

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-07-03

梁中华 教授 信息工程学院


学位: 博士
毕业院校: 西安交通大学
邮件: zh_liang@chd.edu.cn
电话: **
出生年月: 1974-09-22
办公地点: 本部北院主楼北四层458室

学院: 信息工程学院
性别: 男
出生年月: 1974-09-22
职称: 教授
学位: 博士
学历: 研究生
毕业院校: 西安交通大学
联系电话: **
电子邮箱: zh_liang@chd.edu.cn
通讯地址: 西安市南二环路中段长安大学信息工程学院
邮编: 710064
办公地址: 本部北院主楼北四层458室
教育经历: 2002年9月-2007年1月,西安交通大学电子与信息工程学院,信息与通信工程专业,博士学位;

梁中华,1974年9月生,广西柳州市鹿寨县人。博士、教授。美国电气与电子工程师协会高级会员(IEEE Senior Member)、克罗地亚科学基金网络评议专家。长期担任《IEEE Internet of Things Journal》、《IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications》、《IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology》等国际期刊的论文评审人、IEEE WCNC和IEEE VTC等国际学术会议技术委员会(TPC)成员。近年主持国家自然科学基金面上项目、陕西省自然科学基础研究计划项目等各类科研项目7项。在国内外学术期刊及国际学术会议上发表论文50余篇,其中SCI收录13篇、EI收录30余篇,参与出版译著1部,获得国家发明专利10项、实用新型专利2项。目前承担《电磁场与电磁波》、《通信新技术概论(移动通信技术前沿)》等多门本科生、研究生专业课程。指导在校硕士生11人(含国际留学生1人)、培养已毕业硕士13人、协助指导博士生1人。

15. 美国电气与电子工程师协会高级会员(IEEE Senior Member, S’07-M’08-SM’20).
14. 克罗地亚科学基金网络评议专家.
13. The 2020 IEEE 92nd Vehicular Technology Conference, VTC2020-Fall, Track 2: Signal Transmission and Reception, 技术委员会(TPC)成员.
12. The 2018 IEEE 88th Vehicular Technology Conference, VTC2018-Fall, Track 2: Signal Transmission and Reception, 技术委员会(TPC)成员.
11. The 2018 IEEE 87th Vehicular Technology Conference, VTC2018-Spring, Track 2: Signal Transmission and Reception, 技术委员会(TPC)成员.
10. The 2016 IEEE 27th International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC), Track 1: Fundamentals and PHY, 技术委员会(TPC)成员.
9. IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC) 2016, Track 1: PHY and Fundamentals, 技术委员会(TPC)成员.
8. The 2015 IEEE 26th International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC), Track 1: Fundamentals and PHY, 技术委员会(TPC)成员.
7. The 2014 IEEE 80th Vehicular Technology Conference, VTC2014-Fall, Track 8: Transmission Technologies and Communication Theory, 技术委员会(TPC)成员.
6. The 2010 IEEE International Conference on Wireless Communications, Networking and Information Security - Wireless Communication Systems (WCNIS-WCS 2010), 技术委员会(TPC)成员.
5. 《IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications》、《IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology》、《IEEE Internet of Things Journal》、《IEEE Communications Letters》、《International Journal of Communication Systems》、《EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking》、《Journal of Communications and Networks》、《Telecommunication systems》、《IETE Technical Review》等国际学术期刊的长期论文评审人.
4. The 2009 IEEE Pacific Rim Conference on Communications, Computers and Signal Processing (PACRIM’09), IT助理.
3. 曾受邀为以下国际会议的论文评审人:ChinaCom (2011, 2017)、VTC (2011 Spring, 2014 Fall, 2018 Spring, 2018 Fall)、PIMRC (2015)、ICUWB (2009)、APCC (2009)、ICC (2009, 2014)、WCNC (2008, 2010, 2016).
2. 主持长安大学2011年度教育部聘请外籍教师普通常规项目“超宽带无线通信的最新进展”学术交流活动.
1. 主持长安大学2012年度教育部聘请外籍教师普通常规项目“高度安全的自编码扩频技术与高效能无线传感器网络”学术交流活动.

1. 无线通信系统理论;
2. 超宽带无线通信及定位技术;
3. 物联网通信技术;
4. 无人机通信、定位及导航技术;
5. 5G/B5G/6G移动通信关键技术。



电子信息类专业导论 2

7. 国家自然科学基金项目(编号:**),“基于短时移及码复用的非相干超宽带通信技术研究”,2013.1-2016.12.
6. 陕西省自然科学基础研究计划项目(编号:2020JM-242),“面向大规模物联网应用的高性能超宽带数字传输技术”,2020.1-2021.12.
5. 陕西省自然科学基础研究计划项目(编号:2015JM6310),“非相干超宽带通信系统中的时-码多维信号处理技术”,2015.1-2016.12.
4. 中央高校科研业务费高新技术研究一般项目(编号:0),“新型数字加权非相干超宽带接收机关键技术研究”,2015.1-2016.12.
3. 中央高校科研业务费基础研究计划项目(编号:0009-2014G**),“联合时-码多维传输的绿色节能超宽带通信技术研究”,2014.7-2016.7.
2. 中央高校科研业务费基础研究计划项目(编号:CHD2011JC066),“无线传感器网络中的高性能超宽带传输技术”,2011.7-2013.7.
1. 加拿大自然科学与工程研究委员会(NSERC)基金项目子课题(编号:G349722-07),“Detection Algorithms and FEC Coding Schemes for Transmitted Reference Pulse Cluster (TRPC) UWB Systems”,2008.1-2009.12.

5. 中央高校科研业务费领军人才项目(编号:7),“面向大规模物联网应用的能量收集无线通信关键技术研究”,2018.1-2022.12.
4. 陕西省自然科学基金项目(编号:2017JM6099),“双向中继网络中的随机能量收集通信技术研究”,2017.1-2018.12.
3. 陕西省自然科学基金项目(编号:2007F11),“基于分布式天线的多带超宽带系统及其检测算法研究”,2007.1-2009.12.
2. 国家“863”项目(编号:2003AA123320),“Beyond3G空中接口技术仿真测试与评估平台研制”,2003.10-2005.12.
1. 国家“863”项目(编号:2002AA123011-1),“新一代蜂窝移动通信无线传输链路仿真软件测试及信道模型研究”,2003.3-2003.12.


[12] Zhonghua Liang, Guowei Zhang, Xiaodai Dong, Yiming Huo. Design and Analysis of Passband Transmitted Reference Pulse Cluster UWB Systems in the Presence of Phase Noise. IEEE Access. 2018, 6(1): 14954-14965.
[11**] Zhonghua Liang, Junshan Zang, Xiaojun Yang, Xiaodai Dong, Huansheng Song. Low-Density Parity-Check Codes for Noncoherent UWB Communication Systems. China Communications. 2017, 14(7): 152-162.
[10**] Zhonghua Liang, Junshan Zang, Xiaojun Yang, Xiaodai Dong, Huansheng Song. Integration Interval Determination and Decision Threshold Optimization for Improved TRPC-UWB communication systems. China Communications. 2017, 14(5): 185-192.
[9] Zhonghua Liang, Xiaodai Dong, T. Aaron. Gulliver, and Xuewen Liao. Performance of Transmitted Reference Pulse Cluster UWB Systems with Forward Error Correction. International Journal of Communication Systems. 2014, 27(2): 265-276.
[8] Zhonghua Liang, Xiaodai Dong, Li Jin and T. Aaron Gulliver. Improved Low Complexity Transmitted Reference Pulse Cluster for Ultra-wideband Communications. IET Communications, 2012, 6(7): 694-701.
[7] Zhonghua Liang, Li Jin, Xiaodai Dong. Downlink Multiple Access Schemes for Transmitted Reference Pulse Cluster UWB Systems. International Journal of Communication Systems, 2011, 24(6): 732-744.
[6] Li Jin, Xiaodai Dong, Zhonghua Liang. Integration Interval Determination Algorithms for BER minimization in UWB Transmitted Reference Pulse Cluster Systems. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications. 2010, 9(8): 2408-2414.
5] Zhonghua Liang, Shihua Zhu, Yongliang Guo, and Shaopeng Wang. Space-Time Narrowband Interference Suppression with Receive Diversity for DS-UWB Systems. IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics. 2006, 52(4): 1207-1212.
[4] Zhonghua Liang, Shihua Zhu, and Shaopeng Wang. Space-Time Spreading based DS-UWB Link Scheme for Wireless Home Entertainment Networks. IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics. 2006, 52(3): 857-863.
[3] Wei Li, Meng-Lin Ku, Yichen Wang, Zhonghua Liang. Stochastic Energy Harvesting and Relay Selection for Two-Way Dual-Relay Networks. IEEE Access. 2019, 7(1): 125323-125332.
[2] Wei Li, Meng-Lin Ku, Yan Chen, Yichen Wang, Zhonghua Liang. Transmission Policy of Two-Way Relay Networks With Multiple Stochastic Energy Harvesting Nodes. IEEE Access. 2019, 7(1): 76967-76984.
[1] Yongliang Guo, Shihua Zhu, and Zhonghua Liang. Linear Precoding of Unitary Space-Time Code for GLRT Decoder. IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics Communications and Computer Sciences. 2008, E91-A(2): 695-699.

[31] 梁中华,朱世华,王绍鹏.一种新的自适应窄带干扰抑制在直扩超宽带系统中的应用. 电子与信息学报. 2006, 28(10): 1842-1845.
[30] 梁中华,朱世华,王绍鹏.一种自适应直扩超宽带(DS-UWB)接收机在高速无线室内传输环境中的性能. 电子与信息学报. 2006, 28(3): 424-428.
[29] 冯兴乐,梁中华,路 萍, 宋 凡. 基于分段替换的低复杂度降低OFDM峰均比算法. 电子科技大学学报. 2016, 45(1): 60-65.
[28] 杨小军,单博炜,梁中华,徐先峰.具有间歇性观测的无线传感器网络分布式容错目标跟踪. 控制与决策. 2016, 31(6): 1032-1036.
[27] Zhonghua Liang, Xiaodai Dong, Xiaojun Yang, and Huansheng Song. Digital Weighted Autocorrelation Receiver Using Channel Characteristic Sequences for Transmitted Reference UWB Communication Systems. Proc. 2016 IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC). Doha, Qatar: IEEE, Apr. 2016: pp. 2564-4568.
[26**] Zhonghua Liang, Peipei Li, Junshan Zang, Jinjin Liu, and Xiaodong Peng. Adaptive Weighted Energy Detection Receivers for NC-PPM-UWB Communication Systems. Proc. IEEE 9th International Conference on Signal Processing and Communication Systems (ICSPCS). Cairns (Barrier Reef), Australia: IEEE, Dec. 2015: pp. 1-5.
[25] Zhonghua Liang, Xiaodai Dong, Guowei Zhang, Mei Rong. Phase Noise Analysis in Passband Transmitted Reference Pulse Cluster UWB Communications. Proc. 2014 IEEE 80th Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC Fall), Vancouver, BC, Canada: IEEE, Sept. 2014: pp. 1-5.
[24] Zhonghua Liang, Xiaodai Dong, and T. Aaron Gulliver. Performance of Coded Transmitted Reference Pulse Cluster UWB Systems. Proc. Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems, and Computers, Pacific Grove, CA, USA: IEEE, Oct. 2008: 1990-1995.
[23] Zhonghua Liang, Shihua Zhu, and Shaopeng Wang. Space-Time Adaptive Multiuser Detection for Direct-Sequence UWB-MIMO Systems. Proc. IEEE Wireless Communications & Networking Conference (WCNC) 2007, Hong Kong, China: Mar. 2007: 1588-1592.
[22] Zhonghua Liang, Shihua Zhu, and Shaopeng Wang. A novel adaptive transmit-receive architecture for indoor DS-UWB systems. Proc. IEEE International Conference on Ultra-Wideband. Zurich, Switzerland: IEEE, Sept. 2005: 385-390.
[21] Zhonghua Liang, Shihua Zhu, and Shaopeng Wang. An adaptive NLMS-MMSE receiver scheme for DS-UWB indoor communication systems. Proc. IEEE Joint IST Workshop on Mobile Future and the Symposium on Trends in Communications (SympoTIC ’04). Bratislava, Slovakia: IEEE, Oct. 2004: 13-16.
[20] Zhonghua Liang, Ping Wang, and Zheng Tan. Moving object detection from MPEG bit stream. Proc. IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP’03). Hong Kong, China: IEEE, 2003: 701-704.
[19] Xingle Feng, Zhonghua Liang, Xiangdong Wu. Adaptive Detection with Limited Feedback Using Variable-Length Training Sequences for DS-UWB Communication Systems. Advances in Information Sciences and Service Sciences. 2013, 25(3): 430-445.
[18**] Yimeng Bai, Zhonghua Liang, Chenhui Zhai, Yue Xin, and Wei Li. Joint Precoding Using Successive Over-relaxation Matrix Inversion and Newton Iteration for Massive MIMO Systems. Proc. 2019 11th International Conference on Wireless Communications and Signal Processing (WCSP). Xi’an, China: IEEE, Oct. 2019: (Accepted for publication).
[17**] Yue Xin, Zhonghua Liang, Yimeng Bai, Chenhui Zhai and Wei Li. Capacity Enhancement Using Cooperative Distributed Antenna System in Downlink High-Speed Train Environments. Proc. 2019 11th International Conference on Wireless Communications and Signal Processing (WCSP). Xi’an, China: IEEE, Oct. 2019: (Accepted for publication).
[16**] Qianwen Luo, Zhonghua Liang, Yue Xin. Spinal-Polar Concatenated Codes in Non-coherent UWB Communication Systems. Proc. The 14th EAI International Conference on Communications and Networking in China (ChinaCom 2019). Shanghai, China: IEEE, Dec. 2019: (Accepted for publication).
[15**] Qianwen Luo, Zhonghua Liang, Wenjing Wu, Laning Ma, Wei Li. CRC-Polar Codes in TRPC-UWB Communication System. Proc. 2018 4th IEEE International Conference on Computer and Communications (ICCC). Chengdu, China: IEEE, Dec. 2018: 1-5.
[14**] Wenjing Wu, Zhonghua Liang, Qianwen Luo, Wei Li. Tracking Performance of Improved Convex Combination Adaptive Filter Based on Maximum Correntropy Criterion. Proc. The 13th EAI International Conference on Communications and Networking in China (ChinaCom 2018). Chengdu, China: IEEE, Oct. 2018: 184-193.
[13**] La'ning Ma, Zhonghua Liang, Danli Liu. Performance of Polarized Channel Coding In TRPC-UWB Communication Systems. Proc. International Conference on Cyber-Enabled Distributed Computing and Knowledge Discovery (CyberC 2017). Nanjing, China: IEEE, Oct. 2017: 466-470.
[12**] Danli Liu, Zhonghua Liang, La'ning Ma, Huansheng Song. Improved Ultra-wideband Pulse Shaping Technique Based on Spectrum Shifted Gaussian Waveforms. Proc. The 12th EAI International Conference on Communications and Networking in China (ChinaCom 2017). Xi’an, China: IEEE, Oct. 2017: 135-145.
[11**] Danli Liu, Wenjing Wu, Zhonghua Liang, Jinjin Liu, Xiaojun Yang. Performance of Transmitted Reference UWB Communication System with Time-Hopping Multiple Access. Proc. The 12th EAI International Conference on Communications and Networking in China (ChinaCom 2017). Xi’an, China: IEEE, Oct. 2017: 125-134.
[10**] Haojie Liu, Zhonghua Liang, Danli Liu, La'ning Ma. Improved UWB Indoor Positioning Algorithms Based on BP Neural Network Model. Proc. The 12th EAI International Conference on Communications and Networking in China (ChinaCom 2017). Xi’an, China: IEEE, Oct. 2017: 114-124.
[9**] Danli Liu, La'ning Ma, Zhonghua Liang, Peipei Li. Weighted Energy Detection Receivers for NC-UWB Green Communications Using Parameter Optimized Improved Normalized LMS Algorithm. Proc. the 12th IEEE International Conference on Green Computing and Communications (GreenCom 2016). Chengdu, China: IEEE, Dec. 2016: 760-764.
[8**] Xiaojuan Zhang, Zhonghua Liang, Haojie Liu, Deshuai Meng, and Jing Wang. Weighted Autocorrelation Detection for TRPC-UWB Communication Systems using Hybrid BPSK-PPM Modulation. Proc. the 5th International Conference on Computer Science and Network Technology (ICCSNT). Changchun, China: IEEE, Dec. 2016: 493-496.
[7**] Junshan Zang, Zhonghua Liang, Jinjin Liu, Peipei Li, and Xiaojun Yang. Performance of Transmitted Reference Pulse Cluster UWB Communication Systems Using LDPC Codes. Proc. IEEE 26th Annual International Symposium on Personal, Indoor, and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC). Hong Kong, China: IEEE, Sept. 2015: 585-589.
[6] Wei Li, Meng-Lin Ku, Yan Chen, Zhonghua Liang. Outage Probability for Two-Way Relay Networks with Stochastic Energy Harvesting Source Nodes. Proc. 2018 IEEE Global Conference on Signal and Information Processing (GlobalSIP). Anaheim, California, USA: IEEE, Nov. 2018: 808-812.
[5] Xingle Feng, Li Chen, Ping Lu, Zhonghua Liang. PAPR Reduction in OFDM System using Segment Replacement Strategy-based Genetic Algorithm. Proc. IEEE 10th International Conference on Signal Processing and Communication Systems (ICSPCS). Gold Coast, Australia: IEEE, Dec. 2016: pp. 1-5.
[4] Rui Chen, Xuewen Liao, Shihua Zhu, Zhonghua Liang. Capacity analysis of Device-to-Device resource reusing modes for cellular networks. Proc. 2012 IEEE International Conference on Communication, Networks and Satellite (ComNetSat). Bali, Indonesia: IEEE, July 2012: 64-68.
[3] Liu Jiabin, Liang Zhonghua. Efficient Call Admission Control Algorithm for the Next Generation Mobile Communications Systems. Proc. International Conference on Wireless Communications, Networking and Mobile Computing, 2007 (WiCom 2007). Shanghai, China: IEEE, Sept. 2007: 922-925.
[2] Liu Jiabin, Liang Zhonghua. Linearly Constrained Constant Modulus Algorithm Based Blind Multi-User Detection for DS-UWB Systems. Proc. International Conference on Wireless Communications, Networking and Mobile Computing, 2007 (WiCom 2007). Shanghai, China: IEEE, Sept. 2007: 578-581.
[1] Liu Jiabin, Liang Zhonghua. Adaptive MMSE Receiver Based DS-UWB Indoor Transmission Scheme. Proc. International Conference on Wireless Communications, Networking and Mobile Computing, 2007 (WiCom 2007). Shanghai, China: IEEE, Sept. 2007: 574-577.

[8] Zhonghua Liang, Xingle Feng, Huansheng Song, Jing Wang, Po Su. Analysis and Design of Noncoherent Ultra-wideband Transceiver with FEC Coding for u-Home Networks. Advances in Information Sciences and Service Sciences. 2013, 25(10): 907-913.
[7] Zhonghua Liang, Shihua Zhu, and Shaopeng Wang. A Throughput Efficient Adaptive Transmit-Receive Architecture for Indoor DS-UWB Systems. Journal of Electronics (China), 2008, 25(1): 39-46.
[6] Zhonghua Liang, Shihua Zhu, and Shaopeng Wang. A High-speed Link Scheme Based on the Adaptive MMSE Receiver for DS-UWB Communications. Proc. IEEE Symposium on Communications and Vehicular Technology in the Benelux. Enschede, The Netherlands: IEEE, 2005: P20: 1-6.
[5**] 吴文静,梁中华,罗倩文,李巍. 基于最大相关熵的多凸组合滤波器. 电子技术应用. 2018, 44(12): 97-100, 105.
[4**] 孟德帅,梁中华,刘丹莉. 基于BPSK-SIM调制的室外可见光通信误码性能分析. 激光杂志. 2018, 39(1): 128-132.
[3**] 刘丹莉,梁中华,马腊宁. 改进型超宽带频移高斯波形设计方法. 激光杂志. 2017, 38(9): 73-77.
[2**] 臧俊杉,梁中华,李培培,刘瑾瑾. 基于LDPC码的TRPC-UWB通信系统. 激光杂志. 2015, 36(7): 85-89.
[1**] 李培培,梁中华,刘瑾瑾,臧俊杉,李翔. 一种自适应加权能量检测超宽带接收机. 电子技术应用. 2015, 41(10): 96-99.

[1] 任品毅,廖学文,梁中华.超宽带通信原理及应用(原著:Ultra-wideband Communications: Fundamentals and Applications. 作者:Faranak Nekoogar). 西安交通大学出版社. 2007年9月.




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    本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-07-03
  • 长安大学信息工程学院导师教师师资介绍简介-刘妮讲师
    刘妮讲师信息工程学院个人资料个人概况研究领域开授课程科研项目论文科技成果荣誉奖励工作经历学位:博士毕业院校:新西兰奥克兰大学邮件:niliu@chd.edu.cn电话:出生年月:办公地点:信息工程学院个人资料学院:信息工程学院性别:女出生年月:职称:讲师学位:博士学历:博士研究生毕业院校:新西兰奥克 ...
    本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-07-03
  • 长安大学信息工程学院导师教师师资介绍简介-李明利
    李明利信息工程学院个人资料个人概况研究领域开授课程科研项目论文科技成果荣誉奖励工作经历学位:毕业院校:邮件:mlli@chd.edu.cn电话:出生年月:办公地点:个人资料学院:信息工程学院性别:男出生年月:职称:学位:学历:毕业院校:联系电话:电子邮箱:mlli@chd.edu.cn通讯地址:邮编 ...
    本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-07-03
  • 长安大学信息工程学院导师教师师资介绍简介-刘立东教授
    刘立东教授信息工程学院个人资料个人概况研究领域开授课程科研项目论文科技成果荣誉奖励工作经历学位:博士毕业院校:电子科技大学邮件:liulidong@chd.edu.cn电话:出生年月:1982-11-01办公地点:个人资料学院:信息工程学院性别:男出生年月:1982-11-01职称:教授学位:博士学 ...
    本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-07-03
  • 长安大学信息工程学院导师教师师资介绍简介-李珊珊副教授
    李珊珊副教授信息工程学院个人资料个人概况研究领域开授课程科研项目论文科技成果荣誉奖励工作经历学位:博士毕业院校:中国科学技术大学邮件:liss@chd.edu.cn电话:出生年月:办公地点:个人资料学院:信息工程学院性别:女出生年月:职称:副教授学位:博士学历:博士毕业院校:中国科学技术大学联系电话 ...
    本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-07-03
  • 长安大学信息工程学院导师教师师资介绍简介-陆晴
    陆晴信息工程学院个人资料个人概况研究领域开授课程科研项目论文科技成果荣誉奖励工作经历学位:毕业院校:邮件:qinglu@chd.edu.cn电话:出生年月:办公地点:个人资料学院:信息工程学院性别:女出生年月:职称:学位:学历:毕业院校:联系电话:电子邮箱:qinglu@chd.edu.cn通讯地址 ...
    本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-07-03
  • 长安大学信息工程学院导师教师师资介绍简介-李伟教授
    李伟教授信息工程学院个人资料个人概况研究领域开授课程科研项目论文科技成果荣誉奖励工作经历学位:博士毕业院校:中国科学院西安光学精密机械研究所邮件:grandy@chd.edu.cn电话:**出生年月:1981-06-05办公地点:长安大学信息学院电子信息系455个人资料学院:信息工程学院性别:男出生 ...
    本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-07-03