

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-06-29


基本信息 The basic information







教育经历 Education Experience
2011-2016 吉林大学 化学学院 博士,导师:张晓安教授 杨英威教授

2014-2015 美国科罗拉多大学 化学与生物化学 联合培养博士, 导师:Prof. Wei Zhang
2007-2011 吉林大学 化学学院 材料化学 学士

工作经历 Work Experience
2016-至今 西北工业大学 材料学院 副教授,博导

荣誉获奖 Awards Information
2019年 吉林省科学技术 一等奖 《基于大环芳烃的有机超分子化学及功能材料》
2018年 陕西省高校科协青年人才托举计划
2017年 博士后创新人才支持计划获得者
2017年 吴亚军优秀青年教师(新人奖)
2015年 吉林省自然科学学术成果奖 二等奖 《功能有机超分子纳米杂化材料的制备及应用》
2015年 百人会英才奖

综合介绍 General Introduction
主要致力于超分子基多孔材料的多孔化及功能化,探究其在智能诊疗、高效吸附与分离、传感检测、光电转换等生物医学、能源环境方面的应用研究,取得了一系列创新性的进展。迄今已在Advanced Materials、Advanced Functional Materials、Chemical Science、Small等材料化学领域著名国际学术刊物上发表了30余篇论文,总引用1500余次,h-index为15。已发表研究成果引起了国内外同行的广泛关注和认可,多次被Nature Chemistry、Materials View China等学术媒体高亮报道,多篇文章被评为ESI高被引论文(3篇)、ESI最热论文(3篇)、被选为杂志封面(4篇)。主持国家级项目2项、省部级项目7项,参与国家自然科学基金面上项目2项。与美国、瑞士、吉林大学、东北大学等知名研究机构有着合作关系。

招生信息 Admission Information
欢迎对功能材料(纳米材料、多孔材料等),化学(超分子等)和生物与能源应用等研究方向感兴趣的优秀同学保送/报考 。


学术成果 Academic Achievements
2021 (2)
30. Dihua Dai, Jie Yang, Yong-Cun Zou, Jia-Rui Wu,Li-Li Tan, Yan Wang, Bao Li, Tong Lu, Bo Wang, Ying-Wei Yang,*Macrocyclic Arenes-Based Conjugated Macrocycle Polymers for Highly Selective CO2-Capture and Iodine Adsorption, Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 2021, in press.IF: 12.959 1
29.Li-Li Tan,+Mengying Wei,+Li Shang,* Ying-Wei Yang,* Cucurbiturils-Mediated Noble Metal Nanoparticles for Applications in Sensing, SERS, Theranostics and Catalysis,Advanced Functional Materials, 2021, 31(1), **.(+Co-first author).https://doi.org/10.1002/adfm.IF: 16.836 1
/Featured inHot Topic: Surfaces and Interfacesand highlighted byMaterialsViewsChina,MaterialsViewsChina(Wechat public platform),X-MOL,X-MOL(Wechat public platform)/

2020 (8)
28. Shaofeng Huang, Yiming Hu, Li-Li Tan, Shun Wan,*Sadegh Yazdi, Yinghua Jin,*Wei Zhang,* Highly C2/C1-Selective Covalent Organic Frameworks Substituted with Azo Groups, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2020, 12(46), 51517-51522. IF: 8.456 1

27. Yuanyuan Zhang, Ke Zhang, Xuanhua Li,* Tong Li, Qian Ye, Li-Li Tan, Bingqing Wei,* Self-Healable Transparent Polymer/Salt Hybrid Adhesive via Ternary Bonding Effect, Journal of Materials Chemistry A 2020, 8(41), 21812-21823. IF: 10.733 1
26. Wencheng Zhong, Mengyao Wen, Jie Xu, Haixia Wang, Li-Li Tan, Li Shang,* Simultaneous regulation of optical properties and cellular behaviors of gold nanoclusters by pre-engineering the biotemplates, Chemical Communications 2020, 56, 11414-11417. IF: 6.164 1
25. Lili Zhang, Huaxia Chen, Xingyu Lu, Yun Wang, Lili Tan, Dianpeng Sui,* Wei Qi,* Fabrication of N, S co-doped graphene aerogel for high-performance supercapacitors: π-conjugated planar molecules as efficient dopants and pillared agents, Applied Surface Science 2020, 529, 147022. IF: 5.155 1
24. Xiaomeng Zhou,+ Juanmin Li,+ Li-Li Tan,* Qiang Li, Li Shang,* Novel perylene probe-encapsulated metal-organic framework nanocomposites for ratiometric fluorescence detection of ATP, Journal of Materials Chemistry B 2020, 8, 3661-3666. (+Co-first author). IF: 5.047 2
23. Shujian Liu, Mingdi Pan, Zhongmin Feng, Yangchun Qin, Yun Wang,* Lili Tan, Ting Sun,* Ultra-high adsorption of tetracycline antibiotics on garlic skin-derived porous biomass carbon with high surface area, New Journal of Chemistry 2020, 44, 1097-1106. IF: 3.069 3区
22. Juanmin Li, Jie Xu, Wenfeng Guo, Wencheng Zhong, Qiang Li, Lili Tan, Li Shang* Ratiometric fluorescence sensors for heparin and heparinase based on enhanced excimer emission of perylene probe induced by cationic silver nanoparticles. Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical 2020, 305, 127422. IF: 6.393 1
21. Youzi Zhang, Shaohui Guo, Xu Xin, Yaru Song, Lin Yang, Bilin Wang, Lili Tan, Xuanhua Li* Plasmonic MoO2 as co-catalyst of MoS2 for enhanced photocatalytic hydrogen evolution. Applied Surface Science 2020, 504, 144291. IF: 5.155 1

2019 (1)
20. Tan, L.-L.*; Shang, L.* Smart Delivery Systems Based on Poly(glycidyl methacrylate)s-Coated Organic/Inorganic Core-Shell Nanohybrids. Macromol. Rapid Commun. 2019, 40, **. (Invited Article for the Special Issue for Northwestern Polytechnical University) IF: 4.441

2018 (2)
19. Tan, L.-L.; Li, Y.; Jin, Y.; Zhang, W.; Yang, Y.-W.* Pillar[6]arene-based Molecular Trap with Unusual Conformation and Topology. Isr. J. Chem. 2018, 58, 1261-1264. (Invited Contribution for the Thematic Issue on Pillararenes: The first decade; Guest Editors: Professors Tomoki Ogoshi and Yoram Cohen) IF: 2.607
18. Tan, L.-L.; Zhu, Y.; Jin, Y.; Zhang, W.* and Yang, Y.-W.* Highly CO2 Selective Pillar[n]arene-Based Supramolecular Organic Frameworks. Supramol. Chem. 2018, 30, 648-654. IF: 1.451 (Invited Article for the Special Issue of Supramolecular Chemistry for Calix2017)

2017 (2)
17. Tan, L.-L.; Zhu, Y.; Long, H.; Jin, Y.; Zhang, W.;* Yang, Y.-W.* Pillar[n]arene-based Supramolecular Organic Frameworks with High Hydrocarbon Storage and Selectivity.
Chem. Commun. 2017, 53, 6409-6412. IF: 6.290 1区(被X-MOL亮点报道)
16. Singh, Z. V.;+ Tan, L.-L.;+ Cowan, M. G.; Yang, Y.-W.;* Zhang, W.;* Gin, D. L.;* Noble, R. D.* Pillar[5]arene/MatrimidTM Materials for High-performance Methane Purification Membranes. (+Equal Contribution)
J. Membr. Sci. 2017, 539, 224-228. IF: 6.578 1区

2016 (4)
15. Gao, B.; Tan, L.-L.; Song, N.; Li, K. and Yang, Y.-W.* A high-yield synthesis of [m]biphenyl-extended pillar[n]arenes for an efficient selective inclusion of toluene and m-xylene in the solid state. Chem. Commun. 2016, 52, 5804-5807. IF: 6.2901区
14. Wang, X.; Tan, L.-L.; Li, X.; Song, N.; Li, Z.; Hu, J.-N.; Cheng, Y.-M.; Wang, Y. and Yang, Y.-W.* Smart Mesoporous Silica Nanoparticles Gated by Pillararene-Modified Gold Nanoparticles for On-Demand Cargo Release. Chem. Commun. 2016, 52, 13775-13778. IF: 6.2901区
13. Wang, X.; Tan, L.-L.; and Yang, Y.-W.* Controlled Drug Release Systems Based on Mesoporous Silica Capped by Gold Nanoparticles.Acta Chim. Sinica 2016, 74, 303-311. IF: 2.735 (受邀综述,被选为杂志封面)
12. Tan, L.-L.; Song, N.; Zhang, S. X.-A.; Li, H.; Wang, B. and Yang, Y.-W.* Ca2+, pH and Thermo Triple-Responsive Mechanized Zr-based MOFs for On-Command Drug Release in Bone Diseases. J. Mater. Chem. B 2016, 4, 135-140. IF: 4.776(J. Mater. Chem. B 2016高被引文章)

2015 (3)
11. Tan, L.-L.; Li, H.; Zhou, Y.; Zhang, Y.; Feng, X.; Wang, B. and Yang, Y.-W.* Zn2+-Triggered Drug Release from Biocompatible Zirconium MOFs Equipped with Supramolecular Gates. Small 2015, 11, 3807-3813. IF: 11.4591区 (选为插图,并在Materials Views China, Wiley亮点报道)
10. Tan, L.-L.; Li, H.; Qiu, Y.-C.; Chen, D.-X.; Wang, X.; Pan, R.-Y.; Wang, Y.; Zhang, S. X.-A.; Wang, B.* and Yang, Y.-W.* Stimuli-Responsive Metal-Organic Frameworks Gated by Pillar[5]arene Supramolecular Switches. Chem. Sci. 2015, 6, 1640-1644. IF:9.0631区 (Nature Chemistry亮点报道,ESI 最热和连续ESI高被引论文,被选为杂志封面,2015年1月下载量最高文章)
9. Tan, L.-L. and Yang, Y.-W.* Molecular Recognition and Self-assembly of Pillarenes. J. Incl. Phenom. Macrocycl. Chem. 2015, 81, 13-33. IF: 1.316 (受邀综述,ESI 最热和ESI高被引)

2014 (5)
8. Tan, L.-L.; Li, H.; Tao, Y.; Zhang, Sean X.-A.*; Wang, B.* and Yang, Y.-W.* Pillar[5]arene-Based Supramolecular Organic Frameworks for Highly Selective CO2-Capture at Ambient Conditions. Adv. Mater. 2014, 26, 7027-7031. IF: 27.3981区 (ESI 最热文章)
7. Li, H.; Tan, L.-L.; Jia, P.; Li, Q.-L.; Sun, Y.-L.; Zhang, J.; Ning, Y.-Q.; Yang, Y.-W. * and Yu, J. H. Near-Infrared Light-Responsive Supramolecular Nanovalve Based on Mesoporous Silica-Coated Gold Nanorods. Chem. Sci. 2014, 5, 2804-2808. IF: 9.0631区 (连续ESI高被引ACS Noteworthy Chemistry亮点报道)
6. Zhou, Y.; Tan, L.-L.; Li, Q.-L.; Qiu, X.-L.; Qi; A.-D.; Tao, Y. and Yang, Y.-W.* Acetylcholine-Triggered Cargo Release from Supramolecular Nanovalves Based on Different Macrocyclic Receptors. Chem. Eur. J. 2014, 20, 2998–3004. IF: 5.160 (ESI高被引论文,被选为杂志封面,作为"Hot Topics in Mesoporous Materials in Wiley-VCH"和"Hot Topics in Drug Delivery in Wiley-VCH被亮点报道)
5. Zheng, D.-D.; Fu, D.-Y.; Wu, Y.-Q.*; Sun, Y.-L.; Tan, L.-L.; Zhou, T.; Ma, S.-Q.; Zha, X. and Yang, Y.-W.* Efficient Inhibition of Human Papillomavirus 16 L1 Pentamer Formation by a Carboxylatopillarene and a p-Sulfonatocalixarene. Chem. Commun. 2014, 50, 3201–3203. IF: 6.290 (ESI高被引论文,作为聚合物自组装特殊论题的受邀文章,被Helen Bache在Chemistry World亮点报道)
4. Tan, L.-L.; Zhang, Y.; Li, B.; Wang, K.; Zhang, S. X.-A.*; Tao, Y. and Yang, Y.-W.* Selective Recognition of “Solvent” Molecules in Solution and The Solid State by 1,4-Dimethoxypillar[5]arene Driven by Attractive Forces. New J. Chem. 2014, 38, 845-851. IF: 3.201 (ESI高被引)

2013 (2)
3. Tan, L.-L.; Yang, Y.-W.*; Liu, Y.-P. and Zhang, S. X.-A.* One-Pot Synthesis of Tetrafluoro- and Tetrachlorofluorescein Derivatives and Their Stabilization by β-Cyclodextrin. Chin. J. Chem. 2013, 31, 612-616. IF: 2.378 (作为超分子化学特殊论题的受邀文章)
2. Li, H.; Chen, D.-X.; Sun, Y.-L.; Zheng, Y. B.; Tan, L.-L.; Weiss, P. S.* and Yang, Y.-W.* Viologen-Mediated Assembly of and Sensing with Carboxylatopillar[5]arene-Modified Gold Nanoparticles. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2013, 135, 1570-1576. IF: 13.858 (连续ESI高被引论文,入选“2013年度中国百篇最具影响国际学术论文,被人民日报、海外网、新民网、东方网、中国吉林网、吉林大学电视、吉林大学周报、吉大新闻等新闻媒体报道

2012 (1)
1. Wang, K.; Tan, L.-L.; Chen, D.-X.; Song, N.; Xi, G.; Zhang, S. X.-A.*; Li, C. and Yang, Y.-W.* One-Pot Synthesis of Pillar[n]arenes Catalyzed by a Minimum Amount of TfOH and a Solution-Phase Mechanistic Study. Org. Biomol. Chem. 2012, 10, 9405-9409. IF: 3.564
1. Tan, L.-L. and Yang, Y.-W.* in Calixarenes and Beyond, Ed. Neri, P.; Sessler, J. L.; Wang, M.-X. Springer International Publishing, 2016, Ch. 36. Calixarenes and Pillarenes on Surfaces, pp. 965-985. Book DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-31867-7_36. Print ISBN: 978-3-319-31865-3. (Invited Book Chapter).

1. 谭丽丽;魏梦莹;尚利;李强,基于超分子大环的荧光增强型金纳米团簇复合材料的制备方法及其应用,申请号:7.7
2. 谭丽丽;李强;尚利, 荧光增强型金属纳米团簇/沸石咪唑酯骨架复合纳米材料的制备方法及其应用,申请号:8.4
3. 谭丽丽;郭文锋;尚利,基于上转换纳米粒子@金属有机框架的近红外响应药物缓释体系的制备及使用方法,申请号:96

社会兼职 Social Appointments
2019.7-至今《Chinese Chemical Letters》(中国化学快报)青年编委

2018.6-至今 广东省经信委项目评审专家
2017.4-至今 深圳市科技创新委员会项目评审专家

English Version

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