

陕西师范大学 /2014-08-21

 标题: 2013年陕西师范大学外国语学院817专业综合(回忆版) [打印本页]

作者: tvbs    时间: 2013-1-7 00:29
标题: 2013年陕西师范大学外国语学院817专业综合(回忆版)
 本帖最后由 tvbs 于 2013-1-7 00:31 编辑 
I. 名词解释,要举出例子。4分一个,5道题。
1. sound assimilation 
2. synchronic lingistics
3. entailment
4. perfomative
5.  fossilization
II.  大概的意思就是问car在下列几个句子中的意思。10分。
1. The car needs servicing. 
 2. The car needs washing. 
 3. Our car can't keep up with his.
 4. We can't afford that car.
 5. The car crushed John's foot.
III. As to We are family in the Olympic Song. How do we understand? Is it ungramatical? Can it be substitd as We are a family? 10分
IV. What is the cooperative priciple as proposed by Grice? How does it relate to politeness principle prosed by Leech? 10分
V. 给了一段JEROME BRUNER的The Culture of Education其中的选段翻译成中文然后评论。 25分
原文如下:Education is not simply a technical business of well-managed information processing, nor even simply a matter of applying 'learning theories' to the classroom or using the results of subject-centered 'achievement testing.' It is a complex pursuit of fitting a culture to the needs of its members and of fitting its members and their ways of knowing to the needs of the culture.
I. 名词解释,2分一个,5个。
1. metaphysical poetry
 2. neoclassicism
 3. naturalism
 4. byronic hero
 5. iceberg principle
II. 问答题,10分一个,4个。
1. 鲁滨逊漂流记的significance。
2. characteristics of D.H.  Lawrence's literacy creation
3. 美国文学浪漫时期,the newness什么的。
4. Henry James和Mark Twain的realism的不同,去年考过的。
III. 评论题,三选一,25分。
1. significances of Shakespeare's plays
2. 海明威和他的成就
3. The Great Gatsby
作者: h_ope_ful    时间: 2013-8-10 16:41