor, ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES, 5, 10: 4429-4437, 2013
1. Chuncai Kong, Shaodong Sun, Jie Zhang, Haidong Zhao, Xiaoping Song and Zhimao Yang*, Cauliflower-like copper hierarchical architectures with nanocube-aggregated behaviours, CRYSTENGCOMM, 2012, 14, 5737–5740
2. Shaodong Sun, Xiaoping Song, Chuncai Kong, Dongchu Deng and Zhimao Yang*, Copper sulfide cages wholly exposed with nanotwinned building blocks, CRYSTENGCOMM, 2012, 14, 67
3. Yunxia Zhang, Shaodong Sun, Dongchu Deng, Xiaoping Song, Bingjun Ding and Zhimao Yang*, Electrochemical deposition mediated growth of hierarchical Au architectures and the applications for SERS, CRYSTENGCOMM, 2012, 14, 656
4. Sun SD; Deng DC; Kong CC; Song XP; Yang ZM*, Twins in polyhedral 26-facet Cu7S4cages:Synthesis,characterizationandtheirenhancingphotochemicalactivities, DALTON TRANS., 2012, 41, 3214
5. Sun SD; Zhang XZ; Song XP; Liang SH*; Wang LQ; Yang ZM*, Bottom-up assembly of hierarchical Cu2O nanospheres: controllable synthesis, formation mechanism and enhanced photochemical activities, CRYSTENGCOMM, 2012, 14, 3545
6. Sun SD; Zhang XZ; Zhang J; Song XP; Yang ZM*, Unusual Designated-Tailoring on Zone-Axis Preferential Growth of Surfactant-Free ZnO Mesocrystals, CRYST. GROWTH DES. 2012
7. 董坤, 魏钊, 杨志懋*, 陈咏梅*,自愈合凝胶: 结构、性能及展望,中国科学: 化学, 第42 卷,第6 期: 741 ~ 756,2012年
8. Shaodong Sun, Xiaoping Song, Yuexia Sun, Dongchu Deng and Zhimao Yang*, The crystal-facet-dependent effect of polyhedral Cu2O microcrystals on photocatalytic activity, CATAL. SCI. TECHNOL., 2012, 2, 925–930
9. Shaodong Sun, Xiaoping Song, Dongchu Deng, Xiaozhe Zhang and Zhimao Yang*, Nanotwins in polycrystalline Cu7S4 cages: highly active architectures for enhancing photocatalytic activities, CATAL. SCI. TECHNOL., 2012, 2, 1309-1314
10. Liu, K; Takagi, H; Osugi, R; Yang, ZM, Effect of lumen size on the effective transverse thermal conductivity of unidirectional natural fiber composites, COMPOSITES SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 72, 633-639, 2012
11. Shaodong Sun, Chuncai Kong, Hongjun You, Xiaoping Song, Bingjun Ding and Zhimao Yang*, Facet-selective growth of Cu–Cu2O heterogeneous architectures, CRYSTENGCOMM, 2012, 14, 40 (封面文章)
12. Ke Liu, Hitoshi Takagi, Ryosuke Osugi, Zhimao Yang, Effect of physicochemical structure of natural fiber on transverse thermal conductivity of unidirectional abaca/bamboo fiber composites, COMPOSITES: PART A 43 (2012) 1234–1241
1. Sun SD, You HJ, Kong CC, Song XP, Ding BJ, Yang ZM*, Etching-limited branching growth of cuprous oxide during ethanol-assisted solution synthesis, CRYSTENGCOMM, 13, 8: 2837-2840, 2011
2. Sun SD; Kong CC; Yang SC; Wang LQ; Song XP, Ding BJ, Yang ZM*, Highly symmetric polyhedral Cu2O crystals with controllable-index planes, CRYSTENGCOMM, 13, 7: 2217-2221, 2011
3. Sun SD; Deng DC; Kong CC; Yang G; Yang SC; Song XP; Ding BJ; Yang ZM*, Seed-mediated synthesis of polyhedral 50-facet Cu(2)O architectures , CRYSTENGCOMM, 13, 20: 5993-5997, 2011 (封面文章)
4. Sun SD; Kong CC; Deng DC; Yang SC; Song XP; Ding BJ; Yang ZM*, Nanoparticle-aggregated octahedral copper hierarchical nanostructures, CRYSTENGCOMM, 13, 1: 63-66, 2011
5. Sun SD; Song XP; Kong CC; Yang ZM*, Selective-etching growth of urchin-like Cu(2)O architectures, CRYSTENGCOMM, 13, 22: 6616-6620, 2011
6. Sun SD; Zhang H; Song XP;Liang SH; Kong CC; Yang ZM*, Polyhedron-aggregated multi-facet Cu(2)O homogeneous structures, CRYSTENGCOMM, 13, 20: 6040-6044, 2011
7. Sun SD; Song XP; Kong CC; Liang SH; Ding BJ; Yang ZM*, Unique polyhedral 26-facet CuS hollow architectures decorated with nanotwinned, mesostructural and single crystalline shells,CRYSTENGCOMM, 13, 20: 6200-6205, 2011
8. Sun SD; Deng DC; Kong CC; Zhang YX; Song XP; Ding BJ; Yang ZM*, Magnetic field driven assembly of 1D-aligned silver superstructures, CRYSTENGCOMM, 13, 15: 4827-4830, 2011
9. Sun SD; Kong CC; Wang LQ; Yang SC; Song XP; Ding BJ; Yang ZM*, Nanoparticle-aggregated paddy-like copper dendritic nanostructures, CRYSTENGCOMM, 13, 6: 1916-1921, 2011
10. Liu, Ke; Takagi, Hitoshi; Yang, Zhimao, Evaluation of transverse thermal conductivity of Manila hemp fiber in solid region using theoretical method and finite element method, MATERIALS & DESIGN, 32: 8-9, 4586-4589, 2011
1. Sun SD, Zhou FY, Wang LQ, Song XP, Yang ZM*, Template-Free Synthesis of Well-Defined Truncated Edge Polyhedral Cu2O Architectures Crystal Growth & Design 2010; 10: 541–547.
2. Zhimao Yang, Shaodong Sun, Chuncai Kong, Xiaoping Song, and Bingjun Ding, Designated-Tailoring on {100} Facets of Cu2O Nanostructures: From Octahedral to Its Different Truncated Forms, Journal of Nanomaterials, Volume 2010, Article ID 710584
3. Yang SC, Hong F, Wang LQ, Guo SW, Song XP, Ding BJ, Yang ZM*,Ultrathin pt-based alloy nanowires networks: Synthesized by ctab assistant two-phase water-chloroform micelles. Journal of Physical Chemistry C 2010; 114: 203-207.
4. Sheng-Chun Yang, Xiao-Wen Wan, Yue-Tian Ji, Li-Qun Wang, Xiao-Ping Song, Bing-Jun Ding and Zhi-Mao Yang*, Sintering-assisted patterning of monolayer gold nanoparticle film to circular nanowire networks for surface enhanced Raman scattering, CrystEngComm, 2010
5. Zhou Feiyu, Yang Zhimao*, Yang Shengchun, Atomic Contacts by Clock Movement, INEC: 2010 3RD International Nanoelectronics Conference, VOLS 1 AND 2: 234-235 2010
6. Yu XJ, Zhuang LN, Yang SC, Yang ZM, Song XP, Ding BJ, Sintering improved porous palladium nanoparticle membrane self-assembled at water/pentanol interface for nonenzymatic glucose sensor, COLLOIDS AND SURFACES A, 372 ( 1-3): 22-27, 2010
7. Ding, CH; Liu, CH; Yang, ZM, Wang YP, Sun ZB, Yu L,Effect of size refinement and distribution of lubricants on friction coefficient of high temperature self-lubricating composites, COMPOSITES SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 70( 6): 1000-1005, 2010
8. Liu Yiwen, Zhang Chengyu, Qiao Shengru, Yang Zhimao, Fabrication and Microstructure of C/Cu Composites, Advanced Engineering Materials, 12 (6): 493-496, 2010
1. Zhu, C; Shi, M; Yang, SC, Zhang H, Yang ZM. Ding BJ, Growth of radial arranged TiO2 nanorods by direct oxidation of Al-coated In-738 superalloy, JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS, 485( 1-2): 328-332, 2009
2. Zhou Y, Wang SX, Guan W, Ding BJ, Yang ZM*, 1,3-dipolar cycloaddition as a general route for functionalization of Fe3O4 nanoparticles. Nanotechnology 19(17): 5, 2008.
3. Cui SM, Yang ZM, Sun ZB, Ding CH, Microstructure and characteristics of rapid sintered low friction, wear resistant 80Ni20Cr-Cr2O3-Ag-BaF2/CaF2 coating, Materials Technology, 23(1): 9-12, 2008
4. Zhou Y, Wang SX, Ding BJ, Yang ZM, Modification of magnetite nanoparticles via surface-initiated atom transfer radical polymerization (ATRP). Chemical Engineering Journal 138(1-3): 578-585, 2008.
5. Zhou Y, Wang SX, Ding BJ, Yang ZM, Preparation of onion-like Pd-Bi-Au/C trimetallic catalyst and their application. Journal of Sol-Gel Science and Technology 47(2): 182-186, 2008.
6. Zhang RL, Wang QF, Zhang L, Yang SC, Yang ZM, Ding BJ, The growth of uncoated gold nanoparticles on multiwalled carbon nanotubes. Colloids and Surfaces A-Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects 312(2-3): 136-141, 2008
7. Zhang, CY; Qiao, SR; Yang, ZM; Ding, BJ, Cathode spot movements along the carbon fibres in carbon/carbon composites, JOURNAL OF PHYSICS D-APPLIED PHYSICS, 40 (13): 3980-3984 JUL 7 2007
8. Zhimao Yang, Qiuli Zhang, Chengyu Zhang, Qingfeng Wang, Bingjun Ding, Vacuum Arc Characteristics on Nanocrystalline CuCr Alloys, Vacuum, 81 (4): 545-549, 2006
9. Zhimao Yang, Qiuli Zhang, Chengyu Zhang, Yue Sun, Bingjun Ding, Influence of microstructure of CuCr25 cathode on the motion of vacuum arc spots, Physics Letters A, 2006, 353, 1, 98-100
10. Liang YR, Zhimao Yang, Ding, BJ, Progress in the applications and preparations of porous metals, Rare Metal Materials and Engineering, 35: 30-34, 2006
11. Zhang CY, Zhimao Yang, Wang YP, Ding BJ, Guo Y, Preparation of CuCr25 contact materials by vacuum induction melting, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 178 (1-3): 283-286, 2006
12. Yang, SC; Zhang, TW; Zhang, L; Wang, SX; Yang, ZM; Ding, BJ, Continuous synthesis of gold nanoparticles and nanoplates with controlled size and shape under UV irradiation, COLLOIDS AND SURFACES A, 296 (1-3): 37-44 MAR 15 2007
13. Wang JB, Zhang Y, Yang MG, Ding BJ, Zhimao Yang, Observation of arc discharging process of nanocomposite Ag-SnO2 and La-doped Ag-SnO2 contact with a high-speed camera, MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING B, 131 (1-3): 230-234, 2006
14. Chengyu Zhang, Zhimao Yang, Yaping Wang, Bingjun Ding, Properties of nanocrystalline CuCr50 contact material. Adv. Eng. Mater,7(12), 2005, 1113-1117
15. Zhimao Yang, Wang W, Yoji O, Ding BJ, Effect of oxygen contamination on erosion of tungsten electrode in GTA welding, Rare Metal Materials and Engineering 34 (11):1806-1809, 2005
16. Chengyu Zhang, Yaping Wang, Zhimao Yang, Yong Guo and Bingjun Ding, Microstructure and properties of vacuum induction melted CuCr25 alloys, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2004, 366(1-2): 289~292.
17. Chengyu Zhang, Zhimao Yang, Yaping Wang and Bingjun Ding, Cathode spot propagation on the surface of amorphous, nanocrystalline and crystalline Cu60Zr28Ti12 cathodes, Physics Letters A, 2003, 318: 435~439
18. Chengyu Zhang, Zhimao Yang, Yaping Wang and Bingjun Ding,A worm-like trace of cathode spots on Cu–Zr–Ti amorphous ribbons,J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 36, 2276-2280, 2003
19. C.Y.Zhang, Y.P.Wang, Zhimao Yang, B.J.Ding and Y.L.Li, Microstructure and properties of CuCr25 alloy with difference Ni content, ACTA Metallurgia Sinca, 16(2),151-154, 2003.4
课题组成员 - 杨 志懋研究团队
English - 杨 志懋Basic Information
Prof Zhimao Yang
Department of Materials Physics
School of Science
Xian Jiaotong University
Xianning West Road #28
Xian, 710049, Shaanxi
Xian Jiaotong University, Ph. D. (with Professor Xiaotian Wang), 1993.09-1996.10.
Xian Jiaotong University, M. S., (with Professor Bingjun Ding) 1990.09-1993.07.
Xian Jiaotong University, Xian, China, B. S., 1986.09-1990.08
Professional Experience
University of Nebraska, Lincoln, USA, Visiting Scholar, 2013.10-2014.01
Xian Jiaotong University, Department of Materials Physics, Professor, 2004.06-present.
Xian Jiaotong University, Department of Materials Physics, Associate Professor, 2002.08-2004.6.
AIST Shikoku Center, Japan, STA Fellow, 2000.12-2002.08.
Xian Jiaotong University, School of Materials Science & Engineering, Associate Professor, 1999.06-2000.12
International Visiting
2011.07.15 University of Tokushima, Japan
2011.10.20MS&T 2011 - Materials Science & Technology.
Colombus, Ohio, United States
Scientific Research
Fangzhao Pu, Chuncai Kong, Jian Lv, Bo Ma, Wanqi Zhang, Xiaojing Zhang, Sen Yang, Hong Jin*, Zhimao Yang*, CuO ultrathin nanosheets decorated reduced graphene oxide as a high performance anode for lithium-ion batteries,
Journal of Alloys and Compounds
, 805 (2019) 355-362
Two-dimensional (2D) nanocomposites, based on graphene and transition metal oxides, hold great promise as high-performance electrode materials for next-generation lithium-ion batteries. Herein, a novel 2D CuO/RGO has been constructed by CuO ultrathin nanosheets and reduced graphene oxides (RGO) through in-situ oxidizing the Cu/RGO nanocomposite with hydrogen peroxide. CuO nanosheets with a thickness of 1.17e1.57 nm are uniformly and tightly anchored on the RGO surface without aggregation and thus the as-prepared CuO/RGO nanosheets electrode show strong interfacial coupling and fast electron transfer. Electrochemical characterizations reveal that the CuO/RGO nanocomposite electrode exhibits a remarkably enhanced cycling performance and rate performance. At the current density of 0.1C, the initial discharge capacity of 811 mAh/g has been delivered by CuO/RGO nanosheets electrode and the coulombic efficiency maintains 99.44% after 100 cycles. Moreover, the CuO/RGO nanosheets exhibit a stable specific capacity of 386 mAh/g after 200 cycles at 3C. In addition, the as-prepared CuO/RGO nanocomposite electrode exhibited excellent rate performance and lower charge transfer resistance. The current study presents a feasible route to fabricate nanosheets electrode materials for nextgeneration energy storage devices.
Wang Mei Xiang,Chen Yong Mei*,Gao Yang,Hu Chen, Hu Jian, Tan Li*,Yang Zhimao*, Rapid Self-Recoverable Hydrogels with High Toughness and Excellent Conductivity,
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces
, 2018,10, 26610-26617
Hydrogels as soft and wet materials have attracted much attention in sensing and flexible electronics. However, traditional hydrogels are fragile or have unsatisfactory recovery capability, which largely limit their applications. Here, a novel hydrogen bond based sulfuric acid−poly(acrylic acid) (PAA)/poly(vinyl alcohol) physical hydrogel is developed for addressing the above drawbacks. Sulfuric acid serves two functions: one is to inhibit the ionization of carboxyl groups from PAA chains to form more hydrogen bonds and the other is to provide conductive ions to promote conductivity of hydrogel. Consequently, the hydrogel obtains comprehensive mechanical properties, including extremely rapid self-recovery (strain = 1, instantly self-recover; strain = 20, self-recover within 10 min), high fracture strength (3.1 MPa), and high toughness (18.7 MJ m
). In addition, we demonstrate this hydrogel as a tretchable ionic cable and pressure sensor to exhibit stable operation after repeated loadings. This work provides a new concept to synthesize physical hydrogels, which will hopefully expand applications of hydrogel in stretchable electronics.
Chuncai Kong, Bo Ma, Ke Liu, Weixin Zhang, Zhimao Yang*, Continuous UV irradiation synthesis of ultra-small Au nanoparticles decorated Cu2O with enhanced photocatalytic activity,
Composites Communications
, 9 (2018) 27–32
Noble metal nanoparticles (NPs) with controlled size and shape can be easily prepared by UV irradiation at room temperature. In this work, ultra-small Au NPs were successfully continuously synthesized via an UV irradiation approach, and the synthesis conditions of Au NPs with the size of 1.8 nm have been optimized to be an exposure time of 1.4 min, a HAuCl4 precursor concentration of 0.8mM and a pH value of 10.4. The growth dynamics of Au NPs was investigated under different exposing time of the electron beam in transmission electron microscopy (TEM), revealing the formation of NPs via the oriented attachment of individual nanoparticles. In addition, well dispersed ultra-small Au NPs decorated Cu2O composites were obtained from this in-situ strategy and showed an enhanced photocatalytic activity compared with that of Au-free oxides and Au- Cu2O from direct replacement method.
Shaodong Sun
, Xiaojing Zhang, Qing Yang, Shuhua Liang
, Xiaozhe Zhang, Zhimao Yang*, Cuprous oxide (Cu2O) crystals with tailored architectures: A comprehensive review on synthesis, fundamental properties, functional modifications and applications,
Progress in Materials Science
, 96, 111–173, 2018
Better understanding the crystal-facet engineering of a crystal with tailored architecture has demonstrated a significant implication for rational design and synthesis of promising micro-/nanostructure. In the past decades, extensive investigations have been devoted tothe development of cuprous oxide (Cu2O) crystals with tailored architectures, which can provide a meritorious platform for not only evealing the structure-property performance relationship and but also improving the performances in their practical applications. Several previous reviews have mainly reported the partial summaries of the advances in facet-dependent properties of Cu2O crystals. However, a comprehensive summary on Cu2O crystals is lacking and highly desirable to further promote the development of function-oriented Cu2O-based micro-/nanostructures. In this review, we will comprehensively highlight the important progresses in Cu2O crystals with tailored architectures, including the synthetic strategies and corresponding growth mechanisms, the fundamental properties of different crystallographic facets, the functional modifications (including doping and hybridization), and their potential applications. Several urgent issues and perspective are also discussed.
Shaodong Sun,Yuexia Sun, Anran Chen, Xiaozhe Zhang, Zhimao Yang*, Nanoporous copper oxide ribbon assembly of free-standing nanoneedles as biosensors for glucose,
, 2015,140, 5205-5215
Inspired by a sequential hydrolysis–precipitation mechanism, morphology-controllable hierarchical cupricoxide (CuO) nanostructures are facilely fabricated by a green water/ethanol solution-phase transformationof Cux(OH)2x−2(SO4) precursors in the absence of any organic capping agents and without annealing treatment in air. Antlerite Cu3(OH)4(SO4) precursors formed in a low volume ratio between water andethanol can transform into a two-dimensional (2D) hierarchical nanoporous CuO ribbon assembly offree-standing nanoneedle building blocks and hierarchical nanoneedle-aggregated CuO flowers. Brochantite Cu4(OH)6(SO4) precursors formed in a high volume ratio between water and ethanol can transforminto hierarchical nanoplate-aggregated CuO nanoribbons and nanoflowers. Such 2D hierarchicalnanoporous CuO ribbons serving as a promising electrode material for nonenzymatic glucose detection show high sensitivity, a low detection limit, fast amperometric response and good selectivity. Significantly,this green water-induced precursor-hydrolysis method might be used to control effectively the growth ofother metal oxide micro-/nanostructures.
Linli Tang, Jian Lv, Shaodong Sun, Xiaozhe Zhang, Chuncai Kong, Xiaoping Song and Zhimao Yang*, Facile hydroxyl-assisted synthesis of morphological Cu
O architectures and their shape-dependent photocatalytic performances,
New J. Chem
, 2014, 38, 4656-4660
An interesting morphology-evolution of Cu2O from cubic, edgetruncated cubic, edge- and corner-truncated octahedral, truncated octahedral, and finally to octahedral architectures was readily achieved by adjusting the concentration of hydroxyl. When evaluated for their photocatalytic performances, these polyhedral Cu
O crystals manifest shape-dependent properties.
Xiaozhe Zhang, Shaodong Sun, Jian Lv, Linli Tang, Chuncai Kong, Xiaoping Song and Zhimao Yang*, Nanoparticle-aggregated CuO nanoellipsoids for high performance non-enzymatic glucose detection,
Journal of Materials Chemistry A
, 107(2014) 83-89
We have demonstrated a facile anion-assisted strategy for the synthesis of nanoparticle-aggregated CuO nanoellipsoids. Structural and morphological evolutions were investigated by X-ray diffraction (XRD), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), high-resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM), andfield-emission scanning electron microscopy (FESEM). The nanoparticle-aggregated CuO nanoellipsoids serve as a promising electrode material for a non-enzymatic glucose biosensor which shows high sensitivity, good reproducibility, a fast amperometric response and good selectivity. The study is of great importance in the bottom-up assembly of tunable ordered architectures, and offers a chance to understand the formation mechanism and fundamental significance of an anion-assisted strategy for the synthesis of metal oxides. Significantly, it is believed that the anion-assisted synthetic approach reported
here could provide a facile way to design more novel metal oxide architectures with well-defined shapes.
Chuncai Kong, Linli Tang, Xiaozhe Zhang, Shaodong Sun, Shengchun Yang, Xiaoping Song and Zhimao Yang*,Templating synthesis of hollow CuO polyhedron and its application for nonenzymatic glucose detection,
Journal of Materials Chemistry A
, 2014, 2, 20: 7306-7312
In this report, a novel type of a hollow CuO polyhedron-modified electrode for sensitive nonenzymatic glucose detection has been fabricated by a templating approach. The morphologies and structures were characterized by field-emission scanning electron microscopy (FESEM), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), X-ray diffraction (XRD), Raman spectrum and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). These results show that the as-prepared hollow CuO consists of numerous CuO nanoplates. The electrochemical performance for glucose detection was investigated by cyclic voltammetry and chronoamperometry. The hollow CuO polyhedron-modified electrode exhibits a high sensitivity of 1112 μA mM
with a detection limit of 0.33 mM (S/N= 3) at +0.55 V, and the linear range is up to 4 mM. Moreover, the hollow CuO polyhedron-modified electrode is highly resistant to the interference from interfering species such as sodium chloride (NaCl), ascorbic acid (AA) and uric acid (UA). The hollow CuO polyhedron-modified electrode exhibits high sensitivity, low detection limit, good stability and fast response towards the oxidation of glucose; thus, it may be a promising nonenzymatic glucose sensor.
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