

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-06-26


黄东,博士,教授,博士生导师,制冷与低温工程系主任。中国制冷学会小型制冷机低温生物医学专业委员会委员,《家电科技》编委,发表论文40余篇(SCI、EI等检索30余篇)。1997年、2000年分别获得西安交通大学制冷及低温工程专业的学士和硕士学位,后在TCL与捷丰集团空调技术中心工程师,2002年调入西安交通大学并攻读博士学位,2005年获安交通大学获得制冷及低温工程专业博士学位。2015.10-2016.10,在美国University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign(伊利伊诺香槟分校UIUC)机械工程系访问****。
[1] Zhao Rijing, Huang Dong, Peng Xueyuan, Qiao Lin. Comprehensive measures to enhance electric heater defrosting (EHD) performance for household frost-free refrigerators [J]. International Journal of Refrigeration. (Accepted)
[2] Zhao Rijing, Huang Dong, Peng Xueyuan, Yang Hao. Reducing cabinet temperature rise during electric heater defrosting of frost-free refrigerators by using a special fan cover to block heat infiltration [J]. Science and Technology for the Built Environment. (Online).
[3] Zhao Rijing, Huang Dong, Peng Xueyuan, Yang Hao. Comparison between fixed-opening and variable-opening throttling on two-circuit evaporator performance under water maldistribution [J]. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2019, 163.
[4] Zhao Rijing, Huang Dong, Peng Xueyuan, Yang Hao. Distributed heaters to reduce temperature rise in freezing cabinet during defrost process and its overall energy effect for a frost-free refrigerator [J]. International Journal of Refrigeration, 2019, 99: 186-193. (SCI: 002)
[5] Zhao Rijing, Huang Dong, Peng Xueyuan, Zhang Yaoji. Switch loss of a frost-free refrigerator-freezer with parallel dual-evaporator refrigeration system and its mitigation [J]. Science and Technology for the Built Environment, 2019, 25: 387-395. (SCI: 002)
[6] Zhang Zhenya, Huang Dong, Shi Lihua, Chi Lihua. Comparison of independent and synchronous opening control strategies of two air-dampers in three-temperature frost-free refrigerator [J]. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2018, 128: 127-133. (SCI: 0004**)
[7] Zhang Zhenya, Huang Dong, Zhao Rijing, Leng Yongqiang. Effect of airflow field optimization around spiral wire-on-tube condenser on a frost-free refrigerator performance [J]. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2017, 114: 785-792. (SCI: 074)
[8] Zhao Rijing, Huang Dong, Leng Yongqiang, Zhang Zhenya. Effect of water maldistribution in multi-circuit evaporator on superheat control dynamics of thermostatic-expansion-valve refrigeration system [J]. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2017, 115: 955-961. (SCI: 086)
[9] Zhao Rijing, Huang Dong, Zhang Zhenya, Leng Yongqiang. Effect of defrost heat leakage on freezer temperature rise during periodical defrost cycles in a frost-free refrigerator-freezer with an electric defrost heater [J]. Science and Technology for the Built Environment, 2016, 23 (1): 211-217. (SCI: 019)
[10] Huang Dong, Zhao Rijing, Gong Qinqin, Tang Xueqiang. Effects of water mal-distribution on thermostatic-expansion-valve stability and its controlled two-circuit evaporator performance [J]. International Journal of Refrigeration, 2014, 48: 38-47. (SCI: 006)
[11] Huang Dong, Zhao Ri-jing, Liu Yun, Yi De-bo. Effect of fin types of outdoor fan-supplied finned-tube heat exchanger on periodic frosting and defrosting performance of a residential air-source heat pump [J]. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2014, 69 (1-2): 251-260. (SCI: 026)
[12] Song Xinzhou, Huang Dong, Liu Xiaoyu, Chen Qun. Effect of non-uniform air velocity distribution on evaporator performance and its improvement on a residential air conditioner [J]. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2012, 40 (40): 284-293. (SCI: 031)
[13] Huang Dong, Li Quanxu, Yuan Xiuling. Comparison between hot-gas bypass defrosting and reverse-cycle defrosting methods on an air-to-water heat pump [J]. Applied Energy, 2009, 86 (9): 1697-1703. (SCI: 040)
[14] Huang Dong, He Zhilong, Yuan Xiuling. Dynamic characteristics of an air-to-water heat pump under frosting/defrosting conditions [J]. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2007, 27 (11-12): 1996-2002. (SCI: 028)
[15] Huang Dong, Yuan Xiuling, Zhang Xingqun. Effects of fan-starting methods on the reverse-cycle defrost performance of an air-to-water heat pump [J]. International Journal of Refrigeration, 2004, 27(8):869-875. (SCI: 007)
[16] 黄东, 冷永强, 张振亚. 非均匀水流量对热力膨胀阀控制稳定性的影响[J]. 哈尔滨工业大学学报, 2017, 49 (7): 171-177. (EI: 20**3)
[17] 张振亚, 黄东, 冷永强. 并联双循环风冷冰箱短周期切换控制特性[J]. 哈尔滨工业大学学报, 2017, 49 (1): 150-154. (EI: 20**2)
[18] 冷永强, 张振亚, 黄东. 卧式冷柜启停过程中制冷剂迁移的动态特性[J]. 哈尔滨工业大学学报, 2017, 49 (1): 155-159. (EI: 20**3)
[19] 龚勤勤, 黄东, 唐学强, 白连社, 魏邦福. 冰箱用鼠笼式丝管冷凝器换热性能的实验研究[J]. 西安交通大学学报, 2014, 48 (12): 140-144. (EI: 20**8 )
[20] 唐学强, 黄东, 龚勤勤, 白连社, 魏邦福. 风冷冰箱蒸发器除霜特性及箱温回升的实验研究[J]. 西安交通大学学报, 2014, 48 (11): 81-85. (EI: 20**0)
[21] 刘云, 赵日晶, 黄东. 并联双循环风冷冰箱冷冻/冷藏切换时制冷剂迁移研究[J]. 西安交通大学学报, 2014, 48(3):17-21. (EI: 20**5)
[22] 黄东, 吴蓓. 风速非均匀分布对蒸发器性能的影响[J]. 西安交通大学学报, 2010, 44 (9): 6-10. (EI: 467)
[23] 黄东, 贾杰楠. 室外换热器流路布置对热泵空调器的性能影响分析[J]. 西安交通大学学报, 2010, 44 (7): 33-37. (EI: 493)
[24] 李权旭, 孙敏超, 黄东. 风速分布对双排管两流路蒸发器性能影响的模拟研究[J]. 西安交通大学学报, 2010, 44 (5): 50-55. (EI: 792)
[25] 黄东, 李权旭. R22与R410A热泵中蒸发器性能随支路数变化的比较[J]. 西安交通大学学报, 2009, 43 (7): 58-62. (EI: 409)
1. 袁秀玲,鱼剑琳,黄东等。《现代制冷空调理论应用与新技术》,西安交通大学出版社,2009.6
[1]黄东, 张振亚, 冷永强. 一种风冷冰箱风门的控制方法:中国,8.X [P], 2016.04.27.
[2]黄东, 冷永强, 张振亚. 一种风冷冰箱辅助除霜装置及方法:中国,9.5 [P], 2016.06.29.
[3]黄东, 冷永强, 张振亚. 一种带梯级预热的热泵式海水淡化装置及其控制方法:中国,7.8 [P], 2016.03.30.
[4]冷永强, 张振亚, 黄东. 一种利用冰箱融霜水的装置:中国,2.4 [P],2016.08.31.
[5]冷永强, 张振亚, 黄东. 一种风冷冰箱辅助除霜装置:中国,6.3 [P],2016.08.31.
[6]冷永强, 张振亚, 黄东. 一种带梯级预热的热泵式海水淡化装置:中国,8.9 [P],2016.06.08.
[7]黄东, 吴蓓, 赵日晶. 一种空调室内机的导风板:中国,4.8 [P],2012.07.12.

个人主页: http://gr.xjtu.edu.cn/web/d_huang

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