

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-07-10

姓名: 刘永军
职称: 教授
电子邮箱: liuyongjun@xauat.edu.cn
办公电话: 8,220,252,013,572,530,176
研究方向: 污水生物处理理论与技术,污染环境生态修复理论与技术
类型: 本校

院系名称: 环境与市政工程学院
招生类别: 硕士
专业名称: 环境工程
类型: 全日制

院系名称: 环境与市政工程学院
招生类别: 硕士
专业名称: 建筑与土木工程
类型: 全日制

院系名称: 环境与市政工程学院
招生类别: 硕/博士
专业名称: 环境科学与工程
类型: 全日制

院系名称: 环境与市政工程学院
招生类别: 硕/博士
专业名称: 市政工程
类型: 全日制

教育背景: 1. 1987-1991年:陕西师范大学,获学士学位;
2. 1996-1999年:四川大学,获硕士学位;
3. 2001-2004年:西北大学,获博士学位;
4. 2005-2007年:西北工业大学,博士后研究。

工作经历: 1.1991-1996年:榆林师范学校,助理讲师;

主要荣誉/获奖情况: 获陕西省政府科技一等奖1项;

学术成果/科研项目: 1. SSS复合菌剂的研究与制备技术,校企合作项目,2018/1-2020/12,200万元,主持。
2. 煤化工废水中资源物质回收关键技术与设备开发(2016cxy-02),校企合作项目,2016/9-2018/9,50万元,主持。
3. 榆林兰炭生产废水无害化处理及资源化利用现场试验与示范(15JF021),陕西省教育厅产业化项目,2015/6-2017/6,10万元,主持。
4. 矿区废水再利用及地下水污染阻隔技术集成与示范(2012GS610203),科技部惠民计划项目,2013/9-2017/6,95万元,主持。
5. 好氧污泥强化造粒的工艺原理及稳定性调控研究(**),国家自然科学基金项目,2012/01-2015/12,61万元,主持。
6. 焦化废水固定化活细胞高效生物处理中试(2011cxy-09),榆林市科技计划重点项目,2011/1-2013/12,10万元,主持。
7. 含酚废水的无害化生物处理技术研究(2010JS026),陕西省教育厅重点项目,2010/7-2012/7,9万元,主持。
8. 可持续卫生系统的环境与健康风险控制的理论与技术研究(),国家自然科学基金重大国际合作项目,2010/1-2012/12,150万元,参加。
9. 城市污水生态回用及水环境质量保障(**),国家自然科学基金重点项目,2009/1-2012/12,210万元,参加。
10. 病原菌QPCR检测方法的有效性评估及污水再生回用的细菌学污染风险评价(**),国家自然科学基金项目,2009/1-2009 /12,9万元,主持。

学术著作/论文期刊: 出版教材:
环境微生物学实验技术,中国建筑工业出版社,2017. (主编)
环境工程微生物学,化学工业出版社,2012. (参编)
水处理微生物学基础与技术应用,中国建筑工业出版社,2010. (主编)

First author:
1. Liu, Y.J.*, Liu, J., Zhang, A.N., Liu, Z. Treatment effects and genotoxicity relevance of the toxic organic pollutants in semi-coking wastewater by combined treatment process, Environmental Pollution, 2017, 220: 13~19.
2. Liu, Y.J.*, Gao, M., Zhang, A.N., Liu, Z. Strengthen effects of dominant strains on aerobic digestion and stabilization of the residual sludge, Bioresource Technology, 2017, 235: 202~210.
3. Liu, Y.J.*, Gao, M., Han, W., Liu, Z. Evaluation and quantification of genotoxicity of urban waters by using Vicia faba bioassays, Chemistry and Ecology, 2017, 33(7): 669~683.
4. Liu, Y.J.*, Liu, Z., Wang, F.K., Chen, Y.P., Kuschk, P., Wang, X.C. Regulation of aerobic granular sludge reformulation after granular sludge broken: Effect of poly aluminum chloride (PAC), Bioresource Technology, 2014, 158: 201~208.
5. Liu, Y.J.*, Zhang, A.N., Ma, X.Y., Wang, X.C. Genotoxicity evaluation of surface waters located in urban area of Xi'an city using Vicia faba bioassays, Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering, 2013, 7(6): 860~866.
6. Liu, Y.J.*, Liu, Z., Zhang, A.N., Chen, Y.P., Wang, X.C. The role of EPS concentration on membrane fouling control: Comparison analysis of hybrid membrane bioreactor and conventional membrane bioreactor, Desalination, 2012, 305: 38~43.
7. Liu, Y.J.*, Chen, Y.P., Jin, P.K., Wang, X.C. Bacterial communities in a crude oil gathering and transferring system (China), Anaerobe, 2010, 15(5): 214~218.
8. Liu, Y.J.*, Nikolausz, M., Wang, X.C. Biodegradation and detoxication of phenol by using free and immobilized cells of Acinetobacter sp XA05 and Sphingomonas sp FG03, Journal of Environmental Science and Health, 2010, 44(2): 130~136.
9. Liu, Y.J.*, Zhang, C.M., Wang, X.C. Simultaneous detection of enteric bacteria from surface waters by QPCR in comparison with conventional bacterial indicators, Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 2009, 158 (1-4): 535~544.
10. Liu, Y.J.*, Zhang, A.N., Wang, X.C. Biodegradation of phenol by using free and immobilized cells of Acinetobacter sp. XA05 and Sphingomonas sp.FG03, Biochemical Engineering Journal, 2009, 44(2-3): 187~192.
11. Liu, Y.J.*, Zhang, C.M., Wang, X.C., Xue, X.P., Sun, Y. Rapid detection of pathogenic bacteria in surface water by PCR with universal primer, International Journal of Environment and Pollution, 2009, 38(1-2):166~179.
12. Liu, Y.J.*, Kuschk, P., Zhang, A.N., Wang, X.C. Characterisati on of phenol degradation by Acinetobacter sp. XA05 and Sphingomonas sp. FG03, Chemistry and Ecology, 2009, 25(2): 107~117.
13. Liu, Y.J.*, Wang, X.C., Yuan, H.L. Characterization of microbial communities in a fluidized-pellet-bed bioreactor for wastewater treatment, Desalination, 2009, 249(1): 445~452.
Corresponding author:
1. Jiang, J.J., Liu,·Y.J. * Liu,·Y., Hou, S.Y. A Novel ZnONPs/PVAFunctionalized Biomaterials for Bacterial Cells Immobilization and its Strengthening Effects on Quinoline Biodegradation, Curr Microbiol, 2018, 75: 316~322.
2. Liu, Z., Liu, Y.J.*, Kuschk, P., Wang, J.X., Chen, Y., Wang, X.C. Polyaluminum chloride (PAC) enhanced formation of aerobic granules: Coupling process between physicochemical–biochemical effect, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2016, 284(1): 1127~1135.
3. Liu, Z., Liu, Y.J.*, Zhang, A.N., Zhang, C., Wang, X.C. Study on the process of aerobic granule sludge rapid formation by using the poly aluminum chloride (PAC), Chemical Engineering Journal, 2014, 250: 319~325.
4. Zhang, A.N., Liu, Z., Chen, Y.P., Kuschk, P., Liu, Y.J.* Effects of EPS on membrane fouling in a hybrid membrane bioreactor for municipal wastewater treatment, Membrane Water Treatment, 2014, 5(1): 1~14.
5. Zhang, C. M., Liu, Y.J.*, Wang, X.C. Simultaneous Detection of Enteric Bacteria by QPCR in Surface Waters Located in an Urban Area, Human and Ecological Risk Assessment, 2010, 15(5): 1033~1048.
1. Ma, X.Y., Wang, X.C.*, Gao, J., Wang, Y.K., Liu, Y.J. Variations in toxicity of semi-coking wastewater treatment processes and their toxicity prediction, Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2017, 138: 163~169.
2. Zheng, Y.C., Wang, X.C.*, Xiong, J.Q., Liu, Y.J., Zhao, Y.Q. Hybrid constructed wetlands for highly polluted river water treatment and comparison of surface- and subsurface-flow cells, Journal of Environmental Sciences, 2014, 26(4): 749~756.
3. Chen, Y.P.*, Liu, Q., Liu, Y.J., Jia, F.A., He, X.H. Responses of soil microbial activity to cadmium pollution and elevated CO2, Scientific Reports, 2014.
4. Wiessner, A., Mueller, J. A., Kuschk, P.*, Kappelmeyer, U., Kaestner, M., Liu, Y.J., Stottmeister, U. Environmental pollution by wastewater from brown coal processing - A remediation case study in Germany, Journal of Environmental Engineering and Landscape Management, 2014, 22(1): 71~83.
5. Ma, X.Y., Wang, X.C.*, Liu, Y.J. Cytotoxicity and genotoxicity evaluation of urban surface waters using freshwater luminescent bacteria Vibrio-qinghaiensis sp.-Q67 and Vicia faba root tip, Journal of environmental science, 2012, 24(10): 1861~1866.
6. Ma, X.Y., Wang, X.C.*, Liu, Y.J. Study of the variation of ecotoxicity at different stages of domestic wastewater treatment using Vibrio-qinghaiensis sp.-Q67, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2011, 190(1-3) 100~105.
7. Wang, X.C.*, Liu, Q., Liu, Y.J. Membrane Fouling Control of Hybrid Membrane Bioreactor: Effect of Extracellular Polymeric Substances , Seperation science and technology, 2010, 45(7): 928~934.
8. Wang, W.D., Li, H., Wang, X.C.*, Liu, Y.J. Spatial variations of aluminum species in drinking water supplies in Xi'an studied applying geographic information system, Journal of environmental science, 2010, 22(4): 519~525.
9. Liu, Q., Wang, X,C.*, Liu, Y.J., Yuan, H.L., Du, Y.J. Performance of a hybrid membrane bioreactor in municipal wastewater treatment, Desalination, 2010, 258(1-3): 143~147.
10. Kuschk, P.*, Stottmeister, U., Liu, Y.J., Wiessner, A., Kaestner, M., Mueller, R.A. Batch methanogenic fermentation experiments of wastewater from a brown coal low-temperature coke plant, Journal of environmental sciences, 2010, 22(2): 192~197.
11. Zhang, C. M., Wang, X. C.*, Xue, X. P., Liu, Y.J. Characteristics of bacterial and viral contamination of urban waters: a case study in Xi'an, China, Water Science and Technology, 2009, 58(3): 653~660.
12. Zhang, C.M., Wang, X.C.*, Xue, X.P., Liu, Y.J. Detection of enteroviruses from water samples using optimised RT-PCR with universal primers, International Journal of Environment and Pollution, 2009, 38(1-2): 151~165.

社会兼职: 1.“IWA(国际水协会)”会员“中国微生物学会”永久会员;2.“Journal of Hazardous Materials” “Chemical Engineering Journal” “Bioresource Technology” ”Environmental Pollution” “Biochemical Engineering Journal” 等杂志审稿人。

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