

西北农林科技大学 免费考研网/2014-08-27

  Tianyong Zhao, Havens, W. and Ghabrial, S.A. 2004. GenBank ACCESSION AY497010. Helminthosporium victoriae alcohol oxidase. overexpression of the alcohol oxidase/RNA-binding protein Hv-p68 in viruse-free Helminthosporium victoriae isolates does not induce a diseased phenotype. Plant Pathology, University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky 40546-0312, USA
  Tianyong Zhao, Meeley, R.B., Bradford, K.J. and Downie, B. 2002. GenBank ACCESSION AF497507. Zea mays GALACTINOL SYNTHASE 1. Expression and regulation of the maize galactinol- and raffinose- synthase gene families in seeds and cultured cells by ABA, environmental stress and carbohydrate. Horticulture, University of Kentucky, Room N-322C, Agriculture Science Center North, Lexington, KY 40546-0091, USA
  Tianyong Zhao, Meeley, R.B., Bradford, K.J. and Downie, B. 2002. GenBank ACCESSION AF497508. Zea mays GALACTINOL SYNTHASE 2. Expression and regulation of the maize galactinol- and raffinose- synthase gene families in seeds and cultured cells by ABA, environmental stress and carbohydrate. Horticulture, University of Kentucky, Room N-322C, Agriculture Science Center North, Lexington, KY 40546-0091, USA
  Tianyong Zhao, Meeley, R.B., Bradford, K.J. and Downie, B. 2002. GenBank ACCESSION AF497509. Zea mays GALACTINOL SYNTHASE 3. Expression and regulation of the maize galactinol- and raffinose- synthase gene families in seeds and cultured cells by ABA, environmental stress and carbohydrate. Horticulture, University of Kentucky, Room N-322C, Agriculture Science Center North, Lexington, KY 40546-0091, USA
  Tianyong Zhao, Meeley, R.B., Bradford, K.J. and Downie, B. 2002. GenBank ACCESSION AF497510. Zea mays RAFFINOSE SYNTHASE 1. Expression and regulation of the maize galactinol- and raffinose- synthase gene families in seeds and cultured cells by ABA, environmental stress and carbohydrate. Horticulture, University of Kentucky, Room N-322C, Agriculture Science Center North, Lexington, KY 40546-0091, USA
  Tianyong Zhao, Meeley, R.B., Bradford, K.J. and Downie, B. 2002. GenBank ACCESSION AF497511. Zea mays RAFFINSOE SYNTHASE 2. Expression and regulation of the maize galactinol- and raffinose- synthase gene families in seeds and cultured cells by ABA, environmental stress and carbohydrate. Horticulture, University of Kentucky, Room N-322C, Agriculture Science Center North, Lexington, KY 40546-0091, USA
  Tianyong Zhao, Meeley, R.B., Bradford, K.J. and Downie, B. 2002. GenBank ACCESSION AF497512. Zea mays RAFFINOSE SYNTHASE 3. Expression and regulation of the maize galactinol- and raffinose- synthase gene families in seeds and cultured cells by ABA, environmental stress and carbohydrate. Horticulture, University of Kentucky, Room N-322C, Agriculture Science Center North, Lexington, KY 40546-0091, USA
  Tianyong Zhao, Meeley, R.B., and Downie, B. 2002. GenBank ACCESSION AY192144 Zea mays GALACTINOL SYNTHASE 3 gene fragment. Aberrant processing of a Maize GALACTINOL SYNTHASE transcript is caused by heat stress. Horticulture, University of Kentucky, Room N-322C, Agriculture Science Center North, Lexington, KY 40546-0091, USA

  Bruce Downie, Tianyong Zhao, Stress-responsive genes, regulatory elements, and methods of use for same (United States Patent ** A1)

  联系地址:712100 陕西杨凌 西北农林科技大学生命学院


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