

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-07-04

姓 名:田 娜
职 称:副教授,硕士生导师
专 业:材料科学与工程
2007.11 西安理工大学材料科学与工程学院, 获博士学位;
2001.04 西安理工大学材料科学与工程学院, 获硕士学位;
1998.07 西安理工大学材料科学与工程学院, 获学士学位。
2001.4 - 西安理工大学材料科学与工程学院 教 师
2003.7-2005.7 日本国立物质材料研究机构 合作研究
2008 日本国立物质材料研究机构 研究助理
2019年 陕西省侨联系统先进工作者;校 毕业设计优秀指导教师;校 教学成果奖二等奖;院 优秀党务工作者;
2018年陕西省 高校优秀党务工作者;校优秀党务工作者;校毕业设计优秀指导教师;院 本科教学奖(前10%);
2017年 院 本科教学奖(前10%);
2016年 校 综合考核优秀;校 毕业设计优秀指导教师;院 本科教学奖(前10%);
2015年 校 毕业设计优秀指导教师; 院 综合考核优秀;
2014年 校 本科教学优秀奖; 院 工会积极分子;
2013年 校 科研先进;
2012年 校 综合考核优秀;院 优秀共产党员;校 毕业设计优秀指导教师;校 优秀导师;
2011年 校 科研先进;
2010年 校 科研优秀;
2003年 陕西省教学成果奖二等奖。
7. 校教学改革项目:基于工程教育专业认证的材料类专业课程翻转教学模式研究与实践;
专 利:
3. 一种La(Fe, Si)13Hx氢化物磁制冷材料制备和成型一体化的方法(20**)
2. 一种片状绒面结构磁性微波吸收剂的制备方法 (20**)
1. 一种La(Fe,Si)13Hx氢化物磁制冷材料的制备方法(20**)
2019 年
44. Surface texturing and enhanced microwave absorption of Fe-B alloy flakes through a dealloying process. IEEE transactions on magnetic 2019.55(7)**.
43. Magnetocaloric effect and solid hydriding of La (Fe, Si) 13 powders through decomposing YH2 hydride or the composite of YH2-C. AIP Advances 9 (2019) 035315
42. Structures, magnetism and transport properties of the potential spin-gapless semiconductor CoFeMnSi alloy Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 473(2019)16–20
41. Electric-field tuning of magnetism in spin gapless semiconductor (SGS)-like CoFeMnSi thin film. APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS**(26):262406
40. Perpendicular Magnetic Anisotropy and Hydrogenation-Induced Magnetic Change of Ta/Pd/CoFeMnSi/MgO/Pd Multilayers. NANOSCALE RESEARCH LETTERS. (2018) 13:222
39. Simultaneous plate forming and hydriding of La(Fe, Si)13 magnetocaloric powders Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 451(2018)47–50
38. Crystallization and atomic diffusion behavior of the high coercive Ta/Nd-Fe-B/Ta based permanent magnetic thin film. Appl. Phys. A (2017) 123:414
37. Improved magnetic and microwave absorption properties of manganese nitrides through the addition of ferrous, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 2017, 703: 13-18
36. A Facile method of improving the high rate cycling performance of LiNi1/3Co1/3Mn1/3O2cathode material. Journal of alloy and compounds, 2016, 686: 267-272
35. Improvement of magnetic hysteresis loss, corrosion resistance and compressive strength through spark plasma sintering magnetocaloric LaFe11.65Si1.35/Cu core-shell powders. AIP Advances, 6 (2016) 055321-1-7
34. Interfacial contributions to perpendicular magnetic anisotropy in Pd/Co2MnSi/MgO trilayer films, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 00 (2016) **-1-9
33. Dy2O3掺杂对机械球磨Nd-Fe-B/α-Fe复合磁体矫顽力的影响,材料研究学报. 2016,30(2):95-98
32. Fabrication of perpendicular magnetic anisotropic Nd-Fe-B based thin films through annealing Nd-Fe-B/Nd-Fe multilayer Physica B Condensed Matter 2015, 477:129-132 (SCI:CT6WM;IF:1.319;EI:20**6;**)
31. Perpendicular magnetic anisotropy in Ta/Pd/Co2FeAl0.5Si0.5/MgO/Ta structured films.Physica B Condensed Matter 2015, 468–469:101-104 (SCI:CI0CZ, IF:1.319;**)
30. Improved electromagnetic microwave absorption of the annealed pre-sintered precursor of Mn–Zn ferrite.Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 2015,381: 377-381(SCI:CB1BJ; IF:1.970;**)
29. Interaction of Ta-O and perpendicular magnetic anisotropy of Ta/Pd (0 - 2.4 nm)/Co2FeAl0.5Si0.5/MgO/Ta structured films.Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 2015,377: 276-280(SCI: AU6AA;**)
28. Electrolytic hydriding of La(Fe, Si)13 based materials and its magnetocaloric effect,Materials Science Forum, 2015, 809-810: 443-448(EI: 20**7)
27. Electroless Fabrication of Nd-Fe-B/α-Fe Heterostructrured Composite Magnets and Their Magnetic Properties, Materials Science Forum, 2015, 809-810: 426-432(EI: 20**3)
26. Influence of Nd Doping on the Magnetic Properties of Nd2Fe14B/α-Fe Nanocomposite Magnets, Materials Science Forum, 2015, 809-810: 88-92(EI: 20**4)
25.颗粒尺寸对LaFe11.5Si1.5系合金磁热性能的影响,稀土,2014,35(5):69- 72(EI:6)
23. Synthesis of meso/macroporous aluminum nitrides via aluminum alloy ceramization, RSC Adv., 2014, 4, 6840–6844(SCI: 292VP)
22. Influence of surface nanocrystallization for Ti-6Al-4V alloy on its gas nitriding,Applied Surface Science 286 (2013) 412– 416(SCI-CD:246ZK;EI:20**2)
20. Electromagnetic microwave absorption of Fe-Si flakes with different mixtures,J. Mag. Mag. Mater. 2013, 339: 114–118.(SCI-CD:143YB EI: 20**9)
19. Electromagnetic Microwave Properties of Fe82B17Cu1Ball Milled Alloy,Modern Physics Letters B.2013,27(19):**(SCI-CD:189FV)
18. Magnetocaloric properties and corrosion behavior of LaFe11.5Si1.5particles coated with Cu, J. Appl. Phys. 2013,113:103909(SCI-CD:112BC)
17. Enhanced microwave absorption of Fe flakes with magnesium ferrite cladding, J. Mag. Mag. Mater. 2012, 324(24): 4175–4178.(SCI-CD:003LS;EI:433)
16. Effects of Cu underlayer on the growth and magnetic properties of FePt thin films on MgO (001) substrate, J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 2012, 12(2): 1099-1104.(SCI:932HA;EI:471)
15. Coercivity enhancement of Nd2Fe14B/α-Fe nanocomposite magnets through neodymium diffusion under annealing. J. Rare Earths, 2012 30 (8): 757- 760(SCI:014LP;)
14. Coercivity enhancement of Nd-Fe-B thin film magnets through Dy surface diffusion process, J. Mater. Sci. Technol., 2011,27: 826. (SCI:836MV )
13. B effects on crystallization and Magnetic properties of Pr9.4Fe90.6Bx (x = 7.16, 4.76) nanocomposite magnets, Acta Metallurgica Sinica (English Letters) 2010, 23: 321-326.(SCI:771AA;EI:709)
12. Current-perpendicular- to-the-plane giant magnetoresistance of an all-metal spin valve structure with Co40Fe40B20magnetic layer, Appl. Phys. Lett. 2010,96:142503(SCI:581VY)
11. 0Cr18Ni9不锈钢表面纳米化组织及其热稳定性对低温渗氮行为的影响,金属学报2009 45(5):566-572 (EI: 480)
10. 0Cr18Ni9不锈钢表面纳米化对耐蚀性的影响,金属热处理2009 34(1):72-75(SCI:453RF)
9.稀土和镍含量对Al-Gd-Er-Ni金属玻璃初晶化的影响.材料热处理学报. 2007,28(3):41-45(EI:857)
8. (Al100-xBex)85Gd8Ni7(x=0-8.4)合金的玻璃形成能力和初晶化.金属热处理. 2007, 32(7):30-33(EI:803)
7. Influence of Be on the Glass Forming Ability and Thermal Stability of Al-based Metallic Glasses, J. Metastable and Nanocrystalline Materials,2005,24-25:491-494.(EI: 901)
6. Primary crystallization of Al88Gd6Er2Ni4metallic glass. Mater. Trans., 2005, 46: 2880 – 2885. (SCI:005TK)
5. Heating rate dependence of glass transition and primary crystallization of Al88Gd6Er2Ni4 metallic glass. Scripta Mater., 2005, 53: 681 – 685.(SCI:952BD)
4.稀土-镍贮氢合金的研究现状与发展.稀土, 2001, 2: 53-58.
3. MlαMm1-αNi5贮氢合金的结构与性能预测.功能材料,2001,32(4)1073-1075
2.等离子喷涂陶瓷涂层的研究.金属热处理,2000,4:32-33 (EI: 32)
1.后氧化处理对等离子喷涂陶瓷涂层性能的影响.金属热处理学报,2000,21(4):23-28 (EI: 27)
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