

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-07-03


基本信息 The basic information






工作经历 Work Experience
2018/09 - 至今,西北工业大学,柔性电子研究院,教授、博导
2012/04 - 2018/09,德国,维尔茨堡大学,化学与药学院 助理研究员

教育经历 Education Experience
2010/09- 2011/09,英国,杜伦大学,化学系 访问****
2006/09- 2010/09,2011/09-2011/12 山东大学,晶体材料国家重点实验室 硕博连读
2002/09-2006/07,辽宁大学 化学学院本科

招生信息 Admission Information

科学研究 Scientific Research
1. 光电功能空气稳定有机自由基的设计和合成:研究稳定有机自由基的方法,设计与制备空气稳定的、具有特定光电磁功能的空气新型有机小分子和高分子自由基材料。
2. 空气稳定有机自由基在柔性有机太阳能电池(OPV)、有机场效应晶体管(OFET)、有机电致发光二极管(OLED)等光电器件及在能量存储、生物荧光成像中的应用

学术成果 Academic Achievements
1. Zhu Wu, J?rn Nitsch, Julia Schuster, Alexandra Friedrich, Katharina Edkins, Marcel Loebnitz, Fabian Dinkelbach, Vladimir Stepanenko, Frank Würthner, Christel M. Marian,* Lei Ji,* Todd B. Marder* Persistent Room Temperature Phosphorescence from Triarylboranes: A Combined Experimental and Theoretical Study, Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 2020, 59, 17137-17144.

2. Lei Ji, Junqing Shi, Juan Wei, Tao Yu, Wei Huang* Air-Stable Organic Radicals: New Generation Materials for Flexible Electronics? Advanced Materials, 2020,139, **.

3. Lei Ji, Alexandra Friedrich, Ivo Krummenacher, Antonius Eichhorn, Holger Braunschweig, Michael Moos, Sebastian Hahn, Florian Geyer, Olena Tverskoy, Jie Han, Christoph Lambert,* Andreas Dreuw,* Todd B. Marder,* and Uwe H. F. Bunz* Preparation, Properties and Structures of the Anions and Dianions of Azapentacenes, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2017,139, 15968–15976.

4. Lei Ji, Martin Haehnel, Ivo Krummenacher, Philipp Biegger, Florian L. Geyer, Olena Tverskoy, Manuel Schaffroth, Todd B. Marder,* Uwe H. F. Bunz,* The Radical Anion and Dianion of Tetraazapentacene, Angewandte Chemie International edition, 2016, 55, 10498-10501.
Lei Ji, Martin Haehnel, Ivo Krummenacher, Philipp Biegger, Florian L. Geyer, Olena Tverskoy, Manuel Schaffroth, Todd B. Marder,* Uwe H. F. Bunz,* Das Radikalanion und Dianion von Tetraazapentacen, Angewandte Chemie, 2016, 128, 10654–10657.

5. Lei Ji, Robert M. Edkins, Andreas Lorbach, Ivo Krummenacher, Charlotte Brückner, Antonius Eichhorn, Holger Braunschweig, Bernd Engels, Pau Low, Todd B. Marder,* Electron Delocalization in Reduced Forms of 2-(BMes2)pyrene and 2,7-Bis(BMes2)pyrene, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2015, 137, 6750–6753.

6. Lei Ji, Stefanie Griesbeck, Todd B. Marder,* Recent Developments in and Perspectives on Three-Coordinate Boron Materials: A Bright Future, Chemical Science, 2017, 8, 846-863.(ESI高引)

7. Lei Ji, Sebastian Hahn, Phillip Biegger, Hilmar Reiss, Jie Han, Alexandra Friedrich, Ivo Krummenacher, Holger Braunschweig, Michael Moos, Jan Freudenberg, Christoph Lambert, Andreas Dreuw, Todd B. Marder, and Uwe H. F. Bunz, Mono- and Dianion of a Bis(benzobuta)tetraazapentacen Derivative, Chemistry-A European Journal, 2019, 25, 9840-9845.

8. Lei Ji, Ivo Krummenacher, Alexandra Friedrich, Andreas Lorbach, Martin Haehnel, Katharina Edkins, Holger Braunschweig, and Todd B. Marder,* Synthesis, Photophysical, and Electrochemical Properties of Pyrenes Substituted with Donors or Acceptors at the 4- or 4,9-Positions, the Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2018, 83,3599–3606.

9. Julia Merz, Julian Fink, Alexandra Friedrich, Ivo Krummenacher, Hamad Al Mamari, Sabine Lorenzen, Martin H?hnel, Antonius Eichhorn, Michael Moos, Marco Holzapfel, Holger Braunschweig, Christoph Lambert, Andreas Steffen, Lei Ji,* Todd B. Marder,* Pyrene MO Shuffle Controlling Excited State and Redox Properties by Changing the Nature of the Frontier Orbitals, Chemistry- A European Journal, 2017, 21, 13164–13180.

10. Lei Ji, Andreas Lorbach, Robert M. Edkins,* Todd B. Marder,* Synthesis and photophysics of a 2,7disubstituted donor-acceptor pyrene derivative: An example of the application of sequential Ir-catalyzed CH borylation and substitution chemistry, the Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2015, 80, 5658-5665.

11. Lei Ji, Katharina Fucke, Todd B. Marder,* Iridium-catalyzed Borylation of Pyrene, the Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2015, 80, 661-665.

12. Lei Ji, Robert M. Edkins, Laura J. Sewell, Andrew Beeby, Andrei S. Batsanov, Katharina Fucke, Martin Drafz, Judith A. K. Howard, Odile Moutounet, Fatima Ibersiene, AbdouBoucekkine, Eric Furet, Zhiqiang Liu, Jean-Fran?ois Halet,* Claudine Katan,* Todd B. Marder,* Experimental and theoretical studies of quadrupolaroligothiophene-cored chromophores containing (E)-dimesitylboryl moieties as π-accepting end groups: syntheses, structures, fluorescence, one- and two-photon absorption, Chemistry- A European Journal, 2014, 20, 13618-13635.

13. Lei Ji, Qi Fang,* Mao-sen Yuan, Zhi-qiang Liu, Yu-xiang Shen, Hong-feng Chen, Switching High Two-Photon Efficiency: From 3,8,13-Substituted Triindole Derivatives to Their 2,7,12-Isomers, Organic Letters, 2010, 12, 5192-5195.

14. Zhenxiong Shi, Xu Han, Wenbo Hu, Hua Bai, Bo Peng, Lei Ji, Quli Fan, Lin Li, Wei Huang, Bioapplications of small molecule Aza-BODIPY: from rational structural design to in vivo investigations, Chemical Society Reviews, 2020,49, 7533-7567.
15. Florian Rauch, Peter Endres, Alexandra Friedrich, Daniel Sieh, Martin H?hnel, Ivo Krummenacher, Holger Braunschweig, Maik Finze, Lei Ji, Todd B. Marder,* 1,3-Bis(trifluoromethyl)benzene: A Versatile Building Block for the Synthesis of New Boron Containing Conjugated Systems, An iterative divergent approach to conjugated starburst borane dendrimers, Chemistry – A European Journal, 2020, DOI: 10.1002/chem..
16. Hans-Christian Schmitt, Ingo Fischer,* Lei Ji, Julia Merz, Todd B. Marder, Joscha Hoche, MerleI. S. R?hr, Roland Mitric,* Isolated 2-Hydroxypyrene and its Dimer: A Frequency- and Time-Resolved Spectroscopic Study, New Journal of Chemistry, 2020, DOI: 10.1039/D0NJ02391D.
17. Hua Bai, Yaqi Ding, Xin Li, Deqin Kong, Chenqi Xin, Xuekang Yang, Chengwu Zhang, Ziqiang Rong, Chuanhao Yao, Shenci Lu, Lei Ji, Lin Li, Wei Huang, Polydatin protects SH-SY5Y in models of Parkinson's disease by promoting Atg5-mediated but parkin-independent autophagy, Neurochemistry International, 2020, 34, 104671.
18. Stefan Mueller, Julian Luettig, Pavel Maly, Lei Ji, Jie Han, Michael Moos, Todd B. Marder, Uwe Bunz, Andreas, Dreuw, Christoph Lambert, Tobias Brixner, Rapid multiple-quantum three-dimensional fluorescence spectroscopy disentangles quantum pathways, Nature Communications, 2019, 10, 4735.
19. Hilmar Reiss, Lei Ji, Jie Han, Silke Koser, Olena Tverskoy, Jan Freudenberg, Felix Hinkel, Michael Moos, Alexandra Friedrich, Ivo Krummenacher, Christoph Lambert, Holger Braunschweig, Andreas Dreuw, Todd B. Marder* and Uwe H. F. Bunz* Bromination Improves Tetraazapentacene′s Electron Mobilities, Angewandte Chemie International edition, 2018, 57, 9543 –9547.
20. Xiangqing Jia, Joern Nitsch, Lei Ji, Zhu Wu, Alexandra Friedrich, Florian Kerner, Michael Moos, Christoph Lambert, Todd B. Marder, Chemistry- A European Journal, 2019, 25, 10845-10857.
21. N. Idayu Zahid, Lei Ji, M. Faisal Khyasudeen, Alexandra Friedrich, Rauzah Hashim, Todd B. Marder, Osama K. Abou-Zied, Langmuir, 2019, 35, 9584-9592.
22. Michael Meier, Lei Ji, Ivo Krummenacher, Andrea Dei?enberger, Dominic Auerhammer, Marius Sch?fer, Todd B. Marder, and Holger Braunschweig* Preparation and Characterization of a Donor-Acceptor System Containing the Strongly Electron-Accepting Tetraphenylborolyl Unit, Chemistry- A European Journal, 2019, 25, 4707-4712.

学术文献 Academic Literature

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