

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-07-04


美国古生物学(Journal of Paleontology)报副编辑
中国古生物学学报(Acta Palaeontologica Sinica)副编辑


Zhang, Z.F*., Strotz, L.C*., Topper, T.P*., Chen, F.Y., Chen, Y.L., Liang, Y., Zhang, Z.L., Skovsted, C.B., Brock, G.A. 2020. An encrusting kleptoparasite-host interaction from the early Cambrian. Nature communications 11, 2625. DOI: 10.1038/s41467-020-16332-3.
Zhang, Z.F*., Holmer, L.E., Liang, Y., Chen, Y.L., Duan, X.L. 2020. The oldest ‘Lingulellotreta’ (Lingulata, Brachiopoda) from China and its phylogenetic significance: integrating new material from the Cambrian Stage 3-4 Lagerst?tten in eastern Yunnan, South China. Journal of systematic Palaeontology, 18(11): 945-973.
Hu, Y.Z., Knaust, D., Liang, Y., Holmer, L.E. & Zhang, Z.F*. 2021. Burrows filled with faecal pellets from theCambrian (Stage 4) Guanshan biota of South China and their palaeoecological implications. Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology 567(2):110249. DOI: 10.1016/j.palaeo.2021.110249

Duan X.L., Liang, Y., Holmer, L.E. & Zhang, Z.F*. 2021. First report of acrotretoid brachiopod shell beds in the lower Cambrian (Stage 4) Guanshan Biota of eastern Yunnan, South China. Journal of Paleontology , 95(1):40-55. doi: 10.1017/jpa.2020.66
Duan X.L., Betts, M.J., Holmer, L.E., Chen, Y.L., Liu, F., Liang, Y., & Zhang, Z.F*. 2021. Early Cambrian (Stage 4) brachiopods from the Shipai Formation in the Three Gorges area of South China. Journal of Paleontology 95(1): https://doi.org/10.1017/jpa.2020.117 Zhang, Z.L., Ghobadi Pour, M., Popov, L.E., Holmer, L.E., Chen, F.Y., Chen, Y.L., Brock, G.A., Zhang, Z.F*. 2021. The oldest Cambrian trilobite-brachiopod association in South China. Gondwana Research 89(2021): 147-167.

Liang, Y., Holmer, L.E., Skovsted, C.B., Duan, X.L.& Zhang, Z.F*. 2020. Shell structure, ornamentation and affinity of the problematic early Cambrian brachiopod Heliomedusa orienta. Lethaia 53: 574-587. https://doi.org/10.1111/let.12379.
Liang, Y., Holmer, L. E., Hu, Y.Z., Zhang, Z.F*. 2020. First report of brachiopods with soft parts from the Lower Cambrian Latham Shale (series 2, stage 4), California. Science Bulletin. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scib.2020.05.001
Liu, F., Skovsted, C.B., Topper, T.P., Zhang, Z.F.* & Shu, D.G. 2020. Are hyoliths Palaeozoic lophophorates? National Science Review 7(2): 453–469.
Liu, F., Skovsted, C.B., Topper, T.P., Zhang, Z.F.* 2020. Revision of Triplicatella (Orthothecida, Hyolitha) with preserved digestive tracts from the early Cambrian Chengjiang Lagerst?tte, South China. Historical Biology, https://doi.org/10.1080/**.2020.**
Liu, F., Skovsted, C.B., Topper, T.P., Zhang, Z.F. * 2020.Soft part preservation in hyolithids from the lower Cambrian (Stage 4) Guanshan Biota of South China and its implications. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.palaeo.2020.110079
Chen, F.Y., Brock, G.A., Zhang, Z.L., Laing, B., Ren, X.Y. & Zhang, Z.F. *, 2020. Brachiopod-dominated communities and depositional environment of the Guanshan Konservat-Lagerst?tte, Wuding County, eastern Yunnan. Journal of the Geological Society, DOI:https://doi.org/10.1144/jgs2020-043

Chen, Y.L., Richoz, S., Krystyn, L. & Zhang, Z.F*. 2019. Quantitative stratigraphic correlation of Tethyan conodonts across the Smithian-Spathian (Early Triassic) extinction event. Earth-Science Reviews 195:37-51.
Chen, F.Y., Zhang, Z.F*., Betts, M.J., Zhang, Z.L., Liu, F., 2019. First report on Guanshan Biota (Cambrian Stage 4) at the stratotype area of Wulongqing Formation in Malong County, Eastern Yunnan. Geoscience Frontiers 10: 1459-1476.
Zhang Z.F*, Brock G. A. 2018. New evolutionary and ecological advances in deciphering the Cambrian explosion of animal life. Journal of Paleontology, 92(1): 1-2.
Zhang, Z.F*., Holmer, L. E., Brock, G. A., Topper, T. P., 2018. Paleoecological complexities during Cambrian explosion: evidence from brachiopods. Permophiles 66 (Sup.1):131-132.
Zhang, Z. L., L. E. Popov, Holmer, L. E., Zhang, Z.F*. 2018. Earliest ontogeny of early Cambrian acrotretoid brachiopods — first evidence for metamorphosis and its implications. BMC evolutionary biology 18: 42.
Zhang, Z. L., Zhang, Z.F*., Holmer, L.E. and Chen, F.Y., 2018. Post-metamorphic allometry in the earliest acrotretioid brachiopods from the lower Cambrian (Series 2) of South China and its implications. Palaeontology 61(2): 1-25.
Zhang, Z.L., Skovsted, C.B., Zhang, Z.F*. 2018. A hyolithid without helens preserving the oldest hyolith muscle scars: palaeobiology of Paramicrocornus from the Shuijingtuo Formation (Cambrian Series 2) of South China. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 487: 1-14.
Holmer, L.E., Zhang, Z.F*., Topper, T.P., Popov, L. and Claybourn, T.M. 2018. The attachment strategies of Cambrian kutorginate brachiopods: the curious case of two pedicle openings and their phylogenetic significance. Journal of Paleontology 92(1):33-39.
Hopkins M J*, Chen F Y, Hu S X, Zhang Z.F*. 2017. The oldest known digestive system consisting of both paired digestive glands and a crop from exceptionally preserved trilobites of the Guanshan Biota (Early Cambrian, China). PlosOne, 2017, 12(9):e**.
Zhang Z.F*., Zhang, Z.L., Li, G.X., Holmer, L.E. 2016. The Cambrian brachiopod fauna from the first-trilobite age Shuijingtuo Formation in the Three Gorges area of China. Palaeoworld 25:333-355.
Zhang Z.L, Zhang Z.F *, Wang H. 2016. Epithelial cell moulds preserved in the earliest acrotretid brachiopods from the Cambrian (Series 2) of the Three Gorges area, China. GFF 138(4): 455-466.
Zhang, Z.F*., Smith, M.R., Shu, D.G. 2015. New reconstruction of the Wiwaxia scleritome, with data from Chengjiang juveniles. Scientific Reports 5, 14810; doi: 10.1038/srep14810.
Zhang Z.F*., Zhang, Z.L., Holmer, L.E., Li, G.X. 2015. First report of linguloid brachiopods with soft parts from the lower Cambrian (Series 2, Stage 4) of the Three Gorges area, South China. Annales de Paléontologie101:167–177.
Zhang Z.F*., Li, G.X., Holmer, L.E., Brock, G.A., Balthasar, U., Skovsted, C.B., Fu, D.J., Zhang, X.L., Wang, H.Z., Butler, A., Zhang, Z.L., Cao, C.Q., Han, J., Liu, J., Shu, D.G.. 2014. An early Cambrian agglutinated tubular lophophorate with brachiopod characters. Scientific reports 4, 4682. DoI:10.1038/srep04682.
Wang, H.Z., Zhang, Z.F*., Holmer, L.E. 2014. Oldest glosselline linguliform brachiopod with soft parts from the Lower Cambrian of Yunnan, southern China. GFF 136(4):539-547.
Zhang Z.F*., Holmer, L.E., Skovsted, C.B., Brock, G.A., Budd, G.E., Fu, D.J., Zhang, X.L., Shu, D.G., Han, J., Liu, J., Wang, H.Z., Butler, A., Li.G.X. 2013. A sclerite-bearing stem group entoproct from the early Cambrian and its implications. Scientific reports 3,1066.
Zhang Z.F*., Holmer, L.E., Popov, L.E., Shu D.G. 2011a. An obolellate brachiopod with soft-part preservation from the early Cambrian Chengjiang Fauna of China. Journal of Paleontology 85(3):462-465.
Zhang Z.F*., Holmer, L.E., Ou Q., Han J. & Shu D-G. 2011b. The exceptionally preserved Early Cambrian stem rhynchonelliform brachiopod Longtancunella and its implications. Lethaia 44:490-495.
Zhang Z.F*., Holmer, L.E., Robson, S.P., Hu, S.X., Wang, X.R. 2011c. First record of repaired durophagous shell damages in Early Cambrian lingulate brachiopods with preserved pedicles. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 302:206-212.
Wang, H.Z., Zhang, Z.F*., Holmer, L.E., Hu, S.X., Wang, X.R., Li, G.X., 2012. Peduncular attached secondary tiering acrotretoid brachiopods from the Chengjiang fauna: Implications for the ecological expansion of brachiopods during the Cambrian explosion, Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 323-325:60-67.
Zhang, Z. F*., Holmer, L.E. 2013. Exceptionally preserved brachiopods from the Chengjiang Lagerst?tte (Yunnan, China): perspectives on the Cambrian explosion of metazoans. National Science in China 21(2):66-80.
Hu, S.X., Zhang, Z.F*. Holmer, L.E., and Skovsted, C.B. 2010. Soft-part preservation in a linguliform brachiopod from the Lower Cambrian Wulongqing Formation (Guanshan Fauna) of Yunnan, southern China. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 55(3):495-505.
Zhang, Z.F*., Han, J., Wang, Y., Emig, C.C. and Shu, D.G. 2010. Epibionts on the lingulate brachiopod Diandongia from the Early Cambrian Chengjiang Lagerstatte, South China. Proc. R. Soc. B, 277, 175–181.
Zhang, Z.F*., Li, G.X., Emig, C.C., Han, J., Holmer, L.E., Shu, D.G. 2009. Architecture and function of the lophophore in the problematic brachiopod Heliomedusa orienta (Early Cambrian, South China). Geobios, 42: 649-661.
Zhang Z. F*., Robson S. P., Emig C. C. & Shu, D. G. 2008. Early Cambrian radiation of brachiopods: A perspective from South China. Gondwana Research, 14 (1-2), 241-254.
Zhang, Z.F*., Shu, D.G., Han, J. & Liu, J.N. 2007a: A gregarious lingulid brachiopod Longtancunella chengjiangensis from the Lower Cambrian, South China. Lethaia 40 (1): 11–18.
Zhang, Z.F*., Han, J., Zhang, X.L., Liu, J. N. and Shu, D. G. 2007b. Note on the gut preserved in the Lower Cambrian Lingulellotreta (Lingulata, Brachiopoda) from South China. Acta Zoologica (Stockholm) 88:65-70.
Zhang, Z.F*., Shu D.G., Emig, C.C., Zhang, X.L., Han, J., Liu, J.N., Li, Y., Guo, J.F.2007c. Rhynchonelliformean brachiopods with soft-tissue preservation from the Lower Cambrian Chengjiang Lagerst?tte of South China. Palaeontology, 50 (6): 1391-1402.
Zhang, Z.F*., Shu, D. G., Han, J. & Liu, J. N. 2006. New data on the rare Chengjiang (Lower Cambrian, South China) linguloid brachiopod Xianshanella haikouensis. Journal of Paleontology 80:203-211.
Zhang, Z.F*., Shu, D. G., Han, J. & Liu, J. N. 2005. Morpho-anatomical differences of the Early Cambrian Chengjiang and Recent linguloids and their implications. Acta Zoologica (Stockholm): 277-288.
Zhang, Z.F*., Han, J., Zhang, X.L., Liu, J. N. and Shu, D. G.2004a. Soft-tissue preservation in the Lower Cambrian linguloid brachiopod from South China. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 49: 259-266.
Zhang, Z.F*., Han, J, Zhang, X. L., Liu, J. N. and Shu, D. G. 2003. Pediculate brachiopod Diandongia pista from the Lower Cambrian of South China. Acta Geologica Sinica (English Edition) 77: 288-293.
Zhang, Z.F*., Shu, D. G., Han, J. and Liu, J. N. 2004b. New data on the lophophore anatomy of Early Cambrian linguloids from the Chengjiang Lagerst?tte, Southwest China. Carnets de Géologie - Notebooks on Geology, Letter: 1-7.
张志亮,陈飞扬,张志飞* . 2020. 华南寒武纪碳酸盐岩中最早腕足动物的辐射、发育与分布. 地学前缘.
汪洋,李勇,张志飞*,2010. 峡东水井沱组顶部微体骨骼化石初探,古生物学报:49(4):511-523.
王相人,张志飞*,韩健, 2012. 湖北宜昌寒武系水井沱组古杯化石上蓝菌类及其微型钻孔. 微体古生物学报29(2):170-179.
张志飞*,张志亮,2014. 寒武纪冠轮类化石研究进展与假体腔动物的实证起源,自然杂志:36(1):34-41.
张志亮,华洪,张志飞*, 2015. 艾迪卡拉化石纪疑难化石Shaanxilithes在云南王家湾剖面的发现及其地层意义,古生物学报54(1):12-28.
张志飞*, 张志亮, 李国祥. 寒武纪腕足动物起源: 假说、问题与展望. 古生物学报, 2016, 55(4):403-423.
张志亮,张志飞*,Lars Holmer. 华南峡东地区最早的乳孔贝类腕足动物壳体超微结构和发育研究。2017,古生物学报 56(4):483-503.
刘璠,陈飞扬,陈延龙,张志飞*.湖北秭归茅坪镇下茶庄剖面石牌动物群初探. 2017,古生物学报,56(4):516-528.
张志飞*,陈飞扬. 2017. 寒武纪大爆发——早期后生动物辐射之谜:序言. 2017,古生物学报56(4):1-7.
梁悦,张志飞* 2018. 高性能微区X射线荧光光谱仪在寒武纪特异保存软躯体化石研究中的探索:以腕足动物化石为例. 古生物学报 57(2):202-211.
Holmer, L. E*., Blodgett, R.B., Liang, Y. & Zhang, Z.F. 2020. The Early Devonian (Emsian) acrotretid microbrachiopod Opsiconidion minor Popov, 1981, from the Alaska/Yukon Territory border and Novaya Zemlya. Estonian journal of earth sciences, 69(3), 143-153.
Holmer, L. E*., Popov, L. E., Ghobadi Pour, M., Klishevich, I. A., Liang, Y. & Zhang, Z.F 2020. Linguliform brachiopods from the cambrian (guzhangian) karpinsk formation of novaya zemlya. Papers in Palaeontology (3):1-22.
Agbaje, O.B.A., George, S.C., Zhang, Z.F., Brock G.A., Holmer, L.E. 2020.Spectroscopic assessment of chitin fibre and ultrastructure skeletal imaging of phosphate-shelled brachiopods. Royal Society of Chemistry Advances 2020.10. 38456.
Topper, T.P*., Guo, J., Clausen, S., Skovsted, C. B., & Zhang, Z.F. 2020. Reply to ‘Re-evaluating the phylogenetic position of the enigmatic early Cambrian deuterostome Yanjiahella’, Nature communications, (2020)11: 1287.
Li, G.X. *, Zhang, Z.F. *, Rong, J.Y. and Liu, D.Y., 2017. Cambrian brachiopod genera on type species of China. In: Rong J.Y., Jin Y.G., Shen S.Z. and Zhan R.B. (eds), Phanerozoic brachiopod Genera of China. Beijing: Science Press, 39-85.
Holmer, L. E., Yue, L., Zhang, Z., & Zhang, Z.F. 2019. The problematic lingulate brachiopod Aulonotreta from the Ordovician (Dapingian-Darriwilian) of Baltoscandia. Estonian journal of earth sciences, 68(4), 206-224.
Topper, T. P*., Guo, J., Clausen, S., Skovsted, C. B., & Zhang, Z.F. 2019. A stem group echinoderm from the basal Cambrian of China and the origins of Ambulacraria. Nature communications, 10(1), 1366.
Holmer, L. E*., Kebria-EE Zadeh, M. R., Popov, L. E., Ghobadi Pour, M., álvaro, J. J., Hairapetian, V., & Zhang, Z.F. 2019. Cambrian rhynchonelliform nisusioid brachiopods: phylogeny and distribution. Papers in Palaeontology 5(3): 559-575.
Holmer, L.E*., Popov, L.E. Ghobadi Pour, M., Claybourn, T., Zhang, Z-L., Brock, G.A. & Zhang, Z.F. 2018. Evolutionary significance of a middle Cambrian (Series 3) in situ occurrence of the pedunculate rhynchonelliform brachiopod Nisusia sulcata. Lethaia 51:424-432.
Chen Y.L*, Scholze F, Richoz S, Zhang Z.F. 2018. A unique Middle Triassic conodont assemblage from the Germanic Basin: multi-element apparatus, systematics, and biogeographic implications. Journal of Systematic Palaeontology, 1-19.
Topper, T. P., Zhang, Z.F, Gutiérrez-Marco, J. C., & Harper, D. A. T. 2018. The dawn of a dynasty: life strategies of Cambrian and Ordovician brachiopods. Lethaia 51:254-266.
Holmer, L.E., Ghobadi Pour, M., Popov, L.E., Zhang, Z.L., Zhang, Z.F. 2017. Ecology, Biofacies, Biogeography and systematics of mciromorphic lingulate brachiopods from the Ordovician (Darriwilian-Sanbian) of South -Central China. Papers in Palaeontology 2017: 317-361.
Holmer, L.E., Popov, L.E. Pour, M.G., Zhang, Z.L., Zhang, Z.F. 2017. Unusual pitted Ordovician brachiopods from the east Baltic: the significance of coarsely pitted ornamentations in linguliforms, Papers in Palaeontology 2017:1-13.
Topper, T.P., Strotz, L.C. Holmer, L.E., Zhang, Z.F., Tait, N.N., Caron, J.B. 2015. Competition and mimicry: the curious case of chaetae in brachiopods from the middle Cambrian Burgess Shale. BMC Evolutionary Biology 15:42.
Holmer, L.E*., Skovsted, C., Larsson, C., Brock, G.A., Zhang, Z.F. 2011. First record of a brachiopod larval shell in Early Cambrian Tommotiids and its phylogenetic significance. Palaeontology 54:235-239.
所属部门: 古生物教研室
职称: 教授
荣誉: 全国优秀百篇博士论文获得者,教育部“新世纪优秀人才支持计划”人选,国家****基金获得者
研究方向: 寒武纪大爆发与冠轮动物(腕足动物、内肛动物、帚虫和软舌螺等)
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电子邮件: elizf@nwu.edu.cn

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  • 西北大学地质学系导师教师师资介绍简介-刘燊
    教师名称刘燊,男,陕西西安人,西北大学地质学系研究员,博士生导师学位:理学博士讲授课程:岩石地球化学,高等地球化学,应用地球化学联系方式:陕西省西安市太白北路229号,西北大学地质学系Email:liushen@nwu.edu.cn;liushen@vip.gyig.ac.cn工作简历:2012.0 ...
    本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-07-04
  • 西北大学地质学系导师教师师资介绍简介-魏君奇
    教师名称魏君奇,1988年本科毕业于南京大学地质学系地球化学专业,2004年博士毕业于中国地质大学(武汉)矿物、岩石、矿床专业。1988-2007年在家宜昌地质矿产研究所工作,2005-2007年在广州地球化学研究所博士后流动站工作学习,2007年至今在西北大学地质学系任教。2004年晋升为研究员, ...
    本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-07-04
  • 西北大学地质学系导师教师师资介绍简介-王晓锋
    教师名称王晓锋,陕西省岐山县人,西北大学地质学系研究员,博士生导师,主要从事石油天然气地球化学方面的研究与教学工作。2001年毕业于兰州大学地质学系,2006年毕业于中国科学院研究生院,获地球化学理学博士学位。2006年7月至2018年3月工作于中国科学院地质与地球物理研究所兰州油气资源研究中心,2 ...
    本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-07-04