宋 聪 博士
教育背景 2012-2017 西安建筑科技大学 供热、供燃气、通风及空调工程 博士
2008-2012 郑州轻工业学院 建筑环境与设备工程 本科
工作经历 2017-2020 西安建筑科技大学 师资博士后
2020-至今 西安建筑科技大学 副教授
主讲课程 建筑环境测试技术、太阳能利用技术
科研项目 [1]国家自然科学基金青年项目: 高海拔低温低氧环境对进藏人群适应性热舒适的影响机制研究(**).2021.01-2023.12, 24万元, 主持.
[2]国家重点研发计划合作单位课题:低碳建筑-社区双层级能源负荷特性研究(2019YFE**-05).2020.07-2023.06, 70.7万元, 主持.
[3] 中国博士后科学基金特别资助项目: 高原迁入人群氧热交叉适应机理及室内环境评价研究 (2019T120883). 2019.01-2020.12, 18万元, 主持.
[4] 中国博士后科学基金面上一等资助项目: 冬季周期性室内外热经历对人体热适应的影响机理研究 (2018M631127).2018.01-2019.12,8万元, 主持.
[5] 陕西省自然科学基础研究计划:高原睡眠人体低氧适应机理及氧环境设计参数研究 (2019JQ-392).2019.01-2020.12, 3万元, 主持.
[6] 陕西省教育厅科研计划重点项目:基于人体睡眠质量与阶段性热需求的热环境调控策略研究 (18JS065).2018.01-2019.12,3万元, 主持.
[7] 西部绿色建筑国家重点实验室自主研究课题: 高海拔地区迁入人群热适应规律及建筑热环境设计研究 (LSZZ202008).2020.01-2021.12,3万元, 主持.
所获荣誉 [1] 2020年度西安建筑科技大学优秀实习指导教师
[2]2019年度西藏自治区科学技术一等奖 (8/18)
[3]2018年度陕西省科学技术二等奖 (5/10)
[4] 2018年度陕西高等学校科学技术一等奖(3/9)
科研成果 学术论文
[1] Cong Song*, Tingting Zhao, Zhiyuan Song, Yanfeng Liu. Effects of phased sleeping thermal environment regulation on human thermal comfort and sleep quality. Building and Environment, 2020, 181: 107108.
[2]Cong Song*, Lei Huang, Yanfeng Liu, Yu Dong, Xiaojun Zhou, Jiaping Liu.Effects of indoor thermal exposure on human dynamic thermal adaptation process.Building and Environment, 2020, 179: 106990.
[3]Cong Song*, Yanfeng Liu, Xiaojun Zhou, Dengjia Wang, Yingying Wang, Jiaping Liu. Identifcation of local thermal conditions for sleeping comfort improvement in neutral to cold indoor thermal environments. Journal of Thermal Biology, 2020, 87: 102480.
[4]Cong Song*, Yanfeng Liu, Jiaping Liu. The sleeping thermal comfort model based on local thermal requirements in winter. Energy and Buildings, 2018, 173(15):163-175.
[5] Cong Song, Yanfeng Liu*, Xiaojun Zhou, Xingwei Wang, Jing Li, Jiaping Liu. Temperature field of bed climate and thermal comfort assessment based on local thermal sensations. Building and Environment, 2015, 95: 381-390.
[6]Cong Song*, Yanfeng Liu, Xiaojun Zhou, and Jiaping Liu. Investigation of human thermal comfort in sleeping environments based on the effects of bed climate. Procedia Engineering, 2015; 121:1126-1132.
[7]Yanfeng Liu*, Cong Song, Xiaojun Zhou, Jiaping Liu, Yingying Wang. Thermal requirements of the sleeping human body in bed warming conditions. Energy and Buildings, 2016, 130: 709-720.
[8]Yanfeng Liu*, Cong Song, Yingying Wang, Dengjia Wang, Jiaping Liu. Experimental study and evaluation of the thermal environment for sleeping. Building and Environment, 2014, 82:546-555.
[9]Yanfeng Liu, Yu Dong, Cong Song*, Yuan Shi, Yingying Wang, Jiaping Liu. Dynamic process of behavioral adaptation of migrants with different thermal experiences: a long-term follow-up field survey. Energy and Buildings, 2020, 207: 109605.
[10] Dengjia Wang, Guixia Chen, Cong Song*, Yanfeng Liu, Wenfang He, Tingting Zeng, Jiaping Liu. Experimental study on coupling effect of indoor air temperature and radiant temperature on human thermal comfort in non-uniform thermal environment. Building and Environment, 2019, 165: 106387.
[11] Yanfeng Liu*, Yu Dong, Cong Song, Yingying Wang, Lulu Liu, Jiaping Liu. A tracked field study of thermal adaptation during a short-term migration between cold and hot-summer and warm-winter areas of China. Building and Environment, 2017, 124: 90-103.
[12] Yingying Wang, Yanfeng Liu*, Cong Song, Jiaping Liu. Appropriate indoor operative temperature and bedding micro climate temperature that satisfies the requirements of sleep thermal comfort. Building and Environment, 2015, 92:20-29.
[13]Xiaojun Zhou, Yanfeng Liu*, Cong Song, Jiaping Liu, A study on the formaldehyde emission parameters of porous building materials based on adsorption potential theory. Building and Environment, 2016, 106: 254-264.
[14] Chao Ma, Yanfeng Liu*, Cong Song, Dengjia Wang. The intermittent operation control strategy of low temperature hot water floor radiant heating system. Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, 2014, 263(3): 259-268.
[15]Yanfeng Liu*, Xiaojun Zhou, Dengjia Wang, Cong Song, Jiaping Liu. A diffusivity model for predicting VOC diffusion in porous building materials based on fractal theory. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2015, 299: 685-695.
[16]Yanfeng Liu*, Xiaojun Zhou, Dengjia Wang, Cong Song, Jiaping Liu. A prediction model of VOC partition coefficient in porous building materials based on adsorption potential theory. Building and Environment, 2015, 93: 221-233.
[18] 刘艳峰*, 刘露露, 宋聪, 董宇. 海南中部地区农村住宅夏季热舒适调查研究. 暖通空调, 2018, 48(05): 90-94.
[19] 李净, 刘艳峰*, 宋聪, 王兴卫. 西北民居冬季睡眠被褥微气候研究. 建筑科学, 2016, 32(2): 65-69.
[20] 王兴卫, 刘艳峰*, 宋聪, 李净. 冬季室内热环境与被褥微气候的匹配. 土木建筑与环境工程, 2016, 38(2): 91-96.
[1] 刘艳峰, 宋聪, 周晓骏, 李涛, 陈澎浩, 刘加平. 一种太阳能热水盘管昼夜两用暖床. ZL9.5. 授权时间: 2018.02.06.
[2] 刘艳峰, 李涛, 王登甲, 宋聪, 陈迎亚, 刘加平. 一种太阳能地面-炕面组合采暖系统. ZL9.0. 授权时间: 2018.05.04.
[3] 宋聪, 黄磊, 刘艳峰, 赵婷婷, 宋志远. 一种供氧排碳床头送风装置. ZL5.2. 授权时间:2020.09.15.
[4] 宋聪, 宋志远, 刘艳峰, 赵婷婷, 黄磊. 一种自力式湿化增氧床头弥散送风装置. ZL7.6. 授权时间:2020.11.10.
[5] 宋聪, 赵婷婷, 刘艳峰, 宋志远, 黄磊. 一种基于新风补给自适应调节的车载式富氧系统. 0.8. 申请时间:2019.07.26.
[6] 宋聪, 潘明众, 刘艳峰, 王登甲, 刘加平. 一种回热湿化的双罐稳流富氧床. 1.6. 申请时间:2018.12.07.
[7] 刘艳峰, 董宇, 陈迎亚, 宋聪, 王登甲, 刘露露, 杨婧. 一种基于人体热适应的双模式控温送风座椅及其控制方法. 5.7. 申请时间:2018.08.03.
学术著作 [1]王登甲, 宋聪, 王丽娟, 蒋婧. 《分时分区热环境调节理论与应用》.中国建筑工业出版社.2019.06.
[2] 地方标准《西藏自治区绿色建筑评价标准》DBJ540002-2018. 参编.
学术兼职 [1] 中国环境科学学会室内环境与健康分会青委会委员
[2] 中国绿色建筑与节能青年委员会委员
[3] Building and Environment, Energy and Buildings等期刊审稿人
本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-07-10
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