[1] 中石油长庆油田油气研究院技术合作开发课题,19YL2-FW-29,盆地东部砂岩储层水平井压裂工程地质一体化研究,2019/12-2020/09,已结题,主持
[2] 陕西省教育厅专项科研计划项目,17JK0779,延长油田CO2安全地质埋存和提高采收率埋存潜力评价研究,2017/06-2018/12,已结题,主持
[3] 中国石油大学石油工程教育部重点实验室开放课题,特高含水期非连续相剩余油微观运移机理研究,2016/12-2017/11,已结题,主持
[4] 国家十一五重大专项,2011ZX05030-005-05,西非深水油气田注采优化及高效开发模式研究,2011/01-2015/06,已结题,参与
[5] 中石油塔里木油田,东河油田东河砂岩储层优势通道及开发对策研究,2013/11-2016/12,已结题,参与
[1 [6] 国家重点基础研究发展计划(973计划),2015CB250900,陆相致密油高效开发基础研究,2015/01-2019/12,已结题,参与
[7] 延长油田,袁和庄区剩余油评价,2012/08-2012/12,已结题,参与
[8] 中石化胜利油田,整装油田水平井与常规井网优化配置及驱油规律研究,2010/01-2010/12,已结题,参与
[1] Ding, S.,Lu, R., Xi, Y.,et al.Optimizing vertical and deviated wells based on advanced initialization using new productivity potential map, Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.petrol.2020.108263.
[2] Ding, S.,et al. (2020) Optimization of Well Placement by PSO Assisted by Quality Map and Gompertz-Based Grey Model. In: Lin J. (eds) Proceedings of the International Field Exploration and Development Conference 2019. IFEDC 2019. Springer Series in Geomechanics and Geoengineering. Springer, Singapore.https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-15-2485-1_142.
[3] Ding S,Lu R, Xi Y, et al. Efficient well placement optimization coupling hybrid objective function with particle swarm optimization algorithm. Applied Soft Computing, 2020, 95, 106511.
[4] Ding S, Lu R, Xi Y, et al. Well placement optimization using direct mapping of productivity potential and threshold value of productivity potential management strategy. Computers & Chemical Engineering, 2019, 121: 327-337.
[5] Ding S, Zhao J, Zhou D, et al. Geological Characteristics of the Potential Injection Production Dominant Channel in Marine Sandstone Reservoir—Taking Donghe Sandstone in Tarim Basin for Example. In: Qu Z., Lin J. (eds) Proceedings of the International Field Exploration and Development Conference 2017. Springer Series in Geomechanics and Geoengineering. Springer, Singapore.https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-10-7560-5_38.
[6] Ding S, Xi Y, Jiang H. Quantitative Identification Method of Injection Production Dominant Channel in a Marine Sandstone Reservoir. In: Qu Z., Lin J. (eds) Proceedings of the International Field Exploration and Development Conference 2017. Springer Series in Geomechanics and Geoengineering. Springer, Singapore.https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-10-7560-5_66.
[7] Ding S, Liu G, Li P, et al. CO2Storage capacity estimation in tertiary and depleted oil reservoirs. International Petroleum Technology Conference. International Petroleum Technology Conference, 2019, IPTC-19219-MS.
[8] Ding S,Xi Y, Jiang H, Liu G. CO2storage capacity estimation in oil reservoirs by solubility and mineral trapping. Applied Geochemistry, 2018, 89: 121-128.
[9] Ding S,Jiang H, Liu G, Sun L, Lu X, Zhao L. Determining the levels and parameters of thief zone based on automatic history matching and fuzzy method. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 2016, 138: 138-152.
[10] 丁帅伟,姜汉桥,周代余,等.基于改进粒子群算法的不规则井网自动优化研究.中国海上油气,2016, 28(1): 80-85.
[11] 丁帅伟,姜汉桥,周代余,等.中高含水期油藏剩余油潜力定量化评价新方法及其应用.复杂油气藏,2016, 9(1): 41-45.
[12] Ding S, Jiang H, Wang L, Liu G, Li N, Liang B. Identification and characterization of high-permeability zones in waterflooding reservoirs with an ensemble of methodologies. SPE 176158, SPE/IATMI Asia Pacific Oil & Gas Conference and Exhibition, Nusa Dua, Bali, 2015.10.20-2015.10.22.
[13] Ding S,Jiang H, Li J, Liu G, Zhao L, Fang W. Optimization decision-making of well placement using a hierarchical hybrid optimization approach with global and local optimization for PUNQ-S3 reservoir. The 17th annual conference of IAMG, 2015, Freiberg (Saxony) Germany.
[14] Ding S,Jiang H, Li J, Liu G, Mi L. Optimization of well location, type and trajectory by a modified particle swarm optimization algorithm for the PUNQ-S3 model. Journal of Industrial and Intelligent Information, 2015, 4(1): 27-33.
[15] 丁帅伟,姜汉桥,赵冀,等.水驱砂岩油藏优势通道识别综述.石油地质与工程,2015, 29(5):132-136.
[16] Ding S,Jiang H, Li J, Tang G. Optimization of well placement by combination of a modified particle swarm optimization algorithm and quality map method. Computational Geosciences, 2014, 18(5): 747-762.
[17] 丁帅伟,姜汉桥,陈民锋,等.基于模糊C均值聚类算法和贝叶斯判别函数研究深水油藏分类评价.西安石油大学学报:自然科学版, 2014, 29(2): 43-49.
[18] 丁帅伟,姜汉桥,陈民锋,等.国外深水油田开发模式.大庆石油地质与开发, 2013, 32(5): 41-47.
[19] 丁帅伟,李治平.油藏CO2地质埋存潜力的计算方法.特种油气藏, 2010, 17(6): 57-59.
[20] Li J, Jiang H, Liang B, Zhou D,Ding S,Gong C, Zhao L. Injection allocation in multi-layer water flooding reservoirs using SVM optimized by genetic algorithm. International Petroleum Technology Conference. 2016.
[21] Li Y, Li J,Ding S,Sun X. Co-optimization of CO2sequestration and enhanced oil recovery in extra-low permeability reservoir in Shanbei. Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects, 2016, 38(3): 442-449.
[22] Mi L, Jiang H, Tian Y, Li J,Ding S.The research of fracture connectivity effect on shale gas transport using discrete fracture model. Journal of Industrial and Intelligent Information, 2016, 4(1): 21-26.
[23] Liu G, Jiang H, Li J, Wang M, Chen F,Ding S,Lu X. Evaluation of the performance of polymer gels mixed with asphalt particle as a novel composite profile control system. Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 2015, 26: 309-314.
[24] Liu G, Jiang H, Shi S, Li J,Ding S,Fang W. Novel interpretation of downhole monitoring data for horizontal wells equipped with intelligent completions. Paper presented at SPE Middle East Intelligent Oil and Gas Conference and Exhibition held in Abu Dhabi, UAE, 15-16 September 2015. SPE 176807.
[25] Liang B, Jiang H, Li, J, Gong C,Ding S,Mi L. Novel EOR strategy-decision system based on Delphi-AHP-TOPSIS Methodology. SPE 176444.
[26] Lu X, Jiang H, Sm?rgrav E, Li J,Ding S,Li C, Liu, G. A new thermal degradation model of polymer in high-temperature reservoirs. Paper presented at SPE/IATMI Asia Pacific Oil & Gas Conference and Exhibition held in Nusa Dua, Baili, Indonesia, 20-22 October 2015. SPE 176460.
[27] Liu G, Jiang H, Wang M, Chen F,Ding S.Evaluation of asphalt particle for impeding channeling and enhance oil recovery in naturally fractured reservoir. Paper presented at EAGE 18th European Symposium on IOR Dresden, Germany, 14-16 April 2015.
[28] Li Y, Li J,Ding S, Zhang H. Characterization of remaining oil after polymer flooding by laser scanning confocal fluorescence microscopy. Journal of Dispersion Science and Technology, 2014, 35(7): 898-906.
[29] 李俊键,丁帅伟,姜汉桥,等.稠油热采高含水水平井水淹动态和水淹模式.大庆石油地质与开发, 2013, 31(6): 94-98.
[30] 汤国平,姜汉桥,丁帅伟,等.基于Gompertz的灰色模型预测油田产量.新疆石油地质, 2013, 34(4): 462-464.
[31] 汤国平,姜汉桥,丁帅伟,等.深水油藏生产潜力评价方法对比研究.复杂油气藏, 2013, 6(2): 46-49.
[32] 王硕亮,姜汉桥,李俊键,丁帅伟,等.利用模糊ISODATA聚类方法确定注采有效性.石油钻采工艺, 2011, 33(5): 61-64.
[1] 一种海相砂岩油藏窜流通道空间发育定量识别的方法.发明专利,授权,2020
[2] 一种提高自动井位优化效率的方法.发明专利,申请,2020
[3] 一种厚层砂岩油藏生产井产量劈分的方法.发明专利,申请,2018
[4] 一种提高自动井位优化算法鲁棒性和优化效果的方法.发明专利,申请,2020
[5] 一种致密砂岩气藏水平井分段压裂裂缝位置优选方法.发明专利,申请,2020
[6] 优势通道发育程度分级评判系统.软件著作权,授权,2017SR503489
[7] 基于粒子群算法的自动井位优化系统.软件著作权,授权,2017SR503831
[8] CO2安全地质埋存和提高采收率埋存潜力评价系统.软件著作权,授权,2018SR601698
[9] CO2驱提高采收率与地质封存多目标优化系统.软件著作权,授权,2019SR**
[1] 2018年第八届中国石油工程设计大赛先进个人
[2] 2017年第七届中国石油工程设计大赛先进个人
[3] 2014年马来西亚UTM大学IOGS SPE论文大赛研究生组冠军
[4] 2010年北京市优秀毕业生
[1] 美国石油工程师协会(SPE)会员
[2] 美国石油地质学家协会(AAPG)会员
[3] 国际数学地球科学协会(IAMG)会员
[4] 陕西省石油学会(SXPS)会员
[5] 《Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering》、《ComputersandGeosciences》和《Computational Geosciences》期刊审稿专家
所属部门: 石油教研室
职称: 讲师
研究方向: 1.油气藏工程和油气藏数值模拟2.中高含水期油藏深部液流转向优化设计3.人工智能在油气田开发中的应用(井位优化、生产优化等)4.二氧化碳地质埋存与提高石油采收率技术
电子邮件: shwding@nwu.edu.cn; shwding@126.com
本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-07-04
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教师名称一、个人简介简介内容二、科研情况1.学术论文Li,Y.F.,Deng,T.,Hua,H.,Zhang,Y.X.,Wang,J.D.,2020.Isotopicrecordofpalaeodietofa7.4MaHipparioninefaunafromthecentralLoessPlate ...西北大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-07-04