

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-06-29


基本信息 The basic information







工作经历 Work Experience

教育经历 Education Experience

2015年9月-2016年9月,美国俄勒冈州立大学,联合培养,导师:Solomon C.Yim

招生信息 Admission Information
[1] 兵器科学与技术(学术型硕士)

[2] 机械设计(专业型硕士)

科学研究 Scientific Research
1. 主要研究方向[1] 水下航行器高速入水技术研究,如入水空泡多相流、入水冲击载荷及结构响应、缓冲降载技术等。
[2] 水下航行器高速出水技术研究,如出水空泡溃灭特性、多体之间相互扰动等。
[3] 新概念水下航行器水动力性能研究等。
2.主要科研项目[1] ××高速入水载荷与运动控制技术,国家纵向,560万,2021-2023,主持;

[2] 基于××出水降载增稳技术研究,国家纵向,150万,2019-2020,主持;
[3] ××远程高速入水技术研究,国家纵向,120万,2021-2024,主持;
[4] 跨介质××降载增稳技术研究,国家纵向,100万,2018-2019,主持;
[5] 水下发射××掺混融合过程研究,国家纵向,100万,2020-2021,主持;

[6] ××高速入水概念与关键技术,国家纵向,30万,2020-2021,主持
[8] ××增程及安全入水技术,国家纵向,380万,2018-2019,副组长,排名2;
[9] ××滑翔机外形设计与流体动力布局技术,国家纵向,1040万,2020-2021;副组长,排名2。

学术成果 Academic Achievements
主要从事跨介质高速水动力学、新概念水下航行器水动力性能等研究,作为首批国防科技创新团队“自主水下航行器”团队的技术骨干,近三年,申请发明专利30余项,其中授权10项;在《Physics of Fluids》、《Ocean Engineering》等高水平期刊发表学术论文21篇,其中SCI检索14篇(中科院一区TOP期刊8篇)。
[1] 国家技术发明二等奖(2020,排名4)
[2] 国防技术发明二等奖(2017,排名4)
[3] 第三届JS领域青年人才托举计划(2020)
[1] Yao Shi*, Xingfu Gao, and Guang Pan*. Design and load reduction performance analysis of mitigator of AUV during high speed water entry[J]. Ocean Engineering, 2019, 181: 314-329.
[2] Yao Shi*, Guang Pan, Guoxin Yan, Solomon C. Yim, and Jun Jiang. Numerical study on the cavity characteristics and impact loads of AUV water entry[J]. Applied Ocean Research, 2019, 89: 44-58.
[3] Yao Shi*, Guanhua Wang, and Guang Pan. Experimental study on cavity dynamics of projectile water entry with different physical parameters[J]. Physics of Fluids, 2019, 31(6): 067103.
[4] Yao Shi*, Guang Pan, Solomon C. Yim, Guoxin Yan, and Dong Zhang. Numerical investigation of hydroelastic water-entry impact dynamics of AUVs[J]. Journal of Fluids and Structures, 2019, 91: 102760.
[5] Yao Shi*, Xingfu Gao, and Guang Pan. Experimental and numerical investigation of the frequency-domain characteristics of impact load for AUV during water entry[J]. Ocean Engineering, 2020, 202: 107203.
[6] Yao Shi*, Yang Hua, and Guang Pan. Experimental study on the trajectory of projectile water entry with asymmetric nose shape[J]. Physics of Fluids, 2020, 32(12): 122119.
[7] Xiangyuan Zhang, Yao Shi*, Guang Pan*, and Qiaogao, Huang. Study on the impact performance of sandwich hollow cylinders hitting water based on SPH method[J]. Ocean Engineering, 2020, 197: 106808.
[8] Xiangyuan Zhang, Yao Shi*, and Guang Pan*. Stress control of cylinders during water entry based on the characteristics of bi-material interfaces[J]. Ocean Engineering, 2020, 214: 107723.
[9] Xiangyuan Zhang*, Yao Shi*, and Guang Pan. Dynamic stress control of bi-material structure subjected to sawtooth shock pulse based on interface characteristics[J]. Mechanics Research Communication, 2020, 107: 103558.
[10] Xiangyuan Zhang, Yao Shi*, and Guang Pan. A fast forecast method for dynamic stress of cylinders entering water[J]. Physics of Fluids, 2021, 33(3): 122119.
[11] Ahmad Zamir Chaudhry, Yao Shi*, and Guang Pan. Recent developments on the water entry impact of wedges and projectiles[J]. Ships and Offshore Structures, 2020, DOI: 10.1080/**.2020.**.

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