

西北农林科技大学 免费考研网/2014-08-27

  40. Nukari A,Uosukainen M, Rokka VM, Antonius K, Wang QC, Valkonen JPT (2009) Cryopreservation techniques and their application in vegetatively propagated crop plants in Finland. Agricultural and Food Science, 18: 117-128.
  39. Wang QC, Panis B, Engelmann F, Lambardi M and Valkonen JPT (2009) Cryotherapy of shoot tips: a technique for pathogen eradication to produce healthy planting materials and prepare healthy plant genetic resources for cryopreservation. Annals of Applied Biology. 154: 351-363
  38. Wang QC and Valkonen JPT. 2009. Cryotherapy of shoot tips: novel pathogen eradication method. Trends in Plant Science, 14:119-122.
  37. Wang QC and Valkonen JPT. 2009. Improved recovery of cryo-treated shoot tips following theromotherapy of in vitro stock shoots of raspberry (Rubus idaeus L.). CryoLetters, 30(3): 171-182.
  36. Zhang LM, Wang QM, Liu QC and Wang QC. 2009. Sweetpotato in China. In: Biology and Biotechnology of Sweetpotato. Eds: Loebenstain G. and Thottappilly G, Springer Netherland, pp. 325-358.
  35. Wang B, Yin ZF, Feng CH, Shi X, Li YP and Wang QC. 2009. Cryopreservation of potato shoot tips. In: Benkeblia N, Tennant P (Eds) Potato I. Fruit, Vegetable and Cereal Science and Biotechnology 2 (Special Issue 1), pp. 46-53, Global Science Book, London.
  34. Wang QC and Valkonen JPT. 2008. Elimination of two synergistically interacting viruses from sweetpotato by shoot tip culture and cryotherapy of shoot tips. Journal of Virological Methods. 154, 135-145
  33. Wang QC, Laamanen J, Nukari A, Uosukainen M, Kesulahti J and Valkonen JPT. 2008. Sailytettavan aineiston tautipuhdistus kryoterapialla. Plant Biotechnology in Finland. 4: 1-5
  32. Nukari A, Wang QC, Uosukainen M, Laamanen J, Rokka V.-T, Rantala S and Valkonen JPT 2008. Evaluation of encapsulation and droplet vitrification methods in gene preservation work. Cryopreservation of crop species in Europe, CRYOPLANET - COST Action 871, February 2008, Oulu, Finland, pp. 55-56
  31. Wang QC and Valkonen JPT. 2008. Efficient elimination of sweetpotato little leaf phytoplasma by cryoptherapy of shoot tips (Ipomoea batatas L.). Plant Pathology, 57:338-347.
  30. Wang QC, Cuellar WJ, Rajamaki M-L, Hirata Y, and Valkonen J JP. 2008. Combined thermotherapy and cryotherapy for efficient virus eradication: relation of virus distribution, subcellular changes, cell survival and viral RNA degradation in shoot tips. Molecular Plant Pathology, 9:237-250.
  29. Wang QC and Valkonen JPT. 2007. Elimination of viruses and phytoplasma by cryotherapy of in vitro-grown shoot tips of sweet potato and raspberry. An Invited Lecturer, European Cost Action Meeting. 11-12th of May, 2007. Florence, Italy.
  28. Wang QC and Valkonen JPT. 2007. Elimination of viruses and phytoplasma by cryotherapy of in vitro-grown shoot tips: Analysis of all cases. Advances in Horticultural Science, 21: 265-269.
  27. Wang QC and Valkonen JPT. 2007 Cryopreservation of in vitro-grown shoot tips of raspberry. In: Plant Cryopreservation of plants:A Practical Guide,R. Babara (ed). Springer-Valerg. pp. 333-365.
  26. Wang QC. 2007 Cryopreservation of in vitro-grown shoot tips of grapevine. In: Plant Cryopreservation of plants:A Practical Guide, R. Babara (ed). Springer-Valerg. pp. 333-365.
  25. Wang QC and Perl A. 2006. Cryopreservation in Floricultural Crops. In: Jaimie T. da Silva (ed), Floricultural, Ornamental and Plant Biotechnology: Advances and Topics. Global Science Books, London. Chapter 58. pp. 523-539.
  24. Wang QC, Lui Y, Xie LR and You MS. 2006 Efficient elimination of Potato leafroll virus (PLV) and Potato virus Y (PVY) by cryopreservation of shoot tips. Potato Research. 49:119-129.
  23. Wang QC and Perl A. 2005. Cryopreservation of embryogenic cell suspensions by encapsulation-vitrification. In: Víctor M. Loyola-Vargas and Felipe Vázquez-Flota, Plant Cell Culture Protocols, Methods in Molecular, Humana Press, USA, Chapter 17, pp.77-86.
  22. Nukari A, Uosukainen M and Wang QC. 2005. Cryopreservation of quality plant production. In: COST843 and COST851 Joint Metting. June 28-July 2, 2005. Stará Lessná, Slovakia, pp 171-172.
  21. Wang QC, Laamanen J, Uosukainen M and Valkonen JPT (2005) Cryopreservation of in vitro-grown shoot tips of raspberry (Rubus idaeus L.) by encapsulation-vitrification and encapsulation-dehydration. Plant Cell Rep. 24: 280-288.
  20. Wang QC, Li P, Hanania U, Sahar N, Mawassi M, Gafny R, Sela I, Tanne E and Perl A. 2005. Improvement of Agrobacterium-mediated transformation efficiency and transgenic plant regeneration of Vitis vinifera L. by optimizing selection regimes and utilizing cryopreserved cell suspensions. Plant Science, 168:565-571.
  19. Wang QC, Mawassi M, Sahar N, Li P, Violeta C.-T, Gafny R, Sela I, Tanne E, Perl A (2004) Cryopreservation of grapevine (Vitis spp.) embryogenic cell suspensions by encapsulation-vitrification. Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture, 77: 267-275.
  18. Wang QC, Li P, Batuman O, Gafny R and Mawassi M. 2003. Effect of benzyladenine on recovery of cryopreserved shoot tips of grapevine and citrus cultured in vitro. Cryoletters, 24: 293-302.
  17. Wang QC, Mawassi M, Li P, Gafny R, Sela I and Tanne E. 2003. Elimination of grapevine virus A (GVA) by cryopreservation of in vitro-grown shoot tips of Vitis vinifera L. Plant Science, 165:321-327.
  16. Wang QC, Gafny R, Sahar N, Sela I, Mawassi M, Tanne E and Perl A. 2002. Cryopreservation of grapevine (Vitis vinifera L.) embryogenic cell suspensions by encapsulation-dehydration and subsequent plant regeneration. Plant Science, 162: 551-558.
  15. Wang QC, Batuman ?, Li P, Bar-Joseph M and Gafny R. 2002. A simple and efficient cryopreservation of in vitro-grown shoot tips of `Troyer' citrange [Poncirus trifoliata (L.) Raf. × Citrus sinensis (L.) Osbeck.] by encapsulation-vitrification. Euphytica, 128:135-142.
  14. Wang QC, Batuman ?, Li P, Bar-Joseph M and Gafny R. 2002 Cryopreservation of in vitro-grown shoot tips of 'Troyer' citrange [poncirus trifoliata (L.) Raf. X Citrus sinensis (L.) Osbeck.] by encapsulation-dehydration. Plant Cell Reports. 20:901-906.
  13. Wang QC, Tanne E, Arav A and Gafny R. 2000. Cryopreservation of in vitro-grown shoot tips of grapevine by encapsulation-dehydration. Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture, 63:41-46.
  12. Deng GT, Li DF, Li YT, Zhang YS, Wang QC, Xiu LH and Zhang FL. 1995. Distribution and use of Malus in Hengduan Mountain region, southwest China. Plant Genetic Resources Newsletter, 102: 29-32.
  11. Knapp E, da Camara Machado A, Puhringer H, Wang QC, Hanzer V, Weiss H, Weiss B, Katinger H and Laimer da Camara Machado M. 1995. Localization of fruit tree viruses by immuno-tissue printing in infected shoots of Malus and Prunus sp. Journal of Virological Methods. 55(2):157-173.
  10. Knapp E, Hanzer V, Weiss H, da Camara Machado A, Wang QC, Weiss B, Katinger H and Laimer da Camara Machado M. 1995. Distribution of ACLSV in apple shoots cultivated in vitro. XVI ISHS Symposium on Fruit Tree Viruses. Rome, 1994, Acta Horticulturae 386: 187-194.
  9. Knapp E, Hanzer V, Weiss H, da Camara Machado A, Wang QC, Weiss B, Katinger H and Laimer da Camara Machado M. 1995. New Aspects of virus elimination in fruit trees. XVI ISHS Symposium on Fruit Tree Viruses. Rome, 1994, Acta Horticulturae 386: 409-418
  8. Wang QC and Tang HR. 1994. Strawberry culture in China. Chronic Horticulturae. 34: 4-7.
  7. Wang QC, Tang HR, Quan Y and Zhou GR. 1994. Phenol induced browning and establishment of shoot-tip explants of 'Fuji' apple and 'Jinhua' pear cultured in vitro. Journal of Horticultural Science, 69: 833-839.
  6. Wang QC. 1992. The effect of light, darkness and temperature on micropropagation of the pear rootstock BP10030. Journal of Horticultural Science, 67: 869-876.
  5. Wang QC. 1991. Factors affecting rooting of microcuttings of the pear rootstock BP10030. Scientia Horticulturae, 45: 209-213.
  4. Wang QC. 1991. Shoot multiplication of pear in double-phase medium culture, Acta Horticulturae, 289: 349-350.
  3. Wang QC and Svensson M. 1988. Effect of double-phase medium on shoot multiplication of pear (Pyrus communis L.), Abstract Book of Second Nordic Symposium on Plant Tissue Culture, pp56-59.
  2. Wang QC. 1988. Micropropagation of pear (Pyrus communis L.): factors affecting establishment of in vitro culture. Annal Report of Horticultural Crop Breeding, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, 6:93-99, Sweden
  1. Wang QC and Andersen AS. 1998. Propagation of Hibiscus rosa-sinensis: relations between stock plant cultivar, age, environment and growth regulator treatment. Acta Horticulturae, 251: 289-309.



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