

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-06-29


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综合介绍 General Introduction
徐昆教授长期从事气体动理学理论相关数值格式的研究,研究领域涉及稀薄气体、高超声速流动、等离子体流动、传热等。目前,已发表SCI索引文章110余篇,其中40余篇发表在计算物理领域国际顶级期刊Journal of Computational Physics上,WOS核心期刊引用达2200余次,谷歌学术统计引用达4500余次,发表计算流体力学专著两部。徐昆教授首次提出了用于求解连续流的气体动理学格式和用于求解稀薄连续全流域的统一气体动理学格式,相关研究在世界范围内处于领军地位。气体动理学格式能够用于求解NS问题,研究成果丰硕,并且在高阶格式构造、高超声速计算、移动网格等领域的拓展和应用中具有显著的优势。随后提出的统一气体动理论格式具备从连续流到稀薄流全流域计算能力,具备跨流域多尺度特性,对航空航天中全流域问题的解决具有十分重要的意义,对辐射传热、等离子流动等多尺度问题解决也具有重要的参考价值。该研究内容是空气动力学数值方法发展中具有突破性的研究成果。徐昆教授提出的气体动理学相关格式在计算流体力学数值格式发展中有着重要的地位,在多个领域的跨流域多尺度计算中逐渐展现出突出的优势,对计算流体力学的发展起了非常重要的推动作用,对全流域多尺度复杂流动计算方法的研究有着重要的影响,具有重要的研究价值和应用潜力。在多尺度数值构造方面,徐昆教授提出在数值计算尺度上直接建模的思想,结合气体动理学理论首次构造了等离子体、离散相两相流多尺度统一算法。其构造的统一气体动理论格式为解决全流域多尺度流动数值模拟问题提供了新的思路,受到了稀薄气体理论方法研究大师G.A. Bird的高度评价。
徐昆教授目前已培养应用数学计算流体力学方向博士研究生7名。徐昆教授长期与清华大学、北京大学、西北工业大学等多所高校和研究院所单位保持紧密的合作关系,目前赴徐昆教授课题组进行长期访问(超6个月)的****多达30余次,多篇高水平论文合作发表在国际顶级期刊Journal of Computational Physics上,在高阶格式、稀薄气体、辐射传热及加速算法等方面获得丰硕研究成果。徐昆教授长期担任International Journal ofComputational Fluid Dynamics,Communicationsin Computational Physics 和 Computers& Fluids等国际著名期刊的副主编。

工作经历 Work Experience

2013.07-. ,香港科技大学数学系、机械航空工程学系,讲席教授
2018.01-. ,西北工业大学航空学院,讲座教授

教育经历 Education Experience

招生信息 Admission Information

荣誉获奖 Awards Information

1、InternationalJournal of Computational Fluid Dynamics
2、Communicationsin Computational Physics
3、Computers &Fluids

科学研究 Scientific Research
2、发展求解欧拉方程和纳维斯托克斯方程的高阶紧致气体动理学格式,香港研究资助局General Research Fund,2017.01-2020.12
3、模拟等离子体运动的多尺度气体动理学方法,香港研究资助局General Research Fund,2015.01-2018.12
4、基于边界浸润处理模拟流固相互作用的气体动理学方法的构造和验证,香港研究资助局General Research Fund,2014.01-2017.12

学术成果 Academic Achievements

1、Kun Xu, "Direct Modeling for Computational Fluid Dynamicsconstruction and application of unified gas-kinetic schemes ", WorldScientific (2015)
2、Wai-How Hui and KunXu, "Computational Fluid Dynamics Based on Unified Coordinates",Science Press (2012)
1、ShiyiLi, Qibing Li, Song Fu, K. Xu,"A Unified Gas-Kinetic Scheme for Axisymmetric Flow in all Knudsen NumberRegimes", Journal of ComputationalPhysics 366 (2018), pp.144-169.
2、X.Ji, F.X. Zhao, W. Shyy, and K. Xu,"A Family of High-order Gas-kinetic Schemes and Its Comparison withRiemann Solver Based High-order Methods", Journal of Computational Physics 356 (2018), pp. 150-173.
3. W.J.Sun, S. Jiang, K. Xu, "AMultidimensional Unified Gas-kinetic Scheme for Radiative Transfer Equations onUnstructured Mesh", Journal ofComputational Physics 351 (2017), pp. 455-472.
4、Y.J.Zhu, Chongwen Zhong, and K. Xu, "UnifiedGas-kinetic Scheme with Multigrid Convergence for Rarefied Flow Study", Physics of Fluids 29, 096102 (2017);doi: 10.1063/1.**
5、C.Wang, H. Yan, Q.B. Li, and K. Xu, "Unifiedgas-kinetic scheme for diatomic molecular flow with translational, rotational,and vibrational modes", Journal ofComputational Physics 350 (2017), pp. 237-259.
6、LeiWu, Minh Tuan Ho, Lefki Germanou, Xiao-Jun Gu, Chang Liu, K. Xu and Yonghao Zhang, "On the apparent permeability ofporous media in rarefied gas flows", Journalof Fluid Mechanics (2017), vol. 822, pp. 398-417.
7、K. Xu and C. Liu, "A Paradigm for Modeling andComputation of Gas Dynamics", Physicsof Fluids 29, 026101 (2017).
8、T.B.Xiao, Q.D. Cai, K. Xu, "Awell-balanced unified gas-kinetic scheme for multiscale flow transport undergravitational field", Journalof Computational Physics332 (2017), pp. 475-491.
9、L.Pan, K. Xu, Q.B. Li, and J.Q. Li, "Anefficient and accurate two-stage fourth-order gas-kinetic scheme for the Eulerand Navier-Stokes equations", Journalof Computational Physics 326 (2016), pp. 197-221.
10、L.Pan and K. Xu, "A Third-orderCompact Gas-kinetic Scheme on Unstructured Meshes for CompressibleNavier-Stokes Solutions", Journalof Computational Physics 318 (2016), pp. 327-348.
11、XiaodongRen, K. Xu, Wei Shyy, "Amulti-dimensional high-order DG-ALE method based on gas-kinetic theory withapplication to oscillating airfoils", Journalof Computational Physics 316 (2016), pp. 700-720.
12、YajunZhu, Chengwen Zhong, and K. Xu,"Implicit unified gas-kinetic scheme for steady state solution in all flowregimes", Journal of ComputationalPhysics 315 (2016), pp. 16-38.
13、ChangLiu, K. Xu, Quanhua Sun, QingdongCai, "A unified gas-kinetic scheme for continuum and rarefied flow IV:full Boltzmann and model equations", Journalof Computational Physics 314 (2016), pp. 305-340.
14、ZhaoliGuo, Ruijie Wang, K. Xu, "Discreteunified gas kinetic schemes for all Knudsen number flows: II. compressiblecase", Physical Review E 91,033313 (2015).
15、Songze Chen, K. Xu, "A Comparative Study of anAsymptotic Preserving Scheme and Unified Gas-kinetic Scheme in Continuum FlowLimit", Journal of ComputationalPhysics 288 (2015), pp. 52-65.
16、L.Pan, K. Xu, "GeneralizedCoordinate Transformation and Gas-kinetic Scheme", Journal of Computational Physics 287 (2015), pp. 207-225.
17、ZhaoliGuo, K. Xu, Ruijie Wang,"Discrete unified gas kinetic scheme for all Knudsen number flows:Low-speed isothermal case", PhysicalReview E 88, 033305 (2013).
18、S.Z.Chen, K. Xu, C.B. Li, and Q.D. Cai,"A Unified Gas Kinetic Scheme with Moving Mesh and Velocity SpaceAdaptation", Journal ofComputational Physics 231 (2012), Issue 20, pp. 6643-6664.
19、K. Xu, Z. Guo, "Multiple temperature gas dynamicequations for non-equilibrium flows", Journalof Computational Mathematics 29 (2011), pp. 639-660.
20、K. Xu and J.C. Huang, "A unified gas-kinetic scheme forcontinuum and rarefied flows", Journalof Computational Physics 229 (2010), pp. 7747-7764 (October).
21、K. Xu and Z. Guo, "Generalized gas dynamic equations withmultiple translational temperatures", ModernPhysics Letter B, vol. 23 (2009), pp. 237-240.
22、K. Xu, X. He, C. Cai, "Multiple temperature kinetic modeland gas-kinetic method for hypersonic nonequilibrium flow computations", Journal of Computational Physics 227(2008), pp. 6779-6794.
23、K. Xu and H. Liu, "Multiscale gas-kinetic simulation forcontinuum and near continuum flows", PhysicalReview E, E75, 016306 (2007).
24、K. Xu, H. Liu, and J. Jiang "Multiple temperature kineticmodel for continuum and near continuum flows", Physics of Fluids, vol. 19, 016101 (2007).
25、HongweiLiu and K. Xu "A Runge-KuttaDiscontinuous Galerkin Method for Viscous Flow Equations", Journal of Computational Physics 224(2007), pp. 1223-1242.
26、M.S.Ghidaoui, A.A. Kolyshkin, J.H. Liang, F.C. Chan, Q. Li, and K. Xu, "Linear and nonlinearanalysis of shallow wakes", Journalof Fluid Mechanics (2006), vol. 548,pp. 309-340.
27、K. Xu and E. Josyula, "A multiple translationaltemperature model and its shock structure solution", Physical Review E 71, 056308 (2005).
28、K. Xu, M.L. Mao, and L. Tang, "A multidimensionalgas-kinetic BGK scheme for hypersonic viscous flow", Journal of Computational Physics 203 (2005), pp. 405-421.
29、T.Ohwada and K. Xu, "The kineticscheme for full Burnett equations",Journal of Computational Physics 201 (2004), pp.315-332.
30、K. Xu and Z.H. Li, "Microchannel flows in slip flowregime: BGK-Burnett solutions", Journalof Fluid Mechanics (2004), vol. 513, pp. 87-110
31、K. Xu and X.Y. He, "Lattice Boltzmann method and Gas-kineticBGK scheme in the low Mach number viscous flow simulations", Journal of Computational Physics 190 (2003),pp. 100-117.
32、K. Xu, "A Gas-kinetic BGK Scheme for the Navier-StokesEquations, and Its Connection with Artificial Dissipation and Godunov Method",Journal of Computational Physics 171(2001), pp. 289-335.
33、K. Xu, "A Gas-Kinetic Method for Hyperbolic-EllipticEquations and Its Application in Two-Phase Flow", Journal of Computational Physics 166 (2001), No. 2, pp. 383-399.
34、H.Z.Tang and K. Xu, "A High-orderGas-kinetic Method for Multidimensional Ideal Magnetohydrodynamics", Journal of Computational Physics 165 (2000),pp. 69-88.
35、K. Xu, "Gas-kinetic Theory based Flux Splitting Methodfor Ideal MHD Equations", Journalof Computational Physics 153 (1999), pp. 334-352.
36、K. Xu, "BGK-based scheme for multicomponent flowcalculations", Journal ofComputational Physics 134 (1997), pp. 122-133.
37、K. Xu, L. Martinelli, and A. Jameson, "Gas-kinetic finitevolume methods, flux-vector splitting, and artificial diffusion", Journal of Computational Physics 120(1995), pp. 48-65.
38、K. Xu, K. Prendergast, "Numerical Navier-Stokes solutionsfrom gas-kinetic theory", Journalof Computational Physics 114 (1994), pp. 9-17.

团队信息 Team Information
作用: 发展非平衡输运复杂流动数值模拟方法、构建跨流域/跨速域多尺度模拟方法和高精度/高分辨率计算格式。

English Version

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