

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-07-03


基本信息 The basic information







综合介绍 General Introduction
王文教授长期从事进化遗传学和进化基因组学研究,在新基因及其功能起源机制,以及生物基因组进化和生物大数据分析挖掘方面取得了一批受到国际同行关注的成果,目前已经在《Science》、《Nature Genetics》、《Nature Biotechnology》、《Nature Communications》、《Nature》、《Nature Review Genetics》、《PNAS》、《Genome Research》、《Plant Cell》 、《PLoS Genetics》、《Trends in Genetics》、《Genome Biology》、《Molecular Biology and Evolution》、《Genetics》等重要学术杂志上发表多篇论文。H-index=36,发表的研究论文已被引用近8000次。
王文教授培养了大批优秀人才,有在国内外顶尖大学任教授的,如:哥本哈根大学终身正教授国际知名的动物演化学家张国捷,洛克菲勒大学赵莉教授,宾夕法尼亚大学丁昀教授,德国明斯特大学徐树清,以及国内中科院、浙江大学、西北农林科技大学、中山大学等机构的青千、优青等年轻教授;有的在著名大公司任高级岗位的,如:华大基因前任总裁杨爽,现任总裁徐迅,以及目前正在创业阶段的一些优秀学生;有的成为著名期刊任编辑,如:Nature Plants的高级编辑吕俊。这些学生刚加入王文教授团队的时候背景和基础差异很大,王文教授总是耐心指导,尊重他们的个人兴趣和潜能,让他们快速成长成人才。

荣誉获奖 Awards Information
2004年 获得国家****基金
2007年作为首席科学家分别获得 “973”项目的支持
2008年 获得中科院王宽诚西部****杰出贡献奖和“谈家桢生命科学创新奖”
2012年 作为首席科学家分别获得 “973”项目的支持
2012年 国家自然科学二等奖(第一完成人)
2014年 国家创新研究群体首席科学家
2019年 “中国生命科学十大进展”

学术成果 Academic Achievements
1. Wang Y#, Zhang C#, Wang N#, Li Z#, Heller R#, Liu R#, … Jiang Y*, Wang W *,Qiu Q*. 2019. Genetic basis of ruminant headgear and rapid antler regeneration. Science, 364: 1153.
2. Lin Z#, Chen L#, Chen X#, Zhong Y#, Yang Y#, Xia W#, …Qiu Q*. Wang W*, Li Z*. 2019. Biological adaptations in the Arctic cervid, the reindeer (Rangifer tarandus). Science, 364: 1154.
3. Chen L#, Qiu Q#, Jiang Y#, Wang K#, Lin Z#, Li Z#, …Zhang G*, Heller R*, Wang W*. 2019. Large-scale ruminant genome sequencing provides insights into their evolution and distinct traits. Science, 364: 1152.
4.Wang K#, Shen YJ#, Yang YZ#, Gan XN#, ...Wang W*, Qiu Q*, He SP*. 2019. Morphology and genome of a snailfish from the Mariana Trench provide insights into deep-sea adaptation. Nature Ecology & Evolution. 3(5): 823-833.
5.Chen HT#, ZengY#, Yang YZ#, Huang LL#, Tang BL#, Zhang H#, Hao F#, ...Chen JH*, Wang W*, Qiu Q*. 2020. Allele-aware chromosome-level genome assembly and efficient transgene-free genome editing for the autotetraploid cultivated alfalfa. Nature Communications. 11(1): 2494.
6.Lyu J#, Huang LY#, ...Wade LJ*, Chen H*,Wang W*, Hu FY*. 2020. Neo-functionalization of a Teosinte branched 1 homologue mediates adaptations of upland rice.Nature Communications.11(1): 1-13.

7.Xiang H#, Liu XJ#, Li MW#, ... Xu?AY*,Wang W*and Zhan S*. 2018. The evolutionary road from wild moth to domestic silkworm.Nature Ecology & Evolution. 2(8): 1268–1279..

8.Wang W. 2020. An unusual case of early speciation associated with human activity.National Science Review. 7(1):129-129.

9.Li XY#, Fan DD#, Zhang W#, Liu GC#, Zhang L#, ...Li SC, Wang J*, Zhang GJ*, Kronforst MR* & Wang W*. 2015. Outbred genome sequencing and CRISPR/Cas9 gene editing in butterflies. Nature Communications. 6: 8212.
10.陈垒#,邱强#,潘香羽,王文*. 2018.进化系统生物学与反刍动物的进化研究.国科学.生命科学.(2018)49 : 4 .

11.Zhou ZK#, Jiang Y#, Wang Z#, Gou ZH#, Lyu J#, Li WY#, ...Wang W*&Tian ZX*. 2015. Resequencing 302 wild and cultivated accessions identifies genes related to domestication and improvement in soybean.Nature Biotechnology.33(4): 408-414.

12.Jiang Y#, Xie M#, Chen WB#, T...Worley KC*, Archibald AL*, Cockett N*, Xu X*, Wang W*& Dalrymple BP*. 2014. The sheep genome illuminates biology of the rumen and lipid metabolism. Science. 344(6188): 1168-1173.
13.Lyu J#,Zhang S#,Dong Y#, ...Hu F* &Wang W*. 2013. Analysis of elite variety tag SNPs reveals an important allele in upland rice.Nature Communications. 4: 2138.

14..Dong Y#, Xie M#, Jiang Y#, Xiao NQ#, Du XY#, Zhang WG#, ...Xu X*, Zhao SH*, Wang J* & Wang W*. 2013. Sequencing and automated whole-genome optical mapping of the genome of a domestic goat (Capra hircus). Nature biotechnology. 31: 135-141.
15.Ding Y, Zhou Q,Wang W*. 2012. Origins of New Genes and Evolution of their Novel Functions.Annual Review of Ecology, Evolution, and Systematics. 43:345-363. .

16.Zhan ZB, ...Xiang H*, Wang W*. 2012. Rapid functional divergence of a newly evolved polyubiquitin gene in Drosophila and its role in the trade-off between male fecundity and lifespan. Molecular Biology and Evolution.29(5): 1407-1416.

17.Xu X,...,Nielsen R*, Wang J*, Wang W*. 2012. Resequencing 50 accessions of cultivated and wild rice yields markers for identifying agronomically important genes. Nature Biotechnology. 30: 105-111.
18.Zhou Q#, Zhang GJ#, ..., Wang W*. 2008. On the origin of new genes in Drosophila. Genome Research. 18(9): 1446-1455.
19.Jiang HF,..., Wang W*, Gu ZL*. 2008. Relaxation of yeast mitochondrial functions after whole genome duplication. Genome Research. 18(9): 1466-1471.
20.Xiang H, ..., Xia QY*, Wang W*, Wang J*. 2010. Single base–resolution methylome of the silkworm reveals a sparse epigenomic map. Nature Biotechnology. 28: 516-520. \

21.Jong MD#, Li ZP#, Qin YL#, ..., Wang W*, Hoelzel AR*. 2020. Demography and adaptation promoting evolutionary transitions in a mammalian genus that diversified during the Pleistocene. Molecular Ecology.

22.Yang J#, Wan WT#, Xie M#, Mao JL#, Dong ZW#, ..., Zhang W*, Wang W*, Li XY*. 2020. Chromosome-level reference genome assembly and gene editing of dead leaf butterfly Kallima inachus. Molecular Ecology Resources.
23.Zhong YQW#, Hu JH#, Xia QM#,..., Hu FY*, Yang CD*, Wang W*. 2020. Soil microbial mechanism promoting ultrahigh rice yield. Soil Biology and Biochemistry. 143: 107741.
24.Jiang CM,..., Jiang HF*, Wang W*. 2020. Raising the production of phloretin by alleviation of by-product of chalcone synthase in the engineered yeast. Science China Life Sciences.
25.Liu GC#, Chang Z#, Chen L#, He JW#, ..., Wang W*, Li XY*. 2020. Genome size variation in butterflies (Insecta, Lepidotera, Papilionoidea): A thorough phylogenetic comparison. Systematic Entomology. 45(3): 571-582.
26.Liu GC#, Zhang R#, ..., Wang W*, Li XY*. 2019. Cloning and characterization of luciferase from the Chinese firefly Lamprigera yunnana. Photochemistry and Photobiology. 95(5): 1186-1194.
27.Chen X#, Dong ZW#, Liu GC#, ..., Wang W*, Peng YQ*, Li XY*. 2019. Phylogenetic analysis provides insights into the evolution of Asian fireflies and adult bioluminescence. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution. 140:106600.
28.Lu SH#, Yang J#, Dai XL#, ..., Wang W*, Li XY*. 2019. Chromosomal-level reference genome of Chinese peacock butterfly (Papilio bianor) based on third-generation DNA sequencing and Hi-C analysis. GigaScience. 8(11): giz128.
29.Wang B, Chen L*, Wang W*. 2019. Genomic insights into ruminant evolution: from past to future prospects. Zoological Research. 40(6): 476-487.
30.Xiang ZD#, Yang J#, ..., Zhou JF*, Wang W*. 2019. Complete mitochondrial genome sequence of the Przewalski’s gazelle (Procapra przewalskii). Conservation Genetics Resources. 11(4): 369-371.
31.Gong L#, Fan GY#, Ren YD#, Chen YJ#, Qiu Q#, ...,Wang W*, Lu ZM*, Li YX*. 2019. Chromosomal level reference genome of Tachypleus tridentatus provides insights into evolution and adaptation of horseshoe crabs. Molecular Ecology Resources. 19(3): 744-756.
32.Liu W#, Chen L#, Zhang SL#, ..., Tian ZX*, Ge S*, Wang W*. 2019. Decrease of gene expression diversity during domestication of animals and plants. BMC Evolutionary Biology. 19(1): 19.
33.Hu JH#, Zeng T#, ..., Ding Y*, Chen LN* & Wang W*. 2018. Unravelling miRNA regulation in yield of rice (Oryza sativa) based on diferential network model. Scientific Reports. 8(1): 8498.
34.Li Z#, Yang J#, Wang W*, Dong Y*. 2018. Complete mitochondrial genome sequence of the mountain nyala (Tragelaphus buxtoni). Conservation Genetics Resources. 10: 547–550.
35.Li YX, ..., Wang W*. 2018. Weighted gene co-expression network analysis reveals potential genes involved in early metamorphosis process in sea cucumber Apostichopus japonicus. Biochemics Biophysical Research Communications. 495(1): 1395‐1402.
36.Cui Y#, Zhu YN#, ..., Wang W* & Hui Xiang*. 2018. New insight into the mechanism underlying the silk gland biological process by knocking out fibroin heavy chain in the silkworm. BMC Genomics.19: 215.
37.Kui L#, Chen HT#, ..., Wang W*, Cai J*. 2017. Building a genetic manipulationg tool box for orchid biology: identification of constitutive promoters and application of CRISPR/Cas9 in the orchid, Dendrobium officinale. Frontiers in Plant Science. 8: 664.
38.Li XY#, Liu GC#, Sheng WJ#, ..., Wang W*. 2017. Genome editing in the butterfly type-species Papilio machaon. Insect Science. 24(4): 708-711.
39.Li XK#, Su R#, Wan WT#, ..., Wang W*, Dong Y*, Li JQ*. 2017. Identification of selection signals by large-scale whole-genome resequencing of cashmere goats. Scientific Reports. 7(1): 15142.
40.Li ZP#, Lin ZH#, Ba HX#, ..., Wang W*, Li GY*. 2017. Draft genome of the reindeer (Rangifer tarandus). GigaScience. 6(12): 1-5.
41.Li HH, ..., Zhao HY*, Wang W* & Wei HJ*. 2016. Generation of biallelic knock-out sheep via gene-editing and somatic cell nuclear transfer. Scientific Reports. 6: 33675.
42.Chen L, ..., Wang W*. 2016. Advances and perspectives in the application of CRISPR/Cas9 in insects. Zoological Research. 37(4): 220-8.
43.Liu LY#, Wang JH#, Duan SC#, ..., Wang W*. 2016. Systematic evaluation of sericin protein as a substitute for fetal bovine serum in cell culture. Scientific Reports. 6: 31516.
44.Zhang YS#, Zhang SL#, Liu H#, ..., Wang W* & Hu F*. 2015. Genome and comparative transcriptomics of african wild rice Oryza longistaminata provide insights into molecular mechanism of rhizomatousness and self-incompatibility. Molecular Plant. 8: 1683-6.
45.Dong Y#, Dai FY#, Ren YD#, Liu H#, Chen L#, ..., Wang W* & Xiang H*. 2015. Comparative transcriptome analyses on silk glands of six silkmoths imply the genetic basis of silk structure and coloration. BMC Genomics. 16: 203.
46.Dong Y#, Zhang XL#, Xie M#, ..., Kijas J. W. K*, Salekdeh G. H*, Wang W* & Jiang Y*. 2015. Reference genome of wild goat (Capra aegagrus) and sequencing of goat breeds provide insight into genic basis of goat domestication. BMC Genomics. 16: 431.
47. 姜雨, 王文. 2015. 羊的驯化之路. 科学世界. 2015(3): 48-51.

48.Lyu J*, ..., Hu FY* & WangW*. 2014. A genomic perspective on the important genetic mechanisms of upland adaptation of rice. BMC Plant Biology.
49.Du XY*, ..., Wang W* and Zhao SH*. 2014. An update of the goat genome assembly using dense radiation hybrid maps allows detailed analysis of evolutionary rearrangements in Bovidae. BMC Genomics. 15: 625.
50.Chen L#, Tang LY#, ..., Wang W* and Zhang GJ*. 2014. Advances in genome editing technology and its promising application in evolutionary and ecological studies. GigaScience.30; 3:24.
51. Li D, ..., Jiang HF*, Wang W*. 2014. Pleiotropy of the de novo-originated gene MDF1. Scientific reports. 4(1): 1-4.
52.Xiang H#, Li X#, Dai F#, Xu X#, Tan A#, ..., Wang J* & Wang W*. 2013. Comparative methylomics between domesticated and wild silkworms implies possible epigenetic influences on silkworm domestication. BMC Genomics.
53.Ding Y, Zhou Q, Wang W*. 2012. Origins of New Genes and Evolution of their Novel Functions. Annual Review of Ecology,Evolution, and Systematics. 43:345-363.
54.Li X#, Zhu JD#, Hu FY#, Ge S#, ..., Xie XF*, Wang J*, Wang W*. 2012. Single-base resolution maps of cultivated and wild rice methylomes and regulatory roles of DNA methylation in plant gene expression. BMC Genomics. 13: 300.
55.Zhou Q#, Zhu HM*, Huang QF#, ..., Wang J*, Wang W*, Bachtrog D*. 2012. Deciphering neo-sex and B chromosome evolution by the draft genome of Drosophila albomicans. BMC Genomics. 13: 109.
56.Zhan ZB, ..., Xiang H*, Wang W*. 2012. Rapid functional divergence of a newly evolved polyubiquitin gene in Drosophila and its role in the trade-off between male fecundity and lifespan.Molecular Biology and Evolution. 29(5): 1407-1416.
57.Jiang Yu#, Li Y#, Lee WH #, ..., Zhang Y* and Wang W*. 2011. Venom gland transcriptomes of two elapid snakes (Bungarus multicinctus and Naja atra) and evolution of toxin genes. BMC Genomics. 12: 1-13.
58.Zhan ZB#, Ren J#,..., Wang W*. 2011. Evolution of alternative splicing in newly evolved genes of Drosophila, Gene. 470: 1-6.
59.占祖兵#, 张越#, 赵若苹#, 王文*. 2011. 黒腹果蝇中嵌合新基因的进化命运和表达模式. 动物学研究 32(6): 585?595.
60.Li D#, Dong Y#, Jiang Y#, Jiang HF#, Cai J, Wang W*. 2010. A de novo originated gene depresses budding yeast mating pathway and is repressed by the protein encoded by its antisense strand. Cell Research. 20:408-420.
61.Li X, Zhao L, Jiang HF, Wang W*. 2009. Short homologous sequences are strongly associated with the generation of chimeric RNAs in eukaryotes. Journal of Molecular Evolution. 68(1): 56-65.
62.Ying MY, Zhan ZB, Wang W*, Chen DH*. 2009. Origin and evolution of ubiquitin-conjugating enzymes from Guillardia theta nucleomorph to hominoid. Gene. 447(2): 72-85.
63.Jiang HF#, Zhang Y#, Sun J, Wang W*, Gu ZL*. 2008. Differential selection on gene translation efficiency between the filamentous fungus Ashbya gossypii and yeasts. BMC Evolutionary Biology. 8(1): 343.
64.Zhou Q#, Wang J#, Huang L#, ..., Yang FT*, Wang W*. 2008. Neo-sex chromosomes in the black muntjac recapitulate incipient evolution of mammalian sex chromosomes. Genome Biology. 9(6): R98.
65.Cai J#, Zhao RP#, Jiang HF, Wang W*. 2008. De novo origination of a new protein-coding gene in Sacchoramyces cerevisiae. Genetics. 179(1): 487-496.
66.Yang S#, Arguello JR#, ..., Long MY*, Wang W*. 2008 Repetitive elements-mediated recombination as a mechanism for new gene origination in Drosophila. PLoS Genetics. 4(1): e3.
67.Li XY#, Liang J#,..., Shang YF* & Wang W*. 2007. Functional consequence of new exon acquisition in mammalian CDYL genes. Trends in Genetics. 23: 427-431.
68.Jiang HF, Liu DY, Gu ZL. Wang W*. 2007. Rapid evolution in a pair of recent duplicate segments of rice. Journal of Experimental Zoology Part B-Molecular and Developmental Evolution. 308B(1): 50-57.
69.Jing MD, Yu HT, Wu SH, Wang W* & Zheng XG*. 2007. Phylogenetic relationships in genus Niviventer (Rodentia: Muridae) in China inferred from complete mitochondrial cytochrome b gene. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution. 44(2007): 521-529.
70.Wang W#, Zheng HK#, ..., Long MY*, Wang J*. 2006.High rate of chimeric gene origination by retroposition in plant genomes. Plant Cell. 18: 1797-1802.
71.Zhou Q, ..., Yang FT* & Wang W*. 2006. Comparative genomic analysis links karyotypic evolution with genomic evolution in the Indian Muntjac (Muntiacus muntjak vaginalis). Chromosoma. 115: 427-436.
72.Yu HJ*,.., Wang W*. 2006. Origination and evolution of a human-specific transmembrane protein gene, c1orf37-dup. Human Molecular Genetic. 15: 1870-1875.

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