

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-07-09


贾俊秀 “管理科学与工程” 博士生导师、“管理科学与工程”/“物流工程”硕士生导师



贾俊秀 “管理科学与工程” 博士生导师、“管理科学与工程”/“物流工程”硕士生导师




关于研究生招生的信息:欢迎数学、英语(六级)及计算机基础良好的校内外同学报考本人研究生。Please contact me in advance. Email your CV to jiajunxiu2004@126.com and then give me a call. Tel.**.




Academic conference
Jan. 2014 Professor Zhang's visiting
Feb. 2013

Jun. 2012 Informs International
2011 Mostly OM
2010年2009年 OM国际研讨会 清华

Cultural exchanges
1. 2013, Dinner in an Amercan family
2. 2011,Communicating with young American at Xisu University

3.2007,Communicating with Japanese ...



Junxiu Jia Associate Professor
School of Economics and Management

P.O.Box 235,
2 South Taibai Road, Xi'an Shaanxi, 710071 China

Dr. Junxiu Jia is an Associate Professor in Management Science and Engineering at Xidian University and is a Director of the China Society of Logistics. She obtained 10 academic Awards from 2010 to 2015. Her most recent work is funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China, Science Foundation and Postdoctoral Science Foundation of Ministry of Education of China, and NaturalScienceBasic Research Plan and Social Sciences in Shaanxi Province ofChina.

Research Interests
O2O Business Model
Operation Strategy
Pricing and ordering policy
Customer Experience
Supply chain management
Behavior decision making
Logistics management

Selected Projects.
the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant **.Project chief.
Pricing Problems Based on Online Shopping Consumers' Behavior in a Service Supply Chain,granted by NaturalScienceBasicResearchPlaninShaanxiProvinceofChina.Grant No. 2014JQ9375.Project chief.
Service Pricing based on Customers’ Behavior in Service Supply Chain,granted by Science Foundation of Ministry of Education of China for young people who are devoted to the researches of humanities and social sciences.Grant No. 10YJC630095.Project chief.
China Postdoctoral Science Foundation Funded Project under Grant 2012M511980.Project chief.
the Social Science Foundation of Shaanxi Province of China under Grant 11Q050. Project chief.
Researching on Equilibrium Strategies Model of Ordering and Pricing Model in Supply Chain Network,granted by NaturalScienceBasicResearchPlaninShaanxiProvinceofChina.Grant No. 2011JM9006.Project chief.
Researching on Pricing based on Customers’ Behavior in Service Supply Chain, granted by Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities of China. Grant No. **.Project chief.
Survey on the development situation of Xi’an Logistics Industry for Problem finding and Solving, granted by Soft-Science Foundation of Xi’an, China. Grant No. SF0901(2).Project chief.
Study of Optimal Strategies in Online Auctions, granted by Natural Science Foundation of China. Grant No. **.Projectparticipator.
Inter-organizational Cross-boundary Knowledge Sharing in Strategic Alliances, granted by Natural Science Foundation of China. Grant No. **.Projectparticipator.
On Several Problems in Revenue Management granted by Natural Science Foundation of China. Grant No. **.Projectparticipator.
On the Knowledge Management in Improving the Capacity of Self-Innovation for Firms in Shaanxi, China, granted by Soft-Science Foundation of Shaanxi Province, China. Grant No. 2006KR53. Project participator.
Survey on the Catch-up Strategy for Economy Development of Xi’an, China, granted by Soft-Science Foundation of Xi’an, China. Project participator.

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Selected Papers
Cliff T, Ragsdale(著),贾俊秀(译). Spreadsheet Modeling and Decision Analysis A Practical Introduction to Business Analytics, Eighth Edition. 电子表格建模与决策分析(第8版),北京:电子工业出版社. 2019.
Junxiu Jia(贾俊秀),Shaohua Chen, Zhiwu Li. Pricing and Time-to-Market Strategy with Substituted Demands in an Online Direct Channel,Computers & Industrial Engineering 2019,127(1):901-913.
温馨, 贾俊秀.顾客参与研发过程的价值共创机理与策略研究. 运筹与管理,2018, 27(11):105-115.
Jian Du, Junxiu Jia(贾俊秀). Multi-Period Optimal Capacity Strategy Based on Consumer Behavior Involved in Social Media, Journal of Systems Science and Information (JSSI),2017, 5(4):356–366.
Jieyu Lei, Junxiu Jia(贾俊秀), Tao Wu. Pricing strategies in dual-online channels based on consumer shopping choice. Procedia computer science, 2015. 60:1377-1385
贾俊秀, 沈萍, 杜黎. 基于网络顾客行为意向的物流服务供应链定价策略. 运筹与管理,2014, 23(4):41-50.
贾俊秀, 袁泽. 基于两级库存控制的供应链动态定价和订购策略. 系统工程学报, 2014, 29(3): 393-403.
Junxiu Jia(贾俊秀), Jiang Zhang. Dynamic ordering and pricing strategies in a two-tier multi-generation durable goods supply chain,International Journal of Production Economics,2013, 114(1): 135-142.
贾俊秀(著). 供应链订购和定价决策理论与方法,北京:科学出版社,2013
杜黎, 刘丽丽, 贾俊秀. 向下降价秒杀中顾客秒杀策略以及卖方期望收益分析, 中国管理科学, 2014, 22(9):18-25.
Junxiu Jia, Qiying Hu, Dynamic Pricing and Ordering of Perishable Goods in a Supply Chain, Computers & Industrial Engineering, 2011, 60(2): 302-309.
Junxiu Jia, Tao Wu. Effect of the Consumers Purchasing Behavior on Policies in Two-tier Durables Supply Chain, International Conference on E-Business and E-Government, 2011, 267-270.
Junxiu Jia, Rong Du, Qiying Hu. Consumer's Optimal Decision of Purchasing the Durable Goods, International Journal of Services Technology Management, 2010, 14(1): 41-57.
Junxiu Jia, Hua Li, Xiangpei Hu. Equilibrium Policies Model of Combined Ordering and Pricing in a Three-tier Supply Chain Network, International Journal of Research and Surveys on Innovative Computing, Information and Control, 2010, 4(3): 1095-1101.
Jia Jun-xiu. Study on the Competition Equilibrium Problems in a Supply Chain Network under Make-to-order Policy, Journal of System Engineering, 2009, 24(3): 299-306. (in Chinese)
Jia Jun-xiu. Markov Dynamic Decision Model for Purchase Decision of Durable Goods, Chinese Journal of Engineering Mathematics, 2009, 26(5): 827-835. (in Chinese)
Jia Jun-xiu. Production Capacity and Pricing Policies in 2-2 Supply Chain Network, Computer Integrated Manufacturing Systems, 2008, 14(10): 2036 - 2041.(in Chinese)
Junxiu Jia, Qiliang Tang. Coordination Mechanism between One Manufacturer and Multiple Retailers, Industrial Engineering, 2008, 11(6): 15 - 17. (in Chinese)
Junxiu Jia, Rong Du, Qiying Hu. Consumers Optimal Decision of Purchasing the Durable Electronic Goods, International Conference on Service Systems and Service Management, IEEE, 2007, p200-204.
Zhenhua Yu, Junxiu Jia, Yuanli Cai. Design and Development of Multi-Agent System Based on Petri Nets, Journal of University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, 2007, 36(3), 517-520.(in Chinese)
Junxiu Jia. Dynamic Selecting Method of Manufacturer to Customers. Modern Management Science. 2006, No. 4, 39-41. (in Chinese)

2.First Award, Excellent Achievements Award in Scientific Research, Xidian University, 2012
3.Third Award of 10th Excellent Achievements Award in Philosophy and Sociology of Science sciences, Government of Shaanxi Province. 2012
4.Third Award,Technology Advancement Award, the City of Xi’an,2012.
5.Third Award, Excellent Academic Paper Award of the 10th logistics Academic Annual Conference, Logistics Society of China, 2011.
6.First Award, Excellent Achievements Award in Scientific Research, Xidian University, 2010.
7.Third Award, Technology Advancement Award, the City of Xi’an, 2010.
8.Third Award, Excellent Academic Paper Award of the 8th logistics Academic Annual Conference, Logistics Society of China, 2009.
9.First Award, Science and Technology Award for Shaanxi institution of higher education, Shaanxi Educational Committee, 2009.

Econometrics for graduate students
Management Experiment approach/method for graduate students
Operations Research for undergraduate students
Prognosticsand Decision making for undergraduate and
System Engineering for undergraduate students
Logistics Management for undergraduate students

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相关话题/经济与管理 电子科技大学