

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-06-29


基本信息 The basic information







工作经历 Work Experience
2019.12—至今: 西北工业大学,副教授。
2018.1—2020.12: 西北工业大学,在职博士后,合作导师:侯宏教授。

2017.09—2017.10: 首尔大学,访问****,合作导师:Yoon Young Kim(韩国翰林院院士)。
2016.07—2019.11: 西北工业大学,助理教授。

团队信息 Team Information

荣誉获奖 Awards Information

2021研究论文《Low-frequency elastic wave attenuation in a composite acoustic black hole beam》入选热点论文和高被引(ESI)论文。

2020年IOP系列期刊Trusted Reviewer。
2019年研究论文《Design and experimental investigation of V-folded beams with acoustic black hole indentations》入选高被引(ESI)论文。
2019年担任《Insight-mechanics》、《Insight-mechanical Engineering》 期刊编委。

教育经历 Education Experience
2012.03—2016.06: 西安交通大学,机械工程专业,博士,导师:吴九汇教授。
2010.09—2012.03: 西安交通大学,机械电子工程专业,硕士,导师:虞烈教授。
2006.09—2010.07: 西北大学,过程装备与控制工程专业,学士。

科学研究 Scientific Research
1. 声学/力学/超材料:致力于解决宽带振动噪声问题,声隐身,超表面。
2. 拓扑声学。
3. 电磁-声一体化隐身:致力于解决电磁防护以及噪声抑制。
4. 水声覆盖层: 低频宽带抗压覆盖层。
1. 国家自然科学基金青年项目(编号: **)
2. 军口纵向基金(编号: XXXXXXX)
3. 中国博士后基金特别资助(编号:2020T130533)
4. 中国博士后基金面上资助(编号:2018M631194)
5. 陕西省博士后基金(编号:2018BSHYDZZ03)
6. 中航工业集团航空基金(编号:)
7. 省部级陕西省科协托举项目(编号:D)

教育教学 Education And Teaching


学术成果 Academic Achievements
[1] 高南沙,李竞,声学超材料动态反问题研究及应用[M],北京:电子工业出版社,2021。
[2] 高南沙, 路宽,辛航, 超材料低频振动噪声控制研究及应用[M], 北京: 电子工业出版社,2018。
[3] 高南沙, 沈礼, 侯宏, 声子晶体减振降噪特性分析研究及应用[M], 西安: 西北工业大学出版社,2017。
[1] Nansha Gao, Liling Tang, Jie Deng, Kuan Lu, Hong Hou, Kean Chen, Design, fabrication and sound absorption test of composite porous matamaterial with embedding I-plates into porous polyurethane[J], Applied Acoustics, 2021, 175, 107845.
[2] Nansha Gao, Jianguo Wu, Kuan Lu, Haibin Zhong, Hybrid composite meta-porous structure for improving and broadening sound absorption[J], Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 154, 107504.
[3] Nansha Gao, Xinyu Guo, Jie Deng, Baozhu Cheng and Hong Hou, Elastic Wave Modulation of Double-leaf ABH Beam Embedded Mass Oscillator[J], Applied Acoustics, 2021, 173, 107694.
[4] Nansha Gao, Hong Hou, Experimental investigation of sound absorption in a composite absorber[J], Theoretical & Applied Mechanics Letters (In Press)
[5] Nansha Gao, Baozhu Wang, Kuan Lu, Hong Hou, Complex band structure and evanescent Bloch wave propagation of periodic nested acoustic black hole phononic structure[J], Applied Acoustics, 2021, 177, 107906.
[6] Nansha Gao, Baozhu Wang, Kuan Lu, Hong Hou, Teaching-learning-based optimization of an ultra-broadband parallel sound absorber[J], Applied Acoustics, 2021, 178, 107969.
[7] Nansha Gao, Mou Wang Baozhu Cheng, Hong Hou. Inverse design and experimental verification of an acoustic sink based on machine learning[J], Applied Acoustics, 2021, 180,108153.
[8] Baozhu Cheng, Nansha Gao, Ruihao Zhang, Hong Hou, Design and experimental investigation of broadband quasi-perfect composite loaded sound absorber at low frequencies[J], Applied Acoustics, 2021, 178, 108026.
[9] Kuan Lu, Yongjun Tian, Nansha Gao, Lizhou Li, Hongxia Lei, Mingrang Yu. Propagation of longitudinal waves in the broadband hybrid mechanism gradient elastic metamaterials rods[J], Applied Acoustics, 2021, 171, 107571.
[10] Jie Deng, Ling Zheng, Nansha Gao, Broad band gaps for flexural wave manipulation in plates with embedded periodic strip acoustic black holes[J], International Journal of Solids and Structures, 2021, 224, 111043.
[1] Nansha Gao, Kuan Lu, An underwater metamaterial for broadband acoustic absorption at low frequency [J], Applied Acoustics, 2020, 169, 107500.
[2] Nansha Gao, Dongdong Luo, Baozhu Cheng, Hong Hou, Teaching-learning-based optimization of a composite metastructure in the 0–10 kHz broadband sound absorption range[J], Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 2020, 148, EL125-EL129.
[3] 高南沙,新工科背景下培养工匠精神的教学体系构建探究[J], 大学(思政教研), 491,152-154.
[4] Yongyan Zhang, Nansha Gao, Jiuhui Wu, New mechanism of tunable broadband in local resonance structures[J], Applied Acoustics, 2020, 169(1), 107482.
[5] Kuan Lu, Guojian Zhou, Nansha Gao, Lizhou Li, Hongxia Lei, Mingrang Yu, Flexural vibration bandgaps of the multiple local resonance elastic metamaterial plates with irregular resonators[J], Applied Acoustics, 2020, 159, 107115.
[6] Yunke Huang, Hong Hou, Selda Oterkus, Zhengyu Wei, Nansha Gao, Two-dimensional finite-difference time-domain formulation for sound propagation in a temperature-dependent elastomer-fluid medium[J], Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 2020, 147(1), 428-445.
[7] Zhengyu Wei, Hong Hou, Nansha Gao, Yunke Huang, Jianhua Yang, Sound absorption coefficient measurement by extracting the first reflected wave in a short tube[J], Applied Acoustics, 2020, 159, 107087.
[8] Ruihao Zhang, Yifan Song, Hong Hou, Nansha Gao, Sound broadband absorption below 50 Hz in underwater metastructure with cavity and metal disks[J]. Modern Physics Letters B, 2020, (In Press).
[9] Baozhu Cheng, Nansha Gao, Ruihao Zhang, Hong Hou, Broadening perfect sound absorption by composite absorber filled with porous material at low frequency[J], Journal of Vibration and Control, 2020, 0(0), 1-15.
[1] Nansha Gao, Zhengyu Wei, Hong Hou and Anastasiia Krushynska, Design and experimental investigation of V-folded beams with acoustic black hole indentations[J], Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 2019, 145, EL79-EL83. ESI高被引论文)
[2] Nansha Gao, Yongyan Zhang, A low frequency underwater metastructure composed by helix metal and viscoelastic damping rubber[J], Journal of Vibration and Control, 2019, 25(3), 538-548.
[3] Nansha Gao, Zhengyu Wei, Ruihao Zhang, Hong Hou, Low-frequency elastic wave attenuation in a composite acoustic black hole beam[J], Applied Acoustics, 2019, 154, 68-76. ESI热点论文)(ESI高被引论文)
[4] Nan-Sha Gao, Xin-Yu Guo, Bao-Zhu Cheng, Yan-Ni Zhang, Zheng-Yu Wei, Hong Hou, Elastic Wave Modulation in Hollow Metamaterial Beam With Acoustic Black Hole[J], IEEE Access, 2019, 7, 124141-124146.
[5] 高南沙, 李沛霖, 周文林, 侯宏, 四方折叠梁声子晶体低频带隙特性研究[J], 噪声与振动控制, 2019, 39(1): 17591(6页).
[6] Zhengyu Wei, Hong Hou, Nansha Gao, Yunke Huang, Jianhua Yang, Measurement of Sound Absorption Using a Single Fixed Microphone in a Circular Pulse-Tube[J], ACTA ACUSTICA UNITED WITH ACUSTICA, 2019, 105(6), 1228-1236.
[7] 卫政宇,侯宏,高南沙,刘哲,基于波速法的黏弹性细棒力学参数宽频测试[J], 噪声与振动控制, 2019, 38(Z1): 487-490.
[1] Nansha Gao, Hong Hou, Baozhu Cheng, Ruihao Zhang, A hollow inclusion self-similarity phononic crystal with an ultra-low-frequency bandgap[J], International Journal of Modern Physics B, 2018, 32(2), **(12 pages).
[2] Nansha Gao, Baozhu Cheng, Hong Hou, Ruihao Zhang, Mesophase pitch based carbon foams as sound absorbers[J], Materials Letters, 2018, 212(1), 243-246.
[3] Nansha Gao, Hong Hou, Yanni Zhang, Jiu Hui Wu. Sound absorption of a new oblique-section acoustic metamaterial with nested resonator[J], Modern Physics Letters B, 2018, 32(4), **(10 pages).
[4] Nansha Gao, Hong Hou, Jiu Hui Wu, A composite and deformable honeycomb acoustic metamaterial[J], International Journal of Modern Physics B, 2018,32(20), **.
32(20), ** (14pages).
[5] Nansha Gao, Hong Hou, Sound absorption characteristic of micro-helix metamaterial by 3D printing[J], Theoretical & Applied Mechanics Letters, 2018, 8(2): 63-67.
[6] 高南沙,侯宏,三维局域共振型声子晶体低频带隙特性研究[J], 材料导报B:研究篇,2018, 32(1): 322-326.
[7] 高南沙,侯宏,新型斜截面形状嵌套谐振器的吸声特性研究[J], 振动与冲击,2018, 37(21): 190-194.
[8] Nansha Gao, An acoustic metasurface with simultaneous acoustic modulation and attenuation[C], Acoustical Society of America, 5 November to 9 November, 2018, Victoria, Canada. (国际会议,加拿大,会议报告)
[9] Baozhu Cheng, Hong Hou, Nansha Gao, An acoustic metasurface with simultaneous phase modulation and energy attenuation[J], Modern Physics Letters B, 2018, 32(23), **(14 pages).
[10] Zhengyu Wei, Hong Hou, Nansha Gao, Yunke Huang, Jianhua Yang, Normal incidence sound transmission loss evaluation with a general upstream tube wave decomposition formula[J], Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 2018, 144(4): 2344-2353.
[11] 卫政宇,侯宏,高南沙,杨建华,黏弹细棒中直达波提取及其动态力学参数的宽频测试[J], 声学学报, 2018, 43(4): 677-688.
[12] 程宝柱,高南沙,侯宏,赵江坤,一种同时具有声波调向和衰减功能的声学超表面[J],噪声与振动控制, 2018, 38(Z1): 215-218.
[1] Nansha Gao, Hong Hou, Hang Xin, A single and double slotting radial acoustic metamaterial plate[J], Modern Physics Letters B, 2017, 31(12):** (11 pages).
[2] Nansha Gao, Hong Hou, Low frequency acoustic properties of a honeycomb-silicone rubber acoustic metamaterial[J], Modern Physics Letters B, 2017, 31(11): ** (15 pages).
[3] Nansha Gao, Hong Hou, Yihao Mu, Low frequency acoustic properties of bilayer membrane acoustic metamaterial with magnetic oscillator[J], Theoretical & Applied Mechanics Letters, 2017, 7(4): 252-257.
[4] Nansha Gao, Acoustic properties of a honeycomb-silicone rubber acoustic metamaterial[C], International Congress on Sound and Vibration, 23 July to 27 July, 2017, London, UK. (国际会议,英国,会议报告)
[5] Nansha Gao, Hou Hong, Ultra low frequency bandgap in self-similarity phononic crystal[C], PHONONICS 2017: 4th International Conference on Phononic Crystals/Metamaterials, Phonon Transport/Coupling and Topological Phononics, 4 June to 9 June, 2017, 长沙, China. (国际会议,中国,会议报告)
[6] Zhengyu Wei, Hong Hou, Nansha Gao, Yunke Huang and Jianhua Yang, Complex Young’s modulus measurement by incident wave extracting in a thin resonant bar[J], Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 2017, 142(6): 3436-3442
[7] Kuan Lu, Jiu Hui Wu, Jing Li, Nansha Gao, Dong Guan, The two-degree-of-freedom local resonance elastic metamaterial plate with broadband low-frequency bandgaps[J], Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 2017, 50(9): 095104 (10 pages).
[8] Yanni ZHANG, Jie PAN, Kean CHEN, Nansha GAO, Underwater acoustic properties of a fluid-loaded and elastically coated plate with periodically attached distributed inhomogeneities[C], 2017, 27 August-30 August, Hong Kong, China. (国际会议,中国,会议报告)
[1] Nansha Gao, Hong Hou, Jiu Hui Wu, Baozhu Cheng, Low frequency band gaps below 10 Hz in radial flexible elastic metamaterial plate[J], Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 2016, 49(43), 435501(9 pages).
[2] Nansha Gao, Jiu Hui Wu, Dong Guan, Research on the large band gaps in multilayer radial phononic crystal structure[J], Modern Physics Letters B, 2016, 30(10): **(13 pages).
[3] Nansha Gao, Jiu Hui Wu, Li Jing, Kuan Lu, Lie Yu, Large band gaps in radial phononic crystal structure with round mass block[J], European Physical Journal Applied Physics, 2016, 74(3): 30501(8 pages).
[4] Nansha Gao, Jiu Hui Wu, Lie Yu, Hong Hou, Ultralow frequency acoustic bandgap and vibration energy recovery in tetragonal folding beam phononic crystal[J], International Journal of Modern Physics B, 2016, 30(18): **(19 pages)
[5] Nansha Gao, Jiu Hui Wu, Lie Yu, Hang Xin, Design of radial phononic crystal using annular soft material with low-frequency resonant elastic structures[J], Physics letter A, 2016, 380(41): 3326-3332.
[6] Nansha Gao, Jiu Hui Wu, Hong Hou, Lie Yu, Excellent low-frequency sound absorption of radial membrane acoustic metamaterial[J], International Journal of Modern Physics B, 2016, 30(3), **(17 pages).
[7] Nansha Gao, A New Radial Flexible Acoustic Metamaterial Plate[C], Acoustical Society of America, 28 November to 2 December, 2016, Hawaii, USA. (国际会议,美国,会议报告)
[8] Li Jing, Jiu Hui Wu, Dong Guan, Kuan Lu, Nansha Gao, Cao Songhua, Asymmetric acoustic transmission in graded beam[J], Physica B, 2016, 502(1): 140-145.
[9] Kuan Lu, Jiu Hui Wu, Dong Guan, Nansha Gao, A lightweight low-frequency sound insulation membrane-type acoustic metamaterial[J], AIP advances, 2016, 6(2): 025116(10 pages).
[1] Nansha Gao, Jiu Hui Wu, Lie Yu, Research on bandgaps in two-dimensional phononic crystal with two resonators[J], Ultrasonics, 2015, 56: 287-293.
[2] Nansha Gao, Jiu Hui Wu, Lie Yu, Large band gaps in two-dimensional phononic crystals with self-similarity structure[J], International Journal of Modern Physics B, 2015, 29(4): **(12 pages).
[3] Nansha Gao, Jiu Hui Wu, Jing Li, Research on the band gaps of the two-dimensional Sierpinski fractal phononic crystals[J], Modern Physics Letters B, 2015, 29(23): **(14 pages).
[4] Dong Guan, Jiu Hui Wu, Jing Li, Nansha Gao, Application of a Helmholtz structure for prospective application of low frequency noise reduction[J], Noise Control Engineering Journal, 2015, 63(1): 20-35.
[1] Li Jing, Jiu Hui Wu, Dong Guan, Nansha Gao, Multilayer-split-tube resonators with low-frequency band gaps in phononic crystals[J], Journal of Applied Physics, 2014, 116(10): 103514(7 pages).
[1] Nansha Gao, Lie Yu, Research on Loss and Electromagnetic Heat Coupling of High Speed Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor[C], IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics and Automation, August 4 to 7, 2013, p81-86, Takamatsu, Japan. (国际会议,日本,会议报告)
[1] 基于多重共振耦合机理的具有低频带隙特性的三维径向声子晶体,CNU,实用新型专利,中国。
[2] 一种三维局域共振型声子晶体,CNU,实用新型专利,中国。
[3] 一种含有两个谐振器的二维声子晶体,CNU,实用新型专利,中国。
[4] 一种均匀基质中的二维声子晶体,CNU,实用新型专利,中国。
[5] 一种异型漏斗声学赫姆霍兹共振复合超结构,CNU,实用新型专利,中国。
[6] 一种内嵌螺旋刚性结构的低频水下吸声结构,CNU,实用新型专利,中国。

社会兼职 Social Appointments
1 国家自然科学基金通讯评议专家
2 学会会员:中国航海学会,中国航空学会、中国声学学会、中国力学学会,中国汽车工程学会、美国声学学会,欧洲物理学会。
3. SCI期刊审稿人:MSSP,JASA,JSV,AIAA Journal,JVC,APL,JAP,JPD,APE,AA, Composite Structures。

招生信息 Admission Information
1. 资源与环境,硕士,每年招生1-3名。
2. 水声工程专业,硕士,每年招生1-3名。


1. 学术成果:
1.1 支持博士,硕士,本科研究生发表高水平学术论文,以及专利申请。

1.2 支持博士,硕士,本科研究生尽快进入项目组,熟悉研究背景,分析方法等。
2. 学术交流:
2.1 支持每年每人参与国际/国内学术会议1次。
2.2 支持研究生出国联合培养(海外攻博)。
3. 学生竞赛:
3.1 支持组队参加全国性科技创新竞赛。
3.2 支持组队参加基础学科竞赛-英语/数学/物理/力学等。
程宝柱(联合培养):声学超材料方向,获得2018-2019学年校级一等学业奖学金以及校级“优秀研究生”称号; 获得2017-2018学年校级一等学业奖学金。



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