

陕西师范大学 /2014-08-21

 作者: nehcoam    时间: 2013-1-9 11:35

标题: 2013陕师大翻译硕士真题回忆版
1. 翻译硕士英语
What is the skeptics view of media violence
The negative effect of Britain’s industrial revolution on English cooking in that
The views of Ravitch and Emerson on schooling are
The authors of Ambio study have found that
The Dutch live separately in Pennsylvania
The New Madrid fault is 
 内容大概是:现在正逢开学之际,很多学生要求家长买苹果三件套:iphone4s,ipad3, mac book,很多普通家长直呼伤不起。
2. 翻译基础
functional equivalence
 economic ailment
 Court Martial
 A homeless dog
 Justice has long arms
 Aping Beauty's frown
 extensive economy
I am walking upon the South Downs. In the valleys, the sun lies hot, but here sings a breeze which freshens the forehead and fills the heart with gladness. My foot upon the short, soft turf has an unwearied lightness; I feel capable of walking on and on, even to that farthest horizon where the white cloud casts its floating shadow. Below me, but far off, is the summer sea, still, silent, its ever-changing blue and green dimmed at the long limit with luminous noontide mist. Inland spreads the undulant vastness of the sheep-spotted downs, beyond them the tillage and the woods of Sussex weald, coloured like to the pure sky above them, but in deeper tint.
 Near by, all but hidden among trees in yon lovely hollow, lies an old, old hamlet, its brown roofs decked with golden lichen; I see the low church-tower, and the little graveyard about it. Meanwhile, high in the heaven, a lark is singing. It descends; it drops to its nest, and I could dream that half the happiness of its exultant song was love of England. . . .It is all but dark. For a quarter of an hour I must have been writing by a glow of firelight reflected on to my desk; it seemed to me the sun of summer. Snow is still falling. I see its ghostly glimmer against the vanishing sky. Tomorrow it will be thick upon my garden, and perchance for several days. But when it melts, when it melts, it will leave the snowdrop. The crocus, too, is waiting, down there under the white mantle which warms the earth.
1. 和12年的一样。汉字对日语,越南语,朝鲜语的影响
1. 给了《文心雕龙 情采》,让你结合这段文章谈谈内容和文采的关系
2. 大作文 500字。根据莫言获奖写一篇论知文。
作者: bm_xueyi@163    时间: 2013-1-21 19:41
作者: 然则何    时间: 2013-2-12 22:38
bm_xueyi@163 发表于 2013-1-21 19:41 
作者: 加菲猫777    时间: 2013-9-14 14:47
作者: 加菲猫777    时间: 2013-9-14 14:49
然则何 发表于 2013-2-12 22:38 
作者: 漫摇曳舞    时间: 2013-10-11 20:39
学长学姐,我是14年考翻译硕士的,有真题的帮忙发一下,1542063798@qq.com   谢谢1了 