本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-07-04
董海滨副教授 传播学哲学博士,2011年毕业于美国新墨西哥大学传播与新闻系 本科英国语言文学,学士学位由西北大学颁发。国际管理硕士学位,来自美国圣托马斯大学商学院。 主要研究方向:跨文化传播学研究,以文化身份理论建构,文化批判,文化战争为主;视觉传播研究,关注视觉复杂性与审美品味的关联性研究;国际媒体研究,文化产业所有权全球格局与新媒体时代的自媒体及印地媒体研究…
出版著作:《赋形与破碎:海外华人网上文化身份认同》(英文),2012年12月由西北大学出版社出----Dong, H. (2012). Forms and Fragments: Online cultural identification of Chinese overseas.Northwest University Press.
董海滨,复杂视角下的文化身份: 跨文化传播学诠释学派文化身份理论,独著,西北大学学报,2016年1月 已接受;
董海滨. (2012年12期). 析美国文化产业中的意识形态纷争和文化认同冲突. 现代传播 . Dong, H. (2012). Body/Identity Politics in American Cultural War: The ideological clashes and identification conflicts in American cultural and infotainment industry. Modern Communication (in Chinese).
董海滨. (2012年10月). 处理意识形态纷争: 海外政治性网评中的定位性文化身份认同 (英文). 国际传播通报 (SSCI收录期刊)
Dong, H.(2012). Tackling Ideological Clashes: Positional Cultural Identification in Political Commentaries by Chinese Overseas Online Commentators (COOCs).International Communication Gazette(SSCI).
董海滨. (2012年7月). 应对生活困境: 海外网评中的策略性文化身份认同 (英文). 中国媒体研究
Dong, H.(2012). Managing Life Predicaments: Strategic Cultural Identification by Chinese Overseas Online Commentators (COOCs).China Media Research.
董海滨. (2012). 善有善报: “善”(Kindness)在美国的人际传播意义. 西北大学学报,6 Dong, H. (2012). Reciprocal kindness: A probe in the psychology of American interpersonal communication. Journal of Northwest University6(in Chinese).
董海滨, 海燕.(2012). 哈金《自由生活》与文化身份感的变化. 小说评论2012年第4期. Dong, H. (2012). The Free Fall of A Free Life: An analysis of cultural identification dynamics of Ha Jin in the English context. Novel Criticism, 162, 203-207.
董海滨. (2009). 身份讨论: 反映在一组网上讨论中同文化内的身份差异(英文). 中国媒体研究, 2,2009 (英文版) Dong, H. (2009). Identity Discussion: A discourse analysis of the ingroup identity differences enacted by one thread of online discussions. China Media Research, 2, 2009.
董海滨. (2008). 意识形态复杂模式(ICM): 通往推心置腹式的跨文化深度沟通. 跨文化传播与交流, 第十八期 Dong, H. (2008). Ideological Complexity Model (ICM): Towards the soul-searching communication. Journal of Intercultural Communication, 18th Issue(http://www.immi.se/intercultural/nr18/haibin.htm).
董海滨. (1999). 客观的精神与现实的虚拟: 关于理论心理学. 西安交通大学学报, 19, 82-89. Dong, H. (1999). Externalization of spirituality and virtualization of reality: On theoretical psychology. Journal of Xi’an Jaotong University, 19, 82-89. (in Chinese)
董海滨. (1997). 情绪觉悟力. 西北大学学报, 27, 27-33 Dong, H. (1997). Emotional Intelligence. Journal of Northwest University, 27, 27-33. (in Chinese).
董海滨. (1996). 情商: 一个心理学新概念. 延安大学学报, 61, 44-48. Dong, H. (1996). The new concept of EQ or emotional quotient.’ Journal of Yanan University, 61, 44-48. (in Chinese).
董海滨. (1996年9月). 方兴未艾的世界电子游戏业. 传记文学 Dong, H. (1996, September). The recent development of the world’s electronic game industry (A featured article). Literature of Biographies and Legends. (in Chinese)会议文章与报告Dong, H. &Bao, L.(2013, February). Resisting vs. Obliging: Positional Cultural Identification in Chinese Overseas Online Commentators’ (COOCs) Responses to Outgroup Ideological Criticisms. Blind-referred and competitively accepted to Western States Communications Association annual convention, Reno, NevadaDong, H. & Hai, Y. (2012, November).Asian American Woman: Exotic Beauty and/or Perpetual Foreigner? Blind-refereed and accepted to National Communication Association annual convention, Orlando, FLDong, H. (2012, November).Encountering and Comparing Cultures: Perceptual Cultural Identification by Chinese Overseas Online Commentators (COOCs). Blind-refereed and accepted to National Communication Association annual convention, Orlando, FLDong, H. (2011, November).“Managing Life Predicaments: Strategic Cultural Identification by Chinese Overseas Online Commentators (COOCs).”National Communication Association annual convention, New Orleans, LADong, H. (2011, November).“Tackling Ideological Clashes: Positional Cultural Identification in Political Commentaries by Chinese Overseas Online Commentators (COOCs).”National Communication Association annual convention, New Orleans, LADong, H. (2011, May). “The Humanistic Tradition of Studying Self and Caltrop/culture Matrix of Identity (CcMI): Integrating Ideas of Self in the Metaphor of Caltrop.” International Communication Association annual convention, Boston, ILDong, H. (2007, November). “An Island Overseas: The Chinese Parents as the Sojourners in a US university Family Housing Environment.” National Communication Association annual convention, Chicago, ILDong, H. (2007, November).“Ideological Complexity Model: Towards the soul-searching communication.” National Communication Association annual convention, Chicago, ILDong, H. (2007, November). “Effects of positive Karmas: Making Sense of the Symbolic and Reciprocal Kindness.” National Communication Association annual convention, Chicago, ILDong, H. (2007, November). “Caltrop Matrix of Identity (CMI): Structural properties and dynamic rules of identity in intercultural communication.” National Communication Association annual convention, Chicago, ILDong, H. (2006, November). “A Multi-Step Rhetorical Approach to Details Magazine's 'Gay or Asian' Feature.” National Communication Association annual convention, San Antonio, TXDong, H. (2006, November). “Identity Discussion: A Discourse Analysis of the Ingroup Identity Differences Enacted by One Thread of Online Discussions.” National Communication Association annual convention, San Antonio, TXDong, H. &Mabe, B. (2006, June). “Who Turned Off The World: The Television-Dependent World View in Darryl Worley's Have You Forgotten.” Competitive paper accepted by the annual convention of International Communication Association, Dresden, GermanyDong, H. (2006, April).“The Primacy of Visuality in Human Communication.” Rocky Mountain Communication Association, Greeley, CODong, H. (2006, April). “Commonsensical Metaphors and Metaphorical Common Senses Embedded in Chinese idioms: How can Speech Code Construct, Enable, and Constrain Common Sense?” Rocky Mountain Communication Association, Greeley, CODong, H. (2005, April). “QiyunShengdong (Lively Chi and Dynamic Rhythm):The Rhythmic Principles in Classical Chinese Landscape Paintings.” Rocky Mountain Communication Association, Colorado Springs, CO
Refereed Presentations
Dong, H. (2004, May). “Another Approach and Perspective: A Tentative Application of the Tri-level-human-universe Theory for Analyzing the US-China Cultural Differences.” International Communication Association, New Orleans, LA
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