

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-06-29


基本信息 The basic information







工作经历 Work Experience
2021.03 ~ 至今: 西北工业大学, 教授
2019.04 ~ 2021.01:香港理工大学,机械与工程系,Research associate
2018.03 ~ 2020.04:西北工业大学,航空宇航科学与技术学科,博士后

教育经历 Education Experience
2015.03 ~ 2018.03: 西北工业大学, 流体力学, 博士
2012.09 ~ 2015.03: 西北工业大学, 流体力学, 硕士
2008.09 ~ 2012.06: 西北工业大学, 飞行器设计与工程, 本科

综合介绍 General Introduction
高传强博士,西北工业大学教授。近年来,紧密围绕飞行器研制中的气动弹性分析需求,开展了复杂跨声速气动弹性问题的诱发机理揭示和跨声速抖振问题的主被动控制研究,并在人工智能与流体力学交叉研究方面积极探索。在国内外期刊发表相关学术论文20余篇,主持国家自然科学基金、航空基金等基金项目多项,获得省部级成果奖1项,入选国家博士后创新人才支持计划、陕西省高校科协青年人才托举计划等。担任JFM,AIAA J,AST,航空学报等期刊审稿人。

招生信息 Admission Information
欢迎有志于祖国航空航天事业的优秀青年加入团队,共同奋斗!感兴趣的同学邮件咨询 (gaocq@nwpu.edu.cn ) 联系报考!

科学研究 Scientific Research
(1) 飞行器气动弹性分析与设计,尤其是分离流中诱导的复杂气动弹性问题的仿真建模、机理分析及控制优化设计等。
(2) 复杂流动的稳定性分析、建模及控制。
(3) 人工智能技术在流体力学和航空航天中的应用,包括流动智能控制、多物理场耦合以及智能空战等。


(1) 国家自然科学基金青年基金, 跨声速抖振锁频问题的自适应控制研究,主持,2020.01-2022.12
(2) 航空基金-人工智能专项,基于深度强化学习的翼型优化设计技术研究,主持,2019.10-2021.12
(3) 重点实验室基金,近距空战智能控制方法研究,主持,2020.01-2021.12
(4) 预研基金,气动弹性问题中的多场耦合建模方法研究,主持,2019.01-2020.12
(5) 博士后创新人才支持计划,跨声速抖振流动数值模拟建模及控制研究,主持,2018.06-2020.03
(6) 国防基础科研基金,基于气动外形设计方法的嗡鸣抑制研究,主持,2018.06-2019.12

荣誉获奖 Awards Information
(1) 2020年获得陕西省优秀博士学位论文
(2) 2019年入选陕西省高校科协青年人才托举计划
(3) 2019年陕西省第十四届自然科学优秀论文三等奖
(4) 2018年入选国家“博士后创新人才支持计划”
(5) 2018年荣获首届中国空气动力学大会“青年优秀论文奖”
(6) 2017年荣获第15届全国空气弹性学术交流会会议优秀论文奖
(7) 2016年获得国防科技进步二等奖(排名第6)

学术成果 Academic Achievements
(1) 张伟伟, 贡伊明,寇家庆,高传强等. 非定常流动及流动控制基础[M]. 科学出版社. 北京:科学出版社, 2020. (排名第4,承担4万字)
(25)Gao Chuanqiang, Liu Xi, Zhang Weiwei*. Mechanism on the dispersion of the flutter boundary of the AGARD 445.6 wing. AIAA Journal, 2021. (Accept)
(24)Gao Chuanqiang, Zhang Weiwei*, Transonic aeroelasticity: A new perspective from the fluid mode. Progress in Aerospace Sciences, 2020, 113, 100596.
(23)Chen Wengang, Gao Chuanqiang*, Gong Yiming, Zhang Weiwei. Shape optimization to improve the transonic fluid-structure interaction stability by an aerodynamic unsteady adjoint method. Aerospace Science and Technology, 2020, 103: 105871.
(22)Rei Kai, Chen Yong, Gao Chuanqiang*, Zhang Weiwei. Adaptive control of transonic buffet flows over an airfoil. Physics of Fluids, 2020, 32 (9): 096106.
(21)Gao Chuanqiang, Zhang Weiwei*, Li Xintao. Passive feedback control of transonic buffet flow. Physics of Fluids, 2019, 31: 046103.
(20)Gao Chuanqiang, Zhang Weiwei*, Ye Zhengyin. Reduction of transonic buffet onset for a wing with activated elasticity. Aerospace Science and Technology, 2018, 77: 670-676.
(19)Gao Chuanqiang, Zhang Weiwei* et al. Mechanism of frequency lock-in in transonic buffeting flow. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 2017, 818, 528-561.
(18)Gao Chuanqiang, Zhang Weiwei* et al. Active control of transonic buffet flow. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 2017, 824, 312-351.
(17)Gao Chuanqiang, Zhang Weiwei*, Ye Zhengyin. Numerical study on closed-loop control of transonic buffet suppression by trailing edge flap. Computers and Fluids, 2016, 132, 32-45.
(16)Gao Chuanqiang, Zhang Weiwei*, Ye Zhengyin. A new viewpoint on the mechanism of transonic single-degree-of-freedom flutter. Aerospace Science and Technology, 2016, 52, 144-156.
(15)Quan Jingge, Zhang Weiwei*, Gao Chuanqiang. Characteristic analysis of lock-in for an elastically suspended airfoil in transonic buffet flow. Chinese Journal of Aeronautics, 2016, 29(1), 129-143.
(14)Gao Chuanqiang, Zhang Weiwei* et al. Numerical study on the correlation of transonic single-degree-of-freedom flutter and buffet. Science China Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy, 2015, 58(8), 084701.
(13)Zhang Weiwei*, Gao Chuanqiang et al.The interaction between flutter and buffet in transonic flow.Nonlinear Dynamics, 2015, 82, 1851-1865.
(12)任峰,高传强,唐辉*.机器学习在流动控制领域的应用及发展趋势[J].航空学报, 2021.(accept)
(10) 张伟伟*,豆子皓,李新涛,高传强.桥梁若干流致振动与卡门涡街[J].空气动力学学报,2020,38(03):405-412.
(9) 高传强,张伟伟*.跨声速嗡鸣诱发机理及其失稳参数研究[J].空气动力学学报,2019,37(01):99-106.
(8) 高传强,张伟伟*.机翼跨声速抖振数值模拟及模态分析[J].航空学报,2019,40(07):19-33.
(7) 张伟伟*,高传强,叶正寅.复杂跨声速气动弹性现象及其机理分析[J].科学通报,2018,63(12):1095-1110.
(6) 高传强,张伟伟*,叶正寅.弹性特征对跨声速抖振边界的影响研究[J].工程力学,2017,34(01):243-247.
(5) 寇家庆,张伟伟*,高传强.基于POD和DMD方法的跨声速抖振模态分析[J].航空学报,2016,37(09):2679-2689.
(4) 高传强,张伟伟*,叶正寅.基于谐振舵面的跨声速抖振抑制探究[J].航空学报,2015,36(10):3208-3217.
(3) 张伟伟*,高传强,叶正寅.机翼跨声速抖振研究进展[J].航空学报,2015,36(04):1056-1075.
(2) 翟建,张伟伟*,高传强,张艳华,叶正寅.涡流发生器对细长体侧向力的控制研究[J].力学学报,2014,46(02):308-312.
(1) 张伟伟*,高传强,叶正寅.气动弹性计算中网格变形方法研究进展[J].航空学报,2014,35(02):303-319.
(1) Gao C, Zhang W. (2019) A new passive control approach for transonic buffet flow. FSSIC Symposium on Fluid-Structure-Sound Interactions and Control, Crete island, Greece, 27-30th August 2019.
(2)Gao C, W. Zhang and Z. Ye (2016) Numerical study on transonic buffet active control by open and closed-loop strategies. In proceedings of the 30th Congress of the International Council of the Aeronautical Sciences (ICAS 2016). DCC Daejeon, Korea, 25-30 September, 2016.
(3)Gao C, W. Zhang and Z. Ye (2016) Transonic buffeting of spring suspended airfoils. In proceedings of the 3th NPU-DLR Workshop on Aerodynamics. LeGraden Xi’an, China, 23-26 May, 2016.
(4)Gao C, W. Zhang and Z. Ye (2015) Study on the effects of elastic-characteristics on transonic buffet onset. In proceedings of the 7th Asia Pacific International Symposium on Aerospace Technology. Hilton Cairns, Queensland, Australia, 25-27 November, 2015.
(5)Gao C, W. Zhang, J. Zhai and X. Liu (2014) Characteristic of unsteady aerodynamic loads with a synthetic jet at airfoil trailing edge. Proceedings of the 2014 Annual Congress on Advanced Engineering and Technology (CAET 2014), Hong Kong, 19-20 April, 2014.

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