
西北农林科技大学林学院导师介绍:陈 槐(2)

西北农林科技大学 免费考研网/2014-08-27

  23. *Chen, H., Yao, S.P., Wu, N., Wang, Y.F., Luo, P., Tian, J.Q., Gao, Y.H., 2008. Determinants influencing seasonal variations ofmethane emissions from alpine wetlands in Zoige Plateau and their implications. Journal of Geophysical Research 113, DOI: 10.1029/2006JD008072
  24. Chen, H., Gao, Y.H., Yao, S.P., Wu, N., Wang, Y.F., Luo, P., Tian, J.Q., 2008. Spatiotemporal variations of methane emissions from alpine wetlands on Zoige Plateau. Acta Ecologica Sinica 28, 3425-3437. (in Chinese with English abstract)
  25. Gao Y.H., Luo P., Wu N., Chen H, Wang G.X. 2008. Impacts of grazing intensity on nitrogen pools and nitrogen cycle in an alpine meadow on the eastern Tibetan Plateau. Applied Ecology & Environmental Research, 6 (3): 67-77.
  26. Gao Y.H., Luo P., Wu N., Chen H. 2008. Nitrification and denitrification in an alpine meadow soil of the eastern Tibetan Plateau. Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica Section B - Soil and Plant Science, 53 (1): 93-96.
  27. Gao Y.H., Luo P., Wu N., Chen H. 2008. Seasonal dynamics of nitrification and denitrification in an alpine meadow soil based on the BaPS technique. Ecology and Environment, 17(1): 384-387. (in Chinese with English abstract)
  28. Gao Y.H., Chen H., Luo P., Wu N. 2008. Effect of Grazing Intensity on Biomass of Alpine Meadow and Its Allocation in the Northwestern Sichuan. Journal of Ecology and Rural Environment, 24(3): 26-32. (in Chinese with English abstract)

  29. Gao Y.H., Luo P., Wu N., Yi S.L., Chen H. 2007. Biomass and nitrogen responses to grazing intensity in an alpine meadow on the eastern Tibetan Plateau. Polish Journal of Ecology, 55 (3): 469-479.
  30. Gao Y.H., Luo P., Wu N., Chen H. 2007. Grazing intensity impacts on carbon sequestration in an alpine meadow on the eastern Tibetan Plateau. Journal of Agriculture and Biological Sciences, 3 (6): 642-647.
  31. Gao Y.H., Chen H., Luo P., Wu N. 2007. Effects of grazing intensity on decompositions of two dominant plant species litters in alpine meadow on the Northwester Sichuan, Ecological Science, 26 (3): 193-198. (in Chinese with English abstract)

  32. Chen H., Zhou S., Wu N., Wang Y.F., Luo P., Shi F.S.,2006. Advance in methane production, oxidation and emission from wetlands. Chinese Journal of Applied Environment and Biology, 12, 726-733. (in Chinese with English abstract)

  Chen, H., Peng C., Wu, N., 2010. Preliminary methane emission from reservoirs in China. Joint Meeting with ASLO & NABS, June 6-11, 2010 · Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA
  Chen, H., Yuan, X.Z., Gao, Y.H., Liu, H., Wu, N., Wu, Y.Y., Wang, J.X., 2009. Nitrous oxide and methane emissions from newly created marshes after the winter-flooding in the Three Gorges Reservoir Region. 10th International Congress of Ecology, 16-21 August 2009, BRISBANE, AUSTRALIA.
  Chen, H., Wu, N., Yuan, X.Z., Zhu, D., Gao, Y.H. Methane fluxes from alpine wetlands of Zoige Plateau in relation with water regime and vegetation. 10th International Congress of Ecology, 16-21 August 2009, BRISBANE, AUSTRALIA.
  Zhu, D. †, Chen, H. †, Luo, P., Wu N. Spatial and Temporal Variability in Winter Methane Emission from an Alpine Open Fen on eastern Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau. 10th International Congress of Ecology, 16-21 August 2009, BRISBANE, AUSTRALIA.
  Zhu, D., Chen, H., Luo, P., Wu N. Dissolved Organic Carbon in Zoige Wetlands, eastern Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau. 10th International Congress of Ecology, 16-21 August 2009, BRISBANE, AUSTRALIA.

  下列SCI期刊的受邀审稿人(Invited Reviewer): Atmospheric Environment, Ecological Engineering, Canadian Journal of Forest Research, Environment Monitoring and Assessment, Journal of Plant Ecology, Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, Arid Land Research and Management.

  电  话: **
  E-mail:chenhuai@nwsuaf.edu.cn / chenhuai81@gmail.com


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