

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-06-29


基本信息 The basic information







工作经历 Work Experience
2020/07 - 至今,西北工业大学 物理科学与技术学院,教授(破格)/博导
2019/12 - 2020/07,西北工业大学 物理科学与技术学院,副教授/博导
2016/05- 2019/11,西北工业大学 理学院 应用物理系,副教授
2015/10 - 2017/10,英国阿斯顿光子技术研究所(AIPT),Marie Curie Fellow
2013/04 - 2016/05,西北工业大学 理学院 应用物理系,讲师


教育教学 Education And Teaching
1. 讲授本科生课程《光学》、《大学物理》和研究生课程《微纳光纤器件及应用》。
2. 指导学生参加全国大学生光电设计竞赛全国总决赛二等奖、西北区赛一等奖;指导大学生创新创业训练计划项目2项;指导校/院优秀本科毕业设计论文2项。


招生信息 Admission Information



荣誉获奖 Awards Information


科学研究 Scientific Research

1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,2020.01-2023.12
2. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,2018.01-2021.12
3. 欧盟地平线2020(Horizon 2020)框架计划人才专项,2015.10-2017.10
4. 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目,2016.01-2018.12
5. 陕西省自然科学基金面上项目,2018.01-2020.12
6. 陕西省自然科学基金青年人才项目,2016.01-2017.12
7. 中央高校基本科研业务费人才团队培育类项目,2019.01-2019.12
8. 中央高校基本科研业务费自由探索类项目,2014.05-2016.05
9. 光电信息技教育部重点实验室(天津大学)开放课题,2019.01-2019.12


学术成果 Academic Achievements

在Light Sci. Appl., Sens. & Actuators B Chem., J. Lightwave Technol., Opt. Lett., Opt. Express, Appl. Phys. Lett., IEEE Photon. Technol. Lett.等国内外知名学术期刊发表论文50余篇,其中SCI收录40篇,获授权国家发明专利7项。
B. Jiang, Z. Hao, Y. Ji, Y. Hou, R. Yi, D. Mao, X. Gan*, and J. Zhao*, "High-efficiency second-order nonlinear processes in an optical microfibre assisted by few-layer GaSe," Light Sci. Appl. 9, 63 (2020). https://www.nature.com/articles/s41377-020-0304-1
B. Jiang, Z. Bi, Z. Hao, Q. Yuan, D. Feng, K. Zhou, L. Zhang, X. Gan, and J. Zhao, "Graphene oxide-deposited tilted fiber grating for ultrafast humidity sensing and human breath monitoring," Sens. Actuators B Chem. 293, 336-341 (2019). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.snb.2019.05.024
B. Jiang, X. Gan, L. Gu, Z. Hao, S. Wang, Z. Bi, L. Zhang, K. Zhou, and J. Zhao, "Fano-like resonance in an all-in-fiber structure," IEEE Photon. J., 11(5), ** (2019). https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/**/
B. Jiang, Z. Hao, D. Feng, K. Zhou, L. Zhang, and J. Zhao, "Hybrid grating in reduced-diameter fiber for temperature-calibrated high-sensitivity refractive index sensing," App. Sci., (9), 1923 (2019). https://doi.org/10.3390/app**
B. Jiang, Z. Bai, C. Wang, Y. Zhao, J. Zhao, L. Zhang, and K. Zhou, "In-line Mach-Zehnder interferometer with D-shaped fiber grating for temperature-discriminated directional curvature measurement," J. Lightwave Technol., 36(3), 742-747 (2018). http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/**/
B. Jiang, K. Zhou, C. Wang, Q. Sun, G. Yin, Z. Tai, K. Wilson, J. Zhao, and L. Zhang, "Label-free glucose biosensor based on enzymatic graphene oxide-functionalized tilted fiber grating," Sens. Actuators B Chem. 254, 1033-1039 (2018). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.snb.2017.07.109
B. Jiang, Z. Bi, S. Wang, T. Xi, K. Zhou, L. Zhang, and J. Zhao, "Cascaded tilted fiber Bragg grating for enhanced refractive index sensing," Chin. Phys. B, 27(11), 114220 (2018). http://cpb.iphy.ac.cn/EN/10.1088/1674-1056/27/11/114220
B. Jiang, K. Zhou, C. Wang, Y. Zhao, J. Zhao, and L. Zhang, "Temperature-calibrated high-precision refractometer using a tilted fiber Bragg grating," Opt. Express 25(21), 25910-25918 (2017). https://doi.org/10.1364/OE.25.025910
W. Zhang, Z. Chen, B. Jiang, L. Huang, D. Mao, F. Gao, T. Mei, D. Yang, L. Zhang, and J. Zhao, "Optical heterodyne micro-vibration detection based on all-fiber acousto-optic superlattice modulation," J. Lightwave Technol., 35(18), 3821-3824 (2017).
G. Yin, C. Wang, Y. Zhao, B. Jiang, T. Zhu, Y. Wang, and L. Zhang, “Multi-channel mode converter based on modal interferometer in two mode fiber”, Opt. Lett., 42(19), 3757-3760(2017).
B. Jiang, G. Yin, K. Zhou, C. Wang, X. Gan, J. Zhao, and L. Zhang, "Graphene-induced unique polarization tuning properties of excessively tilted fiber grating," Opt. Lett. 41, 5450-5453 (2016). https://doi.org/10.1364/OL.41.005450
B. Jiang, X. Lu, D. Mao, Y. Wang, W. Zhang, X. Gan, and J. Zhao, "Carbon nanotube-deposited tilted fiber Bragg grating for refractive index and temperature sensing," IEEE Photon. Technol. Lett. 28, 994-997 (2016). http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/**/
B. Jiang, M. Xue, C. Zhao, D. Mao, K. Zhou, L. Zhang, and J. Zhao, "Refractometer probe based on a reflective carbon nanotube-modified microfiber Bragg grating," Appl. Opt. 55, 7037-7041 (2016). https://doi.org/10.1364/AO.55.007037
W. Zhang, L. Huang, K. Wei, P. Li, B. Jiang, D. Mao, F. Gao, T. Mei, G. Zhang, and J. Zhao, "High-order optical vortex generation in a few-mode fiber via cascaded acoustically driven vector mode conversion," Opt. Lett. 41, 5082-5085 (2016).
X. Gan, Y. Wang, F. Zhang, C. Zhao, B. Jiang, L. Fang, D. Li, H. Wu, Z. Ren, and J. Zhao, "Graphene-controlled fiber Bragg grating and enabled optical bistability," Opt. Lett. 41, 603-606 (2016).
B. Jiang, X. Lu, X. Gan, M. Qi, Y. Wang, L. Han, D. Mao, W. Zhang, Z. Ren, and J. Zhao, "Graphene-coated tilted fiber-Bragg grating for enhanced sensing in low-refractive-index region," Opt. Lett. 40, 3994-3997 (2015). https://doi.org/10.1364/OL.40.003994
B. Jiang, X. Lu, D. Mao, W. Zhang, and J. Zhao, "In-Situ monitoring method for solution volatilization using tilted fiber Bragg grating," IEEE Sens. J. 15, 3000-3003 (2015). http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/**/
D. Mao, B. Jiang, W. Zhang, and J. Zhao, "Pulse-State Switchable Fiber Laser Mode-Locked by Carbon Nanotubes," IEEE Photon. Technol. Lett. 27, 253-256 (2015).
D. Mao, B. Jiang, X. Gan, C. Ma, Y. Chen, C. Zhao, H. Zhang, J. Zheng, and J. Zhao, "Soliton fiber laser mode locked with two types of film-based Bi2Te3 saturable absorbers," Photonics Research 3, A43-A46 (2015).
Y. Jiang, W. Jiang, B. Jiang, A. Rauf, C. Qin, and J. Zhao, "Precise measurement of liquid-level by fiber loop ring-down technique incorporating an etched fiber," Opt. Commun. 351, 30-34 (2015).
J. Wang, J. Zhao, J. Di, and B. Jiang, "A scheme for recording a fast process at nanosecond scale by using digital holographic interferometry with continuous wave laser," Opt. Lasers Eng. 67, 17-21 (2015).
D. Mao, Y. Wang, C. Ma, L. Han, B. Jiang, X. Gan, S. Hua, W. Zhang, T. Mei, and J. Zhao, "WS2 mode-locked ultrafast fiber laser," Scientific Reports 5 (2015).
D. Mao, B. Jiang, W. Zhang, and J. Zhao, "Observation of a88 giant-chirp dissipative soliton and near chirp-free pulse in a slight-normal-dispersion fiber laser," Laser Physics 24, 105103 (2014).
B. Jiang, J. Zhao, A. Rauf, C. Qin, and W. Jiang, "Applications of tilted fiber Bragg grating in liquid parameters measurement," Proc. SPIE, Optical Measurement Systems for Industrial Inspection VIII, 8788, (2013).
A. Rauf, J. Zhao, B. Jiang, Y. Jiang, and W. Jiang, "Bend measurement using an etched fiber incorporating a fiber Bragg grating," Opt. Lett. 38, 214-216 (2013).
B. Jiang, J. Zhao, Z. Huang, A. Rauf, and C. Qin, "Real-time monitoring the change process of liquid concentration using tilted fiber Bragg grating," Opt. Express 20, 15347-15352 (2012).
B. Jiang, J. Zhao, C. Qin, W. Jiang, A. Rauf, F. Fan, and Z. Huang, "Method for measuring liquid phase diffusion based on tilted fiber Bragg grating," Opt. Lett. 36, 4308-4310 (2011).
B. Jiang, J. Zhao, C. Qin, Z. Huang, and F. Fan, "An optimized strain demodulation method based on dynamic double matched fiber Bragg grating filtering," Opt. Lasers Eng. 49, 415-418 (2011).
B. Jiang, J. Zhao, C. Qin, F. Fan, and Z. Huang, "A bandwidth-tuning device based on polymer-packaged fiber Bragg grating," IEEE Photon. Technol. Lett. 23, 1225-1227 (2011).


教育经历 Education Experience
2009/09 - 2013/01,西北工业大学理学院,光学工程专业博士
2008/09 - 2009/07,西北工业大学理学院,光学专业硕士阶段学习
2004/09 - 2008/07,西北工业大学理学院,光信息科学与技术专业学士


社会兼职 Social Appointments
英国阿斯顿光子技术研究所Research Fellow;
Opt.Lett., Opt. Express, Photon. Res., J. Lightwave. Technol., Biosens. Bioelectron., Sens. & Actuators A Phys./BChem., IEEE Photon. Technol. Lett., Appl. Phys. B, Appl. Opt.,Opt. Commun. IEEE Sens./Photon. J., Sensors, ACS Appl. Nano Mater.等光学、光电子、传感领域国际期刊特邀审稿人.

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