本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-06-29
基本信息 The basic information
工作经历 Work Experience
2019.8-至今 西北工业大学 理学院应用化学系 硕士生导师
2018.8-至今 西北工业大学 理学院应用化学系 助理教授
2016.6-2018.8 陕西科技大学 轻工科学与工程学院造纸系 副教授, 硕士生导师
教育经历 Education Experience
2013.9-2016.6 四川大学 高分子科学与工程学院 材料学(高分子材料) 工学博士 导师: 傅 强
2010.9-2013.7 四川大学 高分子科学与工程学院 材料学 (高分子材料) 工学硕士 导师:傅 强
2006.9-2010.7 四川大学 高分子科学与工程学院 高分子材料加工工程 工学学士
2015.3-2015.9 美国阿克隆大学 高分子科学系 国际交流 导师:Stephen Z. D. Cheng
教育教学 Education And Teaching
《高分子材料》,本科生课程(主讲),陕西科技大学, 2016-2017
招生信息 Admission Information
科学研究 Scientific Research
主要从事高分子材料成型加工、加工新原理新技术、高分子复合材料制备研究工作,重点围绕热塑性弹性体材料凝聚态结构和性能调控、芳纶纳米纤维基耐高温绝缘电介质、纤维素木质素等天然高分子利用开展工作,主持国家自然科学基金青年项目1项(在研)、陕西省自然基金1项(在研)、陕西省教育厅项目1项(在研)、国家重点实验室开放课题等项目,作为骨干先后参与十三五重点研发计划(在研)、基金委重大国际合作项目(结题)、国家973子课题(结题)等多项,以第一/通讯作者在国际高分子期刊发表20余篇论文,担任Macromolecules, Polymer, Cellulose, Carbohydrate Polymers, J.Phy.Sci.Part B, Composites Part A, Composites Part B, Thin Solid Films等期刊审稿人。
学术成果 Academic Achievements
ORCID: orcid.org/0000-0002-1077-7249;
[1]. Yongsheng Zhao, Wanbin Dang, Qiong Ma, Yanling Zhu*, Facile preparation of fluorescence-labelled nanofibrillated cellulose(NFC) toward revealing spatial distribution and the interface, Cellulose, 2019, 26, 4345-5355.
[2]. Yongsheng Zhao*, Cheng Yao, Tao Chang, Yanling Zhu, The influence of DMDBS on crystallization behavior and crystalline morphology of weakly-phase-separated olefin block copolymer, Polymers, 2019, 11(3), 552;https://doi.org/10.3390/polym**.
[3]. Yongsheng Zhao, Wanbin Dang, Lianmeng Si, Zhaoqing Lu*, Enhanced mechanical and dielectric properties of aramid fiber/mica-nanofibrillated cellulose composite paper with biomimetic multilayered structure, Cellulose, 2018, 26, 2035-2046.
[4]. Zhaoqing Lu, Lianmeng Si, Wanbin Dang, Yongsheng Zhao*, Transparent and mechanically robust poly(para-phenylene terephthamide) PPTA nanopaper toward electrical insulation based on nanoscale fibrillated aramid-fibers, Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, 2018, 115, 321-330.
[5]. Yongsheng Zhao, Wanbin Dang, Zhaoqing Lu*, Meiyun Zhang, Fabrication of mechanically robust and UV-resistant aramid fiber-based composite paper by adding nano-TiO2 and nanofibrillated cellulose, Cellulose, 2018, 25, 3913-3925.
[6]. Zhaoqing Lu#, Zhiping Su#, Shunxi Song, Yongsheng Zhao*, Shanshan Ma, Meiyun Zhang*, Toward high-performance fibrillated cellulose-based air-filter via constructing spider-web-like structure with the aid of TBA during freeze-drying process, Cellulose, 2018, 25, 1, 619-629.
[7]. Yongsheng Zhao, Lianmeng Si, Wanbin Dang, Zhaoqing Lu*, Facile construction of silica-based surface coating onto polypropylene microporous film through dopamine-assisted hydrolysis of tetraethoxysilane, Ceram. Int., 2018, 44, 10192-10198.
[8]. Yongsheng Zhao, Yanling Zhu, Guopeng Sui, Feng Chen, Qiang Fu*, Tailoring the crystalline morphology and mechanical property of olefin block copolymer via blending with a small amount of UHMWPE, Polymer, 2017, 109, 137-145.
[9]. Yongsheng Zhao*, Lianmeng Si, Lamei Wang, Tuning the mechanical properties of weakly phase-separated olefin block copolymer by establishing co-crystallization structure with the aid of linear polyethylene: the dependence on molecular chain length, CrystEngComm, 2017, 19, 2884-2893.
[10]. Yongsheng Zhao, Bin Su, Feng Chen, Qiang Fu*, Evolution of unique nano-cylindrical structure in poly(styene-b-isoprene-b-styrene) prepared under dynamic packing injection moulding, Soft Matter, 2015, 11, 2300-2307.
[11]. Yongsheng Zhao, Zhenwei Liu, Bin Su, Qiang Fu*, Nanying Ning, Ming Tian, Property enhancement of PP-EPDM thermoplastic vulcanizates via shear-induced break-up of nano-rubber aggregates and molecular orientation of the matrix, Polymer, 2015, 63, 170-178.
[12]. Yongsheng Zhao, Nanying Ning, Xin Hu, Feng Chen, Qiang Fu*, Processing temperature dependent mechanical response of a thermoplastic elastomer with low hard segment, Polymer, 2012, 53, 4310-4317.
[13]. Yongsheng Zhao, Bin Su, Licai Zhong, Feng Chen, Qiang Fu*, Largely improved mechanical properties of a poly(styrene-b-isoprene-b-styrene) thermoplastic elastomer prepared under dynamic-packing injection molding, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 2014, 55, 15287-15295.
[14]. Zhaoqing Lu*, Wanbin Dang, Yongsheng Zhao*, Lamei Wang, Meiyun Zhang, Guodong Liu, Toward high-performance poly(para-phenylene terephthalamid)(PPTA)-based composite paper via hot-pressing: the key role of partial fibrillation and surface activation, RSC Adv., 2017, 7, 7293-7302.
[15]. Yongsheng Zhao, Yanling Zhu, Guopeng Sui, Feng Chen, Qiang Fu*, The effect of hard block content on the orientation and mechanical properties of olefin block copolymer films as obtained via melt stretching, RSC Adv., 2015, 5, 82535-82543.
[16]. Yongsheng Zhao*, Wanbin Dang, Zhaoqing Lu*, Lianmeng Si, Meiyun Zhang, A novel mica-based composite via adding hybrid aramid fibers for electrical insulating application: largely improved mechanical properties and moisture-resistance, Polym. Int., 2018, 44, 10192-10198. DOI: 10.1002/pi.5498.
[17]. Zhaoqing Lu*, Lianmeng Si, Yongsheng Zhao, Jizhen Huang, Cheng Yao, Fengfeng Jia, Qin Ma, Enhanced mechanical and electrical insulating properties of poly(para-phenylene terephthamide) PPTA-based specialty paper with nanoscale PPTA fibers, J. Mater. Sci.-Mater. EL., 2019, 30, 14414-14423.
[18]. Mi Zhou, Mao Fan, Yongsheng Zhao, Tianxiang Jin, Qiang Fu*, Effect of stretching on the mechanical properties in melt-spun poly(butylenes succinate)/microfibrillated cellulose (MFC) nanocomposites, Carbohyd. Polym., 2016, 140, 383-392.
[19]. Yanling Zhu, Yongsheng Zhao, Qiang Fu*, Toward uniform pore-size distribution and high-porosity of isotactic polypropylene microporous membrane by adding a small amount of ultrafine full-vulcanized power rubber, Polymer, 2016, 103, 405-414.
[20]. Nanying Ning, Wei Zhang, Yongsheng Zhao, Changyu Tang, Mingbo Yang, Qiang Fu*, Facillitating the formation of nanohybrid shish-kebab structure in helic polymer systems by using carbon nanotube bundles, Polymer, 2012, 53, 4553-4559.
荣誉获奖 Awards Information
2017.06 本科毕业论文优秀指导教师一等奖(陕西科技大学)
2015.10 博士研究生国家奖学金
2014.12 四川大学优秀博士研究生
2012.12 研究生国家奖学金
2010.6 四川省优秀毕业生,四川大学优秀毕业生干部
2009.5 四川大学创新人才奖
2008.12 全国大学生数学建模大赛全国二等奖
2007.11,2008.11 国家奖学金
English Version
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