

西安交通大学 免费考研网/2014-08-12


  2001.6-2007.6 新加坡国立大学(博士研究生)
  1999.7-2001.5 新加坡国立大学(硕士研究生)
  1993.9-1997.7 西安交通大学(本科生)
  2005.5-2007.11 亚太物流研究所(新加坡) 研究员
  2007.12-现在 西安交通大学管理学院 讲师

  The Determinants of Corporate Governance and the Link between Corporate Governance and Performance
  An Investigation into the Measures Affecting the Integration of ASEAN’s Priority Sectors (Phase 2)
  DFS supply chain analysis
  Trade Competitiveness and Logistics Challenges in Asia
  “Efficiency Evaluation of Japanese General Insurance Companies” Renbao Chen, Kie Ann Wong and Lei Luo, presented at the American Risk and Insurance Association annual meeting, and on the fifth annual conference of the Asia-Pacific Risk and Insurance Association.
  “The Determinants of Corporate Governance and the Link between Corporate Governance and Performance: Evidence from the U.K.: Using a Corporate Governance Scorecard” Luo Lei and Mak Yuen Teen, 17th Asian-Pacific Conference on International Accounting Issues (This paper has won The Vernon Zimmerman Best Paper Award for Best Doctoral Student Paper)
  “An Investigation into the Measures Affecting the Integration of ASEAN’s Priority Sectors (Phase 2): The Case of Logistics” Sumeet Gupta, Luo Lei, Mark Goh and Robert de Souza, REPSF 06/001, ASEAN Report.
  “Are Events and Security Programs Relevant to Stock Returns of Transport Firms?” Luo Lei, Mark Goh and Robert de Souza, International MultiConference of Engineers and Computer Scientists 2007.
  “Trade Competitiveness and Logistics Challenges in Asia” Luo Lei, Mark Goh and Robert de Souza, International Conference on Operation and Supply Chain Management 2007.
  “A Stochastic Frontier Model of the Efficiency of Major Airports in Asia Pacific” Luo Lei and Mark Goh, Working Paper.
  “Multimodal Transport: A Framework for analysis of Issues facing a Regional Organization” Miti Garg, Luo Lei, Sumeet Gupta, Mark Goh and Robert de Souza, Book chapter in Trends in Intelligent Systems and Computer Engineering, Advances in Communication Systems and Electrical Engineering, and Advances in Industrial Engineering and Operations Research.
  “Trade Competitiveness and Logistics Challenges in Asia” Luo Lei and Mark Goh. Forthcoming
  The Vernon Zimmerman Best Paper Award for Best Doctoral Student Paper on “The Determinants of Corporate Governance and the Link Between Corporate Governance and Performance: Evidence from the U.K.: Using a Corporate Governance Scorecard” at 17th Asian-Pacific Conference on International Accounting Issues
  President’s Graduate Fellowship in 2004 and 2005


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    西安交通大学 免费考研网 2014-08-12
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    西安交通大学 免费考研网 2014-08-12