徐晖,男,1973年4月生,浙江余姚人,三级教授,博士生导师。宁波大学学士、西北农林科技大学硕士、浙江大学博士、巴黎十一大药物化学博士后。曾在江苏扬子江药业集团担任课题组长从事药物研发。2005年7月聘为西北农林科技大学副教授、硕士生导师。2008年晋升教授及聘为博士生导师, 2011年至今聘为三级教授。现为中国植物保护学会植物化感作用专业委员会副主任委员、中国化工学会农药专业委员会委员、中国植保学会农药学分会委员。重要药物化学刊物 Mini-Reviews in Medicinal Chemistry 及《农药学学报》的编委。以第一完成人于2017年获陕西省高等学校科技奖一等奖及陕西省科学技术奖二等奖各1项。
2006年入选教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划,2007年获第三届杨凌十大****称号,2008年获陕西省青年突击手称号, 2009年获陕西省优秀留学回国人员称号,同年及获第十二届中国药学会-施维雅青年药物化学奖。2010年获第九届“陕西青年五四奖章”提名奖,同年及获霍英东青年教师基金奖项。2011年获陕西省高校优秀共产党员称号。2009年被ELSEVIER授予 Bioorg. Med. Chem. Lett. “Most Cited Paper 2006-2009 Award”。 2005年7月参加工作以来,先后共主持国家自然科学基金面上项目、教育部重点等10余项国家及省部级科研项目;以第一(通讯)作者先后在 Chem. Eur. J., J . Agric . Food Chem. , ACS Sust. Chem. Eng., Curr. Med. Chem., Eur. J. Med. Chem., J . Ind . Eng . Chem ., Curr. Top. M ed. C hem., M ini -R ev. M ed. C hem. 等刊物上全文发表SCI论文100余篇。担任SCI 国际期刊 Mini-Reviews in Organic Chemistry 的客座编辑 (Outline: Natural Products as Leads for New Drugs and Pesticides Discovery )于2012年5月出版。
1) Xu Hui*; Xu, Ming; Sun, Zhiqiang, Li, Shaochen. Preparation of Matrinic/Oxymatrinic Amide Derivatives as Insecticidal/Acaricidal Agents and Study on the Mechanisms of Action against Tetranychus cinnabarinus . J ournal of A gricultural and F ood C hemistry , 2019, 67, 12182-12190.
2) Huang, Xiaobo; Lv, Min*; Xu Hui*. Semisynthesis of novel N-acyl/sulfonyl derivatives of 5(3,5)-(di)halogenocytisines/cytisine and their pesticidal activities against Mythimna separata Walker, Tetranychus cinnabarinus Boisduval, and Sitobion avenae Fabricius . Pest Management Science , 2019, 75, 2598-2609.
3) Li Shaochen, Sun Zhiqiang, Zhang Bingchuan, Lv Min*, Xu Hui*. Non-food bioactive products: Semisynthesis, biological activities, and mechanisms of action of oximinoether derivatives of matrine from Sophora flavescens. Industrial Crops and Products , 2019, 131,134-141.
4) Xu Ming, Xu Jianwei, Hao Meng, Zhang Kong, Lv Min*, Xu Hui*. Evaluation of andrographolide-based analogs derived from Andrographis paniculata against Mythimna separata Walker and Tetranychus cinnabarinus Boisduval. Bioorganic Chemistry , 2019, 86: 28-33.
5) Zhang Bingchuan, Sun Zhiqiang, Lv Min, Xu Hui*. Semisynthesis of Matrinic Acid/Alcohol/Ester Derivatives, Their Pesticidal Activities, and Investigation of Mechanisms of Action against Tetranychus cinnabarinus. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry , 2018, 66( 49): 12898-12910.
6) Lv Min, Liu, Guangci, Jia Minghong, Xu Hui*. Synthesis of matrinic amide derivatives containing 1,3,4-thiadiazole scaffold as insecticidal/acaricidal agents. Bioorganic Chemistry , 2018, 81: 88-92.
7) Kong Wenlong, Bao Yinhe, Ma Qianjun, Xu Hui*. Synthesis and biological activities of novel pyrazolomatrine derivatives. Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters ,2018,28(20): 3338-3341.
8) Yang Ruige, Lv Min, Xu Hui*. Synthesis of Piperine Analogs Containing Isoxazoline/Pyrazoline Scaffold and Their Pesticidal Bioactivities. J ournal of A gricultural and F ood C hemistry , 2018, 66: 11254-11264.
9) Huang Jiulin, Lv Min, Thapa Sunita, Xu Hui*. Synthesis of novel quinolinomatrine derivatives and their insecticidal/ acaricidal activities. Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters , 2018, 28(10): 1753-1757.
10) Yang Ruige, Guo Yong, Zhang Yuanyuan, Xu Hui*. Semisynthesis of new ethers from furyl-ring-based acylation derivatives of fraxinellone as insecticidal agents against Mythimna separata Walker in vivo. Chinese Chemical Letters , 2018, 29(6): 995-997.
11) Yang Ruige, Zhang Yuanyuan, Xu Hui*. Synthesis of novel isoxazoline-containing podophyllotoxin/2'(2',6')-(di)halogenopodophyllotoxin derivatives and their insecticidal/acaricidal activities. Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters , 2018, 28(8): 1410-1416.
12) Huang Xiaobo, Zhang Bingchuan, Xu Hui*. Synthesis of andrographolide-related esters as insecticidal and acaricidal agents. Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters , 2018,28(3): 360-364.
13) Lv Min, Ma Jingchun, Li Qin, Xu Hui*. Discovery of benzotriazole-azo-phenol/aniline derivatives as antifungal agents. Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters , 2018, 28(2): 181-187.
14) Zhiqiang Sun, Min Lv, Xiang Yu, Hui Xu,* Application of sustainable natural bioresources in crop protection: insight into a podophyllotoxin-derived botanical pesticide for regulating insect vestigial wing of Mythimna separata Walker. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering , 2017, 5, 3945-3954.
15) Zhi, Xiaoyan; Zhang, Yuanyuan; Huang, Jiulin ; Hui Xu,* Seven-Membered Lactam Derivatives of Podophyllotoxins as New Pesticidal Agents. S cientific R eports , 2017, 7, 3917.
16) Zhang, Yuanyuan; Hui Xu,* Recent progress in the chemistry and biology of limonoids. RSC Advances , 2017, 7 , 35191-35220.
17 Jiu-Lin Huang, Min Lv, Hui Xu,* Semisynthesis of some matrine ether derivatives as insecticidal agents. RSC Advances , 2017, 7 , 15997-16004.
18) Guo Yong, Yang Ruige, Xu Hui*. Semisynthesis of esters and oxime esters/sulfonates from furyl-ring-based acetylation derivatives of fraxinellone as insecticidal agents. RSC Advances , 2017, 7 , 28009-28015.
19) Jiulin Huang, Ming Xu, Shaochen Li, Jiani He, Hui Xu,* Synthesis of some ester derivatives of 4′-demethoxyepipodophyllotoxin/2′-chloro-4′-demethoxyepipodophyllotoxin as insecticidal agents against oriental armyworm, Mythimna separata Walker. Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters , 2017, 27, 511-517.
20) Xiang Yu, Zhiping Che, Hui Xu,* Recent Advances in the Chemistry and Biology of Podophyllotoxins. C hemistry -A E uropean J ournal , 2017, 2 3 , 4467-4526.
21) Ruige Yang,Xiaobo Huang, Zhiping Che,Yuanyuan Zhang, Hui Xu,* Application of sustainable natural resources in crop protection: Podophyllotoxin-based botanical pesticides derived from Podophyllum hexandrum for controlling crop-threatening insect pests. Industrial Crops and Products . 2017, 107 , 45-53.
22) Xiaobo Huang,Bingchuan Zhang, Hui Xu,* Synthesis of some monosaccharide-related ester derivatives as insecticidal and acaricidal agents. Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters , 2017, 27, 4336-4340.
23) Guo Yong, Yang Ruige, Xu Hui*. New Insecticidal Agents from Halogenation/Acylation of the Furyl-Ring of Fraxinellone. S cientific R eports , 2016, 6, 35321.
24) Yu Mingqiao, Liu Guangci, Zhang Yuanyuan, Feng Tao, Xu Ming, Xu Hui*. Design, Synthesis and Evaluation of Novel Isoxazolines/Oxime Sulfonates of 2 '(2 ', 6 ')-(Di) Chloropodophyllotoxins as Insecticidal Agents. S cientific R eports , 2016, 6, 33062.
25) Li Qin, Huang Xiaobo, Li Shaochen, Ma Jingchun, Lv Min*, Xu Hui*. Semisynthesis of Esters of Fraxinellone C4/10-Oxime and Their Pesticidal Activities. J ournal of A gricultural and F ood C hemistry , 2016, 64(27): 5472-5478.
26) Huang Jiulin, Xu Hui*. Matrine: Bioactivities and Structural Modifications. C urrent T opics in M edicinal C hemistry , 2016, 16(27): 3365-3378.
27) Xiang Yu, Feng Gang, Huang Jiulin, Hui Xu,* Evaluation of some quinoline-based hydrazone derivatives as insecticidal agents. RSC Advances , 2016, 6 , 30405-30411.
28) Chun Yang, Xiaoyan Zhi, Hui Xu.*Advances on semisynthesis, total synthesis, and structure-activity relationships of honokiol and magnolol derivatives. Mini-Reviews in Medicinal Chemistry, 2016, 16 , 404-426.
29) Chun Yang,Xiaoyan Zhi, Jie Li, Jing Zha, and Hui Xu,* Natural products-based insecticidal agents 20. Design, synthesis and insecticidal activity of novel honokiol/magnolol azo derivatives. Industrial Crops and Products . 2015, 76 , 761-767.
30) Lingling Fan, Xiaoyan Zhi, Zhiping Che, Hui Xu,* Insight into 2α-Chloro-2′(2′,6′)-(Di)Halogenopicropodophyllotoxins Reacting with Carboxylic Acids Mediated by BF3.Et2O.. Scientific Reports , 2015, 5, 16285.
31) Huan Qu, Min Lv, Xiang Yu, Xihong Lian, Hui Xu,* Discovery of Some Piperine-Based Phenylsulfonylhydrazone Derivatives as Potent Botanically Narcotic Agents. Scientific Reports , 2015, 5, 13077.
32) Rong Wang, Xiaoyan Zhi,Jie Li, Hui Xu,* Synthesis of Novel Oxime Sulfonate Derivatives of 2′(2′,6′)-(di)Chloropicropodophyllotoxins as Insecticidal Agents. Journal of Agricultural & Food Chem istry , 2015, 63 , 6668-6674.
33) Xiang Yu, Danfeng Shi, Xiaoyan Zhi, Qin Li, Xiaojun Yao, Hui Xu,* Synthesis and quantitative structure-activity relationship (QSAR) study of C7-oxime ester derivatives of obacunone as insecticidal agents. RSC A dvances , 2015, 40 , 31700-31707.
34) Xiang Yu, Xiaoyan Zhi, Guodong Ding, Hui Xu,*Insight into reduction of obacunone, and their ester derivatives as insecticidal agents against Mythimna separata Walker. Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters , 2015, 25, 25-29.
35) Chun Yang, Xiaoyan Zhi, Hui Xu,*Synthesis of benzoxazole derivatives of honokiol as insecticidal agents against Mythimna separata Walker. Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters , 2015, 25, 2217-2219.
36) Zhi, Xiaoyan; Yang, Chun; Yu, Xiang; Hui Xu,* Synthesis and insecticidal activity of new oxime derivatives ofpodophyllotoxin-based phenazines against Mythimna separat a Walker. Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters , 2014, 24, 5679-5682.
37) Zhang, Yanhua; Yan, Yuanyuan; Chen, Suying; Gao, Zhinan; Hui Xu,* Naked-eye' quinoline-based 'reactive' sensor for recognition of Hg2+ ion in aqueous solution. Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters , 2014, 24, 5373-5376.
38) Wang, Juanjuan; Yu, Xiang; Zhi, Xiaoyan; Hui Xu,* Synthesis and insecticidal activity of new deoxypodophyllotoxin derivatives modified in the D-ring. Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters , 2014, 24, 4542-4545.
39) Zhi, Xiaoyan; Yu, Xiang; Yang, Chun; Ding, Guodong; Chen, Hui; Hui Xu,* Synthesis of 4 beta-acyloxypodophyllotoxin analogs modified in the C and E rings as insecticidal agents against Mythimna separata Walker. Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters , 2014, 24, 765-772.
40) Wang, Yi; Yu, Xiang; Zhi, Xiaoyan; Xiao, Xiao; Yang, Chun; Hui Xu,* Synthesis and insecticidal activity of novel hydrazone compounds derived from a naturally occurring lignan podophyllotoxin against Mythimna separata (Walker). Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters , 2014, 24, 2621-2624.
41) Lingling Fan, Yong Guo,Xiaoyan Zhi,Xiang Yu, Hui Xu,* Insecticidal Activity of Their Esters against Oriental Armyworm, Mythimna separat a Walker. Journal of Agricultural & Food Chem istry , 2014, 62 , 3726-3733.
42) Zhiping Che,Xiang Yu,Xiaoyan Zhi,Lingling Fan,Xiaojun Yao, Hui Xu,*Synthesis of Novel 4 alpha-(Acyloxy)-2'(2',6')-(di)halogenopodophyllotoxin Derivatives as Insecticidal Agents. Journal of Agricultural & Food Chem istry , 2013, 61 , 8148-8155.
43) Juanjuan Wang,Xiaoyan Zhi,Xiang Yu,and Hui Xu.* Synthesis and Insecticidal Activity of New Deoxypodophyllotoxin-Based Phenazine Analogs against Mythimna separata Walker. Journal of Agricultural & Food Chem istry , 2013, 61 , 6336-6343.
44) Zhiping Che,Shaoyong Zhang, Yonghua Shao,Lingling Fan,Hui Xu,* Xiang Yu,Xiaoyan Zhi,Xiaojun Yao, and Rui Zhang, Synthesis and Quantitative Structure-Activity Relationship (QSAR) Study of Novel N-Arylsulfonyl-3-Acylindole Arylcarbonyl Hydrazone Derivatives as Nematicidal Agents. Journal of Agricultural & Food Chem istry , 2013, 61 , 5696-5705.
45) Guo Y., Qu, H., Zhi, X. Y., Yu, X., Yang, C., Hui Xu,** Semisynthesis and insecticidal activity of some fraxinellone derivatives modified in the B ring. Journal of Agricultural & Food Chemistry , 2013, 61 , 11937-11944.
46) He Shuzhen, Shao Yonghua, Fan Lingling, Che Zhiping, Xu Hui,* Zhi Xiaoyan, Wang Juanjuan, Yao Xiaojun,* Qu Huan, Synthesis and quantitative structure?activity relationship (QSAR) study of novel 4-acyloxypodophyllotoxin derivatives modified in the A and C rings as insecticidal agents. Journal of Agricultural & Food Chem istry , 2013, 61 , 618-625.
47) Guo Yong, Fan Lingling, Wang Juanjuan, Yang Chun, Qu Huan, Xu Hui,* Stereoselective synthesis of 4α-acyloxy-2α/β-bromopodophyllotoxin derivatives as insecticidal agents. Tetrahedron , 2013, 69 , 774-781.
48) Huan Qu,Xiang Yu, Xiao-Yan Zhi, Min Lv, Hui Xu*. Natural-product-based insecticidal agents 14. Semisynthesis and insecticidal activity of new piperine-based hydrazone derivatives against Mythimna separata Walker in vivo. Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters , 2013, 23, 5552-5557.
49) Zhiping Che,Xiang Yu,Lingling Fan, Hui Xu*. Insight into dihalogenation of E-ring of podophyllotoxins, and their acyloxyation derivatives at the C4 position as insecticidal agents. Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters , 2013, 23, 5592-5598.
50) Chun Yang, Yonghua Shao, Xiao-Yan Zhi, Huan Qu, Xiang Yu,Xiaojun Yao, Hui Xu*. Semisynthesis and quantitative structure-activity relationship (QSAR) study of some cholesterol-based hydrazone derivatives as insecticidal agents. Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters , 2013, 23, 4806-4812.
51) Yong Guo, Yuan-Yuan Yan, Xiao-Yan Zhi, Chun Yang, Hui Xu*. Phenanthroimidazole-based thiobenzamide as an effective sensor for highly selective detection of mercury(II). Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters , 2013, 23, 3382-3384.
52) Yan Yuanyuan, Che Zhiping, Yu Xiang, Zhi Xiaoyan, Wang Juanjuan, Xu Hui*. Fluorescence 'on-off-on' chemosensor for sequential recognition of Fe3+ and Hg2+ in water based on tetraphenylethylene motif. Bioorg anic & Med icinal Chem istry , 2013, 21, 508-513.
53) Xiao-yan Zhi, Chun Yang, Rui Zhang, Ying Hu, Ya-zhen Ke, Hui Xu* Natural products-based insecticidal agents 13. Semisynthesis and insecticidal activity of novel phenazine derivatives of 4β-acyloxypodophyllotoxin modified in the E-ring against Mythimna s eparat a Walker in vivo. Industrial Crops and Products . 2013, 42 , 520-526.
54) Dai Huiling, Yan yuanyuan, Guo Yong, Fan Lingling, Che Zhiping, Xu Hui,*A selective and sensitive “turn-on” fluorescent chemosensor for recognition of Hg2+ ion in water. Chemistry-A European Journal , 2012, 18 , 11188-11191.
55) Guo Yong, Yan Yuanyuan, Yu Xiang, Wang Yi, Xu Hui,* Synthesis and insecticidal activity of some novel fraxinellone-based esters. Journal of Agricultural & Food Chem istry , 2012, 60 , 7016-7021.
56) Ling-ling Fan. Zhi-ping Che. Rui Zhang. Xiang Yu. Xiao-yan Zhi. Hui Xu,* Synthesis of benzopyrano[4,3-b](N-arylsulfonyl)indoles and benzopyrano[3,4-b](N-arylsulfonyl)indoles via intramolecular palladium-catalyzed aryl–aryl coupling reaction. Molecular Diversity , 2012, 16 , 415-421.
57) Yong Guo, Yuan-Yuan Yan, Chun Yang, Xiang Yu, Xiao-Yan Zhi, Hui Xu*.Regioselective synthesis of fraxinellone-based hydrazone derivatives as insecticidal agents. Bioorg anic & Med icinal Chem istry Lett ers , 2012, 22, 5384-5387.
58) Yi Wang, Yonghua Shao,Yangyang Wang,Lingling Fan, Xiang Yu, Xiaoyan Zhi,Chun Yang,Huan Qu,Xiaojun Yao,and Hui Xu*Synthesis and Quantitative Structure-Activity Relationship (QSAR) Study of Novel Isoxazoline and Oxime Derivatives of Podophyllotoxin as Insecticidal Agents. Journal of Agricultural & Food Chem istry , 2012, 60 , 8435-8443.
59) Xu Hui,* Wang Qingtian, Guo Yong, Stereoselective Synthesis of 4a-Alkyloxy-2-a/b-
Bromopodophyllotoxin Derivatives as Insecticidal Agents. Chemistry-A European Journal , 2011, 17 , 8299-8303.
60) Xu Hui,* Fan Ling-ling, Synthesis and antifungal activities of novel 5,6-dihydro-indolo[1,2-a]quinoxaline derivatives. European Journal of Med icinal Chem istry , 2011, 46 , 364-369.
61) Xu Hui,* Fan Ling-ling, Antifungal agents. Part 4: Synthesis and antifungal activities of novel indole[1,2-c]-1,2,4-benzotriazine derivatives against phytopathogenic fungi in vitro. European Journal of Med icinal Chem istry , 2011, 46 , 1919-1925.
62) Dai Huiling, Xu Hui,* A water-soluble 1,8-naphthalimide-based 'turn on' fluorescent chemosensor for selective and sensitive recognition of mercury ion in water. Bioorg anic & Med icinal Chem istry Lett ers , 2011, 21 , 5141-5144
63) Xu Hui,* Zhang jun-liang,Natural products-based insecticidal agents 9. Design, semisynthesis and insecticidal activity of 28-acyloxy derivatives of toosendanin against Mythimna separata Walker in vivo. Bioorg anic & Med icinal Chem istry Lett ers , 2011, 21 , 1974-1977.
64) Xu Hui,* Xiao X, Zhao X, Guo Y, Yao XY, Unexpectedly convenient and stereoselective synthesis of 4α-acyloxy-2-chloropodophyllotoxins in the presence of BF3.Et2O. Bioorg anic & Med icinal Chem istry Lett ers , 2011, 21 : 4008-4012.
65) Xu Hui,* Zhang jun-liang,Natural products-based insecticidal agents 11. Synthesis and insecticidal activity of novel 4 alpha-arylsulfonyloxybenzyloxy-2 beta-chloropodophyllotoxin derivatives against Mythimna separata Walker in vivo. Bioorg anic & Med icinal Chem istry Lett ers , 2011, 21 , 5177-5180.
66) Xu Hui,* Xiao Xiao, Wang, Qing-Tian, Natural products-based insecticidal agents 7. Semisynthesis and insecticidal activity of novel 4 alpha-alkyloxy-2-chloropodophyllotoxin derivatives against Mythimna separata Walker in vivo. Bioorg anic & Med icinal Chem istry Lett ers , 2010, 20 , 5009-5012.
67) Xu Hui,* Wang Juan-Juan, Natural products-based insecticidal agents 5. Design, semisynthesis and insecticidal activity of novel 4 '-substituted benzenesulfonate derivatives of 4-deoxypodophyllotoxin against Mythimna separata Walker in vivo. Bioorg anic & Med icinal Chem istry Lett ers , 2010, 20 , 2500-2502.
68) Xu Hui,* Wang Yang-Yang, Antifungal agents. Part 5: Synthesis and antifungal activities of aminoguanidine derivatives of N-arylsulfonyl-3-acylindoles. Bioorg anic & Med icinal Chem istry Lett ers , 2010, 20 , 7274-7277.
69) Xu Hui,* Zeng Xiwen, Synthesis of diaryl-azo derivatives as potential antifungal agents Bioorg anic & Med icinal Chem istry Lett ers , 2010, 20 , 4193-4195.
70) Xu Hui,* He Xiaoqiang, Natural products-based insecticidal agents 6. Design, semisynthesis, and insecticidal activity of novel monomethyl phthalate derivatives of podophyllotoxin against Mythimna separata Walker in vivo. Bioorg anic & Med icinal Chem istry Lett ers , 2010, 20 , 4503-4506.
71) Xu Hui,* Lv Min, Tian Xuan, A review on hemisynthesis, biosynthesis, biological activities, mode of action, and structure-activity relationship of podophyllotoxins: 2003-2007 . Curr ent Med icinal Chem istry , 2009, 1 6 (3), 327-349.
72) Xu Hui,* Wang Juan-Juan, Sun Hui-Jun, Lv Min, Tian Xuan, Yao Xiao-Jun, Zhang Xing, Semisynthesis and Quantitative Structure-Activity Relationship (QSAR) Study of Novel Aromatic Esters of 4 '-Demethyl-4-deoxypodophyllotoxin as Insecticidal Agents. Journal of Agricultural & Food Chem istry , 2009, 57( 1 7) , 7919-7923.
73) Xu Hui,* Xiao Xiao. Natural products-based insecticidal agents 4. Semisynthesis and insecticidal activity of novel esters of 2-chloropodophyllotoxin against Mythimna separata Walker in vivo. Bioorg anic & Med icinal Chem istry Lett ers , 2009, 19 , 5415-5418.
74) Lv Min, Xu Hui,* Dipyridodiazepinone Analogs as Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type 1-Specific Non-Nucleoside Reverse Transcriptase Inhibitors: An Overview Curr ent Med icinal Chem istry , 2010, 1 7 (18), 1874-1898.
75) Xu Hui,* Lv Min. Developments of Indoles as Anti-HIV-1 Inhibitors Current Pharmaceutical Design , 2009, 15 , 2120-2148.
76) Xu Hui,* Overview of Naphthalimide Analogs as Anticancer Agents Curr ent Med icinal Chem istry , 2009, 1 6 (36), 4797-4813.
通讯地址:陕西杨凌西农路22号 西北农林科技大学植保学院农药设计及合成实验室
E-mail: orgxhzjyy@126.com.
本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-07-07
相关话题/西北农林科技大学 植物保护
一、基本信息 冯俊涛,男,1967年11月出生于河南省登封县,博士,教授,博士研究生导师。1991年毕业于西北农业大学植物保护专业,获农学学士学位;2006年毕业于西北农林科技大学农药学专业,获农学博士学位。自1991年以来主要从事“植物化学保护”、“农药学”、“农药加工”、“植物源农药”等本科生 ...西北农林科技大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-07-07西北农林科技大学植物保护学院导师教师师资介绍简介-胡兆农
一、个人简介胡兆农&男&1970年生&甘肃临夏人&农学博士&教授、博导。主讲本科生《植物化学保护》、《农业有害生物抗药性》、硕士生《农药学原理》、《资源利用与植物保护技术进展》和博士生《农药生物化学》、《高级农药学》等课程。主要从 ...西北农林科技大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-07-07西北农林科技大学植物保护学院导师教师师资介绍简介-何军
何军,1962年7月生,陕西省兴平市人,中共党员,现为西北农林科技大学植物保护学院研究员,陕西省生物农药工程技术研究中心、农业部农业有害生物无公害控制技术创新中心副主任。1984年毕业于西北农学院,获工学学士学位。毕业后留校,主要从事生物农药研究与开发工作。近年来,先后主持科技部创新基金项目、科技部 ...西北农林科技大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-07-07西北农林科技大学植物保护学院导师教师师资介绍简介-马志卿
一、个人简介 马志卿:男,汉族,博士、教授,博士生导师,1975年4月生,新疆奇台人。主要从事农药学教学与科研工作。近年来,主持公益性行业科研专项子课题1项,国家自然科学基金1项,省部级课题3项,并参与“863”等国家及省部级课题10余项;已获农药发明专利授权20件;发表论文80余篇。在教学方面, ...西北农林科技大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-07-07西北农林科技大学植物保护学院导师教师师资介绍简介-姬志勤
一、个人简介 姬志勤,副研究员,博士生导师,男,1971年6月出生,山西省永济市人。 二、工作学习简历 1995年7月本科毕业于中国农业大学(原北京农业大学)农业应用化学系,2001年12月硕士毕业于西北农林科技大学农药学专业,2008年1月在西北农林科技大学获农药学专业博士学位。2014年2 ...西北农林科技大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-07-07西北农林科技大学植物保护学院导师教师师资介绍简介-徐功
个人简介:徐功,男,1984年3月生,河南新野人,西北农林科技大学教授,博士生导师。2007年本科毕业于郑州大学化学系化学专业,获理学学士学位,同年被保送到本校攻读硕士学位,专业是药物化学,师从刘宏民教授。获得理学硕士学位后,2011年1月至2015年6月,在瑞士伯尔尼大学PhilippeRenau ...西北农林科技大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-07-07西北农林科技大学植物保护学院导师教师师资介绍简介-王永宏
一、个人简介 王永宏,男,博士,研究员,博士研究生导师。 二、工作学习简历 1、工作经历(Employments) 2012.1-至今:西北农林科技大学植保学院农药学系,研究员。 2004.1-2011.12:西北农林科技大学植保学院农药学系,副教授。 1998.1-2003.13:西北 ...西北农林科技大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-07-07西北农林科技大学植物保护学院导师教师师资介绍简介-祝传书
一、基本信息祝传书,男,博士,教授,硕士研究生导师。2005年毕业于西北农林科技大学农业昆虫与害虫防治专业,获农学博士学位。2005年7月-2007年7月于浙江大学植物保护博士后流动站工作,2007年9月入职西北农林科技大学,主要从事植物源农药研发及植物次生代谢物质生物合成调控与合成生物学研究工作。 ...西北农林科技大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-07-07西北农林科技大学植物保护学院导师教师师资介绍简介-祁志军
一、个人简介 祁志军,男,汉族,中共党员,1974年生,陕西宝鸡人。 二、工作学习简历 1994年09月~1998年06月西北农业大学大学本科植物保护学士学位 1998年09月~2001年06月西北农林科技大学农药学硕士学位 2001年09月~2007年10月西北农林科技大学农药学博士学位 ...西北农林科技大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-07-07西北农林科技大学植物保护学院导师教师师资介绍简介-韩立荣
一、个人简介 韩立荣&女&1979年4月生于新疆塔城。现为西北农林科技大学植物保护学院副教授&硕士生导师。主要从事农药学的教学与科研工作。近年来&发表学术研究论文30余篇&主持国家自然科学基金2项&省部级课题4项& ...西北农林科技大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-07-07