

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-07-10


个人基本情况(主要受教育经历 主要工作经历)
山东潍坊人,现任西安建筑科技大学副教授,硕士研究生导师,兼工程结构耐久性与全寿命科研团队秘书、土木工程学院岳清瑞院士工作室秘书,入选陕西省优秀博士学位论文,获西安建筑科技大学“绍蕃青年****”称号。主持国家自然科学基金青年项目、中国博士后科学基金面上项目、陕西省教育厅科学研究计划重点实验室项目、西安建筑科技大学高层次人才(D类)支持计划等项目,发表学术论文30余篇,其中一作/通讯SCI论文13篇(最高单篇引用69次),2篇入选ESI高被引论文,申请国家发明专利7项,参编CECS标准1部,获省部级科技奖一等奖2项、厅局级科技奖一等奖2项。教育背景2011.06-2018.06,西安建筑科技大学,结构工程,博士2007.09-2011.06,山东农业大学,土木工程,学士 科研与学术工作经历2020.12-至今,西安建筑科技大学,土木工程学院,副教授2018.06-2020.12,西安建筑科技大学,土木工程学院,师资博士后


学术兼职工程结构耐久性与全寿命科研团队秘书土木工程学院岳清瑞院士工作室秘书中国建筑学会会员Construction and Building Materials/ Ocean Engineering/Engineering Structures/Structure and Infrastructure Engineering/建筑结构学报等期刊审稿人项目与课题1.国家自然科学基金青年项目(**), 锈蚀H型钢梁柱焊接节点地震损伤机理与破坏准则研究, 主持2.西安建筑科技大学高层次人才(D类)支持计划项目, 主持3.中国博士后自然科学基金面上项目(2019M653572), 锈损H型钢焊接梁柱节点地震损伤破坏机理与准则研究, 主持4.陕西省教育厅重点实验室项目(19JS042), 地震作用下锈蚀钢结构焊接节点损伤退化行为, 主持5.国家重点研发计划课题(2016YFC**), 既有工业建筑锈损钢结构安全评定与加固技术研究, 主研6.国家自然科学基金面上项目(**), 锈蚀钢结构地震损伤行为与抗震性能评定方法, 主研

期刊论文1.Wang Youde*, Xu Shanhua, Li Anbang. Flexural performance evaluation of corroded steel beam based on 3D corrosion morphology. Structure and Infrastructure Engineering, 2020, 16(11):1562-1577. (ESI高被引)2.Wang Youde*, Xu Shanhua, Li Han, Zhang Haijiang. Surface characteristics and stochastic model of corroded structural steel under general atmospheric environment. Acta Metallurgica Sinica, 2020, 56(2):148-160. (ESI高被引)3.Wang Youde*, Shi Tao, Zhang Haijiang, et al. Hysteretic behavior and cyclic constitutive model of corroded structural steel under general atmospheric environment. Construction and Building Materials, 2021, 270,121474. (SCI 1区Top)4.Wang Youde*, Xu Shanhua, Wang Hao, et al. Predicting the residual strength and deformability of corroded steel plate based on the corrosion morphology. Construction and Building Materials, 2017, 152:777-793. (SCI 1区Top) 5.Xu Shanhua, Wang Youde*. Estimating the effects of corrosion pits on the fatigue life of steel plate based on the 3D profile. International Journal of Fatigue, 2015, 72:27-41. (SCI 1区Top)6.Xia Min, Wang Youde*, Xu Shanhua. Study on surface characteristics and stochastic model of corroded steel in neutral salt spray environment. Construction and Building Materials, 2020, 272, 121915. (SCI 1区Top)7.Niu Ditao, Wang Youde*, Ma Rui, et al. Experiment study on the failure mechanism of dry-mix shotcrete under the combined actions of sulfate attack and drying-wetting cycles. Construction and Building Materials, 2015, 81:74-80. (SCI 1区Top)8.Wang Youde*, Zhou Xiaodong, Ma Rui, Xu Shanhua. Stochastic model for surface characterization of structural steel corroded in simulated offshore atmosphere. Acta Metallurgica Sinica, 2020, online. (SCI 3区)9.Wang Youde*, Xu Shanhua, Ren Songbo, et al. An experimental-numerical combined method to determine the true constitutive relation of tensile specimens after necking. Advances in Materials Science and Engineering, 2016. (SCI 4区)10.Zhang Zongxing, Xu Shanhua, Wang Youde*, et al. Local and post-buckling behavior of corroded axially-compressed steel columns. Thin-Walled Structures, 2020, 157:107108. (SCI 1区Top)11.Xu Shanhua, Li Han, Wang Youde*, et al. Influence of corrosion on the bond behavior in CFRP-steel single lap joints. Construction and Building Materials, 2020, 236: 117607. (SCI 1区Top)12.Nie Biao, Xu Shanhua, Wang Youde*. Local buckling of corroded cold-formed steel stub columns. Structures, 2021, 29, 1837-1846. (SCI 3区)13.Xu Shanhua, Zhang Haijiang, Wang Youde*. Estimation of the properties of corroded steel plates exposed to salt-spray atmosphere. Corrosion Engineering, Science and Technology, 2019, 54(5): 431-443. (SCI 4区)14.Hao Wang, Shanhua Xu, Youde Wang, Anbang Li. Effect of pitting degradation on ductile fracture initiation of steel butt-welded joints. Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 2018, 148, 436-449. (SCI 2区)15.Xu Shanhua, Ren Songbo, Wang Youde. Three-Dimensional Surface Parameters and Multi-Fractal Spectrum of Corroded Steel. Plos One, 2015, 10. (SCI 3区)16.Biao Nie, Shanhua Xu, Youde Wang. Time-dependent reliability analysis of corroded steel beam. KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering, 2019, 24, 255-265. (SCI 4区)17.Li Anbang, Xu Shanhua, Wang Youde. Effects of frost-damage on mechanical performance of concrete. Li A, Xu S, Wang Y. Journal of Wuhan University of Technology (Materials Science Edition), 2017, 32(1):129-135. (SCI 4区)18.王友德*, 史涛, 徐善华, 牛荻涛. 一般大气环境锈蚀钢柱抗震性能试验与数值分析, 土木工程学报, 2021. (EI)19.王友德*, 李超, 史涛, 等. 循环荷载下锈蚀钢材滞回性能与本构模型研究. 建筑结构学报,2020, 网络首发. (EI)20.王友德*, 史涛, 马蕊, 等. 一般大气环境锈蚀H型钢梁柱焊接节点抗震性能试验. 建筑结构学报, 2020, 网络首发. (EI)21.王友德*, 徐善华, 王皓. 获取金属材料颈缩后真实本构关系的数值迭代方法. 材料导报, 2016, 30(18): 149-154. (EI)22.王友德*, 史涛, 夏敏. 基于形貌的结构钢锈蚀评价指标及提取方法. 材料导报, 2020, 网络首发. (EI)23.Xu Shuahua, Wang Youde*, Xue Qifeng. Evaluation indicators and extraction method for pitting corrosion of structural steel. Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology, 2015, 22(3): 15-21. (EI)24.徐善华, 王友德*, 李安邦, 等. 冻融损伤混凝土重复受压本构关系. 哈尔滨工业大学学报, 2015, 47(4): 104-110. (EI)25.Xu Shanhua, Ren Songbo, Wang Youde. Effects of Pitting Corrosion on the Fatigue Behavior of Q235 Steel. 哈尔滨工业大学学报(英文版), 2017, 24(1):81-90. (EI)国家发明专利1.王友德, 徐善华, 李安邦. 一种复层包覆碳纤维加固防火隔热体系及其施工方法, CN0.9, 2020.11 2.徐善华, 王友德, 李安邦. 一种碳纤维复层包覆加固防腐体系及其施工方法, CN8.7, 2020.113.王友德, 徐善华, 李晗, 王成磊. 一种用于钢板加载试验的抗屈曲装置及其操作方法, CN6.3, 2019.024.李安邦, 徐善华, 王友德, 聂彪. 钢结构表面锈坑识别、提取与评价设备、方法及存储介质, CN8.6, 2020.11.参编标准1.中国工程建设标准化协会标准(CECS), 钢结构耐久性评定标准.学术奖励1.腐蚀环境既有钢结构性能评估与提升关键技术, 中国钢结构协会科学技术奖一等奖(省部级), 2/152.复杂环境混凝土结构耐久性基础理论及应用, 陕西省科学技术进步奖一等奖, 7/113.一般大气环境锈蚀钢框架损伤评价与抗震性能退化机理研究, 陕西省优秀博士学位论文, 1/14.腐蚀环境既有钢结构性能评估与提升关键技术, 陕西高等学校科学技术奖一等奖, 2/115.复杂环境混凝土结构耐久性基础理论及应用, 陕西高等学校科学技术奖一等奖, 8/106.腐蚀环境下在役钢结构服役性能评估理论与方法, 西安建筑科技大学科学技术奖一等奖, 2/12

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